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Fantasy Lizard's Shout

"I was like, so thinking the same thing! I do think that it would be like, better if we did bring María though. It would be like, soooo irresponsible if we left a vulnerable girl here like, all alone. Don't you think?" Alex asked as he plotted a strategy to pick her up to help move her to the other room. He tried picking her up in many ways but all got him to close to skin contact. Alex sighed, he ended up picking her up by her colour and holding her out in front of himself, like someone taking out very potent garbage bag. Alex walked over to Chris "Lets like, get going then." And with that, Alex walked towards the cantina. Not knowing what to expect as his vision was completely blocked by this passed out female.

@Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium @Lotusy
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Dumping her carrots into the basket, Wendy readjusted her cowboy hat - which she was still wearing, along with the rest of her getup - and turned to face Dale with a new look of challenge. The girl whipped out her (stolen, broken, and empty) revolver, spinning it around her in about eight different ways before finally aiming at the older man. She spat into the dirt and individually raised each foot once, planting them audibly back down with a certain western flair.

"It's high noon, partner," she said with narrowed eyes. "Your carrot against my six-shooter. Let's dance!" Of course, it didn't look like a very fair match-up at first glance, but it was hard to say that this small child with a gun was ever one for fairness.

@Lotusy @SovietBear
"Bullseye- holy sh*t! Mutherf***er sonuvab****!" Dale only managed to celebrate hitting Wendy in the face for a solid 10 seconds before he was tackled by Oliver.

About 6 minutes and way too many curse words later

"Thank the Lawr- Holy son of a ham on a biscuit!" As usual, Dale's victory was short lived. He'd only managed to wriggle out from under Oliver for a few more seconds before he nearly pissed himself. Now why would Dale (nearly) piss himself? The answer was simple. Dale is american, and with gun control laws, he's become overly paranoid. "Youngster, calm yourselves! We can be nice and happy here!" Dale shouted from where he was. Meanwhile, his rather tiny brain was overworking itself to find a good solution. What did it come up with?

"Chargeeeeee!" Dale bellowed as he charged directly at Wendy. He came to a screcching halt a few feet (they're in america now, so live by the imperial system) in front of her and tried to grab her gun. However, The moment his hand touched the pistol, several police cars pulled up to the farm. In moments, Dale was surrounded. "Oh sh*t..." Dale muttered to himself as a distinguished looking police officer stepped foward from the circle. "Mr. Dale Pervis. I have warned you once already. You are not to lay hand, foot, or any body parts on firearms, you hear?" All Dale did was nod and grumble. "Good, I'm glad you understand. Now come quietly or suffer." Now Dale may be dull, but he wasn't that dull. He shamefully shuffled to the car, and was whisked away in the blonk of an eye.

@Lotusy @AtlasAtrium

(Sorry if this is rushed. Btw, I'll be gone until sunday)
Oliver was busy wrestling with Dale as Wendy rose up behind the two of them, challenging the old farmer to a shootout. As Dale threw him off and met her challenge, Oliver let out a whine of pain, but kept still as the farmer walked forward. Of course, when Dale got arrested, the weredog could only watch in confusion, awkwardly panting as the old man was hauled off by the Americans. "Woof woof," he said, roughly translating to "Dios Mio," before turning back to Wendy and picking up the basket of carrots. With a quick shift back, the man now gestured to head back to town, though the basket's handle was still in his slobbering mouth. "Mmth ith Guillermmth?"

@AtlasAtrium @SovietBear

As Rosa watched Morgan pour salsa on her stalling engine, she rolled her eyes. It woild work, of course, but she had hoped that it wasn't a salsa problem, and her car would probably be smelling like chillies for a while. Granted, as it ran off salsa, the fix worked, but Rosa was still dying on the inside. "Thanks, Morgan," she said, climbing inside he car. "Want to help me pick groceries? Guillermo won't get his lazy ass out of the cantina," the driver grumbled, before returning to her tone. "I mean, it'll be fun! We can buy some food that isn't corn flakes or salsa! Plus, you won't have to pay!"

