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Realistic or Modern Lobelia Academy's Experiment (Closed)


Junior Member


Welcome, students, to the renown Lobelia Academy! It is our dearest wish that those of you entering in the newest "Gifted Class" will find this school to be both challenging and rewarding.

Since the discovery of "Gifted' peoples, Lobelia fought and won the distinct honor of hosting the first ever school which houses both "Gifted" and "non-gifted" students!

Please, contact the Dean of Housing upon your arrival for your housing and roommate assignments. Below you will find your class schedule.

We hope you enjoy your stay! Study hard!


First Period: Algebra I

Second Period: Biology

Third Period: Gym


Fourth Period: English

Fifth Period: Music/Art

Class 1G and 1A will be in the same homeroom and participate in the same classes. See you at Opening Ceremonies!

PROFILE: (Please post in character sign up tab)






Gifted or non-Gifted:

If Gifted, what power:



*No killing another's character without consent.

*No harassing other players, discreetly or otherwise.

*If you are going to be away from the rpg for more than a day or two, please send me a message!

*I don't really care about language or graphic violence, but I think people get banned over sex scenes, so take it to the IMs. Thanks!

*Everyone will be in either class 1G, 1A or 2A (junior, ungifted), or staff.

Feel free to post after your character profile has been accepted and I have made the first post!

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Ayame sighed, staring up at the gates of Lobelia Academy. The school was pompous at best - the gates themselves looked to be gold! The trimmings of the buildings were marble, with marble walkways and fountains lining the courtyards. She was by no means poor, but this was a bit much.

The newly enrolled Sophomore took a deep breath and entered the gates, reminding herself this school would look great on a resume.

Shiro sat on a fountain eating an apple, subtly watching the new students arrive. So many seemed anxious, and he didn't know why. He tried to figure out who was Gifted and who was not, but they were all just people. Just like him.
A slight smile covered Kitty's face as she approached the gates of Lobelia Academy. Even from the outside of the school it looked like it was a school for rich people, big fancy gates that may as well have been made out of gold it was way too fancy for girl like Kitty who was brought up mostly in poverty, heck Kitty was sure that with just the fence around this place that she could easily feed her family for a while if not forever. Still now was not the time for her to have to think about this, now she could think about normal things like the normal school girl would even if she wasn't fully normal. After a few minutes of staring at the school gate and all the people walking inside she decided it was about time she did, looking around she wondered how many other were like her gifted and what type of gifts they have.

Kitty pulled up her hood and made it cover some of her face before walking in, she made sure her powers didn't active no point in getting singled out just yet even if this was a school for both gifted and non-gifted.
Hana flounced to the school gates, her backpack bouncing up and down. She was excited for a new school year at Lobelia Academy- the school was still extremely new, although the building itself had been around for ages. New renovations had clearly been made in preparation for the strange new students who would soon be entering. Hana was actually very curious about the gifted students. She had been instructed by her teachers to not treat them any differently, and of course she wouldn't! It's just that they were practically superheroes, with their element manipulation and whatnot! The teachers didn't expect everyone to not wanna know more, right?

Hana lingered a bit before entering the school, trying to pick out familiar faces from last year. She eagerly skimmed throughout the crowds of people entering the school. Oh... my friends wouldn't be here, would they? Hana's heart sunk as she realized her friends were all upperclassmen. They had graduated last year. They never gave her their cell phone numbers, and furthermore they never called her, so how was she supposed to keep in touch with them? Hana felt like she might cry.

Her face fell as she slumped onto a bench. What am I supposed to do without my friends?
Ayame sat beneath a cherry blossom and took out a textbook. No point in letting her studies suffer just because she'd wound up at freak school, she thought blithely. She couldn't help but notice that some of the students looked a bit pale entering the gates, and wondered if they were freaks like her, who didn't want to be singled out as a freak in this social experiment.

Shiro approached a group of 1A students and eagerly introduced himself. Within minutes, they were friends.

