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Fantasy Lizard's Shout


Pink Enthusiast

(This has been made with the permission of

@Light. Check out the original thread here: Casual - Dragon's Roar)

Lizard's Shout is a barely known and ineffective cult-like organization. In the world there are many famous guilds that leave the almost unknown Lizard's Shout in the shadows, and all are probably stronger. Led by Guillermo Esqueleto, the owner of the run-down Dos Esqueletos Cantina, this guild has stopped, at most, a couple rats with a lot disturbance to the community around them. Man, they're bad at their job! Often left behind by its inspiration, Dragon's Roar, Lizard's Shout can't save the world, but merely tries to protect the crusty town of Maloa from any passing dangers. If want to think of it this way, they're the ghetto version of Dragon's Roar. Yes, they're wannabes. Yes, they suck at their job. But do they want to save the world? Of course!

They're still really bad though.


(Welcome to Maloa! If you'll notice the little roleplay-optional plotline tag, that means, if you don't like the main plot, well, you can forge your own! Make sure to have fun!)​
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At the rise of the sun, the signature rooster on the top of Dos Esqueletos Cantina began to crow, only to have a jar full of salsa stuffed in its face by a cranky skeleton. "Shoo! Go away!" Guillermo yelled, and the rooster obliged, tripping over itself and the jar as it stumbled off the roof. "Good riddance," the skeleton muttered, going back to polishing glasses in the kitchen of the cantina. He could stay up all night, but his two compatriots couldn't, and thus, the rooster was a necessary evil. "I hate birds," he decided quietly. "Yup."

At that moment, a groggy-looking Rosa stumbled out of the back door of the cantina, yawning audibly. "Good morning, abuelo," she yawned, and Guillermo waved back with a nod. "Not a very good morning, mind you," he said softly, to which Rosa looked at him with confusion. "Ah, nothing. By the way," he lowered his tone, leaning over the counter. "Have you seen the dog this morning?" Rosa shook her head. "Not really. He was gone when I woke up. Anyways, I need to get going, grandpa, so if you'll excuuuuse me..." Guillermo started furiously shaking his head. "Wait, no! Come back! He'll drown me, Rosa! It's like a flood of spit and dog and-"

"Adios!" The woman was already out the door, and the ignition could easily be heard as she sped out of the cantina.

"Shit." Guillermo shook it off, going back to scrubbing the glasses in the sink. "At least she's better than El Chapo. Kid never visits, or gives me any of his drug money-" All of a sudden, the old skeleton bristled as he felt something undeniably... wet dribble down his back. "Dios Mio," he whispered. "Oliver? Is that you? I swear, your drool is leaking down my ribcage-!"


In the front bar of the cantina, a very excited man burst through with a shrieking skull in its mouth, quickly shifting into a huge-ass black dog. A headless skeleton body followed in hot pursuit, all while the skull of Guillermo kept screaming. "AYUDAME!!! OLIVER, STOP! LOOK OUT FOR THAT TABLE! AAAAIIIEEEE!!!" Undeterred by the skeleton's frantic screams, Oliver kept plowing through tables and the occasional patron. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!"
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Heralded by nature's call (a rooster), the quiet rat's nest of a town reflected dawn's first light. Through the canopy of clouds rolling gently across the skies, soft rays spilled through the crevices and into the dingy windows. The Dos Esqueletos was bathed in a warm golden glow that brought the start of a new day to life - out back, Wendy caught wind of a brief altercation between Guillermo and his great-great-great grand daughter before Rosa herself zipped out of the Cantina in a hurry and bolted away in her van. Clouds of dust kicked up under the spurring tires and the scent of salsa lingered in its wake, the car shrinking in size as it fired toward the horizon like a silver bullet.

Wearing a wide cowboy hat and leather boots, Wendy twirled a six-shooter in her hand expertly as she sauntered around the side of the cantina with a dramatic western stride, the sound of her spurs clicking against her heels with each step. She casually ignored the screaming from inside as she made her way around to the front, flinging the gun between her hands, spinning it behind her back, and then launching it over her head and catching it once more. She abruptly shifted her stance and pointed her gun outward at no one in particular as though caught by surprise.

A single click and the chamber spun, but nothing came out. A small pause before a faint, satisfied smile grew at the corner of her lips. She whirled the trigger guard around her finger and blew out the imaginary smoke, readjusting the already perfectly adjusted hat with a flick.

