Looking for 1 x 1 rp buddy?

I could try... Even though I'm not very literate...I can try to be literate though! You can teach me!!!
[ " Serenity " ] SongOfTheSpiritWolf ; I couldn't choose from the two since they're both great ideas ; u ; If you would want you could choose. Actually if it's alright, can i be the female role? I see you're fine with being male right? Or am i mistaken. I'm good with any roles actually.
Hiii (: id like to 1x1 RP :D

I'd like to do either of these few if thats cool with you (: Either Good boy/girl x bad boy/girl or ghost x human or popular x unpopular or romeo'juliet or knightxdamsel :D any of them?
Things on your list I'd be interested in...

Demon x Angel - I have an angel (male) by the name of Alvaine (profile not yet up) who could stand to strech his wings a bit. I also have two demons, both female. One is a seccubus by the name of Jezzabel (profile not yet finished) and the other feeds on human misery and goes by the name of Thalassa (profile not yet up)

Innocent x Murderer - It's an idea I've always been interested in. I have a "murderer" of sorts, although he feels his crimes are much more creative then that, and he certainly does a wide range of things beyond that, but he'd likely just utterly ruin your character as he tends to go a bit... overboard(profile not yet up). I also have several innocent type characters. Feel free to look through my showcase for them (though I must apologise, I mostly have my females up, and need to put more of my male characters up beyond just Ian and kinda/sorta Alex. I'll probably have them at least partially up by sometime tomorrow)

Human x Ghost - I have a ghost by the name of Erin Childs (profile not yet up) who I'd love to get out more

Ghost x Ghost - Again, see the above post about Erin. He really needs some time out of the box

Any cute rps/ light fluff - fluff is always fun! If you see anyone in my profiles you'd like to write with I'd love to throw them at you~

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