Other Longest video game you've spent time on

I honestly think I may have played Oblivion longer/more times than Skyrim.

Which, I'm glad I took the time to do so again semi-recently. I hadn't since Skyrim launched. (When Far Harbor for FO4 launched, the hype on it and my disappointment afterwards led to me longing for The Shivering Isles)

And, for anyone who did play Oblivion's SI...

Am I the only one that seems to have forgotten the fact that the Hero of Kavatch ends up becoming Sherogorath???

In a sense, you can meet your Oblivion character in Skyrim, also making the Hero of Kavatch the oldest living TES protagonist. I just thought that to be nifty.

Overall, I think I have more time on Oblivion simply because of replays. I had roughly 10 or so characters between first playing it and the release of Skyrim, then one more afterwards. 

My play time per character on Skyrim, however, is decently longer. So it's probably close either way.
The original FF7 will always hold a place in my heart. It took me over 10 years to beat that game. Obviously not day in-day out playing, but over the course of my life I would try, get very far, then something horrible would happen. Save game deleted by sibling, cd scratch, lose memory card, playstation breaks, join military, lose interest/rage quit, forget what I'm supposed to be doing, can't afford new copy, get addicted to heroine, sell my game for heroine, etc. But in all seriousness it was a huge goal in my life to beat that game, and it took over ten years since I first set eyes on the opening screen to witness the closing scenes. Then I beat it, and  I find out they are about to remake it...sigh.
Oh god, where do I start lol xD

These are my top 5 (in this order from longest to least but still long when you compare it to my other games)

1. Star Wars: The Old Republic

2. Roblox

3. Awesomnauts

4. Project Diva

5. Overwatch
What video game have you invested the most amount of time on? You can have 2 games maximum.

For me, it's Infamous 2 and GTA V. Most of my gaming time is made up of these two games. I remember playing them vividly for years, I'm still going with GTA V gaming wise.

For me it would Final Fantasy X and Suikoden 3

Final Fantasy 10. I had to do sooo much level grinding just to beat Seymour Flux Mortiorchis.

Still haven't finished the game yet. ._.

It took me awhile to beat Final Fantasy X too. I went around building my characters up, I had riku built up to the point the whole sphere grid was lit up
Unquestionably either Final Fantasy Tactics or Shining Force II.  Both games I have played through many, many times, with many, many team compositions, and frequently while seeing in what interesting ways I could break or leverage the game mechanics.
Spent 3 years playing league at least 5 hours a day. xD  My only close contender would be diablo 2 LOD, coming in at around 3 years off and on.
Morrowind and Skyrim. Got a lot of time on Final Fantasy 7 & 8. Also have a ton of hours into the Tekken franchise.
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Probably Okami

I wanna play skies of Arcadia but that's going to take over my life with its1292832 hours of gameplayrtdfkdfsdl
Skyrim is for sure up there for me. I played it on both my Xbox 360 and my Mac so I logged in ridiculous hours on both haha.

Beyond Skyrim, I'd have to say the Harvest Moon series was a big one for me growing up (still is, too). I think HM: A Wonderful Life on the Gamecube was the one I played the most. I eventually got the one with the girl protagonist in it, Another Wonderful Life, but had already logged way more hours in the first one. 
The two games that I've invested too much time has to be The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Though with The Witcher 3 I am on ng+ with my main file, and started it over about two times. I already have a new ng+ file that I made after getting the expansion, Blood and Wine almost done. Skyrim...well that has a couple hundred hours over several characters/walkthrough.
Harvest Moon in general xD  Year four in SoS and I'll still do at least another four years just to get everything to five stars and get as many achievements and random town events as possible. Rune Factory 4 is also one I've spent quite a while on...
Because it's a masterpiece.

That all depends on people's personal preference. I personally don't think that Skyrim is a masterpiece, but that doesn't mean I can't like it. Out of all the games that I played, I think The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece, but that is comparing a game that is going to be five years old on Nov. 11th to a game that is a year and four months old and is on a difference console.
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