He always had an easy time making friends. Charming smile, laid back attitude, ask about them. It's a simple process but one that made him the most popular guy at his last school. To be fair, he wasn't that concerned with popularity - he just wanted everyone around him to be happy.
Kitty sighed as she moved away from the crowd of people that entered the school and headed over to a grassy area and simply sat down on it. A slight yawn escaped from Kitty's mouth it seemed she wasn't fully awake yet which was to be expected since she was always late to her old school but right now being late to this school it wouldn't be smart for her right now that's for sure. Kitty pulled down her hood and began playing with her pink hair before she laid flat on the ground and simply stared at the sky as she continued to play with her hair.
Ayame heard the school bell ran, announcing the beginning of Opening Ceremonies. She put away her book and jumped up to enter the school. She watched as crowd of students, all surrounding this black haired boy, entered before her. She rolled her eyes. "Some people have nothing better to do than socialize." She walked in after them.
There was a commotion in the entrance courtyard of Lobelia Academy as a young blonde male wearing black pants and a baggy white button-up shirt was performing what appeared to be a puppet show of sorts.

"Foblin, tell me what happened...yesterday." Jareth flashed a cruel smile at a goblin-shaped puppet.

"Umm...yesterday?" the Foregoblin asked with a squeaky voice. How this "puppet" could move and talk without strings was anyone's guess.

"That's right! I want you to tell me what happened...yesterday," the boy ordered.

"Well-" Foblin squeaked. "There was this girl who was directly behind me a few yards away who sat down under a cherry tree and grabbed a book, and Gibblegab said 'That's today, you idiot', and you ended up telling me I had to skip out on dinner for getting it wrong, and then later you told me to shut my trap, and that's about all I rememb-" At that precise moment, Gibblegab turned towards Foblin, having heard the Foregoblin call his name, and as if on queue, a girl with brunette hair chose to sit under a sakura tree and grab her book.

"That's today, you idiot!" Gibblegab screeched, and the rest of the goblins burst out into laughter at the Foregoblin's expense.

"And you're absolutely right," Jareth chuckled.

"Wait, I'm- I'm right?! ...About what?" The Foregoblin by now had completely forgot about what had just happened. "Oh no!" Foblin squealed, as if foreseeing Jareth's next words.

"Gibblegab, make sure Foblin here goes without dinner tonight for his mess-up," Jareth ordered the goblin. By now Foblin was already laughing about a prank he would pull off in the future.

"Well then," Jareth turned towards his audience of puppets, "Where shall we go next? To look at which class we'll be in?"

"I already know!" Foblin boasted.

"Shut your trap!!" Jareth snapped at the puppet.
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Leon trotted up to the school as the bell rang, looking ruffled. He made the mistake of trying to sleep in and had to rush to get here on time. Glancing around, he took a moment to appreciate the scenery. The building really was interesting as far as architecture goes, and he made a mental note to sketch it the next time he had an opportunity. While he was looking up at the building he continued to walk blindly towards the door, and proceeded to trip on a girl who was (annoyingly) laying on the ground. He hit the grass with a shout and turned over to see who this obstacle was, glaring at the pink haired girl in the hoodie.
Hana lifted her head as the school bell rang, signifying the beginning of the opening ceremony. This was it. She had to forget about her upperclassmen friends for a bit. She got up from the bench, deciding not to let her friend's absent ruin her day. This was the first day, she should be having fun! And anyway, at this moment, bigger things were happening. She squirmed her way past a mob, all surrounding an attractive boy in the middle. She wanted to be at the very front when the ceremony began. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a rather eccentric looking boy with two goblin-esque puppets, chattering with the puppets. Wha...?

" W-where are their strings?" she gasped to herself, eyeing the two with amazement. He must be one of the gifted students! How does he do that? A sunny smile spread across her face as she waved at the boy, hoping to attract his attention. This was her chance to meet someone with real superpowers! Of course, either he had superpowers, or he was a complete lunatic.

