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Fantasy Lizard's Shout

"...Sure, I will get the pen."

He walked over to the couch. It was so dirty on the floor, there was so much dust you could surf on it. Good thing he had gloves on. "I think I see it!" Chris grimaced as he laid on his stomach to get a better view. Taking off his beloved hat, he slid it under the couch and towards the side so he could grab it. Good thing there wasn't much sunlight near him. "Ugh! Does anyone ever clean this place?" He picked up the epipen, making sure not to touch any of the disgusting trash, and walked over to the other two. "....So what do I do with this again?"

@metalcity @AtlasAtrium
GingerBread said:
Carlos looked up and saw Pip clinging onto the ceiling and making holes in it while she did. Carlos grabbed a nearby broom and started poking it up towards Pip. "Get down from there and stop putting holes in my roof, I can't work if rain gets through. You're going to make my roof useless soon" Carlos kept poking the broom up towards Pip, though he was trying to hit beside her to get her to come down without hurting her.
Pip hops down from the roof after trying to slap away the broom a couple times.shenquickly scurries under the chair he was sitting on, watching the broom now. Pip was not much of a fan of brooms, they have been used on her before. And it seems to be a effective way to stop pip from doing somthing you don't want pip doing, but it does not work all the time. Pip keeps an eye on the broom.
After succeeding at getting Pip down from the roof, Carlos sat back down in his chair and leaned back. "Dios mio" Carlos muttered to himself as he leaned forwards, pulling his chair forwards slightly. He grabbed the gun he was working on earlier, which wasn't one that he had summoned himself but rather one that he had found; It was a M1911 handgun. He was about to start taking it apart before he remembered almost shooting himself in the foot with it earlier.

Carlos took the Magazine out of the pistol and placed it to the side. He then pulled the slide backwards to make sure that there were no bullets in the gun still and pushing the hammer back. He then turned the gun so that the barrel was pointing towards the ceiling. He then pushed in on the spring on the front of the gun while sliding the bushing around so that he could release the spring and take it out. He then pushed the bushing around to the opposite side before pulling it out.

Carlos then slid the slide back again as he turned the gun around it his hands and pushing a button to lift up the safety pin so that he could take it out. He then slid the slide off the gun completely and placed the bottom half of it to the side. He then took out the spring pin before sliding out the barrel.

@MTchaos1134 (So I know nothing about guns, so don't shoot me if I got anything wrong here :P )
"I need you to like stick it in my leg and stuff. It will be like so useful and like tots #savemylife." Alex explained, his voice was slightly muffled by the expanding glands in his throat due to the reaction. Alex gently pulled up one of his trouser legs so there could be direct contact with the skin, he also pointed to the place he needed to be stabbed. "Any time today would be like so appreciated! Some of us have to go be #fabulous and like stuff." He continued to wait.

@Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
GingerBread said:
After succeeding at getting Pip down from the roof, Carlos sat back down in his chair and leaned back. "Dios mio" Carlos muttered to himself as he leaned forwards, pulling his chair forwards slightly. He grabbed the gun he was working on earlier, which wasn't one that he had summoned himself but rather one that he had found; It was a M1911 handgun. He was about to start taking it apart before he remembered almost shooting himself in the foot with it earlier.

Carlos took the Magazine out of the pistol and placed it to the side. He then pulled the slide backwards to make sure that there were no bullets in the gun still and pushing the hammer back. He then turned the gun so that the barrel was pointing towards the ceiling. He then pushed in on the spring on the front of the gun while sliding the bushing around so that he could release the spring and take it out. He then pushed the bushing around to the opposite side before pulling it out.

Carlos then slid the slide back again as he turned the gun around it his hands and pushing a button to lift up the safety pin so that he could take it out. He then slid the slide off the gun completely and placed the bottom half of it to the side. He then took out the spring pin before sliding out the barrel.

@MTchaos1134 (So I know nothing about guns, so don't shoot me if I got anything wrong here :P )
She come out from under the chair and tries to watch him work from the ground. It was hard but possible. She lays down and rolls over, reveling thier belly, she was bored. And had nothing of interest to do. So she plays dead.
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(Back! Sorry about the wait, guys.)

