Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

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Hi everyone! Call me A'zaia! Sure it's not my real name but I am rather fond of it so I'll be sticking to it for a while. I'm new around here but I've been roleplaying on and off for several years and I've decided it's time to get back on the roleplaying horse. So for this reason I am here looking for a partner or two to roleplay with.

For the record I am a junior in college so in the 2 weeks I might get a little slower, response time wise, but unless I start drowning in my coursework it shouldn't hinder our potential roleplays. Of course if such a problem were to arise I would immediately let you know that I was struggling to keep up and as civilized people I am sure we would be able to come to some arrangement or work around.

Alright onward to adventure!

Roleplay genres I'm interested in:






Some Fandoms

Now I don't really have any solid plots for any of these genres but I am open to suggestions and casual brainstorming...

I'm looking for one or two literate partners for separate roleplays. By literate I mean you should know and understand the fundamentals of English spelling and grammar. I'm not asking for perfection. Hell, I know I make mistakes myself but I'm looking for a partner who's willing to put in the effort. Also I'd appreciate as lengthy posts as you can manage as long as the bare minimum is roughly a paragraph. As in just give me something to work with please! Thanks!

So who's up for a roleplay?

What fandoms are you looking to do? Oh, and if we can't find a fandom in common, I'd be up to doing a fantasy or paranormal ^^
Well I'd be down to do some book/movie fandoms like LOTR, Vampire Chronicles, possibly Harry Potter, Phantom of the Opera... I got others I can't think of right now...

Or TV shows/Mangas like Blood+, Trinity Blood, Black Butler, Buffy/Angel, Cross, Hellsing, and tons more all along the same lines. There are some that branch out of the horror/paranormal genre but they're few and far between. Sorry.

Oh and by fandoms I'd like to be as original as possible.

Feel free to throw out some suggestions if you'd like!
A few that catch my eye: Potter, Phantom of the Opera, Black Butler, and I was wondering if you've seen the anime Dance in the Vampire Bund?
I have. I had mixed feeling about it though. Kid vampire acting like an adult kind of just creeped me out... if it was with OCs something similar could be done.

I'd be down with any of the other three you suggested. Potter would have to be OCs though and possibly in the future like when Harry and Ginny's kids are attending Hogwarts. Phantom could be canon but with an altered storyline or a new character. Black Butler could be along the same lines, canon or canon/OC, I need Sebastian but Ciel could disappear and I wouldn't mind... He's really bratty anyway! LOL
Ciel fangirl here xD , and since you are looking for the rp, I'll let you decide. One question, would we be doubling up? I'd play my character and your romance and you'd play your character and my romance, or do you want this to be a one romance thing? (No idea what it's called xD )
Sorry. It must be that I'm just not fond of the entitled-rich-kid-type of characters... They just get me all irritated. But if you wanted him in there I could work it.

Yes I am all for doubling but usually I only do one romance roleplays... I use the other characters to move the plot and everything. The last time I did a double romance things got very confusing very quickly. I'm okay to try it though... Also I'm a big fan of gradual romance and really hate insta-romance just to be clear.
Hey! I'm literate, and I'd love to do a roleplay with you if you'd like!

I'm into Fantasy and Modern-contemporary, or even modern-fantasy actually. I don't do fandom games though.

But yeah, are you more for Fantasy or Modern-y stuff right now? (:
I could definitely go for Modern-Fantasy right now!

Did you have anything specific in mind?
We could do something with magic? One of our characters could be part of a special clan that studies magic, and the other could be summoned to join them, so the one who has always been in it could have to show them the ropes? Then if we did doubles (which, I generally only play singles, but this plot could do well with doubles) we could have some badguys who eventually come in and try to stop the training? I don't know why they'd try to stop it, but it's something we could expand on...?

I could throw something else around if you don't like that one (:
That sounds like it has some potential! I think this would definitely work better as doubles, maybe even more... but that could be down the line. Badguys... maybe they study another type of magic and they don't want their rivals growing too powerful or something like that?
Sounds good! Do we want the magic to be elemental or something else like mind-reading and other stuff like that?

And then the badguys could be jealous of how powerful they're growing and try to stop them, something like what you said?
I think elemental would be good. It can be limited to one element for each clan.

Yes I think the badguys could be jealous of our characters and try to stop our characters studies or eventually if we move past that, they could have some grand scheme for power that our characters would have to stop. Does that sound okay?
That sounds like a lot of fun, actually!

