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Fantasy Losers roster:: Cloudheight CS



More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Heyo thanks for coming. Making a character should be easy enough, I don't need a huge amount to accept a sheet. You can add more if you like but everything i need is below just needed to be filled out. If you plan on making something other than human I'd appreciate if you pm me to find out more info as Half elves, dwarfs and beastkin of all sorts each have different things going on. Hit me up to find out or i can suggest a edit after I read your sheet. Either way I'm happy to answer questions and usually do so quickly.
(Picture and brief description)

(what they have left, clothes and a weapon of some kind hopefully. )

Talents: (things this person is good at be it learned or natural)

Flaws: (bad things about this person, be it a fear or phobia. Personality issue. Stunted mentally. Injury)

Mana: (most things have one mana type. List what it is and a example of magic the character can use)

History: (be vague or not, just tell a bit of how said character ended up in Cloudheight willing to risk the last of their gold to win a WarpStone)

Extra: (this gets filled out in game over time or by asking me questions)
**WIP; suggestions for edits greatly appreciated, I'm just brainstorming**

  • 1725450351118.png✧Name: Kairral (Kai)
    ✧Race: half-elf
    ✧Age: 21
    ✧Appearance: pointed ears characteristic of those with elven descent, long dark brown hair, average height of his age and race, gold-colored eyes, ear piercings, a sun and moon tattoo (left) on his back

    - a dagger he keeps on his belt, always within reach
    - a special sword attuned to him that he won in a card game (he keeps it in a leather sheath strap on his back)

    ✧Talents: one-on-one combat, cooking, the elven ability to sense characteristics of life forces around him (when he focuses, he can sense things like if that person has ill intentions or if that tree is going to die)

    ✧Flaws: quick to take action rather than think things through, slow to trust people, hot-headed

    ✧Mana: fire

    ✧History: Kai's parents died when he was young. He's been close to Ara ever since he can remember; they grew up in the same children's home until it was destroyed.

    a bird he had as a pet in his childhood follows him around; he's named it Spark
    it likes eating nuts and small insects and sometimes burps up tiny fireballs
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Name: Wado Stormeye
Race: deep Gnome
Age: 57
4ft7 with a dark blue complexion and long white beard (despite it looking groomed it is natural.) Wado once had eyes aglow with magic, now they are pale as if blinded.

Gear: nothing but the clothes on his back along with a satchel, dagger and staff.

Magic, even with his skill gone Wado is something of a natural for all things magical.
Stealth, Being a deep gnome helps but even before his days in Cloudheight wado understood the importance of being sneaky.
Accuracy, be it magical in means or aiming a physical projectile Wado usually hits his mark.
Speaking, Wado is comfortable speaking to strangers, crowds, royalty... Sometimes he even comes off well.

Addict, Wado gambled away his most precious weapons, knowledge and literal skill with magic.
Foolhardy, Wado has vague memories of being respected for his intelligence and skill, he often proceeds as if he is intelligent and skilled, forgetting he lost much of what he was in the Golden fox.
Weak, Wado is a gnome and hasn't the muscle mass for feats of strength.

Mana: Thunder.
While not as good as he was Wado is still able to manipulate and conjure electricity for a variety of uses. Though these days its mostly combat oriented. Thunderbolts thrown at a enemy, a wave of thunder to push away threats, coating someone or a weapon with electricity... simple shit.
(Before Wado could fly, create storms or manipulate objects via electromagnetism. He a dummy now)

History: Wado Stormeye is a legend who saved the world three times over with his magic skill, intelligence and bravery. However after a week of living the high life in Cloudheight, the food the drink the drugs the women and the gambling... Wado was left with nothing but debt. Having to sell much of his equipment, knowledge and skill. He has lived as a loser for a bit over a year now, slaying ghosts and doing other chores to survive. All the while attempting to regain the magical strength he lost in the flying city.

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Name: Fox Moore
Race: Human
Age: 19
(Will add image when I draw one)
Fox is tall, slender, and fit with an androgynous build. She’s not broad, but she’s not curvy. Strawberry blonde hair is shaved close on both sides of her head, leaving a wavy mohawk that she rarely bothers to style and instead lets the tips curl in front of her eyepatch. The remaining eye, on her left side, is blue.

A bag of tools and a very nice rifle with a scope.

Accuracy - slingshots, bows, and guns of all types
Animal Handling - Animals love her, and she loves them. She can’t literally converse with animals, but she seems to know what they need and they for her.
Mechanics: If something mechanical is broken, she can probably fix it. She’s not an engineer, but if she gets the chance to take something apart she can generally understand it will enough to repair and replicate.

Half-blind - Lost an eye to pay off some debt
Egotistical and Abrasive - She’s always been very good at what she’s chosen to do and it’s gone to her head. She’s also not afraid to tell people exactly what she thinks of them, and it isn’t usually nice.

Mana: Air

History: Being the hot-shot she is, Fox found herself with money to burn - and burn it she did. She’s young and not nearly as smart as she thinks she is so from hero-to-zero she went.


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