Lost Seed

sorry guys I just got some temporary internet setup how's life treating ya'll? 
okay one question is this an event or a boss-raid cause the swamp is not near the entrance to the boss dungeon... 
I guess it could have an interconnected tunnel system but still?
the map center has a large structur labeled Floor 1 dungeon, and the cemetery is off of it by about the city's diameter. idk just wanted to see cause your last post had boss raid in it (in character post.)

either way has Abraxas been on lately?
Oh, yeah well that was an example, not the boss raid but something like it. It was the only easy event that came to mind that happened in the first game, easy being relative. And not I have not seen Abraxas lately, not here anyways.
[QUOTE="Decus Rex]sorry guys I just got some temporary internet setup how's life treating ya'll? 
okay one question is this an event or a boss-raid cause the swamp is not near the entrance to the boss dungeon... 
I guess it could have an interconnected tunnel system but still?

Silly person, I never said it was at the swamp. The rumors said the horde came FROM the swamp. They are patrolling the field randomly as if guarding something, which will be the dungeon entrance xD  

EvilLaugh said:
Oh, yeah well that was an example, not the boss raid but something like it. It was the only easy event that came to mind that happened in the first game, easy being relative. And not I have not seen Abraxas lately, not here anyways.
As well, my apologies for the absence. I have been sleeping a lot due to feeling unwell, haha..
WHAT!!! what does kids have to do with it?

awesome we will be entering the dungeon.

btw welcome back Abraxas.
I have been stuck babysitting my nephew over the past couple weeks. And since Monday I have been watching my other nephew, and my niece as well.. x.x''
bummer I guess... lol. I have a krav maga clas tonight so I wont be on much after a while. 
who want to do Brim's speech? I will but i'm at a bit of a block as to what to say.
It's mostly filler text so it doesn't really matter, haha. I'll have more time again starting tomorrow ^^.
-lays on floor yet again- Or so I thought I would have more time. I forgot that I am going back to the farm tonight to watch my brother for a couple days. T.T'

I don't want to live without internet DX
oh man I actually miss my grandmothers old farm I loved it. xD I could live without internet if I could ride bulls again.

the ranch down the way used to raise Bulls for the shows I used to get to ride the younger ones till I got older then once a year when we visited i'd go out there with the amateur riders and ride them with em.

Soo tired... dammit.
Okay I've been gone for a while and I hate to say it but my time on the forum is going to get very miniscule

I have a deployment coming up and some school to take care of so I will not be on much my hope is that ya'll will continue without me since I can't dedicate much time to the thread. Abraxas I will give you control of my character if you so choose to take it over. if not then Evil may also take it.

I apologize for not being able to continue on the thread. I will message again at what ever time I can and I will read the story as it progresses.
I apologize for my lengthy absence everyone. I have no real excuses, nor do I dare ask for forgiveness. I myself don't even know what pulled me away exactly. I suppose it was simply a small string snapped, pulling me away from RPN for a given time.

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