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Fantasy Lost Vampire girl (always open)

Nicolai Rumancek

He tilted his head to look at Sylas and shrugged "Never truly know someone until you get them angry, however this one is harder to crack than I expected" he said as he flicked the ashes into an ash tray and glanced at Samantha with a look of concern for once, despite his annoyance by her whining. He put the rest of the cigarette out and sat back down however across the room from the Doctor 



Nicolai Rumancek

He tilted his head to look at Sylas and shrugged "Never truly know someone until you get them angry, however this one is harder to crack than I expected" he said as he flicked the ashes into an ash tray and glanced at Samantha with a look of concern for once, despite his annoyance by her whining. He put the rest of the cigarette out and sat back down however across the room from the Doctor 


Walking into a conversation that was about her wasn't new for Samantha, but hadn't happened in such a long while, that the feeling felt as new as it did back in 1890. "E-evening." Samantha smiled, with a small nod. "U-uhm... I don't believe we've formally met, am I correct?" She asked, before holding out her hand with a small smile.

@HumansArentReal @Almosegosum @Finnick

The doctor glared between the Wolf and the Lord - before he cleared his throat. He got up and started for the door, nodding at the Angel. He stopped in the door. "It was a pleasure meeting you dear - if only in passing. (he turned his face to the other two) Clearly I was mistaken - what I might have assumed to be a blossoming romance - was clearly an incitation by an older authority figure, to have a child try and temp and cajole some presumed hidden agenda with no real evidence or proof. (He glared at the Vampire) I will take my leave. Be careful dear (One last look towards the Angel, before he turned and left the room - making for the door that led to his Helicopter.

@HumansArentReal @Finnick @Xena
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Lord Briarwood

"A what and a whom?" He questioned, although his kind façade dropped somewhat. Polite mask slipping. With his jaw pulled incredibly taut, teeth creaking from the massive pressure applied, he merely gave a slight wave. "You must come by some other time Doctor. I haven't had the chance to extend my real hospitality." Sylas remarked, glaring intently at the place where Wyrmwood once sat. His temper, quite clearly seen, barely restrained. "...Nicolai. How, might I ask, did our guest deduce your rather simple goal? I needed this to run smoothly - I needed that man, on my side - Yet I leave him with you for how long? Ten minutes? Fifteen?" Inhaling deeply, keeping himself at bay, Briarwood shook his head. "We might never have a chance like this again. Or rather, I.



(That's hard to read on nightlife)

((Yea srry.))

Niklaus Aston

He was about to kiss Luke again when Elle came in, he unintentionally glared at her "Don't hurt him" he warned, sounding more threatening than he probably intended. He followed her to Luke's room and crossed his arms as he leaned against the door frame


"Im not trying to Klaus... But If its the only way then I have to." A portal opened in Luke's room and a warlock steps out. Elle looks over at him, "Magnus.. You sure took your precious time." She glared at Magnus as he smirked bowing, "I do have a club to run you know?" Magnus walks over to Elle and grabs her hand, "I know the drill dear." Elle grabs Luke's and Klaus's hands as she and Magnus closes their eyes and they chant and channels on Klaus's energy.


Samatha sighed. "Why?" She asked quietly. "Why do you need him so badly? What does he offer to you?" A frown, before sighing and going to sit down in the chair, a bit of what the doctor had mentioned running through her brain. 



Nicolai Rumancek

He simply watched the man leave before looking at Sylas as he spoke "Might I remind you what you told me to do" he stated before brushing past him, obviously not in the mood to be scolded more than he already had been "Oh wait that's right, you were too busy doing god knows what with her" he said harshly before staring at the front door to the manor, seriously contemplating just leaving at this point and it was evident on his face, as well as the fact he was just standing in the middle of the hall for a moment, though decided to just wait and hear what Sylas would say next but couldn't keep himself contained "You knew what you were getting into leaving me with him, My attitude in general should've warned you of that so I don't want to hear it" he snapped as he whipped around to face him


"H-hello? S-someone help... I'm scared..."

a little boy wanders around the area, completely alone and seemingly terrified. His big red eyes light up the area around him with a frightened gaze, reflecting nearly as much light as his pale skin. He wears tattered and beaten clothing and blonde hair that poked up from his head and fell over his face in messy tufts, as well as tiny fangs protruding from his upper lip.

"h-help... Dad left me..."

Nicolai Rumancek

He tilted his head to look at Sylas and shrugged "Never truly know someone until you get them angry, however this one is harder to crack than I expected" he said as he flicked the ashes into an ash tray and glanced at Samantha with a look of concern for once, despite his annoyance by her whining. He put the rest of the cigarette out and sat back down however across the room from the Doctor 


As he walked across the grass, with a stiff back and a smirk on his face - knowing that even if they looked out the windows they would only see an offended man retreating - Eris having seen him walking over, had run forwards and opened the Chopper door. She closed it behind him, and got in at the front. "You did very well tonight... You can choose two level five seals - and I shall teach them to you..." Eris Smiled as she took off - her eyes wide. "Thank you master, You were brilliant." her voice was shaking with adrenaline. 
"H-hello? S-someone help... I'm scared..."

a little boy wanders around the area, completely alone and seemingly terrified. His big red eyes light up the area around him with a frightened gaze, reflecting nearly as much light as his pale skin. He wears tattered and beaten clothing and blonde hair that poked up from his head and fell over his face in messy tufts, as well as tiny fangs protruding from his upper lip.

"h-help... Dad left me..."

(can you people stop putting vulnerable things into this world for me to go find.... Wyrmwood is going to lose his job at the Hospital!!!)

Lord Briarwood

Turning to face Samantha, he relaxed just slightly. Enough to form more coherent sentences at least. "Samantha, my dear girl, please. I was interested in his character and any possible political ties he may have. It's in my bestest interests." He soothed, alas his eyes were particuarly drawn towards the brooding wolf, standing upon the very choice between leaving or staying. So the Lord approached, almost standing chest to chest with him. "I apologise. But Samantha and I, have no other relationship than beyond acquaintances -- or perhaps old friends." He lowered his head and voice with an incline. Hitting the lowest of his baritone voice, syllables each round, full and comforting. "I shouldn't be angry, I understand that. I'm merely fustrated. You have exceptional talents - perhaps not subtle irritation is one of them.  You are indeed, quite forward."


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Samantha nodded at his answer, and then decided that the two of them, of course, reffering to Nicolai and Sylas, probably needed to talk alone. She slowly and quietly got up, and went into the room that she had gotten to stay in, laying down on the bed and rubbing her forehead. 



I still can if you wish

[SIZE= 16px]Nicolai Rumancek[/SIZE]

He growled warningly at Sylas, really not in the mood for his seemingly bipolar attitude "Nope, You don't have to lie, y'know. Go ahead, tell me I'm useless. Tell me I have literally no right to be here and serve zero purpose to you other than being a pain in the ass" he snapped emotionally as he glared up at the man, both hurt and anger flooding his features which was something new for the normally cocky, arrogant little wolf


I still can if you wish

Nicolai Rumancek

He growled warningly at Sylas, really not in the mood for his seemingly bipolar attitude "Nope, You don't have to lie, y'know. Go ahead, tell me I'm useless. Tell me I have literally no right to be here and serve zero purpose to you other than being a pain in the ass" he snapped emotionally as he glared up at the man, both hurt and anger flooding his features which was something new for the normally cocky, arrogant little wolf


(oh wow... so manipulative. Maybe there is some hope for you yet...)

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