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Realistic or Modern Lives Clash


Junior Member

Hayden whistled, impressed with the house that stood before him. Sure it looked run down and it had probably seen better days. But to him it was perfect. It had personality and it's somewhat gloomy and worn appearance reflected what he had been feeling lately. It had only been a little bit since he had left his home and his unwelcoming family. He had been staying at his boyfriend's house, but he was glad he was able to move out and stop being a burden to Taren's family. They had only been in California for a little while, and they had been sleeping in a cheap hotel for the past few days. Hayden had gotten a job as a waiter and was trying to find a place to perform for some extra money. He was glad he and Taren had found this place. Because so many other people were renting it out, it was extremely cheap. It was better than anything Hayden could have hoped for.

This place is amazing!" He said loudly, laughing a full and rich laugh. He adjusted the strap of his guitar case with the gentleness one would expect someone to use when handling a child, and he picked up the single red suitcase that rested on the ground next to him. "I can't wait to see how it looks inside."


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Elizabeth Beaumont

Sitting on the bus for three hours after just sitting on a plane for five was not exactly what Elizabeth Beaumont would call fun. Fun was exciting. And this...? Not so much. She sighed, remembering what harsh words her Aunt Molly had spoken to her before she left for this journey that could reveal some pretty interesting stuff in the future. The vehicle slowly inched across the roadway to the house that she would call home for a while, and boy was she ready to hop out and stretch her legs.

Arriving to the scene just fifteen minutes later, Zanna pulled her suitcase off the bus, and silently waved goodbye the the driver. He had to deal with this sweltering heat too. Turning around to view the building, Elizabeth gasped and took in what seemed to be a mansion. It was old and looked very rickety, but she was sure that it contained precious memories that she would soon restore. The lawn and garden were well taken care of, so she assumed that there house keepers around, and if she had any questions she could ask them. But of course, she was a "rebel", and didn't follow the rules or norms of society.

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Tarened smiled, biting his lip. This place truly was amazing. He kissed Hayden's cheek and spoke.

"Well let's go find out." He said, grabbing his belongings and walking towards the entrance with Hayden.

When he opened the door, the place was absolutely breath taking. His eyes were wide as if he were a child on christmas day. Was he dreaming? If he was he'd never want to wake up.


Lyrix arrived and saw two boys enter the house. She shrugged and took in the exterior of the outside. Everything was absolutely beautiful. It was the kind of house she had only seen in fairytale books that her brother would read her. She took a deep breathe and walked up the path that lead to the house, holding a backpack with a million different objects on her back, and a suitcase that rolled along on the ground. When she entered, she had stayed behind the boys, seeing they were blocking the entery way.

"Wow." Was all that escaped her mouth.
Hayden smiled and followed Taren eagerly into the building. He nodded in agreement at Taren's statement. "And they're renting it out so cheap. What a score!" He said, taking in the amazing scenery of the house. He heard someone say "Wow' behind him, and he glanced back at the girl who was standing there. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are we in your way?" He asked, nudging Taren in the ribs and pushing them both to the side so she could come in. These people were going to be their room mates, and Hayden didn't want to make a bad impression. He saw another girl standing on the path to the house, and he waved to her cheerily and motioned for her to come inside.

Looking towards the house, Elizabeth saw a dark haired male waving cheerfully at her. "That's a first." She thought, remembering back to the days of harsh judgment by her fellow classmates and so called, "friends". Slowly shuffling towards the humongous house, she felt her heart rise a bit in excitement and happiness - which she was glad for.

Finding herself at the door, Zanna saw that there was a girl and another male in the building - and possibly maybe even more. Too shy to have an introduction for herself, Elizabeth slightly waved and smiled softly. She didn't really know how to be social, since she was never put into serious social situations. The house she could now call home for a bit was intricate and vastly decorated with many old and modern decorations - she surely wasn't going to regret renting this place out, and the only thing that could spoil her good mood today were people who caused the disruption of it.

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Taren rubbed his ribs as he was pushed out of the way by Hayden. He rolled his eyes and allowed a chuckle to escape his lips. He didn't say anything, he just stayed by his side. He wasn't much of a people person at the moment. He wrapped his arm around Hayden's waist, as a way to signal that him and Hayden were together. He hopped he wasn't coming off as rude, he just didn't want people to try and get too friendly with his boyfriend.


Lyrix shakes her head and takes notice of the brown haired mae wrapping an arm around the others waist. She smiled and allowed a chuckle escape her own lips.

"Calm down, I'm not going to immeadeatly love your boyfriend. So chill out a bit. By the way you guys seem cute together." She added the last part, to make her not seem like a terrible person.

She walked all the way inside and was even more impressed by the interior design of it all. Her eyes fluttered as she ran a finger over a lovey painting. She headed towards the stairs, and slowly walked up them. She allowed her free hand to slide against the sooth railing. Once she reached the top of the stairs, her mouth was agape. This place was truly like a fairytale.

