Other Longest video game you've spent time on

i have spent over four hundred hours on the first two dragon age games combined and about a hundred on inquisition. audiosurf, night of the rabbit, skyrim, and of might and magic: clash of heroes all have a good amount of time logged in on them
The amount of time i (and my dad, because I was a little child) spent playing paper mario and wind waker is frankly quite ridiculous. We got both games the year of release and until last year neither of us had seen the endings, though collectively we'd probably gathered upwards of 300 hours of gameplay and dozens of new save files for each game, somehow.

And then my little brother comes along and finishes both games in one fell swoop, took maybe about two or three weeks on each? Granted, I tend to play games at a very relaxed and thorough pace, but still. A bit demoralising.
you people are fucking weak ass contrarians with 'lifes' and shit, goddamn. Who the fuck doesn't spend at least 300 hours on games they don't even like?

Wanna see some serious shit, you shits?

Very good question.

I am pretty sure it is Monster Hunter Tri for me, with around 300 plus hours. It is followed by Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate with about 250 plus hours.
Not recorded, but I think I had something like 500 plus hours in Atlantica Online - until I got permabanned because I bought gold. Ha, ha... I miss my Level 112 character (back when I got banned, the cap was 120.).
Pokemon black, I clocked in a total of 600+, over the course of 2-3 years. Mainly trading online, battling at cons and waiting until pokemon x's release.
Overall? 3 way tie between League of Legends, the Counter Strike games and Team Fortress 2. In a single sitting? I spent an entire weekend without sleep just to play through all of Hotline Miami with an A+ on every single level.
Oh man I have no idea, I'd say overall series I spent the most time playing is Pokemon. That could be challenged with Halo: Reach and Destiny though (and Destiny overall is probably the game I've played the most actually). Recently though for the past week it's been nothing but Warframe.
Spore:tm: by third party company Maxis:tm: under EA:tm:

I probably have more than 3-4k hours on that game in reality.
Console-wise, I'm with the majority playing open world games like Skyrim. I get derailed from the major story line doing all the side quests.

On the PC though, I've put in a lot of hours playing MMOs or strategy games like Civilization Revolution and Massive Chalice.
Mabinogi. I probably have like 2000+ hours on it, ever since I started playing it in Middle school, maybe even more. I don't play it anymore.

A game I'm currently playing, and I have 1000+ hours on is shadowverse, and I started the game last year. It's just too addicting with all the different decks you can play.
I'd like to say that the game I've spent the most time on was Skyrim, with over 1000+ hours.... But alas, that would be a lie. It was Minecraft, with 4000+ hours.

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