"You call that a quick draw?" she insulted her invisible adversary with a sharp tone, hacking up a spit and pasting the ground at her feet. As the commotion grew louder, Wendy sighed and holstered the empty weapon in a single motion, clambering over a fallen table and setting her feet into the Dos Esqueletos with a huff. Her complimentary vest fell over the gun and hid it from plain view. "Hold it, partner," she said, plucking a candy cigarette from her mouth and holding her palm out. She knelt down and clapped her hands together a few times, gesturing with a motion of her head. "Come on, let's leave ol' dry bones alone," she called out to Oliver. "I'll give you a tummy rub." Her gaze shifted to Guillermo with less amusement. In a quieter tone, she said, "You really are just an over-sized dog toy, aren't you?"
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Across from the street from the Dos Esqueletos Cantina, Was a building that a estate agent would refer to as 'cozy'. The building was large enough to fit a Vehicle and leave Just enough room to move about. This Building was where Carlos did all his tinkering, some of it being for fun, some of it because he had bills to pay, but most of his time in his 'shop' was spent fixing Rosa's van.

At the moment however Carlos was intently tinkering with a small handgun that he had summoned. Feeling that he was making no progress, Carlos picked up his gun and started absentminded spinning it around his finger, just gazing off into the distance. Until the gun went off in his hand
"Mierda!" Carlos shouted out in shock as the bullet went straight through his shoe, only just missing his toes. "I probably should've turned on the safety on this thing before.." Carlos started chuckling to himself as the initial shock of the gun firing wore off.
Guillermo's eyes (or eye sockets) lit up, as he saw Wendy sort-of coming to his rescue. "Yeah. This is kind of my life now," he muttered in response to her comment on him being a chew toy. "Uh, Oliver, could you please let go of my head? I - owowow!" Oliver shook the skull a bit more, but at the mention of tummy rubs, he quickly released Guillermo's head, sending an arc of slobber all over a table of two as the dog made some gross gurgling sound. The skeleton's body quickly snatched up the skull, affixing it on his head and adding the sombrero back where it belonged. "Ugh. Thanks, kiddo. You know, one day, you're owning this town, and the next, you're literally a skeleton being subject to the tortures of a three-foot tall dog... Dios Mio." A look of shock crossed Guillermo's face as he realized how far he'd fallen. "Damn. Never get old, Wendy," he mused, eyes locked on some distance fixture in the cantina. "But anyways! I'm about to give a visit to my old friend, the carrot guy! Want to come along? I'm sure he'll be all ready to throw some carrots my way when I show up! They guy loves me, I'm telling ya!"


(Rosa's open, I guess.)
Wendy braced herself with slight concern as she was effectively tackled to the floor, as she had expected. A wave of saliva hit her soon after, but it didn't really bother her. She caught Oliver in a big hug and turned him over with some effort, playfully rubbing his belly with one hand as she laughed. Repeating the motion, she turned her attention back to the skeleman that was reassembling himself, snickering lightly at his 'advice.' Being old was probably the least of his concerns, but she took it to heart anyway.

"The Pervis McScurvis, huh?" she commented in response to Guillermo's offer. "Sounds like a good time to me! But, uh. . . it seemed like Rosa had some errands to run last I saw. Last you saw. Whatever." The rubs had now changed to light head scritches - she looked down with a pleasant smile. "Now that's a good boy! Come on, we've got a crotchety old farmer to annoy."
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GingerBread said:
Across from the street from the Dos Esqueletos Cantina, Was a building that a estate agent would refer to as 'cozy'. The building was large enough to fit a Vehicle and leave Just enough room to move about. This Building was where Carlos did all his tinkering, some of it being for fun, some of it because he had bills to pay, but most of his time in his 'shop' was spent fixing Rosa's van.
At the moment however Carlos was intently tinkering with a small handgun that he had summoned. Feeling that he was making no progress, Carlos picked up his gun and started absentminded spinning it around his finger, just gazing off into the distance. Until the gun went off in his hand
"Mierda!" Carlos shouted out in shock as the bullet went straight through his shoe, only just missing his toes. "I probably should've turned on the safety on this thing before.." Carlos started chuckling to himself as the initial shock of the gun firing wore off.
Pip was sleeping on Carlos roof when the gun shot went off. This startled pip awake, but after a moment, the shock went away. Pip was now frustrated thier nice sleep was interrupted. She hops down from the roof and makes her way to Carlos, she yelled at Carlos with high pitched chirps before picking up the pistol and pistol whipping his other foot. After that, she became calm. Her eyes lighten up. She does a couple clicks before hopping onto his back. She rubbed her eyes before pointing to his hands.

She wanted jam.

