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Realistic or Modern Lives Clash

Deven heard the TV on in one of the bedrooms and began trailing to it, stopping in front of it. He knocked and opened the door, letting himself inside and leaning against the door. "What ya watching?" Deven asked and sat in front of the girls bed. "This is extremely fucking creepy but it's kinda worth it. A hot girl. Who wouldn't go for it?"


Lyrix rolled her eyes and sighed. But she wasn't going to be entirely rude, so she decided to answer.

"...Doctor Who. Now what do you want?" She asked, sitting up.

She still continued to eat her popcorn and watch the show. Her eyes widen, when she finally realises this is a weeping angels episode. She now is squeazing the life out of the poor pillow that was on her bed. Any episode that had the weeping angels in it scared the living daylights out of her, but she continued to watch them anyways.

Marcus raised an eyebrow when shy girl took his hand and shook it gently, obviously she doesn't greet people like this much. She introduced herself to him but he nearly didn't catch her name, she was speaking so softly. Zanna pulls her hand back and rubs her shoulder, must be once of those...what are they called? Habits! After a moment of silence he reaches behind him and grabs the cereal box, sitting on the kitchen counter he starts to eat again. "So..." He begins, his words muffled from his mouth being full, "How long have you been here? Did you know that guy who was standing behind you?" Marcus was curious about that, he swears that she didn't look that comfortable around that other guy and that didn't exactly sit well with him.
Deven looked back at the girl and tried to hide a smug smile, getting up and sitting beside the girl. "Never seen this before. Is this with the doctors and shit?" He asked and glanced over at the girl, smirking and scooting a bit closer to her.

She let out a small laugh, she was probably about to annoy the living hell out of him by trying to explain the show. But did she honestly care? Nope.

"It is not about "the doctors and shit". It's about a time traveler who seems to be the only one left because of the Time War back on his home planet Galifrey. He has a TARDIS which stands for Time And Relative Dimentions In Space. It's his time machine that allows him to travel through time and space. He helps save the world and and many other planets from many time periods. And he tends to usually have a female companion." She giggled, as she said the last part.

She looked back up at the screen, this was the part that scared her the most. Soon enough she found herself curled up into his side, a scarlett blush tinting her cheeks.

Deven smirked and wrapped his arms around the gir as she was curled up into his side, sighing softly and chucking lightly. "Geek. Sounds pretty shitty to me." Deven pulled the girl in closer almost onto his lap, smirking and playing with the hem of her shirt, lifting it up a little. "How about you go get me some water?"
"So..." Hayden said, walking with Teran, clutching his hand and swinging their arms back and forth between them. "What do you feel like doing now?" He asked. He was bored and wanted to do something, he didn't care what. Teran always seemed to have good ideas, so Hayden usually asked him that question.

Marcus then turned around after a moment of silence and grabbed the cereal box he had just previously been holding. Taking another handful, he shoved it in his mouth and began, 'So..." His worlds were muffled but Elizabeth didn't really care. "How long have you been here? Did you know that guy who was standing behind you?" He asked, chewing the cereal that was in his mouth. "Is he actually asking me a question that isn't about my make-up or fashion?" She thought, tilting her head. "That's another first." Releasing her shoulder of the death grip she had created, Zanna said, "Uh, I've been here maybe half an hour, forty-five minutes I guess." She laughed a little, making fun of herself for being so shy. "And no, I didn't know him." Elizabeth shrugged and smiled a touch.

"How long have you been here?" She asked, rolling the orange around in her hands once more. "
Damn, I really need to break my stupid nervous habits," she thought, breathing in a little deeper, "they're getting the best of me."
He's getting sick of this cereal now, he needs real food, a cooked meal. Marcus hops off the counter and opens the cupboard to put the cereal back, whilst Zanna replies. He knew she hadn't been here long because of the way she was acting, shy, uneasy and looked like she didn't know her way around. When she said she didn't know the guy that was hovering around her, it didn't sit with him right, "That's a little weird. He doesn't know her and hovering over someone is weird." He thought to himself. But he shrugged it off because the guy didn't seem like he was doing any harm, the brunette closed the cupboard and looked at Zanna to answer her question, "I think I've been here about...twenty minutes? I'm not sure." The sounds of his stomach rumbling fills the kitchen, he laughs nervously and pats his stomach, "Uh, do you think there's anything worth cooking here?" He asks.


"I think I've been here about...twenty minutes? I'm not sure." Marcus said, shrugging. The sounds of a rumbling stomach soon began to fill the kitchen, and he laughed nervously while patted his stomach. "Uh, do you think there's anything worth cooking here?" He asked. Smiling a bit brighter Zanna shrugged. "I haven't even checked for that." She thought, biting the inside of her cheek, "All I have is this orange." Elizabeth began rummaging through the refrigerator once more, someone happy to help.

