Looking for Normal [Inactive]


a sad lil bean
jewlia submitted a new role play:

Looking for Normal - Your parents got tired of dealing with your issues, and now you're here, with teens just like you.

You watch your life disappear in a rearview mirror. A chauffeur takes you from your home and brings you to a large mansion where you'll be able to "interact with kids just like you".
"Just like you" meaning crazy, or just too complicated for their parents to handle.

Everyone here is a little bit (or a lot) out of the ordinary, with specific conditions, disorders, and phobias.

We're just a bunch of messed up teenagers looking for comfort.

Looking for normal.
Read more about this role play...
Mr. Frithe smiles as he winds his way through the large mansion. He's proud of all of his accomplishments, especially now, after just sending off a couple teenagers who made a complete turn-around. But, now he has room in his mansion, meaning they'll be getting new additions. He walks through the living room to get to the front door, passing Alice on the couch. "Alice, we're going to be getting some new kids over the next few days. Play nice, okay?"

Alice fakes a smile, absorbed in her TV show. "I'll try, old man." She turns off the TV and runs up to her room, hoping to avoid introductions and the new teenagers. The new ones are so annoying. She hates being the only one with Mr. Frithe. She had friends, but they left last week. It'll be interesting to see what's wrong with these new ones though.
Iggy arrived in the personal limo which was set for him a few days ago. He lived out in northern California, and personally hated that his 'rents' had sent him away. Though he did see that this was going to happen sooner or later. The limo stopped, and gave Iggy a view of his new 'Home', but he wasn't looking at his for the sheer size of it. He was beginning to take note of the architecture of the building, and every way which he could climb out, and escape and roam the free open streets. The chauffeur opened the door for him then, made his way to the trunk where Iggy had placed his personal possessions which included, his skateboard, his long board, a neon orange duffle bag containing two weeks worth of clothes, and his backpack which the contents included twelve cans of spray paint, his spray paint mask, his laptop, and a few other personal items.

It took Iggy a minute to figure out a way to carry all of his items, but being the quick to learn type of person the issue was soon solved. He made his way up to the front door, and would knock on the door three times. " A week of this… This will be easy.. " He laughed lightly, and waited for someone to answer the door.
Mr. Frithe opened the door and gave his best welcoming smile. He waved to the chauffeur, who left to go pick up the next teenager. "Hello, you must be Iggy... correct?" He didn't wait for a response as he allowed the boy inside. "Al!" He yelled up the grand staircase. "Come down now, please."

Alice rolled her eyes, disappointed that she could hear the old man through her Skullcandy headphones. She yanked them out in frustration and strode down the hallway. It was better to comply, then she would be out of this place sooner. She jogged down the stairs and appeared behind Mr. Frithe. "Yeah, old man?" It was then that she saw Iggy. "Oh."
Iggy took a step in, and would gently play down his longboard, and skate board. " Yes sir I am, and you sir are? " His voice was crisp, and clear as his gave the man the proper eye contact,and held out his hand for a handshake of respect. Iggy hated figure heads, and people who tried to boss his around. However he wasn't stupid, he knew that if he wanted to most benefits, and perks. He had to at least show some form of respect for the man who his parents had decided to dump him on. When the man called for this person named "Al" he heard someone coming down the hall way, as he saw the girl. "I suppose that must be Al.. Huh.."
Mr. Frithe nodded his head in approval of the boys politeness, "I'm Mr. Frithe... the old man." He shot Alice a warning glance and got a smirk in return. "This is Alice Wilde. Alice," He was clearly trying to get on her nerves by calling her by her full name. "Can you show Iggy to his room please?"

