• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern :-Los Angeles' Matt Black-: [OPEN]

Alright then - we're back in business. GM post will be up within the hour.

Thank y'all who did for waiting patiently and apologies for the situation ;)

@Julie -> Character's occupation has been set as 'hitman'. This development was not covered in the backstory - though even if it was, it would be considered a bit too high profile. See below ;]

@Shimakage Thunder -> Character is too high profile; as the overview says, it is a main focus on down-to-earth maybe-slightly-skilled recruits into a gang that will raise in the ranks. High profile hitmen and assassins are too much for a low-time gang, though that may be what the 'recruit group' ascends to ;]

@Darth Gangsta -> CS includes quite a bit of spelling errors. Fixed a few of them - but double read your CS yo'h :]
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Gospeller said:
@Robyn Banks -> Character will barely be involved in the RP at such a rate. Being an associate and resource manager for MB means that she will not be involved directly in any of the 'missions' or 'events', which holds about 75% of the RP time (that figure was made up but you get my point). Despite this, splendid character, but you might want to reconsider (resource assets will mostly be NPC'd, I believe).
Dang it! Alright I guess I'll make her an old member of the gang. I still like her side career though. Maybe she can also be a supplier at the same time? Since they are struggling perhaps they might still need her to go on missions and events. I don't know just an idea.
She could be a sub-supplier of some sort? So whilst out on missions, she carried extra (but not crazy) gear for the group? Utilities and such such as gasoline, flick knives, screwdrivers ... etc ... or perhaps a former supplier that has lost their fortune and had to start from scratch?

At this point in time, due to their relative smallness, MB doesn't need a direct supplier of arms/drugs etc ... as they are just feeding it through several sources. Though as they become more firm standing they will need them ;]
A "Neutral Characters" tab has been raised, allowing players to go back and check on all the information collected about certain NPCs that may have further involvement in the RP.
Gospeller said:
She could be a sub-supplier of some sort? So whilst out on missions, she carried extra (but not crazy) gear for the group? Utilities and such such as gasoline, flick knives, screwdrivers ... etc ... or perhaps a former supplier that has lost their fortune and had to start from scratch?
At this point in time, due to their relative smallness, MB doesn't need a direct supplier of arms/drugs etc ... as they are just feeding it through several sources. Though as they become more firm standing they will need them ;]
Sure I don't mind making her a sub supplier. Might be fun actually. I guess since she moved to Los Angeles from Brazil, she'll have to start from scratch so it makes sense. I guess she'll become a main supplier later on. I mean she does work for a weapon company after all. :) Alright I'll change the CS now. But other than that am I accepted?
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As I said before ->

Rather than a posting order we'll have a posting timeframe - which is a minimum of 24h and a maximum of 48, depending on people's response time. That way, someone doesn't have to wait for someone else that (e.g) is temporarily absent or comes on later in the night/day to post. Thus, posts can come out as they do.

That being said, post away. Worst case scenario? Edit your post to keep up with the rest.
Gospeller said:
@Julie -> Character's occupation has been set as 'hitman'. This development was not covered in the backstory - though even if it was, it would be considered a bit too high profile. See below ;]

@Shimakage Thunder -> Character is too high profile; as the overview says, it is a main focus on down-to-earth maybe-slightly-skilled recruits into a gang that will raise in the ranks. High profile hitmen and assassins are too much for a low-time gang, though that may be what the 'recruit group' ascends to ;]

@Darth Gangsta -> CS includes quite a bit of spelling errors. Fixed a few of them - but double read your CS yo'h :]
So I over-qualified?

Accepted Characters (Update 4)


athan 'Phoenix' Birk - @Julie

Also just putting down here - in case people are uncertain, the time-frame is closing and we will soon be moving on. Due to the lack of responses I will delay it to tomorrow before the GM post shoots up. Any character that hasn't responded until then will be said to have -> Stayed outside due to uncertainty. And may rejoin whenever.
The GM post is up - delayed due to how long it is. Again apologies if it is a bit saturated with details!

Should I continue making them as long as they are, or want me to dim it down to basic need-to-know?
Due to the fact that school and work have been keeping me very busy...I wont be able to join this and it sucks cause I really wanted to
Ah, excuse me, but I was wondering about the role-play order.

In the rules, it's written that there's a turn-system in this role-play, so I was wondering where I could see the order of turns and where my turn is?
@Midnight Soul -> Ah what a shame. But thanks for notifying!

@Hansel -> You probably missed it in the heap of posts, but we have put it down as a 'time-based' response at this point. This means that everyone has a certain amount of time to post before the GM post comes up and responds and we move on. So go ahead and post - though find a way to integrate yourself into the story. E.g lateness for recruitment etc ... if you want help on it and/or have ideas on how to, then throw me a PM and we'll sort it! :]
Sorry, that was my bad. And I'll just jump in and give my character a late arrival. Just give me a bit and thank you for responding.
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