She sighed. There were too many people... he would never see her in this crowd. The girl started to walk over to the strange young man, her walk quickly breaking into a run.
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Some might call hope the wishing of the heart, and while hoping was not a direct wish, Jareth could still feel signs of it tugging at him. A wish directed toward him; at him. A hope for him to notice something. Someone. Should I ignore it? Jareth thought on it. Hope was not a direct wish and he had no obligation to pay it any attention. I can be so cruel! He laughed to himself silently. But then...what was the point of coming here? He had been trapped in a work of his own making for so long... Still, the hope was not direct, and neither would his interest be, he decided. Jareth continued walking towards the double doors to the entrance hall as the bell had already rung. He would flash her a smile and continue on his way! But that was not to be, as the beginning of the Foregoblin's next joke had already began to take effect. Foblin stretched out his leg and attempted to trip the blonde girl, in what he foresaw to be her falling into the Goblin King. If this was the correct future, than he might even get away with it without Jareth knowing! That's what Jareth deserved for making him run around being chased by something until he passed out! Or was it missing a meal? Or was it getting stuck on duty for an extra 3 days without sleep? One of them was bound to happen sometime in the future.
Rakshha said:
Leon trotted up to the school as the bell rang, looking ruffled. He made the mistake of trying to sleep in and had to rush to get here on time. Glancing around, he took a moment to appreciate the scenery. The building really was interesting as far as architecture goes, and he made a mental note to sketch it the next time he had an opportunity. While he was looking up at the building he continued to walk blindly towards the door, and proceeded to trip on a girl who was (annoyingly) laying on the ground. He hit the grass with a shout and turned over to see who this obstacle was, glaring at the pink haired girl in the hoodie.
"So that's how this is going to be today...great." Kitty muttered to herself before grabbing the side of her head in which someone seemed to have either kicked, thrown something at or fallen over and giving the fact she could hear the noise of someone next to her she guessed it was the last of the lot. Hearing the sound of a bell Kitty begrudgingly stood up before pulling her hood back over her head and giving her hand out to the person who tripped over her. "Please watch where you are going, I prefer not to get kicked in the head while cloud watching on a regular basis." Kitty said smiling of cause she was the only one that knew she was smiling at her hood covered most of her face, the advantage of wearing to big hoodies no one can see what lies under it well minus her hair since it flows out of it.
The strange boy and his even stranger puppets seemed to have noticed her. Hana was already starting to talk as she ran over to greet him, her thoughts bubbling with curiousity.

" Hello! I like your puppets, they're so adorable! Can I have one? How do you make them move by themse-" Hana was cut off short as she started to tumble into the boy, who had outstretched a leg casually. Caught by surprised, she attempted to hold onto the first thing she saw, which just happened to be the stranger's face. Her arms flailed before whapping him in the face and stumbling into him. She quickly recomposed herself and took a step back from the boy.

" Ah, I'm sorry about that!" Hana said, only a whisper of embarrassment in her voice.
Grumbling, Leon took the hoodie girl's hand. "Maybe you shouldn't cloud watch where people are walking" he muttered. He pushed his glasses back up his nose and brushed the grass off his pants. He sighed. "Sorry for tripping over you and kicking your head." He knew the bell just rang, and briefly contemplated whether he should actually go to class before deciding against truancy. Not waiting for a response from the girl, Leon shrugged his bag up on his shoulder turned to walk into the school.
Craig found himself walking through the gate just as the bell sounded, to his own surprise. He would have gotten there earlier, but he had pulled an all nighter last night, or rather, he tried to. He was trying to figure out how to make constructs capable of specific sound, but he fell asleep almost immediately after his normal bedtime and just happened to sleep in. When he finally did get up, he realized he was late, but figured rushing would just stress him out and proceeded to get ready at his normal, slow pace. Arriving as the bell sounded was a pleasant surprise for him today, as he felt being late on his first day would set a negative precedent.

As he walked through the gate, he took in all the grandeur that was the academy. Honestly, he thought it was a little to gaudy to be real. Marble and gold weren't really the most cost efficient materials to use, but if the schools founders decided to spend that much money on the building and surrounding features instead of, well, anything else you would need for the students and faculty, who was he to judge. Besides, being around varied materials would be helpful in developing the range of things he could make.

As he made his was across the courtyard on his way to the opening ceremony, he couldn't help but notice how impressive the fountain was, the level of care and consideration that went into it was impressive, Craig couldn't help but smile to himself as he walked around it. Maybe with enough practice I'll be able to make something like this. He thought as he continued on his way, before noticing a... Creature sneaking toward a girl.

