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Looking for some partners (Always open)


Courage is found in unlikely places..
'Ello there! I'm looking to start a couple more 1 x 1 rps. I have some going but would like to add a few more. I'm not picky but do have a few rules.

-Semi-literate and above is nice. Proper punctuation and grammar is always appreciated.

-At least a paragraph reply is also nice. The more you write the more I will.

-If you feel the rp is getting boring and wish to change something, just ask! I'm willing to work with you.

-I usually on play female characters. I will double up and play a male if it is needed. I do not do MxM or FxF, sorry.

That being said lets move on to the genres. Ones with a plot I will mark with a *.







-Harry Potter


Anything sound interesting? PM me to please! If you have ideas, feel free to share. Thanks!
I'd rather enjoy doing a Potter plot with you (:

I have a few ideas for a High School Rp, and a few for Medieval/Fantasy. I'm currently on the search for Rp buddies ^^

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