And wanted it soon as payback for waking her up.
Carlos looked at Pip with a confused look as she chirped at him. "What's the matter- Ow!" Carlos reached down to grab the gun that had been used to hit his foot. While he was reaching down for the gun he felt more weight appear on his back. Carlos slowly moved back up to a sitting position and placed the gun on his table.

Carlos then looked over his shoulder just in time to see pip point towards His hand.
"What do you want? Do you want a high five for hitting me in my foot? I know I'm a fantastic mechanic, but that doesn't mean that I can read minds- Wait. You want some Jam, don't you?" Carlos let out a preemptive sigh at the prospect of summoning Jam and then going to have to wash his hands off.

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GingerBread said:
Carlos looked at Pip with a confused look as she chirped at him. "What's the matter- Ow!" Carlos reached down to grab the gun that had been used to hit his foot. While he was reaching down for the gun he felt more weight appear on his back. Carlos slowly moved back up to a sitting position and placed the gun on his table.
Carlos then looked over his shoulder just in time to see pip point towards His hand.
"What do you want? Do you want a high five for hitting me in my foot? I know I'm a fantastic mechanic, but that doesn't mean that I can read minds- Wait. You want some Jam, don't you?" Carlos let out a preemptive sigh at the prospect of summoning Jam and then going to have to wash his hands off.

Pip does a series of exited clicks when he mentions jam, and points at his hand again.she likes his jam, and hopes to have some. She probably clean his hands for him as well afterwards, but he probably would refuse.

(Jam is the only sweet thing she has ever had, and she is addicted to it after she tried it once. If she was given another kind of sweet she could leave Carlos alone about the jam.)
The day was off to a bad start for Dale. Well... it hasn't even started yet. At who knows when past sunrise Dale's incredibly loud snores could be heard from his room. Suddenly, the snoring stopped, and was followed by heavy wheezing. Dale sat up with a jolt, and hurriedly inspected his nether regions. "It was a dream? Thank the lawrd!" with a sigh of relief, Dale got up, grabbed his hat, and went outside to tend his careots.
"You mean Dale? I've never heard anyone call Dale by that name before," Guillermo said, though he chuckled a bit. "But it does sound fitting. I just wish he'd lighten up, you know? He always tells me to jump off a bridge or shoot myself, but I know he's joking." Meanwhile, as Guillermo mentioned Dale, Oliver suddenly wiggled out of Wendy's grasp, shifted into a human, and snapped to attention. "Dale?" He asked, to which Guillermo laughed in response. "Yea, Dale. Could you be a dear and come back with my carrot... basket... oh." As soon as he mentioned Dale, the man had already shot off to the back of the cantina, leaving a small spit trail, before returning almost immediately with a basket. "It's too bad we don't have Rosa, huh? I guess we'll have to be extra fast! C'mon Oliver!" As he patted the man's head to go forward, Oliver quickly shifted into a dog and ripped off Guillermo's left arm before trotting off in the direction of the farm. "Why do I even bother?" He asked Wendy, before rubbing the empty socket sorely. "I assume you're all ready to dodge some carrots today?"


(@LokiofSP Want me to put Rosa somewhere?
Carlos sighed and reached under his table to grab a small pack of wet wipes to clean off the jam afterwards. "This power is a curse to me. But I guess with great Jam, comes great responsibility" Carlos looked up towards the ceiling with a heroic look on his face before looking back down at Pip. "So do you have a bowl or...? No? Okay" Carlos held out his hand and sighed as a jars worth of Jam appeared in his hand.

GingerBread said:
Carlos sighed and reached under his table to grab a small pack of wet wipes to clean off the jam afterwards. "This power is a curse to me. But I guess with great Jam, comes great responsibility" Carlos looked up towards the ceiling with a heroic look on his face before looking back down at Pip. "So do you have a bowl or...? No? Okay" Carlos held out his hand and sighed as a jars worth of Jam appeared in his hand.
Pip reaches out and grabs as much jam as she can with one hand, spilling some onto the floor. And she puts all the jam into her mouth, along with her own hand. After a moment she pulls her hand back out and the fur on her arm is a mess. With a some jam remaining on her hand. She hops off his back and sits down, starting to clean thier arm like a cat. Licking thier arm. She would eat the mess of jam on the floor too after she is done cleaning herself. Unless Carlos cleans it before she is finished.macter she finishes, she forgets about the mess and hops onto his work table and sat down. Her eyes watched Carlos silently. Waiting on him to do somthing.
Carlos sighed as Pip spilled some of the jam onto the floor. He stood up from his chair and grabbed a couple of wet wipes before crouching down and cleaning up the mess of jam on his floor before depositing the wet wipes in a nearby bin. Carlos then sat back down on his chair and grabbed another couple of wet wipes and started cleaning his hand before throwing the wet wipes into the bin, unfortunately he missed and had to go and pick them back up and place them in the bin

Carlos sat back down on his chair and leaned back before sitting up straight and looking at Pip.
"Do I not even get a thank you for the jam? I didn't have to give it to you. You did throw a gun a my foot after all" Carlos shook his head, knowing he couldn't get any tinkering done if Pip was sitting on his desk; He didn't want to risk moving her and getting something thrown at him again.