When Carlos noticed that Pip was motioning for him to follow her, he pushed away from his desk. "Do you want me to follow you? I'm not buying you any food though amigo." Carlos shook his head and stood up and started walking after Pip as she made her way to the guild. "I hope this is important, I can't take many breaks if I am to become the best Mechanic in the universe"

GingerBread said:
When Carlos noticed that Pip was motioning for him to follow her, he pushed away from his desk. "Do you want me to follow you? I'm not buying you any food though amigo." Carlos shook his head and stood up and started walking after Pip as she made her way to the guild. "I hope this is important, I can't take many breaks if I am to become the best Mechanic in the universe"

On thier way to the guild, pip spots Alex holding Maria in a weird way. She makes her way quickly over and has no idea what to do, she does not know if this is happening against thier will, so she just circles them and does a series of clicks. Pip forgets about Carlos and tries to find a way to get Alex to either drop Maria or say what is going on.
MTchaos1134 said:
On thier way to the guild, pip spots Alex holding Maria in a weird way. She makes her way quickly over and has no idea what to do, she does not know if this is happening against thier will, so she just circles them and does a series of clicks. Pip forgets about Carlos and tries to find a way to get Alex to either drop Maria or say what is going on.
(Forgot to mention ye @metalcity )
Alex continued to walk with Chris while holding onto Maria when he heard random clicking noises. He looked down at it in confusion but slight awe "You are like, sooooo cute. Like, O.M.G. I would like, sooooo pet you! But I can't as I would die and stuff." Alex reached forwards to pet him but retracted his hand at the thought of his silky smooth skin blistering and start to pain him all over.

@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
metalcity said:
Alex continued to walk with Chris while holding onto Maria when he heard random clicking noises. He looked down at it in confusion but slight awe "You are like, sooooo cute. Like, O.M.G. I would like, sooooo pet you! But I can't as I would die and stuff." Alex reached forwards to pet him but retracted his hand at the thought of his silky smooth skin blistering and start to pain him all over.
@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
Pip backs up and stands in front of Alex, and starts hissing and clicking. She is trying her best to get Alex to drop Maria without pip doing anything forceful. She does not realize Alex is actually helping Maria get around.
Alex looked down at the creature in confusion and it lost its cuteness but now just looks helpless. "I like, don't know what you want from me. And you are like, becoming well freaky. And my friends and I like, have to get going. So we should like, start doing that" Alex continued to walk to the Cantina.

@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
Chris made sure he had the right protection on before he followed Alex. He hoped that Marìa wouldn't wake up yet, and if she did hopefully she wouldn't freak out. Chris was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard Alex freaking out over Pip.

'What the heck is that thing?'

"Hmp, it's not that cute."
He rolled his eyes. "What does it want?" Chris was almost tempted to kick it away.

@metalcity @MTchaos1134 @AtlasAtrium
metalcity said:
Alex looked down at the creature in confusion and it lost its cuteness but now just looks helpless. "I like, don't know what you want from me. And you are like, becoming well freaky. And my friends and I like, have to get going. So we should like, start doing that" Alex continued to walk to the Cantina.
@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
She becomes more frustrated with the two, and in a last effort to get them to get away from Maria, she tries to threaten them away. She starts pounding on the ground making deep thuds as she does so, it was hurting her claws but she wanted to get these people away from Maria, she is thinking they are planning to hurt her. So she was willing to do what she can to help Maria. After pounding she stops to see how they reacted.
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Alex looked back "That is like, well strange. Should we like, feed it or something?" Alex asked Chris as he moved Maria over slightly to get a better look at the small creature that was throwing a tantrum. Alex wasn't sure if he should give it what it seems to want though as that isn't very good for training an animal.