Craig wasn't sure what it was, it looked like a small, distorted person, like a puppet, or a chupecabra, but he could tell it didn't have good intentions for the girl, and he sped up to intercept it before it had the chance to carry out its plan. The air under his hands began to shake and glow a dim faint brown light as he formed the image of two identical bug catching nets to capture it in, before suddenly the light faded and the air grew still.

He stopped the construct when he saw what the creature did. A prank? He thought to himself as he watched the girl fall into a young man who was surrounded by the creatures. As he saw this he made a mental note of the young mans face and what the creatures looked like and continued on his way to the opening ceremony. If it wasn't going to harm anyone, than he wasn't going to bother it, either.

(Hope you don't mind if I skip past Opening Ceremonies, those can be very long and tedious!)



Please defer to the Dean of Integration with any concerns.


Ayame Hanajima and Hana Takashi, Peter's Hall, Suite 324

Craig Owar, Shiro Takmatsu and "Jareth", Peter's Hall, Suite 311

Allison Jasper and Koneko Shinori, Peter's Hall, Suite 321

Joshua Macintosh and Leon Ando, Peter's Hall, Suite 310

NOTE TO NEW STUDENTS: Your suites consist of two to three bedrooms, a living room and kitchen, fully furnished, compliments of Lobelia Academy. Every student in Peter's Hall pod 3 (rooms labeled "300") will be taking place in the Integration Program and will be required to submit a report on a weekly basis, consisting of questionarries on your experiences with the Gifted/non-Gifted students.

Again, any concerns or questions should be brough to the Dean of Integration, who will be overseeing each of you special students individually. Thank you for your participation. Have a great year!

"This is absolutely absurd!" Ayame cried to the Dean's secretary. "I demand to see the Dean at once!"

"He's left for an important meeting, Ms. Hanajima. If you have a problem with your housing arrangement, you may be able to contact him before 4, or tomorrow before classes."

"You put me in with a normie!" She spat. "As if being a freak wasn't bad enough, you put me with someone NORMAL!"

"Ms. Hanajima, please retire to your quarters."

Shiro hadn't seen this Craig guy, but he'd seen Jareth being a bit of a... character, before Opening Ceremonies. He smiled, brimming with excitement. He liked unique people. Hopefully they'd bring some spice to this boring life.
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Jareth felt something hard hit his face, followed by something soft. He quickly assessed the situation, and helped the girl find her footing while discretely looking to see which goblin had tripped her. It didn't help that they were all laughing except for Foblin, who was of course, completely distracted by something in the future. The goblins quickly shut up as his eyes fell on each, except for the odd-one out who missed his eyes, and had to have his beak held shut by the goblin next to him.

"Who tripped her?" Jareth demanded. A multitude of small hands and a stick each pointed at some-one else, thinking it was the perfect opportunity to get some other goblin in trouble. Jareth looked at the one holding the stick with a "Really? A stick?" kind of look on his face, and the puppet dropped it, covering his hands. Jareth didn't have time for these games right now though. He might have been able to control time in the Labyrinth, but this realm had different rules that made certain magics more of a trouble than he wanted to deal with. Jareth turned his attention back on the girl with brown eyes.

"Are you alright, Hana?" he asked her, while taking her hand and guiding her towards the doors. If she asked how he knew her name, he would simply laugh and tell her, "because I am the Goblin King."
Hana eyed the goblins curiously. As soon as the stranger took his eyes off them, they continued to giggle, albeit more quietly. She squinted, trying to find strings attached to the puppets. Now that she got a closer look at them, they didn't even seem like puppets. They lacked the jerky movements associated with puppets, instead moving fluidly as if they were real. He took her hand and began to guide her towards the doors. Hana followed, taking extra care to stare at the ground in case the puppets acted up again. So those weird little goblins had tripped her? They were a bit strange looking, but she hadn't really perceived them as a threat...

She looked up at the stranger, remembering he asked her a question.

"Er... yes! Yeah, I'm okay! Sorry for hitting you..." She grinned a bit sheepishly then cocked her head, recalling his strange knowledge of her name.

