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Looking for partner![Ignore count!]

I'm up for this!

I'm into sci-fi & fantasy, can be dark, romance on the side. Supernatural stuff is good as well.

oho clever fox where do you hide
Thanks for remembering the phrase. ^^

That sounds good to me. You have anything in mind or any idea what you would like to do? I dont know which you prefer I'm good for any really. Not that I'm trying to make this hard but I just want us to both have something we like.
I'm rather interested in the Vampire/Werewolf x Human pairings c: I typically prefer playing male characters as well xD If you're interested, I have a few of my own characters in mind c: Also~

clever fox where do you hide

Lol sure but have you read through everything?

@KuraiKarasu Thanks and sure. I am most definitely interested. Would you like to PM and talk about it more or talk about it here?

Also sorry for any delays. I got a bit distracted by a game ^^'
If it helps, I have an idea for werewolf x human, and though I'm a woman, I'd prefer to play the male in this one. :)
FoxxyDemon said:
Thanks for remembering the phrase. ^^
That sounds good to me. You have anything in mind or any idea what you would like to do? I dont know which you prefer I'm good for any really. Not that I'm trying to make this hard but I just want us to both have something we like.
Hmm...looking at one of the pairings you put, Angel x Demon.

What if we have an Angel x Demon setting where gradually both characters start to have gradual shifts in morality? The demon becomes less cold-hearted, the angel starts committing sins over time until they eventually reach a point where they can't go any further, if that makes sense.

Oh, both of them being amongst the human world, each for a different purpose.

If we want to mix that with fantasy, then perhaps each of them has been sent to find a certain relic or amulet for their leader, but then they end up running into each other and that causes complications.

Each with their special abilities, of course.
Clever fox where do you hide... or something like that - I forgot after reading it and don't feel like going back to check it. You catch my drift, right?


I'm up for the Human x Demon - With my role being the demon, of course.

I was thinkin' something along the lines of: The Underworld (where Demons come from) and Earth (obviously humans) are two separate dimensions, their only link and possible way of transportation between each other being through doors; literal doors. Yes. Doors. Like... a closet door, etc., etc. Sorry for the lack of examples. Now, you can't just open up a door and jump from dimension to dimension - Only Demons can create these 'portals'. Or... only members of the Monarchy can.

Members of the monarchy, you ask? Well, the Monarchy consists of the Underworld's rulers, leaders, emperors - whatever you wanna call it. These guys' jobs are to employ the regular ranked demons to protecting and watching over their assigned human, who resides on Earth. Grant it, they cannot truly interact with and enter their human's life until said human accepts them. People who have nice, fine and dandy lives aren't bothered with. Demons are only assigned to those who've been through traumatic events... or those who are currently living horrid lives.

It may take a few hours, days, weeks, months, and even years before a human will accept their Demon into their life. Some people just don't take to it, fearing what might happen. I mean... is it pretty absurd. And just about every Demon from the Underworld has already been assigned to a human once or twice in their very long lifetimes... except for the one everyone refuses to speak of or interact with. He's basically taboo... only because of his crazy and psychotic personality, though. The Monarchy have never allowed him on Earth because they've always feared he'd do more bad than he would good. (He'd be my character, btw) When a day comes where said Demon decides he wants in on the Demon 'traditions' - all because he's bored - the Monarchy are forced to assign him to someone on Earth.

Everything is going well until he gets lost in the passage of time, which is what they travel through in order to reach Earth, only to force his way into the life of the wrong person. Whether this chick has a horrible life or not would be entirely up to you. Once and if she accepts him - He'll not be able to return to the Underworld until she passes away.

I'm good with multiple characters, too, btw.

I may have missed a few things, but I can fix them as they return to my worthless nut of memory recollection.
FoxxyDemon said:
@Suzumaki Arakai
It sounds interesting. I would like to do this idea with you.

Is there more you want to talk about or do you just want to start on a thread or PM?
I was about to add in an update:

Normally the Demons are not allowed to step through the dimensional border that separates the Underworld/Passage of Time and Earth until their assigned human has allowed them through. Just a few words of acknowledgement opens the doors for them. Basically it's similar to the whole... vampires can't enter your home until you've said come in. But my guy just forces his way through without a care in the world.

I'm fine with threads and PM both... doesn't matter. If you prefer threads, I'll make one - and if you prefer PM... message me.
I dont have anything really for undertale at least not anything I thought of.

I'm not into fandoms mostly because I'm scared I will mess up on the characters.

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