@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
metalcity said:
Alex looked back "That is like, well strange. Should we like, feed it or something?" Alex asked Chris as he moved Maria over slightly to get a better look at the small creature that was throwing a tantrum. Alex wasn't sure if he should give it what it seems to want though as that isn't very good for training an animal.
@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
Pip gives up and shutters over to Maria, and grabs onto a leg, and attempts to tug her away from Alex, whose she was doing this she was clicking again. While she was tugging she was also feeling for warmth, trying to see if Maria is still alive.
"hey! she is passed out! this is like, so anti cool! Like" Alex was going to kick the creature but felt like that would be harsh so instead he kicked some dirt which caused a dust cloud to go into the creatures face and Alex pulled Maria away from it. "I'm like, trying to help her! Soo stop it!" Alex aggressively told the animal.

@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium @GingerBread
metalcity said:
"hey! she is passed out! this is like, so anti cool! Like" Alex was going to kick the creature but felt like that would be harsh so instead he kicked some dirt which caused a dust cloud to go into the creatures face and Alex pulled Maria away from it. "I'm like, trying to help her! Soo stop it!" Alex aggressively told the animal.
@MTchaos1134 @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium @GingerBread
Pip stops after she says help, after a minute, she gives a couple approving clicks before kicking dirt back at Alex, after that she sat down and waited for them to start moving.
Carlos watched the scene between Pip and Alex unfold as he tried to decide whether or not he should step in. After a moment of thought, Carlos decided not to get involved in the situation as he figured everything was fine between Pip and Alex anyway. Carlos shrugged lightly as he turned away from Pip, Alex and everyone else as he started heading towards the Dos Esqueletos Cantina.

As Carlos neared the Cantina he heard the faint sound of Mariachi music that, as expected, got louder as Carlos actually entered the Cantina. Carlos made his way over to the bar and ordered a drink, which he didn't bother to specify since he knew that the Cantina's main drink was Salsa; he assumed that they'd know what he wanted.

While waiting for his mug of Salsa, Carlos took in his surroundings, noticing that the drinks coasters were skeleton heads wearing mariachi hats. He also noticed that the candles on some of the tables were in the shapes of skellingtons and that some of the lampshades around the cantina had Skeleton head decals on them, which caused them to cast shadows of skeleton heads around the Cantina.

Carlos turned back around to face the bar when his mug of Salsa was placed in front of him, obscuring the Skeleton head coaster. Car watched for a while as the bartender went over to serve someone else, once the bartender had moved away and was talking to someone else, Carlos picked up his mug and took a sip from his mug of salsa before placing it back down on the coaster and staring forwards, noticing that the bar taps had Skeleton heads with Mariachi hats on them with the name of the drinks in their open mouths.
"I wonder if Maria will need me to work on her car again soon" Carlos thought absentmindedly as he took another sip from the mug of Salsa.

metalcity said:
Alex walked into the Cantina with his pals, the door closed blocking the dirt which he was unaware of. When they walked in Alex looked around to find a chair to rest Maria on, doing so he managed to find one and he rested her down. Alex then turned to look at what was about to start.
@AtlasAtrium @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @GingerBread @MTchaos1134
Pip sits next to the chair Maria is set in and watches blankly where Alex is looking. She would grow lightly tense if anyone came near Maria.
'I think we should kill it.' He thought to himself, 'It's freaking annoying.' Chris ignored the thing as he entered the cantina. This place was filled with a lot of skeleton thinkings, so Chris snapped a couple pictures, he could totally use these in the paper.

Chris seated himself next to pip and Maria, he also scooted away from pip just to be safe. "A-Alex, sit....next to me?" He mumbled. No one would be able to hear him, how could he just flat out ask the love of his life Alex to just sit next to him!? So he thought of another way to get him to sit. "Alex! Idiota! Sit your ass down! You are blocking my veiw, perra!" He then pulled up the chair that was next to him. "Sit."