"Well, let's got to it! Oh, paying Dale a visit will be so much fun!" With that, Guillermo sauntered out of the cantina, with Oliver in hot pursuit.

As soon as they reached the carrot farm, Guillermo motioned for the, to hush, and even Oliver obeyed. "Hold on. I'm going to take a look." With that, the skeleton removed his left arm and skull, place the skull in the left arm and that arm into his right hand, enough to where his skull was over seven feet off the ground. "The wonders of being old. Actually, do get old, Wendy. You'll get to do tricks like this, you know?" With that, the old skeleton tiptoed near the wall and peered over it. "Well," he whispered. "Dale-y boy's out there already. Let's go in silentl-WHOOOOAA!!!" As he was speaking in hushed tones, Oliver, who was becoming restless, knocked the dangerously unstable skeleton in the ankle, unbalancing him. With a tip of his arm, Guillermo's body fell back, and his skull flew into the garden. "Ay Dios Mio," he groaned, before looking up at what he suspected was a very angry Dale. "Well, good to see you too, my amigo!" He said, putting on a nervous grin. "Just, uh, stopping by, to check on my future carrots, you know. Don't mind me."

Meanwhile, outside the wall, Guillermo's headless body was flailing around helplessly, with the double-arm smacking Oliver in the face several times. The were-dog shifted back into a human form and cleared his throat, turning to Wendy. "Go?" He asked in an excited voice voice. "Carrot will throw soon!"

@AtlasAtrium @SovietBear


In a different part of town, Rosa was turning the wheel lazily, watching the warm Maloan sun fall on the dashboard of her car. She passed the salsa factory, the rat graveyard, and a strange detentional facility like a school on her way to get supplies, dropping a comment as she passed each of them. (Namely, "Ew.") Of course, as soon as she smelled a house that didn't absolutely reek of salsa, Rosa suddenly woke up from her trance-like state. "Is that Morgan's house? Cool. I should probably pay him a visit. Actually, I'll turn around right now. In fact, I should get-" As the Mongolian native rambled on to herself, she didn't notice her car barreling straight towards the side of Morgan's house, and got a bit of a shock as she ran straight through it. "Huh." She said, nearly unfazed. "Yo, Morgan! You there?"

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"This is kind of botched from the get-go, but I guess there's nothing else to do now!" Wendy nodded to the slobbery dog man. Hopping lightly in place as her gaze drifted up the wall, the girl took a few steps back and lowered her body to the ground, one foot back and fingertips on the ground. After a moment's preparation, she took off and leaped high into the air once she neared her obstacle. Her hand clasped the top of the wall and her legs flew up over the edge, a wide view of the entire garden entering her line of sight before she quickly descended and her feet hit the ground. Resting her baseball bat over her shoulder, she threw a casual wave to the ol' Pervis.

"Heya, Dale!" she called, jumping up and down with a mischievous grin plastered to her face. "Ready to put that throwing arm to work today?"

@Lotusy @SovietBear
"Ok, anything for you." Chris looked down at the spot where Alex wanted him to stick it. "Ok so take off blue part...orange... Ten seconds." He stabbed Alex's leg and left it there for the appropriate amount of time. "There, that should help right? What the heck did you even do?" He pulled the pen out before he stood up.

@metalcity @AtlasAtrium
"I punched a rat, and it was all like ew and stuff. Trying to keep this place clean is like trying to polish a turd. And its like skin like gave me an allergic reaction." Alex shot up, hand over head "It was terrifying time! As we saw, I could have like died! So I give you my thanks! For saving me cowboy!" Alex moved his hand below his eye, he winked at him with a slight smile. Then he twisted around and focused looked down at María. "Do you need help to get up?" Alex asked as he offered her his hand.

@Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
"Ah, thank you!" María took the fishman's offer to help, helping herself up with her gloved hand. "Mm, you should've let me take care of it," she replied, a person who was in absolutely no shape to take care of it. "Maybe you should invest in some nice gloves yourself?" María suggested, flexing the fingers of hers. With that said, she looked through all the photos of Chris's camera, which she had stealthily pinched while he was administering the epipen to Alex.

"Oh my, these images. . ." she said softly, furiously slamming the delete button repeatedly.

@metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai
"Is that what happened? Geez, be more careful, Usted maniquí grande!" Chris stared down at Alex with his hand on his hip.

'Please enter the password before deleting.'

'Please enter the password before deleting.'

'Please enter the password before deleting.'

'Please enter the password before deleting.'

'Self destruct set for 70 minutes.'

The more Maria pressed the button, the more messages popped up. "Hey! When did you get that!?" Chris probably never would have known it was gone if it wasn't for the fact that this was Julian's camera and he never deleted photos. Chris held his hand out to María, waiting for the camera to be returned.

@metalcity @AtlasAtrium

(+3 points for what I think is Spanish.)
"Get what?" María asked, pressing the delete button a few more times for good measure as warnings continued to pop up.

'Self destruct set for 30 minutes.'

"Oh, this? Who knows? Ahaha." The woman handed it back without further comment about the camera. "It says it's going to 'self-destruct,' whatever that means. Technology these days, my, I just can't keep up."

@Magical Squid Senpai
Dale was happily tending to carrots, and enjoying the moment. Of, that didn't last long. As Dale took a break, he felt something touch his foot, followed by a familiar sounding "Dios mio!" He looked down, and a few veins visibly poped out of his forehead. "It's y'all again! Y'all ain't gunna snatch mah carrots this time!" Dale bent over, and picked up Guillermo's skull. As he was about to do whatever he would've done, he heard Wendy taunting him from by the wall. Without thinking, like usual, Dale flung the nearest thing to him in an instant. In that moment, it was Guillermo's skull and a few carrots.

@Lotusy @AtlasAtrium
Morgan had been sleeping peacefully while he overslept and missed whatever work he may have had to do, meanwhile a poster above his head read 'Every day should be another day you get up early...' He yawned and slowly turned over. He stretched out and stood up, walking gently down his stairs and pouring himself a bowl of Corn Flakes before dousing it in salsa (Milk was expensive, but he got 25% off all salsa purchases) and beginning to eat. Everything was calm before Rosa drove her car through his house.

He stood still with an indifferent expression before shrugging, 'Always wanted a garage...' He waved at Rosa, "Heya Rosa, good morning. You're up awful early, did you even eat breakfast? I might have some extra salsa and Corn Flakes for you..." He opened his fridge to reveal nothing but salsa for rows and rows, he then moved to his cupboard to reveal nothing but Corn Flakes for rows and rows, "Yep, I might be able to spare you a bowl...But only one!"

"#OMG I like never thought of that!" Alex exclaimed as he thought of the new opportunity he would have wearing a pair of gloves. As Alex started to drop into a flurry of thoughts he was immediately brought out at the sound of a camera making strange noises. He looked over at María in slight shock of what she managing to do. "Oh my gosh María! How could you just like, take that! That is like, sooo out of order!" Alex moved towards her, a small grin crept onto his face "Was there any juicy pictures of yours truly on there?" He asked her with a curious tone. "You have to so like, tell me about this later!" He whispered as he turned around to face Chris "I am like, so sorry for my friend and what she tried to do to your like, super cool snaps." Alex put on a semi disappointed face as he bowed slightly, however he still thought about the fabulous images of him the camera might contain.

@AtlasAtrium @Magical Squid Senpai
"Mmhm, whatever you say." Chris gave her a mini glare before he entered the password.

'Self destruct stopped. Welcome back, you handsome devil.'

'Thank God she didn't get rid of any pictures of Alex!....Although, what pictures did she see!?' Chris narrowed his eyes up at Alex and scoffed. "Hmph, you wish! Why the hell would I have any pictures of you? And if I were to have any of you they wouldn't be good ones! maldita maniquí, don't expect there to be any of you at all."

@metalcity @AtlasAtrium
Carlos looked at all the pieces of the gun on his desk and picked up a box labeled: To be put back together. Carlos put the box's edge next to the edge of the table before pushing all of the parts of the gun off his desk and into the box. While he was putting the box back in it's place under his desk, he noticed Pip and saw that she was playing dead. He lightly tapped her with his foot. "Are you feeling okay amigo?"

