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Fantasy Lost in Wonderland


sun bleached fly
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
"There's a place like no place on Earth, full of mystery, wonder, and danger. Some say to survive it, you must be mad as a hatter. Actually, the best gift you could've given her was a lifetime of adventures.

"I'm sorry for that but it's great down here in a world called Wonderland," The girl pauses and looks at you, pure terror in her eyes, she mouths the word "Help," and continues to sing, "Take me to Wonderland, where everyone's mad. After all, all the best people are." She looks up into the hole you just fell through, "Alice, Alice come save me honey, stuck in the mazes for days and we go in circles over and over again where there's no going back. When we're lost in Wonderland." You had no idea who Alice was, or what Wonderland was, but apparently there's no going back. A strange man in a hat strolls over and puts his arm around the shaking girl in front of you, you are suddenly standing in front of a table with three chairs, two of them are occupied by the scared girl and the mad man. The mad man looks at you, "Sit down darling, have a cup of tea, why don't you come to the garden with me, take a look at critters and creatures, they might be scary but just close your eyes." The mad man disappears and you are once again standing in front of the little girl, she has straight blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, she wears a bow in her hair and a blue and white dress. She starts singing again, "The Queen of Hearts can catch us if she wants, at least we still have our hopes and dreams. Oh, why did we tumble down that rabbit hole? Why didn't we stay where it was nice and calm?" She gets close to your ear and whispers, "I'm lost in Wonderland. There's a place like no place on Earth, but Alice, dear, I believe I've gone mad."

"Who are you?" You ask, she looks at you with a confused expression, "Why, I'm Alice of course."

In which a group of teens find themselves in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts wants them dead, and she will not rest until her mission is done. Alice helps the teens along the way, but, she has gone a little 'mad' herself.
Riley stared at the girl, Alice, in disbelief. She couldn't believe any of this. The girl was insane! She had no idea what she was talking about! She brushed off what the girl said, "How do I get out of here?" She asked Alice, only to receive a blank stare in reply.
A grin appeared right behind the seven year old little girl, Alice and Chester revealed himself. He grinned mischievously at the new trapped girl as his purple hair was dancing with the wind, "There's no way out my dear." the cat said as madness enveloped the tone of his voice. Chester put his index finger on his own lips, "You can try and find it, but alas your efforts shall be futile. The only thing you can hope for...is avoid going mad!" he snickered deceitfully before taking a cup from the mad hatter's table and filled it with tea which he took a sip at.
Riley gasped as the cat appeared, "Who are you?" She asked, "And of course there's a way out! If there's a way in there's a way back." Riley folded her arms and looked around, hoping to see some form of an exit.

Chester disappeared into thin air before appearing yet again behind Riley and grabbing her shoulders, "Who am I?" he reapeted her words. The cat's ears twitched as he squinted and narrowed his eyes on the girl as his head rested a mere inch away from her ears, "Why I'm not sure." he whispered into her ear.

He pulled away from her and teleported into the other side of the table again.

@Fantasy Crazy
Riley stood and sighed, "Well, of course you're sure! Everyone knows who they are!" Riley stopped, "Look, just tell me how to get out of here and no more questions. Okay?"

"Lost little girl..." Chester clicked his tongue and shook his head rom side to side in a disapproving manner. He pointed at east to west and from north to south, "Is it here? Or there? Or is the right path over here? Or maybe far over there?" he wiggled his tail as he said those confusing words in a sing song manner.

@Fantasy Crazy
Riley was getting impatient, she tried her best not to scream. "Just tell me how to get out of here." She repeated as calmly as she could, "Before I snap."

"You seek the exit?" Chester took a sip of his chamomile tea before putting it into the table casually, "Then it doesn't matter which path you take, after all...the exit doesn't exists" he hissed before laughing deceitfully.

@Fantasy Crazy
Riley screamed, "Of course the exit exists! I got down somewhere, so I should be able to get out somewhere! Can't I just climb up this hole?!" Riley attempted to climb the hole but failed.

@Lavender Symphony Feel free to jump in whenever! ))

Chester gave out a simple snicker filled with mischievousness upon seeing the girl's effort, but alas it was futile just like expected. "Oh lost little girl, why didn't you just stay where've you are up there...?" he shook his head in disbelief and began clicking his tongue, "Now, you have lost your way and perhaps your head would come next." he grinned once more.