@metalcity @AtlasAtrium @MTchaos1134 @Lotusy @GingerBread
"errrr? Sure? I like, guess. I don't know why you could not just like, ask me normally." Alex shrugged his shoulders as he sat down next to Chris. After a few seconds of awkward silence between the two Alex turned his head to look at Chris "So how is the newspaper business coming along? Is there like, any cool articles on me in the next paper?" Alex asked with curious tone and a dumb smile.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Morgan took a bite of his Salsa Flakesand chewed thoughtfully. Her offer was initially blasphemous in many ways; after all, she offered some other food than corn flakes and salsa?! What more could a man need?! It was when she offered to pay however that he threw the bowl to the side. He went to go jog upstairs and put on his typical clothes, but then he thought about how much work that was and instead got in the car in his bathrobe and boxers. He gestured to Rosa, "Come on, hurry up now! As my grandfather used to say, 'The day rewards the active and selfless...'"

"Gotcha!" Rosa said, giving Morgan the thumbs up as she started the car and floored the gas. She smiled inside at Morgan's predictability, since she basically knew his financial problem at this point. "You know, this is fun," she said as they shot across the dusty road at near-sonic speeds. "It's actually kinda nice. If I ever leave this town, I think I'd like a job as a teacher, or maybe a bus driver - as long as I get to use a vehicle like this. Maybe it could shrink, or time travel, you know? All I can do right now is this." She slammed one of the buttons, releasing all of the cupholders on the van. "Yeah, pretty sweet. No need to tell me," she said as they pulled into the store's parking lot, which was really just a stretch of sandy concrete. "Time to shop 'till we drop."

As they finished running errands, Rosa yanked Morgan into the car and sped right towards the cantina. "Time to deliver this stuff. You know, Morgan, have you ever considered working at the cantina? I'd say we pay pretty well, and its always nice to talk to more people, instead of eating corn flakes - OHMYGODWHATTHEHELL!?!?" She suddenly swerved and slammed the brakes, barely avoiding an overexcited Egas toting Guillermo's skull. "Dios mío. I almost hit that girl," she said, before Egas suddenly popped back up, flipping her off. "Watch where you're going, bordie!" He yelled, before storming into the cantina. "What's his problem?" Rosa asked, turning to Morgan. "Well, this is our stop. Time to go watch more people hurt themselves chugging salsa, right?"


Meanwhile, Egas slammed the doors of the cantina open, letting his loud entrance sink in, almost like the dramatic entrance of a cowboy in a wester movie. Of course, instead of the wind whirling dramatically behind him, a tumbleweed flew into his face, which he promptly spit out. "Hello, you uncivilized bordies," he said, grinning evilly. "I'm sorry, but a new star's in town - and he's bringing you the wondrous K-pop!" The boy threw down a small box, which quickly expanded into a holographic video. "Cover your ears, mijos!" Guillermo's skull yelled, before rolling out of Egas's hands. "Too late, Old bones!" All of a sudden, a video began to play, and Egas began to dance - though there was no music. The boy danced for a few minutes, making some awkward grunts and groans and singing off-key, until he realized he forgot to turn up the volume. "Oops," he muttered, before drawing a remote and slamming a red button.


"Oh yea! This is the stuff, isnt it? Look, I'm the girl in white!" Egas yelled, waving to all the unimpressed patrons as the song ended. "So what do you think, bordies? Isn't that better than your goddamn Mary's-ache-eye? I mean, I'd say so-" As he gloated, a brownish tomato slammed into Egas's face, courtesy of Guillermo, whose skull was now reattatched to his body. "Oops. Sorry. Could you please get out now?" Egas's face became a ghastly shade of red. "SHUT THE HELL UP, BORDIE!!!" He quickly punched Guillermo, whose bones made a sound like bowling pins toppling as he toppled to the ground. "Anyone else!?"

@metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium @MTchaos1134
Chris set his hat on the table. Here he was sitting next to Alex and he didn't know what to say! Thankfully Alex started the conversation, he was so smart. "Uh well it's going along great and-" before he could finish his sentence, Egas barged in and assaulted the doors, assaulted his ears twice and assaulted his eyes! He even assaulted Guillermo! That was the last straw. Chris let out a loud growl as he got up and slammed his fist on the table. Suddenly, in a blind fit of rage he picked up the table and threw it at the newcomer. "You bastard! You interrupted my conversation!! Then you assault us all with your horrible music and shitty clothes and fake ass hair!! You blonde bitch!"

@Lotusy @metalcity @GingerBread @MTchaos1134 @AtlasAtrium
Lotusy said:
"Gotcha!" Rosa said, giving Morgan the thumbs up as she started the car and floored the gas. She smiled inside at Morgan's predictability, since she basically knew his financial problem at this point. "You know, this is fun," she said as they shot across the dusty road at near-sonic speeds. "It's actually kinda nice. If I ever leave this town, I think I'd like a job as a teacher, or maybe a bus driver - as long as I get to use a vehicle like this. Maybe it could shrink, or time travel, you know? All I can do right now is this." She slammed one of the buttons, releasing all of the cupholders on the van. "Yeah, pretty sweet. No need to tell me," she said as they pulled into the store's parking lot, which was really just a stretch of sandy concrete. "Time to shop 'till we drop."
As they finished running errands, Rosa yanked Morgan into the car and sped right towards the cantina. "Time to deliver this stuff. You know, Morgan, have you ever considered working at the cantina? I'd say we pay pretty well, and its always nice to talk to more people, instead of eating corn flakes - OHMYGODWHATTHEHELL!?!?" She suddenly swerved and slammed the brakes, barely avoiding an overexcited Egas toting Guillermo's skull. "Dios mío. I almost hit that girl," she said, before Egas suddenly popped back up, flipping her off. "Watch where you're going, bordie!" He yelled, before storming into the cantina. "What's his problem?" Rosa asked, turning to Morgan. "Well, this is our stop. Time to go watch more people hurt themselves chugging salsa, right?"


Meanwhile, Egas slammed the doors of the cantina open, letting his loud entrance sink in, almost like the dramatic entrance of a cowboy in a wester movie. Of course, instead of the wind whirling dramatically behind him, a tumbleweed flew into his face, which he promptly spit out. "Hello, you uncivilized bordies," he said, grinning evilly. "I'm sorry, but a new star's in town - and he's bringing you the wondrous K-pop!" The boy threw down a small box, which quickly expanded into a holographic video. "Cover your ears, mijos!" Guillermo's skull yelled, before rolling out of Egas's hands. "Too late, Old bones!" All of a sudden, a video began to play, and Egas began to dance - though there was no music. The boy danced for a few minutes, making some awkward grunts and groans and singing off-key, until he realized he forgot to turn up the volume. "Oops," he muttered, before drawing a remote and slamming a red button.


"Oh yea! This is the stuff, isnt it? Look, I'm the girl in white!" Egas yelled, waving to all the unimpressed patrons as the song ended. "So what do you think, bordies? Isn't that better than your goddamn Mary's-ache-eye? I mean, I'd say so-" As he gloated, a brownish tomato slammed into Egas's face, courtesy of Guillermo, whose skull was now reattatched to his body. "Oops. Sorry. Could you please get out now?" Egas's face became a ghastly shade of red. "SHUT THE HELL UP, BORDIE!!!" He quickly punched Guillermo, whose bones made a sound like bowling pins toppling as he toppled to the ground. "Anyone else!?"

@metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium @MTchaos1134
Pip hisses at Egas and picks up a random container of salsa from a nearby table, and chucks it at Egas. Evreyone was throwing stuff at him so pip decided to join in, and whatever Egas played hurled her ears, so that was more reason to throw stuff. She picks up a nearby chair and chucks it, missing Egas by a long shot.

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