María closed her eyes and did a bow alongside Alex in apology. "Ah, I'm very sorry, I just felt like for a second that you-" She cracked one eye open slightly, enough to shoot him a vague glare with it. In that brief moment, there was something strange and foreboding in that glint as her mouth opened again. "-were up to no good." Straightening her back, she smiled warmly at the two of them and continued, "Now that isn't a nice thing to say! Alex tries very hard to look his best all the time! Isn't that right?"

- - -

"Batter up!" Wendy swung her bat with great force, striking Guillermo's skull to god-knows whatever heights in god-knows whichever direction. She struck the second carrot with spot-on precision but a third pelted her in the forehead. The girl weakly put up a thumbs up as she toppled backward, mouthing, "Good. . . shot. . ." Of course, she wouldn't be down for long. Rubbing the red spot profusely, she recollected herself and tried to scramble to her feet while heavily disoriented and unbalanced, looking for signs of Oliver - this would be a good time for him to do. . . something.

@metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @SovietBear
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"That is like, so rude!" Alex huffed as he turned around with his arms crossed "And like María says! I'm like, soo just trying to be like, fabulous!" Alex grunted at the end of his sentence as he continued to look the other way. Alex then turned his head slightly to look at María "nod once if he took pictures of me and nod twice if he didn't" Alex whispered, finishing with another grunt as he turned away again.

@AtlasAtrium @Magical Squid Senpai
María was about to move her head to answer, but a spurt of blood ejected from her mouth - she coughed and put a hand over it. She raised her other hand signaling that she was (probably) okay. "I'll clean that up later, right now I am very tired and very dizzy," she said softly, pulling up a chair to seat herself, glancing around for some kind of jacket or blanket. "Is it just me or is it very cold in here?" she asked with a small laugh, despite the room being very, very warm. She then passed out in her chair, as she was prone to do.

@metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai
"Buenos dias, Dale!" Guillermo said cheerily, trying to wave his hand - but quickly remembering why he couldn't. "What do you mean, 'snatch', mi amigo?" The skeleton asked innocently. "Now, why are you picking me up? There's no need for violence-" He mimicked a gulp, which was hard without a throat. "Dammit."


The old skull started screaming frantically as Dale threw it, with his body trying frantically to catch it. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!" He screamed as he hurtled towards his body - but it seemed like Wendy was faster. With a sharp crack, she sent the skull over Dale's farm, with his body in hot pursuit.

Meanwhile, Oliver was busy pulling out carrots with his teeth - in human form, of course, which made it all the more disgusting. He watched idly as Guillermo's headless body flailed around helplessly, simply throwing carrots into the basket. However, as Wendy suddenly toppled back woozily, Guillermo snapped to attention. Growling angrily, he shifted to his dog form, confronting Dale as a huge black mastiff with a surprisingly orange mouth. "ARROOOOO!!!"

@AtlasAtrium @SovietBear

Rosa just stared back at Morgan blankly for a few seconds before snapping to attention. She was lucky - not only were the crumple zones on her car effective, Maloan architecture was pretty lousy, leading to her just knocking over Morgan's wall without much effort. "Hey, Morgan," she said awkwardly, slipping out of the shredded driver's seat, with the airbag popping lazily behind her. "I'd love a bowl, actually. Th-" The driver's words caught in her mouth as he mentioned salsa. Along with that, too, Morgan had just revealed rows upon rows of corn flakes. It was actually kind of unsettling. "On a second thought, I think I'll pass. Thanks though," she muttered, turning back to her car, which was starting to smoke dangerously. "Damn. You wouldn't happen to be strong enough to push a car or anything, would you? I need to get this back to the shop and go errand-running. Think you could help?"


-------Doodlydoot tranisiton doot doot-------

In a far corner of Maloa, a slick, blonde-haired teen paced angrily to the sound of thrown carrots, fuming silently as he walked. "Stupid bordies," he muttered, kicking a rock along as he stalked moodily. "Can't even see the wonders of K-pop. What am I supposed to do to even get their attention - not that I'd need it anyways! Argh!" The boy rubbed his eyes, the burn of salsa still lingering freshly from his embarassment in the cantina. Usually, Egas's delusion-vision worked, but in this case, it seemed that the salsa made him see things as they were - namely, that the Maloans didn't like K-pop, unlike the way he imagined everyone else did. "I need to do something, at least!"