@Fantasy Crazy



A rather unusual loud scream was heard throughout the castle's garden and a crashing sound came next. Apparently it looks like the queen threw a cup filled with tea on to one of the card's soldier, namely the seventh of clubs to be precise. The soldiers pointed and suspected one another which only made the hot-headed queen more aggravated and angrier, "For somebody has tainted my roses, they shall LOSE THEIR HEAD!" she creamed once more and the soldiers scrambled and ran away from her.​
Riley gasped, "My head? Why would I lose my head?" She didn't do anything wrong, she thought.
Tyler came in where Riley and the cat stood and came up with his black hood up and looked at the cat annoyed as ever and said "little cat can you ever be quiet" and looked at Riley and said "the only one that goes up and down that hole is me little girl" and snickered.

@Fantasy Crazy @Ravian
"Bunny, bunny, bunny..." Chester clicked his tongue and wiggled his fingers in front of the white rabbit as he popped out infront of him, "As hot headed as always." he continued. He quickly disappeared though and with a grin, appeared right beside Riley.

"Why would you even follow that rabbit all over here, dear?" the cat played with her hair playfully and mischievously, "Do you know how you will lose your head? It's either via madness or the queen." he shrugged lightly.
Tyler looked at the cat and said "you idiotic cat I not a bunny I'm a rabbit!" And put down his hood to let his black hair flow "and kitty you really do talk a lot even though your the craziest one" he said with a smirk and then looked back at the girl and said "besides the cat is right you lose your head by insanity or by the red queen the only reason I'm not both is that I'm aloud to leave and I'm to fast for the queen and anyone else besides this cat" he said looking at the cat and then appeared behind the girl saying "if I were you I'd prepare myself and get on as many peoples good side".

@Fantasy Crazy

"For once I agree with bunny over here." Chester smiled mischievously before wrapping his arms around Riley and combing his self-proclaimed gorgeous violet long locks. "Well, miss. Why don't we have a small tea party first?" he pulled away from her before pulling a chair and offering it to Riley before sitting on the edge of the table.


"My queen, I heard somebody has entered the wonderland." A card soldier bowed to the red queen of hearts solemnly. The queen fumed in anger and sliced a card(not a soldier.) that she's holding into half, "OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. She ordered the cards soldiers to look for the new visitor and bring the person to her.

Tyler looked at the cat and said "don't piss me off kitten" and was holding one of many throwing knives that had a rabbit face in it and said "little missy if I were you i would stay with me or the cat *mumbling* if I were you I would go with me that cat would drive you insane in no time" as he put the throwing knives away and looked at the cat and sat down saying "and I'm a damn rabbit" as he poores himself some tea and drops some sugar in it and sips it.
"Scary!" The Cheshire Cat smiled and mocked the rabbit, "Why not go with both of us though? But no, I'm just a crazy kitten as mister bunny have said, how could a fair maiden trust such mischievous creature like me? Maybe the bunny who lead you here could also lead you to the exit...?" the cat started, sounding pretty mad and insane as usual.
Tyler looked up fast and threw a knife near him saying "you know me and my only one apprentice can go through and I can only choose one so shut it I'm not going to help out someone that won't become the next rabbit after me you stupid cat!" And Tyler looked raging mad at the comment the cat just made and leaned back on the chair sipping his tea again.
The knife barely missed him, of course oyput of reflex the cat could have just teleported away but he trust his instinct and the rabbit that he would throw the knife and intentionally miss the cat. "How wondrous! How mad!" he laughed, oh how he love madness. "You dare claim that you're not mad and still sane yet you're throwing a knife around like that?" he exclaimed excitedly, hoping to see more from the rabbit.
Tyler looked at the cat and didn't say a word and just kept drinking his tea and said "of course I'm sane you just get on my nerves you cat" and and then said "I think you can even kill the queen with that nonsense you spot out of your mouth" and smiled drinking his tea calmly.
Riley had gotten confused, "Enough!" She screamed, "Who's the Queen? And why would I drink tea with you? For all I know you poisened it." Riley crossed her arms over her chest and let out an exasperated sigh.
Welsh looked up at the girl who screamed and said "why would we poison something we're drinking and the red queen is an evil tyrant that is trying to behead anyone that does not listen to her rules that's why I have my hood up the queen has never seen my face only you two and the jabawake has" he said with a satisfied face.
"You would poison it because, you're , well. . . Anyways, why is she the Queen if he is so evil? Does she know I'm here? What would she do to me if she knew?" Riley felt that she was asking too many questions, "Sorry."

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