"Uh, not that I've noticed, no." She laughed slightly, "I can help you look though." After looking through a few more drawers she found nothing that was refrigerated that was worth cooking, so she closed the door and moved to the next closest cabinet. "Wow, whoever owns this place needs to go grocery shopping." She joked, feeling a little more comfortable around Marcus.

Marcus helped look for food, crouching on the floor and rummaging through the cupboards at the bottom, he pulled out an old sock and gagged before throwing it behind him. Zanna made a joke and he let out a light chuckle, at least she's speaking more. He stands back up and on the way something clicked, making him cringe. Going to the sink, he turns on the water and washes his hands, using a generous amount of soap. "Well, I think that because we live here, we have to buy the food and necessities." Marcus rinses off his hands and shakes them, the water drops land on Zanna. He laughs and wipes the rest of the water on his jeans, "I think we need to buy towels too..."

Zanna heard Marcus crouch down and look through the cupboards and cabinets, also looking for food. She chuckled as he pulled out an old sock and gagged in the process. Getting up and turning to the sink, he began washing his hands. "I don't blame you." She thought, quietly laughing. His presence was somewhat enjoyable, and not tense like the last male had been. "Well, I think that because we live here, we have to buy the food and necessities." He said, shaking off his hands. A few droplets of water landed on Elizabeth, making Marcus laugh and her flinch. "I think we need to buy towels too..."

"Yeah, I guess so." She said smiling. She soon became hopeless since nothing good was coming up. "
All I have is this orange." Zanna thought, shaking her head. "I guess I'll hae to go and search around for a convenience store." She said, rising up from the ground. She brushed off her jeans and rubbed her neck - it was slightly sore from all the bending over. "I don't even know how much cash I got on me." Elizabeth thought with a small frown on her face.

She rolled her eyes when he called her a geek. She felt him playing with the hem of her shirt and slapped his hand away.

"How 'bout no." She said with a slight smile.


Taren shrugged, and looked towards their room. Honestly all he wanted to do was lay down and hope to not have to go and interact with any more people today.

"Is laying down together an option?" He questioned.

All he wanted was to lay down and have Hayden hold him, and tell him everything's okay. Tell him he's just being a paranoid idiot.

@BV Believer @JustAnotherSomebody

"I guess I'll have to go and search around for a convenience store." Zanna said, rising up from the ground. She brushed off her jeans and rubbed her neck, it looked like she was in a bit of pain judging by the look on her face. He finishes wiping drying his hands and claps them together before saying, "How about... we order out for today. I think I have some money in my car."

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Elizabeth kept rubbing her neck until Marcus finished drying his hands before clapping them together. "How about... we order out for today. I think I have some money in my car." He said, and Zanna looked up at him. "Are you sure? I can pay if you want, though I don't know how much I have..." She said biting her lip. "Why am I so open with him?" She wondered, taking in a deep, silent breath. "Usually I'd be just siting here not even knowing what to say or how to react." She looked around the kitchen once more, and sighed in defeat. "Hell, I don't even know what's in this town." Elizabeth said, shrugging.

Julia had thanked the guy for helping her before watching him wander off. Wishing to settle down as soon as possible, she went towards the rooms and pushed the door open to the nearest one. Someone's stuff was already there on one half of the room, so she put her things down on the other side. Feeling to make sure her motorcycle keys were in her pocket, she realized that she could've put her helmet in the helmet lock compartment of her vehicle. She went back outside to do that before coming back to the room to begin unpacking. She wondered what her room mate was like.
Devem smirked and leaned his head back, sighing heavily, bored. He knew it was going to be hard to get this girl into his bed so why not mess around with her a bit? Deven is the type of guy to do a hit and run. Smash and leave. "Name is Deven." He looked down at the girl and smiled slightly, moving a bit closer to her and pulling her closer.

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He scoffs when Zanna looks up at him and says, "Are you sure? I can pay if you want, though I don't know how much I have..." He doesn't mind paying, he likes treating other people. A smile breaks across his face when Zanna muttered something about not knowing the town, "That's the best thing! It's something new! We can explore the town, get familiar, it'll be fun!" Marcus blurted out suddenly,his smile not breaking. He looks down at the girl and punches at her shoulder playfully, "C'mon, it'll be fun. We can go search for food after we've met everyone." The thought of exploring a new town, meeting new people and seeing new things got Marcus excited, he was weird.


