• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Loss Of Love (Polyamorous rp) (characters)



A succesful failure

  • intro

    I love you



    hey were a group of four. They shared all the love and grief they had. They all were deeply in love with each other. They shared their life and their every moment with each other. They would be able to come past everything if they were together. There wouldn’t be obstacles big enough to ruin their love. With the four of them they would manage.. but what happens when the group of four turns into a group of three?


    So, Hii, it’s Myling with a new rp idea. The idea is to roleplay as polyamorous lovers who experienced a loss of lover and are now accepting a new person into the mix. More of this blabber you can read on the recuitment and/or ooc thread that are linked under below. This thread on the other hand is for characters. Scroll for a skeleton of character sheet that shows what you should include in your character. Feel free to use a code if you so wish.

    Full name:
    Nick name:
    (21 or older)
    (all genders are welcomed)
    Sexuality: (all sexualities are welcomed]
    Occupation: (what your character does for a living or are they perhaps a student)
    Appearance: (this can be brief. Mention things like height, weight, hair and eye colour.)
    Face claim: (Realistic face claims only.)
    Personality: (At least three paragraphs)
    History: (+ One paragraph. Can be brief.)
    Other: (Anything else you want to tell. It's not mandatory but headcanons, likes and dislikes and fears are recommended.)




loss of love

how to rebuild
a heart


romance, slice of life





spots open


more roles?

If more than three wants to join, I can rise the roles from 4 to 6


We can discuss about the need for Discord

♡coded by uxie♡
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T H E G A U R D I A N . . .

  • Screenshot 2022-02-21 224144 (1).png

    A p p e a r a n c e. . . tumblr_84bb00bb58f99eb820d1f4d318114235_b5bc381b_540.gif
    body: six feet tall with a toned, lean physique.
    hair: a fluffy nest of chestnut brown, lately messy.
    eyes: alluring blue eyes, dark long lashes, glaring.
    skin: fair complexion, smooth, scarred hands.
    other: has pierced ears and often accessorizes.

    face claim: maxence danet-fauvel


    S u r f a c e. . .

    full name: isaiah fox
    nickname: isa, zaiah

    tumblr_398650075dfb662ef526a74139697993_e5de40fb_540.gifage: twenty-seven years old
    gender: cisgender male; he/him
    sexuality: panromantic pansexual
    ethnicity: european american
    d.o.b: november ninth
    p.o.b: new york

S o n g s. . .
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* Ronan Chanthara

  • req.

    #over it

    * f.name
    Ronan Chanthara
    * n.name(s)
    Ro, Rone, Roro
    * d.o.b.
    24th of May
    * p.o.b.
    Idaho, The United States
    * age
    * ethnicity
    half Thai, half American
    * occupation
    Fine arts major in college, bunch of odd jobs





    * height
    5'8" ft/172 cm
    * weight
    145 lbs/66 kg
    * build
    slim with slight muscles
    * hair colour
    * eye colour
    dark brown
    * body mods.
    septum, pierced earlobes, tattoos
    * style
    alternative, lots of black and leather
    * face claim
    Earth Vangwithayakul





♡coded by uxie♡

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Full name: Rohan Shah
Nick name: Ro
Ethnicity: South Asian/Indian
Age: 23
d.o.b: June 5th
p.o.b: Mumbai, India
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Occupation: Software developer

Appearance: He has brown skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes. He stands at about 5'9 and weighs around 160 lbs, and has an average physique.

Face claim: Karan Brar

Personality: Rohan is rather shy and reserved. If he has a conflict with someone, he's not the type to confront them. Instead, he'll try to simply move past it himself and accept it as one of the other person's flaws, or he'll slowly distance himself from that person. Although he wants to try new things, he often finds himself anxious and apprehensive when the opportunity presents itself. He doesn't often have any strong opinions, but when he does, he can be extremely stubborn about them.

He's able to empathize pretty well. Even if it's someone he absolutely despises, he can still get himself to see their point of view. Coincidentally, he often has trouble articulating his own point of view. He's quite intelligent and is able to take in information easily, but he often has a hard time conveying information in a way that's easy to understand.

