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Realistic or Modern Lockbridge (OOC)

Ahh, gotcha. I presumed so.

Dareia low key gonna be sad about that though cause the dude kinda looked like Johnny Depp, but doesn't have allegations of domestic abuse under his belt and she sure as HELL ain't coming for Lexus' man lol
Yeah, no messing with an ex-marine Chief of Police.
I actually made her up with a friend a while back. At the time, the story in Lockbridge involved only Henry and a horrific supernatural mystery.
I love her too much as a character to not have her included. She's too fun. At some point I hope that those involved will eventually see her language as pretty much harmless.
Yep. But I never use her outside Lockbridge. Henry King is a maybe, because up till about three years ago, he didn't live in Lockbridge, Michigan.
So far so good, peeps. I'm doing some juggling here, managing characters in my head.
We will have some supers that have already been fighting crime come out in the open as a result of this turn of events.
I've got a couple characters I'm thinking about throwing in in order to give the group an on-the-feild leader, at least for starters. I think y'all will like him.
Funny, as I'm typing this out, I've made my decision about who I'm throwing in.

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