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GingerBread said:
Carlos sighed as Pip spilled some of the jam onto the floor. He stood up from his chair and grabbed a couple of wet wipes before crouching down and cleaning up the mess of jam on his floor before depositing the wet wipes in a nearby bin. Colin then sat back down on his chair and grabbed another couple of wet wipes and started cleaning his hand before throwing the wet wipes into the bin, unfortunately he missed and had to go and pick them back up and place them in the bin
Carlos sat back down on his chair and leaned back before sitting up straight and looking at Pip.
"Do I not even get a thank you for the jam? I didn't have to give it to you. You did throw a gun a my foot after all" Carlos shook his head, knowing he couldn't get any tinkering done if Pip was sitting on his desk; He didn't want to risk moving her and getting something thrown at him again.

Pip does a couple more clicks, before standing up and hopping onto the ground again, from there she jumled and clung onto the roof with all fours. She can see that table well from where she is at. But I will eventually become hard for her to stray there. And there will be holes where she clung, beacuse she used her claws to stay there. She gives a couple more clicks before watching Carlos again, wanting to see him work, it was interesting for her to watch.
Wendy recoiled in sudden disgust as the large dog shape-shifted into human form, a wave of nausea washing over her. The feeling slowly receded when Oliver changed back and she breathed with relief. Recomposing herself, she pinched the brim of her hat and looked up at the talking skeleton with a nod, retrieving her trusty baseball bat to knock some carrots out of the park should they come flying at her. "Oh yeah, this thing is going to be orange by the time we get back," she grinned slyly, tapping the floor with the head of her bat. Dodging was its own exhilaration, but it honestly made for good swinging practice due to Dale's strong, accurate throwing arm.
The doors to the Lizard Shout guild house burst open, light rays from the sun peered through the crack as the doors separated from each other, making the marvellous figure blinding. The first few steps was like watching a cool guy walking away from a explosion, followed by the derpist person ever. As his lips parted the dark figure disappeared and his features were now visible. "Oh hey boiz! I've like sooo returned from that dank mission! It was like soooo cool guyz!" Alex's voice was high pitched, effeminate and loud...really loud. Alex raised his hand and waved to whoever was in the main hall, as his hand moved into the air some water droplets flew off his hand and into the air. And with that and the mixture of light it formed a rainbow behind him.

@Anyone that wants to interact
As the doors to the shed creaked opened, a pungent, metallic smell escaped the room, a scent that most of the guild members were probably quite familiar with by now. Laying in front of the entrance was a crumpled figure that looked to be passed out in a puddle of her own blood, still leaking from her lips. In response to the light and the sound of Alex's voice, the woman's eyes fluttered open and she blinked herself awake. Weakly coughing up some of the blood that was still sitting in her mouth, she sat awake and tried to wipe some of it off her chin, though it only served to smear it all over her face and sleeve.

"Is it morning already?" María spoke softly with a pleasant smile as she flattened out her skirt. "Welcome back, Alex. I'm, ah. . . sorry about the mess, I must've started drooling while I was asleep," she blushed sheepishly, scratching the back of her head like she had only made some kind of childish blunder. "I'll clean it up. How did your mission go? Did you make any new friends?"

"Like O...M...G...You're like so bleeding!" Alex covered his mouth at the sight in surprise are how much there was this time. "Be careful not to like slip or anything." Alex moved his hands away from his mouth and placed them on his hips, then he moved one of his hands to run it through his hair. "But it that mission was like" Alex moved closer to María and he wagged his finger in front of her in sync with his next three words. "So...much...fuuunnn." Alex took a step back and placed flipped his hair gently. "You like have no clue." Alex smiled down at María. "Like helping that old lady cross the street was the highlight of the day. Tots best mission evorz." Alex chuckled slightly.