"How did you know my name, though? Oh, I get it, you're a mind-reader, right?" Hana beamed. She was already making a friend, and he was gifted for sure!

She looked up at the clock on the wall, realizing she should enter her new dorm soon- as well as greet her new roommate. Students weren't allowed outside of their dorms after hours. And she hadn't even unpacked, nor had all her belongings arrived at the school yet. She had forgotten them at home. This wouldn't have bothered her too much, but she had only brought a few outfits and her teddy bear with all her school supplies.
Ayame tried to tone down the glare she was shooting Hana as she walked into the suite. She sized her up immediately. No visible tattoos or piercings, that's a good start, she thought. She promptly stood, closed the distance between them and extended her hand.

"Ayame Hanajima. Class 1G. Apparently your roommate this year." Her tone was masked with disgust. "As long as you don't throw any wild parties or puke all over the place, we should get along famously."

Shiro waited eagerly for his roommates to arrive. He'd heard they were Gifted, like him, and he'd never had Gifted friends before! Like an eager puppy, he sat on the couch waiting for his suitemates to arrive. On the outside he was chill, watching TV, but inside he was a giddy school girl!
Hana offered the girl a bright smile, and quickly grabbed both of Ayame's hands, squeezing them.

" It's so nice to meet you, Ayame! I can call you by your first name, right? We're going to be great friends soon enough!" she said, never once ceasing her grin.

She took a good look around the dorm. By the looks of it, Ayame had already been there a little bit. The dorm was pretty modest in comparison to the rest of the building. Of course, it still had the recognizable luxury that came with Lobelia Academy. Hana didn't quite like it- it was a bit drab for her taste. She pulled out a few posters and magazine cutouts from a folder in her bookbag. She wasted no time decorating the wall over her bed.

" So! Ayame! Are you... uhm..." Hana paused, trying to think of how to word what she wanted to say without sounding rude.

" Are you a gifted student? You know, with cool powers and stuff?"
The Goblin King cared little for the rules given during the opening ceremony, and had already decided to break two of them. The first was that he refused to take any part in the Housing Assignments. The second being that he had altered the school building, by adding an attic room. Or rather, taking charge of the large dark empty space below the ceiling.

At what appeared to be a dead end of the top floor, Jareth would send his goblins to attack a wall, leaving a hole in the outline of a crudely shaped door. As Jareth stepped through the door it would seal itself behind him, leaving Jareth and the goblins in darkness. With a snap of his fingers, the darkness in the room would start to dissipate however, just enough for him and his puppets to see what they could make out of this new place that they had found.

The room was massive and would do perfect for housing himself and his goblins! But it was missing something... With a flick of his wrist, a crystal orb about the size of a baseball appeared in Jareth's hand. Thinking about its size gave him a wonderful idea! Covering the orb with his gloved hands, he then extended his hands out horizontally, and in place of the crystal, a baseball bat appeared.

"Snagtooth, take this bat and stand over there!" Jareth directed. The goblin took the bat right away, doing what he was he was told, and another crystalline ball would appear in Jareth's hand. "Now I'm going to throw this ball, and I want you to hit it with that bat!"

"You got it!" Snagtooth grinned with his one tooth. Jareth threw the ball, and Snagtooth sent it flying into the side of the ceiling. Just as it made impact, Jareth pointed at the crystal, and it transformed into a pillar in the exact location of where the ball had hit.

"Now you!" Jareth directed another goblin to take the bat. "Then you!"

With all the fun, some of the goblins that hadn't been with Jareth before popped out of the dark corners of this new attic, and they began to play on their instruments. As the goblin batters hit the ball, Jareth would transform it into a lamp, a window, a statue, and other decorations for his new room as new goblins would take their place. This magic held a glamour to it though, and only those Jareth wished or those who saw him enter would be aware of this new room's existence. Jareth laughed, falling back onto a couch and admiring his work. Yes. This place would do just fine!

