Looking for 1 x 1 rp buddy?

I think it would be fun to do people that are complete opposites. Doesn't matter what opposites, just so they seem to fight the odds. I just like role playing and creating characters. ^.^
That sounds fun! Im ready whenever you are. xD Just message me when you start it. See you soon.
I can play the crossdresser! :) Can maybe do it in a sort of steampunk or scifi setting or something~ Or maybe a school setting? I'm pretty easy but I think those could be fun!
Okie dokie^^ yeah, I think steampunk would be fun :D sorry im bein a dummy head xD today was just tiring.

Oh yeah, do you want to make the thread or do you want me to?
Is this still open

I'd like to do the Crossdresser x Crossdresser one. c: Reminds me of a novel I did once.
Cool cool! Glad to see you're flexible :) if you don't mind, could i take the male-as-female role please? :3 also, do you want to create the thread or do you want me to?

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