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Realistic or Modern Long Lost Summers

Angel holds her close. “At least let me go with you.” He murmurs softly. He was afraid to have her near him by herself. He wanted to be there to protect her. “I won’t say anything or get involved unless he gets rough.”
She nodded tiredly and pulled a blanket over them. “I have no problem with that at all.” She murmured kissing his cheek. “You know I can’t have anymore children right?” She murmured frowning some.
Angel watches her and shakes his head. “It’s okay. There’s always adoption or suragets. If we decide to have them later we’ll figure it out together.” He murmurs softly.
She nodded and held onto him tightly. She couldn’t change the past or the time spent apart but she could make up for it now and make their time together now the best it could be. “Angel you look exhausted why don’t you head up to bed. I can tidy up down here.” She murmured rubbing his shoulder gently and kissed his head
Angel shakes his head and holds her closer. “I’m fine.” He murmurd soflty and kisses her head. He finally had her back and he wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. He smiles st her and pulls her to lay down with him. He turns in a movie and relaxes.
She just nodded and snuggled into him some more “have they still got you on desk duty?” She murmured tracing his tattoos.
Angel nods a little. “got another week.” He murmurs and rubs a hand through her hair gently. “That week can’t go by soon enough. I hate being stuck at a desk.”
She nodded some just watching him. “I can tell. Well... tell you what if I do groceries tonight then maybe I can do you some fajitas tomorrow night.” She murmured
Angel chuckles softly and kisses her head. He takes her upstairs and lays her in the guest room. He covers her up and heads to his room.
James looked over when Angel walked in in the morning and grinned. “Someone looks happier, plus I had a few phone calls about a disturbance at the church... I take it that you won her over.” He chuckled some “Oh the chief dropped a pretty big pile of paperwork on your desk.” He told him pointing to it.
Angel nods a little. “Thankfully yeah.” He murmurs softly and glances over st his desk. He groans softly and shakes his head. “Right.” He mutters and sits down, starting in on it.
“That’s all you’re gonna say about it? Damn Angel six years of being partners and you still can’t open up.” He chuckled and shook his head some.
He rolled his eyes some and went to go on patrol with one of the new recruits.

Val spent the day cleaning his place so that he could come home to a good dinner and a clean house as well as arranging a time and date to meet with Travis so that Angel could be there
Angel watches him leave and sighs. He shakes his head and gets to work. He heads straight home after work and heads inside, pulling his shoes off and glancing around. “Val?”
“Lounge.” She called to him having just got back from the studio. It was open now and running nicely but she had just popped in to check on how it was all going seeing as she was supposed to be on holiday now anyway she wanted to let her other teacher know she’d now be in town.
Angel smiles and heads over to her. "Hey, sweetie. The place looks nice." He murmurs and kisses her cheek. "I'm gonna go change." He murmurs and heads to his room to get out fo the uniform. He heads back down in a tank top and some sweats and sits beside her.
She smiled some leaning into him a little. “So I organised a day and time to meet with Travis and discuss things, but until then and after then I don’t wanna think about it, how was Work?” She murmured tiredly and kissed his cheek.
Angel nods a little. He could respect that. “It was okay. As good as desk duty can be I guess.” He chuckles and wraps an arm around her. “How was your day?” He asks softly.
She shrugged a little and smiled at him. “It was okay. Food is ready by the way. It’s all done and on the table ready to go when you’re ready.” She murmured happily looking up at him and holding onto him tightly.
Angel smiles and caresses her cheek softly. “You’re the best, you know that.” He murmurs softly and leans down. He kisses her softly and then scoops her up and carries her to the kitchen, placing her at the table. He makes them both a plate and sits down.
“Mmm... well I gotta beef you up again somehow.” She giggled and pecked his cheek getting them a beer each and sat down again. “So I got a call from Brian today, you remember him? Anyway he’s asked me to come up to LA next weekend to do a class with him for a bunch of underprivileged teens.” She murmured “I said yes, but I was wondering if you have it off if you wanna go with me?” She asked him
Angel looks at her and listens. “I probably won’t have it off, but I hope you have fun.” He murmurs softly and smiles at her. He would never hold her back from going. “Just make sure you call me and tell me all about it.” He chuckles and digs in.

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