Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

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[QUOTE="The-Fire-Is-Rising]Both rocks and plants would be awesome!
And if it's trouble for you, I can take the female badguy! Either way! Or we could just have two male badguys who are like best bros or something.

And I don't mind being the experienced magic user (:

Both of the badguys are going to be experienced though right?

I have to agree. I like the idea of maybe making plants supergrow and entangle people... LOL

It will be a little challenging but I like the challenge so no problem. And yes the badguys would both be experienced.
Haha, okay cool!

Awesome! So I guess we have everything worked out? Except for maybe setting? Where should the story take place...Somewhere on Earth or should it be kind of a knock-off of Earth?
Bree said:
I'd be all for that actually, I've always wanted to try a Sebastian romance ^^ Do you mind if my character's a female or do you want it to be a guy again?
I'd actually prefer a female character opposite. Besides there weren't really any romantic feelings between Ciel and Sebastian, more just respect...
Finally, someone who I agree with on their relationship. And I just wanted to make sure that you weren't looking for yaoi or however you spell it ^^ I prefer mxf pairings myself. So, pm or thread?
[QUOTE="The-Fire-Is-Rising]Haha, okay cool!
Awesome! So I guess we have everything worked out? Except for maybe setting? Where should the story take place...Somewhere on Earth or should it be kind of a knock-off of Earth?

I'm thinking somewhere on Earth but Earth might be a little different since their are these magic using clans... Although maybe the world at large doesn't know about the clans and magic so the newbie is kind of shocked when he gets summoned...? And the clans could have special places where they live and learn their magic... What do you think?
That all sounds good to me.

Where should the special place be where our goodguys are? Somewhere with a lot of nature obviously.

And as to the fiery ones-- somewhere warm?
Bree said:
Finally, someone who I agree with on their relationship. And I just wanted to make sure that you weren't looking for yaoi or however you spell it ^^ I prefer mxf pairings myself. So, pm or thread?
I just never got romance from them. Sebastian was definitely fond of Ciel but not to the point of breaking the contract. And you spelled it right.
Since I'm new here I'm not sure if there is really any pros or cons for either so why don't we just do a thread... 

[QUOTE="The-Fire-Is-Rising]That all sounds good to me.
Where should the special place be where our goodguys are? Somewhere with a lot of nature obviously.

And as to the fiery ones-- somewhere warm?

Agreed. A forest with some mountains perhaps? And my newbie character could be a big city boy...

And I hate to be cliche but I find of feel the badguys living near a volcano.... LOL

Has forests and mountains, just sayin'. Haha. But it could be somewhere else, I just lean toward Scandinavia :P

As to the volcano-y area.... Any ideas?
I also caught some vibes of Ciel seeing his dad in Sebastian cause after all, he takes on the form his master wishes if asked of him. Alright, since your new do you want me to create the thread? And are we going to start with him getting my character to make a contract?
Has forests and mountains, just sayin'. Haha. But it could be somewhere else, I just lean toward Scandinavia :P

As to the volcano-y area.... Any ideas?

Don't know much about Finland... but hey we could try it.

I'm thinking some kind of tropical chain. Hawaii came to mind but not really super hot, more humid. 
To both Bree and The-Fire-Is-Rising:

I have to run down to the supermarket but I'll be back really soon, like 45 minutes, to finish hashing out the details of our roleplays! Be back soon!!!! xD
Well you wouldn't have to know much about it if our clan lived in their own village in the forest. They could live outside of the regular community of Finland, so some/most of them don't even have to be Finnish, but I think my girl will be.

Hawaii could be okay, I don't know much about it, but since we could try Finland, we can try Hawaii! Even if it is more humid, at least it has a Volcano.

And okie dokie, have a nice trip! (:
Sorry that took longer than expected! Had to lug in some heavy boxes of kitty litter... But I am back now!

The-Fire-Is-Rising: We can try both places. Maybe the newbie isn't from a city in Finland, just because I don't know anything about cities in Finland... Nor do I know much about Hawaii but hey that's what the internet is for!

Bree: I agree, there was definitely some father-son feelings between the two. I would appreciate it if you made the thread. I think if we want we can begin with your character tracking Sebastian down or summoning him somehow... It's up to you! Do we need to work out anything else?
I don't believe so, but I'm doing homework at the moment so it might take me some time to get the thread up and I will have to go probably soon after, so do you mind if I wait till tomorrow to post it?
That's perfectly fine with me! I might try my hand at thinking up a basis for a Sebastian-summoning ritual. If I come up with something really cool I'll send it to you in a PM.
Hey A'zaia.

So, I'm really craving a vampire roleplay. But, less of a Twilight roleplay and more of a Hellsing roleplay. I like my vampires terrifying, capable of emotions but certainly not governed by them. If you're interested, and also if your dance card isn't full, think you'd want to throw some ideas around?
Rafi said:
Hey A'zaia.
So, I'm really craving a vampire roleplay. But, less of a Twilight roleplay and more of a Hellsing roleplay. I like my vampires terrifying, capable of emotions but certainly not governed by them. If you're interested, and also if your dance card isn't full, think you'd want to throw some ideas around?
I sent you a PM, Rafi.
[QUOTE="A'zaia]Sorry that took longer than expected! Had to lug in some heavy boxes of kitty litter... But I am back now!
The-Fire-Is-Rising: We can try both places. Maybe the newbie isn't from a city in Finland, just because I don't know anything about cities in Finland... Nor do I know much about Hawaii but hey that's what the internet is for!

Okay, sounds perfectly fine to me!

Although, I just realized- I'm gonna be away from home for the weekend and I won't have a computer with me, as my laptop is undergoing repairs. So I'll private message you Monday when I come back to get the last bits worked out! Is that okay? (:
[QUOTE="The-Fire-Is-Rising]Okay, sounds perfectly fine to me!
Although, I just realized- I'm gonna be away from home for the weekend and I won't have a computer with me, as my laptop is undergoing repairs. So I'll private message you Monday when I come back to get the last bits worked out! Is that okay? (:

That's perfectly alright! I'll work on my characters over the weekend. Oh also I was thinking maybe plant-influencing is less common among our characters' clan. Meaning both of our character will be capable of mastering it but not many others in the clan have the same capability. Is that okay?
Okay cool! I've still got a few hours before I head out for the weekend, but I doubt we'd be able to start between now and then, anyways.

But yeah that sounds good to me.

I'll be working on my characters over the weekend as much as I can, too.
Well maybe we could! Can you make the thread though? I'm in the middle of packing for my trip, and I probably should get back to it.

Even if we just get the thread going with the character sheets and stuff and have to wait until Monday to really start. Either way.
Sure I could do that! Are we just using a short generic sheets? With pics or description?

Also what are we titling this?
Um, I generally try to be really detailed with my characters, but I definitely can take it down a notch if you'd prefer to be simpler. So it's up to you! I can do either!

I only use pictures if we can use real pictures, I don't really like using anime pictures. But I'm good with descriptions also.

Oh my gosh, I'm the worlds worst with titles. I can't even title my own book yet... Um, hm. I have no idea. :P

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