Alice faked a smile and uncrossed her arms to help him with his bags. "Don't have a heart attack while I'm gone." She motioned for Iggy to follow her up the stairs.
Iggy bent over, and grabbed both of his boards. He quickly walked past Mr. Frithe, and followed Alice up the stairs. When they were out of ear shot of the old man he looked at her. " So.. How long have you been here… You two seem kinda close.. ish.. " He watched Alice closely to see any thing which he had said had pushed her the wrong way.
Alice shrugged as they walked down a long hallway, "Not really, I just like to mess with him. He's never upset, it kinda pisses me off." She purposefully ignores his question of how long she's been there. As they pass an open door in the hallway of closed doors, she points. "That's my room." She turns to the one next to hers. "This is yours." There are chalk boards on the doors, and the one on Iggy's door currently says "Denny". Al erases the board with her sleeve and writes 'Iggy' on the board. It's a small, unnaturally clean room that's pretty blank. "You can put stuff up and whatever." She shrugs again. "Make yourself at home." Al puts his stuff on the floor.
" Thanks, I suppose since you didn't answer the second question. One of two things are true.. " His voice got quiet, as he finished the half completed sentence. His eyes watched her erase "Danny", and write "Iggy" on the chalk board. He walked into the room, and gave it a quick look around. " You know if there are any skate parks nearby?" His looked up at her as he adjusted his Rockstar Energy hat. After he placed both of his boards in a corner of his room, he dropped his backpack on the ground as his spray painting mask fell out along with a bunch of spray paint cans. The moment he heard the paint can roll onto the floor his eyes went wide as he quickly jumped on them, and threw them back in his bag along with his mask. " Sh*t.."
Alice began to answer his question, "Yeah I think..." She watched the scene play out and laughed a little, "What a thug. Don't worry I won't tell the old man." She ran her fingers quickly through her white-blonde hair. "You're a graffiti artist or some shit?"
" No sh*t, why else would I have spray paint." He reaction was quick, as he kicked his bag under his bed, he grabbed his longboard, and moved past her. " Now if you excuse me I'm going to go clear my head, and also find that skatepark." He smiled to him, and would close the door to his room, and began to make his way down the hallway to the stairs with his longboard in hand, and iPhone in his back pocket.
Sarah watched as her parents drove away. She stood outside of the mansion and felt very nervous about staying there. She hoped that her darker side would not emerge and didn't know if she should wait for someone to fetch her or not. She knew that her parents were trying to help her by dropping her off her but felt like they had given up on her. She stared at her feet as she waited outside.
Al grinned and walked towards her room, "Good luck with that, skater dude." She saluted him as he walked away and then she went into her room and jammed her headphones in her ears. The new kids always hated her. Most people hated her. There was just something about Alice Wilde that everyone loved to hate. She pondered this as Kendrick Lamar played on full volume.

Mr. Frithe opened the door and shouted out to Sarah, "Come on in dear, we're just about to have dinner." He left the door open for her and promptly turned around to face Iggy. "That goes for you too. The dining room is down the hall to the right, be there in 5 minutes." He never lost his smile, "Without the skateboard, please."
"H-hi." Sarah muttered and slowly walked into the mansion. She felt very nervous about being around people due to her other personality and had never made a friend because of it. She didn't have spare clothes with her because she hadn''t been able to pack and her other self had destroyed most of them in a fit of anger the day before. She continued to stare at her feet as she walked towards the dining hall and hoped no-one would ask her about the many scars on both arms as well as the bruises coverign her forehead.
"Will do sir. " He turned, and shrugged, as he walked past the dining room, and out the back door, and soon jumped over the fence. Making sure he stayed out of the sight of old man. When he reached the road he placed down his longboard, and began to ride off down the road. This is what made Iggy calm, and allowed him to relax. He had a small smile on his face as he rode his longboard out to the skate park which he had found on his iPhone. He didn't like people enough to want to be around them, especially strangers. He sat on his board, and watched the sunset from the skatepark. He would have to return to the mansion soon enough, and deal with the old man. But for now, It was his time to relax.
Mr. Frithe smiled and welcomed her in. "You can go pick a room upstairs if you like."

Alice bit at her nails, tired of listening to Kendrick Lamar. She yanked the headphones off of her head, and let them hang lazily around her neck, still plugged into her iPhone (which resided in the back pocket of her skinny jeans.) She heard the dinner bell, but like usual, didn't feel like eating. Today had been a chance for her to make a friend, but she blew it. Al didn't know why this was bothering her so much, but she was having a really bad day. She suddenly jumped off her bed and ran down the hall. Alice flew down the back staircase and out into the back yard, barefoot, just in time to see the sunset. An old swing set sat in the corner of the huge yard, just in front of the fence. She went out to it, and sat in one of the old yellow seats. A tear fell from her blue eye as she remembered sitting with her brother once, watching the sunset. That was, of course, before the accident.