Rohan is not a competitive person, although he is quite a perfectionist. He holds himself to a high standard and is harsh with himself when he doesn't meet those expectations. He has an all or nothing attitude as well a lot of the times, often finding himself giving up on something if he can't be good at it.

History: Although he was born in India, Rohan immigrated to America with his parents at a very young age and essentially grew up American. The language and cultural differences made it somewhat hard to fit in for him though, which resulted in a shift from the outgoing and social demeanor he had as a child to a more reserved and introverted one. His parents were strict and traditional, and therefore he was forced to do well in academics and athletics while growing up. In high school, the desire to be included in what his peers were doing led him to learn how to be sneaky and deceptive towards them. He had developed a good poker face which he used to tell his parents he was planning on spending the night studying with friends when he was actually going to a party. His adolescence was when Rohan also realized he was gay, but he tried his best to suppress that part of him. His peers weren't the most accepting, and he was certain if his parents found out, they would disown him.

When he went off to college, it was the first time Rohan really had freedom. He was eager to experience all the things in life he had been sheltered from, but his upbringing had also instilled apprehension within him. That was when he met a guy who would go on to change his life. That guy was Roman, his boyfriend who recently passed. Roman was the one who helped Rohan accept his sexuality and learn to be comfortable with who he was.

Things were going swimmingly until Roman met Isaiah. Having developed feelings for the guy, Roman was the one who brought up polyamory to Rohan. Truthfully, Rohan was opposed to it, but he feared disagreeing would lead to Roman leaving him for the other. He reluctantly agreed and tried his best to hide his discomfort, but it was more than apparent at the coldness he displayed when first meeting Isaiah. To his surprise though, the more he got to know the other, the more he warmed up to him. Eventually, like Roman, Rohan ended up developing feelings for Isaiah as well. When Isaiah decided to bring in Ronan, Rohan was more open and easygoing about it. Their relationship developed a lot smoother than Isaiah and his.

Things once again seemed to be going perfectly, but then Roman developed cancer. Rohan tried his best to care for him and help him recover, but eventually his first love ended up passing away. Time passed and his tears stopped falling, but the loss left a lasting impression on him. It's so much so the case that when Ronan brought in Rowan, he was completely unfazed and nonchalant about it. Nowadays, he prefers to keep himself busy, working and preparing for the future in case anything happens to the others as opposed to stopping and smelling the roses. It's certainly stressful, but dealing with that is easier than processing.
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Full name: Rowan Ashley Jones

Nick name: Ro

Ethnicity: Canadian

Age: 23

d.o.b: April 1st

p.o.b: Manitoba, Canada

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Cycles between a bunch of odd day-jobs to keep a decent income moving, but most of her money comes from playing gigs in local bars with her bands (this is to say, she isn't exactly loaded with cash)

Appearance: Rowan stands at five-foot-eight, and seems slightly underweight, with one-hundred-and-fifteen pounds on her. Her hair seems perpetually scruffy, only ever appearing somewhat smooth after washing it, though it inevitably returns to its usual look not long after drying. While she doesn't dress particularly outlandishly, she often goes with a backwards baseball cap, regardless of weather, and can frequently be seen wearing a t-shirt with a spider on it. Her wardrobe is somewhat limited, probably due to her lack of freely available income.

Face claim: Mallory Merk

Personality: Rowan masks a perpetual confusion about the world around her with a self-confidence that can best be described as 'dangerous.'

She tends to feign this pretty well, using jokes and humor to cover up her own insecurities. She tends to take jabs at herself before others, but is freely willing to rib people on the grounds of feeling like it, though she tries to avoid being too personal. This tends to be a good thing, as she is able to keep conversations going actively and appear carefree and lax. This is also a bad thing, because she's been known to use humor to cope, even when it really isn't necessary.

