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Johnathan was glad to hear she was staying for a little while. He had been fighting an urge to kiss her. Finally, he decided fuck it. Im doing it. He wasnt sure it was the right thing, but it was definitely what he wanted, to feel his lips on hers. He looked at her, brushing her hair from her eyes, his eyes taking on a bluish hue with golden flecks. He leaned in, planting his lips on hers. They were soft as he imagined. He hoped she wouldnt be mad. (Yes I would totally tell you if I was leaving)
Freya took in a deep breath, surprised by his kiss, before her eyes closed. Her hand reached his cheek, as she slowly kissed him back. Every part of her was excited, happy and longing, but she held those feeling back as much as she could. She had wanted to find him, he was the only person since her accident she could think about. But with his lips against hers, her mind was blank, all she had, were his lips against lips, and a hungry slowly building. But more importantly, she had a lost feeling of forgetting something so important. As she kissed him slowly, she feel like this was more then a want she just happen to have when he kissed her. There was something that was on the edge of her mind, but she couldn't reach it.

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