Marcus scoffed before smiling and blurting out, "That's the best thing! It's something new! We can explore the town, get familiar, it'll be fun!" Zanna noticed that his smile didn't disappear from his face, and he punched her playfully on the shoulder. "C'mon, it'll be fun. We can go search for food after we've met everyone." Elizabeth smiled softly. Though she hated the thought of having to interact with people, she guessed it would be fun to get around and explore her new stomping grounds.

She laughed a little bit before declaring: "Yeah, sure. Though I have no idea who's here and how many bodies will be entering in total." She kind of frowned at the choice of her words, thinking that she sounded like a geek, or a nerd. Zanna didn't seem like a Grammar Nazi - hell, she seemed the exact opposite of it - but she took pride in knowing your language well. She began rolling the orange around in her hands again, to ward off her nervous habits.
Aloe had finally found where he would be sleeping, he opened the door and all he saw was a bed, a drawer and a window.

He chucked his duffel bag onto the bed, making it squeak a little bit, he then got into some PJs and went down into the kitchen to make some coffee, then he saw Elizabeth and Marcus. "Well hello there." Aloe said smirking, he went to the cupboard and grabbed some coffee beans, placing them in the coffee machine and putting a mug in the spout area.

He then turned around, grinning goofily and said. "My names Aloe."
Hayden nodded. "Sure!" He yawned loudly, covering his mouth with his elbow. "I'm kind of sleepy anyways. I was up nearly all night last night practicing." He smiled, remembering the great feeling he got whenever he played the guitar.
"Yeah, sure. Though I have no idea who's here and how many bodies will be entering in total." The girl declared. Marcus raised an eyebrow at this and bit his lip to stop him from laughing at how formal she is, Zanna is interesting and hopefully they can become friends. It's quiet in the kitchen for a while. until an unfamiliar voice come out of no where saying, "Well hello there." It made the brunette startle and jump, causing him to spin around and see where that came from. There's another different guy with their head stuck in a cupboard, he follows the new person as he walks over to the coffee machine. The guy then turned around, grinning goofily and said. "My names Aloe."

Marcus smiles back politely and leans against the counter before introducing myself, "Hi, my names Marcus." He then points his thumb at Zanna whilst saying, "And that's Zanna... Did you just get here?"
Julia left the room, a majority of her things unpacked. She was still feeling a bit frustrated and sore from her fight with her parents. Sure, she had pretended to make up with them and left the following week. She liked to make them think it ended on a high note even if she still felt like scum. Running a hand through her blonde hair, she decided to get familiar with the house since she'll be living here for the time being. Despite it's unusual charm, she knew that she wouldn't be staying here for the next thirty years. Three, maybe. Four, tops. This rickety old place didn't seem to have a lifetime ahead of it either.

She found the kitchen...as well as three other people there. She felt like an intruder interrupting their conversation. She was going to introduce herself when she saw one of them by the coffee maker. "...Thank God there's a coffee maker here," she immediately blurted out, quickly walking to the cupboard with the mugs and taking another one out. She gave a look towards the guy by the coffee maker, a look of respect for him using the coffee maker. She hadn't had a good cup of coffee for months and had been craving one for just as long. She didn't seem to notice them until after. She flashed a genuinely warm smile, as if she didn't notice she just barged in and basically demanded coffee. "I'm Julia."

@SailorCharlae @Eyeliner420 @OldMotherHubbard
"Yeah, I only found out 'bout this place when an old friend told me about it..." Aloe said, then turning around to check on the coffee. "Are you guys like siblings or something?" He had only said that to start somewhat of a conversation, they didn't even look much alike... Elizabeth had fair-ish skin with long light blonde hair, and she was pretty slim also. Whilst Marcus on the other hand was very strong, had somewhat of a tan and short brown hair, nevertheless, the words already escaped his mouth, so there was no way in stopping from asking the question.

Aloe then heard a girl talking from behind him, he turned around at the girl who said her name was Julia, "My names... Aloe, nice to meet you." Aloe smiled, the coffee machine was done with the coffee, so he took it out and poured some milk in, leaning against the bench sipping it every once and a while.
(Agh! I never got any notifications that anyone was posting! >.< sorry!!! P.s won't be able to color my words, I'm on my phone)

Lyrix blushed, a light scarlet tinging her cheeks. She could tell what he was trying to do to her, but she absolutely wasn't going to fall for it.

"The names Lyrix. And don't get any ideas, cause honestly I'm positive that I am 50x smarter than you." She smiled as she spoke.

She let out a small laugh as she gave him a small push away from her.


Taren let out a sigh of relief, grabbing Hayden's hand. He walked to their bedroom, shut the door and laid on the bed. He curled up next to his boyfriend and loved that for once he didn't have to deal with a single soul. He kissed his cheek, and laid his head on his pillow.

(Once again, I'm very sorry...)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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