What element would you like our good guys to work with? Likewise, what should the badguys use?

Also, I suppose we'll both be playing one guy and one girl, or would you prefer to do it some other way? I generally only ever play dudes, but I'm up for whatever! (:
Well I suppose if we have opposing forces they should use opposing elements like earth vs. air or fire vs. water... but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. I watched an anime recently Kaze no Stigma where the black sheep of the fire-magic clan goes off and becomes a super-powerful air-magic user... I'd still want our characters to stick to one type but I'm just saying the forces don't have to be actual opposites. The only element I'm not to keen to use would be water... Do you have any preference?

I'm good to play a boy-girl double but we could branch out. I don't really have a usual gender so I am also good playing whatever but if you're comfortable with a male main I could have a girl main. Just let me know what you're comfortable with!
Yeah, Ciel isn't for everyone and I'm cool with whatever romance you throw out at me ^^ I'll try and do the same for you but I'm not experienced with gradual romance so I'll try my best. I forgot to ask, would this be in the manga, first season, or second season?
Hmmm well if we wanted to we could make and entirely new storyline. Like maybe after the contract was complete with Ciel, Sebastian makes a contract with someone new...?

As for gradual romance it's pretty easy and I'd be willing to help you along with it. I find some of the easiest ways to do gradual romance is having two characters who don't particularly like each other but over the course of the roleplay grow to have feelings for one another.
[QUOTE="A'zaia]Well I suppose if we have opposing forces they should use opposing elements like earth vs. air or fire vs. water... but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. I watched an anime recently Kaze no Stigma where the black sheep of the fire-magic clan goes off and becomes a super-powerful air-magic user... I'd still want our characters to stick to one type but I'm just saying the forces don't have to be actual opposites. The only element I'm not to keen to use would be water... Do you have any preference?
I'm good to play a boy-girl double but we could branch out. I don't really have a usual gender so I am also good playing whatever but if you're comfortable with a male main I could have a girl main. Just let me know what you're comfortable with!

Yeah I don't actually like working with water, either... Could we do Earth and Fire? The badguys could be Fire and our goodguys could be Earth?

Also, we could just both play a male and female. Can I be the male badguy and the female goodguy? (:
True, and I'm assuming your romance is Sebastian? Would you like to be another demon and fall in love with him, the new contract, or something else? Because I can work with any of them though with Ciel going to be gone, maybe if your a demon my romance could be your contract person?

Also, thank you for helping out ^^ I particularly like working with the saying 'opposites attract' so maybe it will be easier than I'm anticipating.
[QUOTE="The-Fire-Is-Rising]Yeah I don't actually like working with water, either... Could we do Earth and Fire? The badguys could be Fire and our goodguys could be Earth?
Also, we could just both play a male and female. Can I be the male badguy and the female goodguy? (:

Earth and Fire sound fine to me. What exactly would we control as earth-magic users? Rocks or plants or maybe both?

That pairing is okay. I might struggle a bit with a female badguy but it'll be a workout for my creative muscles so I guess I'll take the female badguy and male goodguy. Do you have any preference on which of us is the newbie and which is the experienced magic-user? If it's alright I would kind of like to be the newbie... xD
Both rocks and plants would be awesome!

And if it's trouble for you, I can take the female badguy! Either way! Or we could just have two male badguys who are like best bros or something.

And I don't mind being the experienced magic user (:

Both of the badguys are going to be experienced though right?
Bree said:
True, and I'm assuming your romance is Sebastian? Would you like to be another demon and fall in love with him, the new contract, or something else? Because I can work with any of them though with Ciel going to be gone, maybe if your a demon my romance could be your contract person?
Also, thank you for helping out ^^ I particularly like working with the saying 'opposites attract' so maybe it will be easier than I'm anticipating.
I was actually kind of contemplating playing Sebastian... he's similar to another of my favorite characters, Hagi from Blood+, and I did a very long fanfic from his point of view so I'd have fun playing Sebastian. That would mean that your character could be Sebastian's new contract and eventual love interest.
Hey, if we don't help each other out we can never evolve into better roleplayers, so no worries!
I'd be all for that actually, I've always wanted to try a Sebastian romance ^^ Do you mind if my character's a female or do you want it to be a guy again?

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