"Don't worry, I won't slip-" María slipped in the blood and face planted into the ground. Struggling to pull herself up again, she meekly raised one hand as a sign that she was okay. "Don't worry, I won't slip twice," she reassured him, though it probably wasn't very convincing. She grabbed a nearby mop and began to soak it up with water, getting to work on the soiled floor. She nodded carefully as she listened to the details of his venture, washing away the blood stains slowly as she swept her arms to and fro.

"Ah, that's good to hear! I'm sure she's having a wonderful day right now." María dunked the mop back into the bucket and then flopped it back on the floor to wipe up the rest. "I wonder if I should go on the next one?" she pondered for a moment, looking toward the ceiling in thought. After a moment, she sighed and shook her head. "No, no, I won't be of any help. . ." the woman said quietly to herself. Somewhere in the shed there was a scurrying noise above, possibly something navigating the vents. Then, a small squeak as something landed on a shelf in the back. "Oh. . ." she said blankly, nearly dropping the mop from her hands as her eyes locked onto the rat. "This might be kind of bad. . ."

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Just as Maria was about to finish what she was saying the rat exploded in a mixture of blood and guts, a screeching sound was made but came to sudden stop during this. The shelf was also smashed to pieces and laid on the floor coated in a dark red. Alex stood next to the remains with a quirky grin and a fist gripped "Well that like certainly takes care of...OH MY GOSH!!! HALP!! I'M LIKE SO #DYING RIGHT NOW!" Alex fell to the ground, his hand started to swell and a rash shot all over his body. His epipen conveniently rolled out of his pocket and towards Maria.

Carlos looked up and saw Pip clinging onto the ceiling and making holes in it while she did. Carlos grabbed a nearby broom and started poking it up towards Pip. "Get down from there and stop putting holes in my roof, I can't work if rain gets through. You're going to make my roof useless soon" Carlos kept poking the broom up towards Pip, though he was trying to hit beside her to get her to come down without hurting her.

"Alex, you've got to be more careful," María said. She walked over and knelt town, taking the epipen from the ground. She turned around and then slipped in her own blood again, the pen flying from her hand and sliding under the couch. "Ah. . . you wouldn't happen to have another one, would you?" she asked nervously. She fumbled for a glove that was nearby and placed it over her hand. María hovered her gloved hand over the swelling area and let her regenerative power put in the work to force it back down. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that," she apologized profusely, slightly averting her eyes. "This should work just fine, though, I hope. . ."

Christopher was up way before the screeching of the dumb rooster. There was no time for sleep! The people of needed the paper! Christopher had stayed at his typewriter the whole time, coming up with a very good headline that Julian had helped him come up with. He let out a sigh as he rose up from his chair. He stretched and yawned, listening to the poor rooster get assaulted by that furry loving skeleton.

'I finally finished it! I gotta go copy it so I can go sleep. Now where is Julian? Ugh, whatever, I can't wait for him!' Chris went over to the horrible window and peeked through the blinds. "FUCK! IT'S BLINDING!" It wasn't that bad, it was actually quiet beautiful out! What with the nice pale blue sky, the sun just coming into view, the fluffy white clouds. But yeah it was bad for Chris. He could already feel his skin frying.

After getting dressed in his typical outfit for the outside world, he grabbed his bag and filled with his paperwork and basically anything else he would need. Oh and also he was bringing his shot gun. You never know who you will run into. "Gun...amo...paper...sunblock...Ok, let's do this." He slowly walked out the door, holding onto the sides of his hat to make sure it would stay on. It was a long walk to the news room (30 mins) it was agonizing! But he finally made it and was able to copy the newspaper.... Well he met Julian on the way there and made him do the copying.

"Of course, anything for you darling! ~"

Julian told him to take his camera with him in case he saw anything good. 'Where is a good place for news? Oh! The guild! I'm sure someone will be there.'

Man the guild was so far away!!!(2mins from the printing room.) The sun was just so damn bright! He nearly had to crawl to the guild. Chris ran in and slammed the door behind him. He was safe! When he looked up he noticed that Marìa was holding Alex's hand! He felt a twing of sudden...jealousy? But he ignored it and quickly snapped about a hundred pictures. He didn't know what they were doing but he did know it would make the front page! "...So uh, what's going on here?"

@metalcity @AtlasAtrium
María blinked a few times as a young man with a shutter appeared to suddenly take pictures of them. "Oh. . . is that you, Chris?" she asked with a squint in her eyes. "Alex is um, he's not in a good spot." She gestured toward the couch. "He needs an injection. Could you be a dear and reach for the epipen that fell under that couch? The space is kind of narrow, you may have to try lifting it a little. . ."

@metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai

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