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Realistic or Modern Long Lost Summers

Angel glares and watches him. “Sir I suggest you back away right now before I take you in.” He tells him. He was still a cop in uniform and he could still take him in for the way he was behaving with an officer and in a public place. “Don’t embarrass yourself anymore Travis. She choose me. Being a racist bastard isn’t gonna change that.” He says lowly.
Travis glared at him before muttering under his breath about stupid Mexicans and he stormed out of there.

“Well that answers my next question about how Travis took it all.” He muttered. “Angel take some food home for you guys. I don’t want her being expected to cook all the time again.” He chuckled. “But I’m glad to see you happy with her again.” He told his son and left him to eat his lunch getting some spare food ready to send home with him.
Angel nods a little and sighs softly. He finishes his food and heads to the back. He gets the food and heads back to work before heading home. “Babe I got dinner!”
“Living room.” She called to him sounding shaky. She’d been sat there for a couple of hours with Travis opposite her pointing a gun at her chest. “We have a guest.” She called to him Seeing him eventually come into the lounge and trying to convey to him with her eyes just how scared she was.
Angel frowns and heads into the lounge. He sees how sacred she looked and then sees Travis and the gun. He moves back and draws his own gun. “Travis drop it!” He tells him and leans agaisnt the wall. “Come on you know this isn’t the way to go about things.” He tells him and looks at Val, mouthing at her to stay calm. “Travis come on man. I don’t want anyone getting hurt today.”
Val just watched him shaking stil and trying to stay calm but she had been sat there for so long and she was still scared and starting to panic not wanting travis to hurt Angel either but she could only tense up feeling the familiar panic settle in as he pressed the gun up to her chest some mor
Angel frowns as he watches them. He quickly texts his partner to cal 911 and what was happening. “Travis come on. Put the gun down now.”
Val whimpered a little gripping tightly atthe couch cushions. ‘I told you already. You don’t get to have her! I don’t want her back but she doesn’t get to do that to people. She doesn’t get to be happy or after that shit she pulled!” He yelled at Angel taking the safety off the gun as he heard sirens approach, standing up and glaring at Val and looked over at Angel for a moment not caring what he would do now as he unloaded two rounds into her chest.
Angel gasps. “No!” He screams and takes the safety off his own gun, shooting Travis. He rushes over to Val and holds her close. “Baby no, no. Val don’t leave me. I just got you back.” He whispers and sniffles. He quickly gets on the walker talki. “I need a bus at 354 Langton Avenue. Two injuried at this location. Both critical. Hurrry up!” He holds Val close and rocks her. “Please please. I can’t lose you too.” He whimpers.
She stared up at him her hand gripping at his shirt tightly and spluttering out blood starting to pass out and eventually went limp in his arms as the sirens got to their house and the cops were the first on the scene.
Angel shakes his head. “No, no. Don’t. Val!” He shakes and lets the ambulance take her. He sits there, covered in her blood. He stares at the wall and grips his hair.
James went straight over to him helping Laura get him up and into the back of the cruiser to take him down there. He would be questioned later on everything. “Travis is gonna be alright, so he’ll go to jail.” He told him trying to make him feel better but soon realised he was too shaken to respond.
Angel sits in the back of the cruiser, barely hearing a word he said, but knowing he wished he had killed Travis. He just stares at the back of the seat. He gets out once they get there, still shaking a little.
James let them know at the desk who they were there for and asked for a set of clothes for him and got handed some scrubs taking him to the restroom and making him get changed then went to the waiting room with him. “Angel what happened?” He asked him
Angel goes through the motions in a daze. He didn’t really have much hope of seeing her alive again. There was so much blood and she hadn’t been responding near the end. He was just numb. He glances over at James. “Travis as at my dads restaurant. Had a few words for me. Didn’t realize how racist the guy was.” He shakes his head. “I came home and he had her in the lounge, gun pointed st her chest. I tried to get him to clam down and drop it but when he heard the sirens, he shot her. Two rounds.” He tells him and leans back.
He nodded and looked up hearing her name get called out helping him up to go over there. ‘She’s as stable as we can get her right now but don’t hold your breath it’s likely she won’t make it through the night.’ Her doctor told angel letting him go through to see her wired up to life support and barely recognisable under all the tubes and wires.
Angel looks at her and goes over to the bed. He sits on a chair and holds her hand gently. “I’m so sorry Val. I’m so sorry.” He whimpers and lays his head on the bed. “Just dont leaves me too.” He whispers and whimpers.
His chief showed up a short while later and passed him his own clothes. “I’ve spoken to the doctor. I know it’s not looking good for her... Travis is already walking and talking again, he’s down at the station already.” He told him. “James took your statement. You stay here with her.” He told him clasping his shoulder.
Angel grit his teeth when he tells him Travis seemed to be just fine. He wished he had killed him. Her deserved it. He nods a little at the chief and goes to change into his own clothes. He heads back to angel and holds her hand.
James went to stay with him overnight just in case and sat in the other chair rubbing at his face. “How’s she doing?” He asked him quietly.
Angel frowns and watches her. “She hasn’t moved or woken up so not very good.” He murmurs softly and glances at James. “Thanks for being here.”
James frowned but nodded. “Travis already posted bail. There’s a cop here though in case he tries to come here. New guy but he’s good enough to stop him.... Angel they said not to get your hopes up... went through her lung and the other got lodged in her spine.” He mumbled.
Angel nods a little. “I’m not.” He tells him and pats the gun in his hip. “And trust me, if that bastard comes anywhere near here, he won’t walk away this time.” He growls and grins Val’s hand tightly. He lays his forehead agaisnt their interlocked hands and sighs softly. “I just got her back man.”
James sighed heavily and stepped over “Hey, you’re not giving up on her either.... talk to her. I’m gonna go get you something to drink but you sit and you talk to her. They say that can help.” He told him before leaving him to privacy.
Angel nods a little and looks up at her. He kisses her hand softly. “Hey baby. I know you’re probbaly in a lot of pain and I know you’re so close to seeing our little girl again, but I need you to fight for me. You can’t leave me here alone. I need you. We’re gonna have a life together. I love you so much Valerie. I need you baby.” He murmurs softly and caresses her cheek. “Please come back to me.”

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