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Realistic or Modern Lives Clash

Taren rolls his eyes seeing the girl from earlier. He coward behind Hayden slightly, not wanting to converse with either of them.


Lyrix rolled her eyes at the male and exited his room, and closed the door behind her. She ate a piece of popcorn and smiled at the two males that stood before her.

"Oh, my bad. My name's Lyrix." She said, allowing a small smile to curl onto her lips.

She began to allow her eyes to wander to the door of her room, she needed to hurry up and get back to her show. She was probably the biggest geek you'll ever find.


After taking her time lounging around her newly set up room, Elizabeth decided it was time to get some fresh air. Now, she could have just opened her new bedroom's many windows, but that seemed a little boring for the moment. She wanted action. Looking into her mirror that was supplied by the building, she tidied up her messy blonde hair and wiped away the stray strands of make-up that had appeared on her face. "Good enough." She thought, raising her eyebrows and nodding her head. A few seconds later she headed out of her baby blue room in search for some food.

She could only assume that food could be in the kitchen, but the only problem was that she didn't even know where the kitchen was - or bathrooms for a matter of fact. Closing her bedroom door tight, and trying to remember which spot it was in, she headed down the corridor in search for the long, beautiful staircase that she had come up not so long ago.

Hayden noticed her gaze turn back to her door and he smiled. "Do you have something you need to get back to?" He asked. "We can stop bugging you if you'd like," He said with a smile.


She shook her head.

"Oh no, you guys are perfectly fine. Just want to watch a bit of Doctor Who, but that can wait. So, what's your guys' names?" She asked, realizing she hadn't caught their names earier.

She smiled, but then, frowned a bit noticing the brown hair males eye rolling towards her.

"I'm sorry, did I do something to uset you earlier or something?" She questioned, hoping she coud fix whatever caused the eye roll.


Taren sighed and shook his head.

"No, it's nothing. My name's Taren." He said, looking at Hayden.

He wasn't as good in social situations as his boyfriend was. It's not that he was shy, he's just a bit nervous and a bit afraid. He worries of the judgement he might recieve.

"Hayden," He said cheerily. "And don't mind Taren. He's just a little shy," He teased lightly. He knew Taren always had a problem with opening up and talking with other people. He was usually the one to get the ball rolling whenever they met new people but he didn't mind. He had always been a people person, so he would be conversing with people anyways.

Deven laughed a little and finished unpacking. He chugged the rest of the beer and walked out his room to hear chatter, seeing the girl as well. He chuckled lightly and looked down at her ass, biting his lip and turning away from the group and heading downstairs to find a blonde girl. Deven walked past her and headed into the kitchen and began looking through the pantry. He found a box of oatmeal bars and took three of them, jumping onto the counter and opening one.

Hearing the chatter of people somewhere on the main floor, Elizabeth cautiously shuffled down the stairs, holding onto the rail the entire time. "Geez... I guess I didn't notice how steep these stairs really were when I went up them the first time..." She thought, breathing in deeply. The entry hall seemed almost Victorian with a fairytale twist, and on the the way down Zanna admired it deeply... It reminded her of when... "No." She thought, snapping out of her daydream. "I can't think of mom and dad right now, focus on happy things..."

After finally going down the long step of stairs, Elizabeth found the kitchen and prayed that they had fruit or something of that sort. Entering the room, she saw a male sitting on the counter eating a few bars of whatever-it-could-be, and looking very happy with himself. Being the bashful, shy girl Elizabeth always had been, Zanna slowly crept towards the refrigerator while keeping her head turned towards the tile floor of the kitchen.

@BV Believer

(Sorry for the late reply earlier, my family drug me out of my room to go see a movie :c)


Taren rolled his eyes and punched Hayden's arm lightly.

"I'm not shy... It's past reasons and you know that babe." He mummbled quietly to Haden, then looked back to Lyrix.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, cowarding behind his boyfriend once more.


Lyrix let out an awkward sigh and lifted her arm slightly, revealing tons of scars going in all different direction, horizonal, vertical, dialgonal. She gave a small smile looking at Taren and Hayden.

"Heh, it's okay. I know a bad past. It's fine, I don't judge. I have no right to." She said, keeping the smile on her face.

She put her arm down, hoping she didn't come off as some kind of attention cutter. She hates when people think somone harms their skin for attention. When honestly no one does it for attention, they have their reasons. They may not seem that big to someone else, but they were obviously big to the person harming their bodies. She looked at the floor and sighed.

Aloe stumbled upon the house, looking at the flyer, he knew for a fact that this was the place. "Thank you, taxi driver." He said facing backwards and winking. The taxi driver drove away as he went up the front steps of the mansion, placing an unlit cigarette in his mouth, he opened the door saying; "Anyone home?"
Deven watched as the girl dragging herself to the refrigerator, he chuckled lightly. "Something interesting going on down there?" He playfully asked and finished the bar, opening the another and taking a small bite from it. Deven was sure he was gonna enjoy messing with this girl, even though she looked depressed and shy. "Stop being depressing."

(Eh, it's okay. You're fine.)
"Something interesting going on down there?" The mysterious boy asked in a somewhat playful tone. Zanna stopped and looked up a bit, not knowing what to say. She wasn't good with conversation to strangers. "Stop being depressing." He said in a more serious tone. Elizabeth bit her lip and looked at the guy. "Stop being an asshole." She thought it, that's for sure, but of course - didn't speak it. Sighing a bit, she shrugged and only smiled a bit at the guy, not knowing what to say. She wasn't in the mood to fight with someone today - it'd already been long enough. Opening the door to the refrigerator she rummaged around in the compartments until she found an orange. "Good enough." She thought, rolling her around in her hands.