Some yard tools lay in a part of the grass, waiting to be used by the staff. Alice made her way to them, eyes foggy and glistening, and picked up a shovel. She turned it over in her hand a few times before letting out a cry and beating the swing set with it. She continually did this for what seemed like forever until the swing set was in pieces on the grass. Then, she collapsed.
"Y-yes." Sarah muttered to Mr Firth and heard the dinner bell. "C-could i eat all of my meals a-away from other people?" She asked him as she stared at her feet. She hoped by limiting her contact with other people, she could prevent her violent alter ego from showing up. She knew that her other personality would cause an incident and feared that she could do some serious harm to someone. She had done it plenty of times and sometimes, she would switch personalities without any warning.
As night began to fall Iggy got up off of his board, and rode his way back at mansion. His photographic memory allowed him to just skate his way back at a slow pace. He looked around at allow the stores, and houses which he passed. By the time he returned it was 7:12pm, and he truly didn't care. He hoped over the fence with his board in hand. He was expecting to be chewed out, but at this point he was calm, and ready for anything. When he jumped over the fence he saw Alice laying out in the back yard next to a destroyed swing set. He quickly ran over, and dropped his board next to her, as he crotched down, and put his fingers on her neck trying to finger her pulse. " Hey Alice, wake up.." His voice was quite, and showed a small sign of worry. He then gave her a small nudge trying to wake her.
Mr. Frithe tilted his head. "Well... I guess so. But, only for a few days. Part of your rehabilitation includes socializing with the other teenagers. But for tonight," He sighed, "It looks like it will just be you anyway." He didn't hear Alice's screaming.

Hey Alice, wake up...

Her eyes opened slowly, a bit tired from crying. "Oh..." She sat up. "...shit." Alice surveyed the scene, now seeing the broken swing set. Her hand automatically went to her lips, and she began chewing on the tender skin at the base of her fingernails. She then stood up, wiped the dirt of the shovel and placed it in the original spot, next to the other tools. Al wiped her hands on her jeans, smudging the dirt and bit of blood into the tight denim.
Iggy slowly stood up, and began to look her over. " Well I found that skate park, no thanks to you. But oh well.. So how long have you been knocked out for? " When he noticed she was chewing her nails while walking away he quickly run up to here, and grabbed her wrist, and pulled her hand away. " Trust me your going to ruin your nails by doing that." His voice, and eyes showed signs, and hints of wanting to protect her. He turned around , and grabbed his Longboard, as he let out a sigh. Iggy walked back up to Alice, and gently placed his hand on her back pushing her towards the house.
"Thank you. I-I don't want to harm anyone and if i'm near others, she may appear." Sarah told Mr Frithe and rubbed the scar above her eyebrow. She walked up the stairs and went to look at the rooms. She wanted one without any windows and felt that she didn't deserve anything nice due to her alter ego causing her to be very violent towards people in the past. She had smuggled a small knife in by using her left boot after stealing it from her parents despite their attempts to keep the house free of sharp objects.
"Well you kind of ran out of your room before I could tell you," She rubbed the back of her neck nervously, "I really don't know. Probably no more than 15 minutes." Her hand was suddenly taken from her mouth. Al stared at him for a moment, trying to decide if he was joking or if he actually cared. An hour ago he seemed to hate her. "Um... thanks." She smiled a little and put her hand down. "It's a bad habit." Alice began walking towards the house, his hand on her back. "Old Dirtbag in there's gonna need to get a crew to pick up the swing set."

Mr. Frithe nodded as she left, hoping Sarah would be okay. He noted to send someone to her room later on to check on her.
Sarah looked at the rooms untill she found one that she liked but didn't believe she deserved it. However, she knew the mansion was there to help her and others with similar problems so she decided to choose this as her room instead of punishing herself by chosing a room that she would hate. The walls were a cool blue and the floor a smooth wooden floor. The bed was a single and was to the left of the room. A HDTV with cable was opposite the bed ontop of a chest of drawers and next to it was a wardrobe. The room had a wonderful view of back of the mansion. She sat down on the bed to see how comfortable it was. It was very comfortable and walked towards the door. "C-could i have this room?" She called to Mr Firthe.
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" I think that swing set is beyond destroyed..Also you've been out for over 90 minutes.. I've been gone for well over an hour." He gave her a small smile, and stared back at when momentarily. " It's ok, I used to chew my nails as well before I started skating. So what are we gonna do about your foster father? I'm pretty sure he's going to be pissed that both of us skipped the whole family dinner. " He laughed lightly, and looked around at the backyard property. He began to slowly like Alice, she seemed nice enough, and someone he could enjoy hanging out with.
She laughed, realizing how funny the whole situation was, her destroying the swing set and all. "He's not my foster father, I'm just in an extended program here because my parents ditched me." Al rolled her eyes, not really missing her parents. "We can just hang out in the basement, he won't bother us down there. There's a pool and a mini arcade." She finally answered his question. "I've been here a month by the way. How long are you staying?"

Mr. Frithe called up to Sarah, "Of course, dear. Make yourself at home!" He thought for a moment, "Please erase the current name on the chalk board hanging on the door and write your name. Thank you!" He chewed at the pork in his mouth.

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