Suddenly, a shrieking skull came flying over the wall, hitting the ground with a sharp thud and sending Egas sprawling. "What the hell?" Quickly regaining his composure, he crept closer to the skull, who suddenly turned out of the sand to face him with a dizzied grin, shocking the K-poping lad once again. "Hola!" Guillermo said, smiling at Egas, who only flinched. "What the hell are you?" The boy spat angirly, trying to cover up his earlier embarrassment. The old skeleton frowned. "Now, I don't like your tone, young man... hello?"

At that point, Egas had quickly shut up, trying to use his two non-fantizing brain cells to trace a detail about the skull from before. "Do I know you?" He asked, staring suspiciously at Guillermo. "No, wait! I do know you! You're the guy that runs the... that Mexican... er, bar..." "Cantina," the skelleton interrupted, already sounding done with Egas's shit. "Yea, the cantina! Listen, man! You've got to tell me how to get those darn bordies to listen to my GLOOOOORIOUS K-pop!" At the word "glorious" the wall behind Egas lit up with a starling pink, as it almost seemed like a poorly-shot video was playing in the background. Guillermo cringed away from the boy, who was really staring to make his spine shiver - the three hundred yards away from his body that it was. "Uh, no. I really don't think we like that 'K-pop' stuff around here, buddy. Mariachi is life here, like salsa. Also, 'bordies'? Is that some racist Kay-poop thing - wait, why are you crying?" The skull gave Egas a confused look as the boy started crying at the mention of K-pop not being godlike in any way. "Oh. My. KOREA!" He suddenly snatched Guillermo up, who was protesting profusely. "If they won't like my music, I'll make them! Just you watch, bordie bar-man!" With that, he marched back towards the town with Guillermo's skull in tow, as the skeleton's body searched in vain for its cringing head. "Dammit."

((Alright guys, I'm kicking off the arc. Would some people mind meandering towards the cantina for a K-pop brawl? It's right in front of the guild, so I hope y'all will have your characters show up!))
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Morgan scratched his chin a he looked at the car, he nodded and turned to Rosa, "Sure, I'm really good with machines and stuff. Let me give it a look. As my grandfather always used to say, 'Hard work always pays off'." He looked around, he had left his tools in a shed near the Cantina, but he was to lazy to get them. So working with what he had, he popped the hood and poured ten bottles of salsa on the engine. He then shut it and turned to Rosa with a smile, "There, I did it! It's a secret mechanics trick that salsa will fix an engine, trust me on this one..."

GingerBread said:
Carlos looked at all the pieces of the gun on his desk and picked up a box labeled: To be put back together. Carlos put the box's edge next to the edge of the table before pushing all of the parts of the gun off his desk and into the box. While he was putting the box back in it's place under his desk, he noticed Pip and saw that she was playing dead. He lightly tapped her with his foot. "Are you feeling okay amigo?"

Being tapped by the foot startled, her and she latched onto the foot with her claws. After a moment she let go realising it was not someone or somthing trying to hurt her.she quickly scurries her way to the exit, when she reaches it she stops and turns around, she moves her head in. A motion to follow, and IPAs he does this motions she also does a series of clicks. Send then she continues making her way to the guild.

(Sorry for taking so long, and. I'm having writers block right now)
"Looks like she is like, out again." Alex rolled his eyes as he carefully inspected her, trying to see if she was alive. He managed to hear her still slightly breathing. "Like, what should we do with her?" Alex asked as he turned around to face Chris. However doing so, he looked past the doors and saw some commotion starting in the cantina, he looked at it in confusion before redirecting his attention back to Chris.

@Magical Squid Senpai @AtlasAtrium
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"I'm not rude!" Chris wasn't even bothered that Marìa was doing that strange thing again. 'That's what you get for taking my camera. Hopefully she will forget about the pictures.' Chris turned back to Alex. Now it was just the both of them alone!

"Hmm, what are you looking at?" He went over to peek out the small window towards the canteen. "Maybe we should leave her here while we go to the canteen? Or bring her, I don't really care." Picking up his hat and getting ready to go back outside, Chris dreaded going back out, but atleast the canteen was bigger and not as dirty.

@metalcity @AtlasAtrium

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