Hayden smiled and hoped the girl's admittance might make Taren a bit more comfortable. At the very least, he'd have a friend in her. He heard another person enter and said, "Damn, how many people are gonna be living here?" He wondered out loud.

(I'm heading to bed, night everyone)
"Hello...?" Aloe said, stepping inside the house. He took the unlit cigarette out of his mouth, waiting for something, he didn't know what though.

Nevertheless, he closed the door behind him, going upstairs to find out where exactly he would sleep.
Deven finished his second bar and hopped off of the counter, turning to face the girl. "Say something." He stood behind her and smirked, standing close just to playfully intimidate her. "This was gonna be so much fun. Hope I don't make her too scared or something." He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair, waiting for the shy, innocent, quiet girl to give a response.

(Sweet dreams lol)
Marcus groans into the pillows as he practically melts into the mattress, oh yeah this bed is good. He really should get up, so he does, it's a lot of effort though. He sits on the edge of the bed and stretches, popping the joints in his back, before he looks around the room properly. It's white and grey themed, with a wardrobe, dresser and a really big window. Awesome.

It doesn't take long for him to unpack his clothes into the wardrobe and dresser and put his art supplies around the room, all this moving around is making him hungry. He puts his laptop on charge and throws it on his bed before he heads back downstairs and into the kitchen. The brunette freezes when he realizes there's a boy and a girl in there, he coughs awkwardly and gives them a quick wave and smile before walking to a wall cabinet and opening it. He does a little victory fist bump when he spots the cereal and grabs the box, opening it and eating from the box, finally something to eat after a long day.
While rolling the orange around, she noticed the man hop off the counter. "Oh, maybe he's leaving me alone finally." She hoped, but wasn't counting on it. He turned to face her, saying, "Say something." He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair, making Zanna sigh a bit - annoyed already. "Okay, you go first." Elizabeth said, looking up at the guy. It wasn't the best sarcastic response she had ever come up with, but it definitely wasn't the worst. She continued to roll the ripe orange around her palms, blinking slowly. "Maybe he'll just walk away?" She somewhat regretted coming down to the kitchen, she hated being hunted down like a rat to a cat.


Lyrix heard and unfamiliar voice in the house, so she waved the two boys and ran down the stairs. Once she reached the bottom, she smiled seeing a male by the front door. She walked up to him and smiled.

"Hey, I'm Lyrix. And you are?" She asked, extending her arm to shake his hand.

She wanted to try and be friendly like that Hayden guy, because why not?

Deven heard a cough and looked over at the guy, giving his attention back to the girl. "Don't mind us." He stroked the girls cheek and laughed. "Okay, goodbye." Deven pat the girl on the head and began walking towards the stairs.


Zanna watched as the boy turned towards the sound of a male cough, saying, "Don't mind us." He then continued to turn and stroke Elizabeth's cheek, making her swallow and cringe. She absolutely hated people touching her. "Okay, goodbye." He said, patting her on the head. All she wanted to do was bite his hand off, and that's what she kept thinking about as the man began walking towards the stairs, out of the big, open kitchen.

She turned to see who the Coughing Man was, and didn't reconize him, making her shy once more. She slightly waved and began rolling her orange around her palms once more, not knowing what to do while he rummaged through the cupboards in search of something. She breathed a little easier now, not feeling so intimidated. "
Such a shame." She thought, shaking her head, "It was kind of fun while it lasted."
The sound of Marcus chewing filled the kitchen, it was a little awkward. He started to chew slowly and moved the cupboard door so her could see the girl behind it. She was stood there all shy and stuff, well he'd better break the tension now. The brunette swallowed his food and put the cereal box on the counter before wiping his hands on his shirt, he walks towards the girl and smiles whilst extending his hand, "Hi, I'm Marcus. It's nice to meet you."
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(someone save me... i think i made the mistake of interacting with an unactive person *cri* why do i do this to myself?!... oh my gosh i probably seem like a horrible person now.. ._. )
Deven began climbing the stairs up to the rooms, looking down the hall at the rooms. "Wonder where that girl's room is.." He wondered and laughed lightly walking down the hall. Deven only wanted to mess around for a little then probably get to business..Oh, god, that's fucking funny. Deven was definitely not gonna take anything serious here. It was time to kick back and relax.

(Just go interact with another character :D )

The Coughing Mans' chewing sounds surrounded the kitchen, and it made the silence at least a bit more bearable. He slowly moved the cupboard out of his way so he could look at Elizabeth, and she swallowed in return. Instead of mocking or teasing her, he outstretched his hand, and politely spoke: "Hi, I'm Marcus. It's nice to meet you." Softly smiling, she returned the gesture, shaking his hand lightly. "I'm Zanna, it's nice to meet you too.." She said in a quiet voice. Though the sounds she made were softer than everyone else, it was still very easy to hear her - that's how she got away in class most of the time.

She took her hand away, not wanting it to be awkward and instead rubbed her shoulder. She couldn't help it - it was one of her nervous habits. That and biting her lip, which thankfully she wasn't doing. "
That could give this guy the wrong impression." She thought, somewhat smiling at her words.
Lyrix shrugged, seeing the male wasn't answering her. She turned and went to the stairs. She ran up the stairs, and speed walked to her room. She was extrememly happy to finally be able to lay down and watch her show. She opened her door, and shut it as soon as she walked in. She was more than ready to relax and watch TV. She unpaused it and smiled as she began eating popcorn. It was an episode with David Tennant, she bit her lip, eating another piece of popcorn. She doubted that there was a single person in the entire world that could resist the perfection of David Tennant.


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