Kind may not be the best word to describe Rowan, but she does generally make a real effort to get to know people, and to try to understand them. Due to her past, she's very slow to cast judgement, and tries to be as patient as possible with everybody she encounters. With her partners in particular, she's exceedingly patient and willing to listen, and will spend hours allowing them to say whatever they need, even if those words might wind up hurting her own ego.

In a way, most of what Rowan does seems contradictory: she can't stand still, but she will be as patient as she can when it comes to people. She seems to have a temper to her, until suddenly people begin lashing out against her, at which point she seems to calm herself by comparison. She may come off as rude and uncaring, yet demonstrates numerous times her willingness to look out for complete strangers. She masquerades as someone supremely self-assured, despite being painfully aware of her own weaknesses.

Rowan is a walking contradiction, and the fact she's aware of this only serves to worsen her own perspective, as she sometimes isn't even certain of her own identity.

(She's also stupid, and will not infrequently say dumb shit on the basis of feeling like it. It's up to those listening to her how much of it she actually means or believes in. Some of her statements border on a lack of common sense, and sometimes she'll ask people where ducks go during winter, with one-hundred-percent earnesty.)

History: Though she was born and raised in the frostiness of Canada, Rowan actually considers sun-soaked California to be her home, given she has spent the majority of her life there after her family moved. She spent much of her youth slacking off, in sharp contrast to her brother Ashton.

Close to her graduation, she got in a bad relationship. It wasn't physically abusive, but by the end of it all, she found herself with significantly less faith in her romantic relationships from then on. Not long after, she got in a fight with her brother: both were pushed to success by their parents, and while Ashton was setting up to succeed, Rowan wasn't. He was honestly just concerned for her well-being, but evidently she took it the wrong way.

Of course, both siblings had this pressure placed upon them. Ashton, like Rowan, didn't talk about it until it all came out in one big eruption. He never got the chance, as, in his grief, he ended his life later. She didn't tell him to die, and he didn't blame her or his family in particular: he just had his own problems that he couldn't sort through, couldn't find another solution, until he already made his mind up on an impulse.

Not long after, Rowan climbed in a van with her bandmates, and left California for New York City. She didn't really care what happened, she just knew she needed something different. She had to get away from all the negativity of her past, even if it meant living in a crappy apartment.

Other: Rowan enjoys spiders as a motif. She isn't particularly enamored with them in reality, though she also has no major fear of them. She just thinks they're visually neat.

She's a terrible cook. She has minimal experiencing doing so, and while she's tried to improve for the sake of her partners, she isn't exactly making great progress.

She enjoys taking the lead in her relationships when she can. She's not forceful, but if there's pants, she likes wearin' 'em.

She doesn't get flustered easily, but gains a pretty bad stutter when it does happen. ("Wh-What? No, I... you... ahah, what? I j... No, I.... Uh... Mm...")



'Ive never given up to you, doesn't mean I wont to them'.


The Goofy One.

Kirian Heroldt

Full Name

Kirian Kim Herodlt






July 2nd


South African



Do Re Mei

Black Bear







hair c.


eye c.






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this scrolls if you add enough content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed. Praesent sed eros pulvinar, fringilla dui a, vestibulum nisi. Cras blandit enim laoreet orci porta ultrices. Cras purus erat, commodo a rhoncus ac, dapibus quis mauris.

Ut rhoncus libero eu fermentum bibendum. Nullam ac ipsum augue. Donec commodo dui efficitur iaculis venenatis. Mauris a neque pellentesque, faucibus urna vel, dapibus nulla. Sed tincidunt dui sed dictum vestibulum. Ut venenatis urna in elit hendrerit, eu molestie massa efficitur. Nullam sit amet sem ut ligula gravida ultricies. Etiam gravida quis diam at elementum. In dignissim eros ut sapien fringilla, vel lobortis nibh auctor. Sed ut nibh bibendum, tincidunt ex in, mattis odio. Donec egestas facilisis dapibus. Proin varius ornare sapien, at auctor sem lacinia non.





character name

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character name

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character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







♡coded by uxie♡


Face Claim: Benji Krol

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