What Jareth did not expect was that his thoughts would suddenly fall back on the girl he had met this morning. Hana, her name was. A particular effect of the glamour was that it was based on Jareth's feelings, rather than his thoughts. So while he didn't directly think "I want Hana to know about this room", the effect of still feeling alone in the school (despite the goblins that had been with him over the many centuries) in combination with his thoughts falling upon the first person to smile to him rather than laugh at him or give him odd looks since he showed up at this school would cause the glamour to fade for her, though Jareth would have no idea of this.

Another effect of this glamour is that if someone were to somehow enter that room on their own and without the use of one of its new hidden entrances, they would simply find a large dark empty room, and they would not be able to touch anything hidden by the glamour except for Jareth and his goblins, who could still see them. If they were to touch Jareth or one of his goblins, the one touched would appear, but once they were hidden from sight (which would not be difficult considering the amount of darkness), the glamour would hide them again. This also means that if someone was aware of the glamour but did not enter by means of one of its hidden entrances, they would still find themselves inside the empty room.
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The opening ceremony started and ended without much of note going on, and soon after, Craig found himself wandering around the campus for a bit after receiving his lodging information, and the names of his two roommates. Jareth and Shiro... He wasn't sure why, but his thoughts drifted back to the strange creatures he saw this morning.

As he walked around the grounds and peeked inside some of the buildings to teach himself the layout of the grounds began to make a mental map of the area, and used it to practice his projections. He held up his left hand and just a few inches above it, the air began to shake and glow a pale green color. the light only lasted for two seconds, then immediately faded, leaving behind a a green square, one foot by one foot long. He didn't need to make his projections glow, but he felt it helped with the initial forming of the construct.

The square itself was completely flat, and to most, it would look like a normal piece of paper, though one that was floating in front of him. As he walked, Craig filled the sheet with darker and lighter spots to represent the landmarks, buildings, and paths in the area around the dorm, and their various heights. The image itself was a very basic mesh of shapes with no depth or intricate details, and he wouldn't be able to call on the image again unless he actually remembered it, but doing this helped him to get to know his environment and gave him a chance to practice his abilities.

After a while of mapping, Craig decided it was time to meet his new roommates, and maybe grab a bite to eat, so he headed to his room. As he entered the building the sheet dropped into his hand and he crumpled it up and placed it in his pocket, then, while it was safely out of view, he let the sheet fade completely, and headed to his room.

Before entering, Craig knocked on the door to announce his arrival to anyone inside, then entered the room, he saw one of his new roommates watching something on TV. Luckily, he walked in during a commercial break, and decided to take that chance to introduce himself. "Howdey, my name's Craig O'War, and you must be... Shiro?"

He said to the young, Asian looking man in front of him as he extended his hand to shake his roommates.
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Allison Jasper

Allison had been at school since the break of dawn, watching the teachers and staff rush around for the first day, getting everything ready and making sure everything was acceptable for the 'freaks' that would be attending this school and as the sun rose over the giant school she watched as all the teachers dissipated from the building in which they spent so much time inside of, and began to hide themselves around the school. Some teachers even walked back in, Allison assumed that this wasn't hide and seek but instead a look ahead. No, not a look ahead, just placement so that teenagers who lost there way or needed help would have a teacher show up randomly.

As the school yard began to fill, Allisons eye was caught by a teenager with an odd look, who seemed to talk to himself and declared himself as the 'Goblin King' being the interesting girl she is, she started her stalking. Well not stalking, but following of the stalkish nature. Watching him from un-obvious places, she witnessed his conversations with what seemed to be himself, and then causally talking to a girl, whose name she didn't catch, to just following him to his room and sitting outside his door well he, she thought, was fixing up his own side of the room. So, a casual knock on the door wouldn't trouble him at all right?

Josh Macintosh

Josh was late, causally and annoyingly late. "Great, the gates are open and nobody thats interesting is outside. I guess i should go-" Then looking forward he watched a boy with dark colored hair walk into the school, then he looked up to his own light colored hair, "Is that my first victim, why yes it is!" He let out a cute little growl and walked down the the middle of the path, every now and then hearing the odd thought about him or about how they were going to be late because the bell just rang. But nothing matter to him now, he found his only target, and no teachers apparently, maybe they were inside, but who cares because he has to go in there anyways to find him. Oh, and his room, he has to find his own room, cause thats important...
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