Hayden rolled his eyes, but smiled slightly anyways. "You don't have to be so protective," He teased lightly. But, he wrapped his arm around Teran's waist as well to let him know he wasn't trying to be mean. He watched the girl travel up the stairs. He turned to Teran excitedly, his eyes lighting up with glee. "We have to hurry and pick our room!" He exclaimed, his expression similar to that of a little kid in a a giant toy store. Just as he was about to take off up the stairs, he noticed the girl enter the house. He stopped and smiled at her, slipping his arm away from Teran and removing himself from Teran's arm. "Hello!" He said with gusto, approaching her and offering his hand to shake. "My name's Hayden, and that quiet guy over there is Teran," He introduced, motioning to Teran.
Elizabeth watched as the girl who had just recently been in front of her travel up the doors, and she also took notice of the two men wrapped around each other. The dark haired male she saw earlier turned to her now, and took a step forward. "Hello!" He said enthusiastically, while offering his hand to her. "My name's Hayden, and that quiet guy over there is Teran."

Smiling softly once again, Zanna took his offering. She shook his hand softly, not knowing how to react to the sudden welcoming spirit and aura this man carried. It was very nice, she thought and began to speak in a cautious voice: "My name's Zanna." She looked over at who Hayden suggested was "Teran", and smiled slightly at him - still very bashful and shy.

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Taren smiled at Hayden, until he felt him move from his grasp. He saw Hayden motion for him to follow. He gave a wave to her, mummbling a small, "Hi." To seem somewhat as welcoming as his boyfriend. He looked at the ground then, to the steps the female previously went up. He laced his fingers between Hayden's and turned to the steps.

"Let's go pick a room." He said quietly, biting on his bottom lip.


Lyrix smiled as she looked through the rooms. She decided she wouldn't need a big room, seeing she hadn't very much stuff, nor a companion. She finally picked a fair sized room, and entered it. She looked at the bed and the curtains, and the dresser that was already in there. She placed her backs down, and decided she'd put all of her clothes away then, unpack the rest of her belongings at a later time.

Hadyen looked towards the girl, wanting to converse with her more, but he decided not to argue for once and nodded in agreement with Taren. "Sure," He answered, gripping Taren's hand when he felt it wrap around his. "Guess we'll be living together," Hayden smiles at her. "I'll talk to you later, alright?" He asked, trying to make his smile as welcoming as possible. He knew it might be hard for her to open up and talk freely with Hayden. He was content to talk with her in the mean time until she felt comfortable around him. He tugged Taren up the stairs and started looking into all the rooms. "We need a semi big room, obviously," He said, biting his lip in thought. "Oh, I don't know. You pick," He said, turning back and staring at Teran expectantly.

The boy who Zanna had met named Taren pulled Hayden by the hand, obviously wanting time with him alone. "Sure," Hayden said towards something that was inaudible to Elizabeth before turning back towards her and saying: "Guess we'll be living together." He smiled, "I'll talk to you later, alright?" Zanna smiled small and nodded, lowering her head. She needed to get a room, too.

"Wow, this house is really big. I wonder how many actual rooms it has." She thought while wondering around the threshold. She wanted to stay down on the main floor for a while, to make it not seem like she was a lost puppy-dog who was following them around begging for food and guidance. After about five to ten minutes, she headed up the same flight of stairs that the couple and the woman disappeared up into and began wandering the halls. She followed that seemed to be her gut instinct and inside voice, finding a small room with two twin beds in it. Of course it had a desk and drawers, but it wasn't a room where two people would comfortably sit in all day together... unless they were in love.

Taren pondered on it for a moment, before he headed to a room that was decent size for the two of them to share. It had a king sized bed, a rather large dresser, a decent sized nightstand, and a lot of extra space for the rest of their belongings.

"Is this room okay? If not, I'm sure there's a better one." He said, giving Hayden a small smile.

He looked over the room once more, and decided he liked it. But he was willing to look for a different one if that's what Hayden wanted.


Lyrix was almost finished unpacking her clothes, and decided to take a break. She laid on the bed, and took notice of the TV. She searched her room for the remote, once she found it she laid back on the bed. She turned the TV on and scanned trhough the channels. She gasped when she stumbled upon Doctor Who. She turned the volume up, just a bit more. She was so content sitting there and watching the show.


Deven finally arrived at the vintage, old looking mansion and slowly got out the car, unsure if this is where he was suppose to be. He shrugged and turned his car off, popping the trunk and gathering the few bags that he packed. He shut the trunk and began walking towards the entrance and seeing some faint shadows inside the house. "Better be some cute girls here.." He stated and walked inside, taking a good look around, astounded. Deven began looking through the rooms, seeing there were some people already here. He groaned quietly and kept looking for a room. Deven smirked as he found a big room, quickly moving in and jumping onto the bed in exhaustion. "Ugh, finally."
"It's perfect!" Hayden exclaimed, pecking Taren on the cheek. He set his suitcase down on the large bad, and he rested his guitar on top of the dresser. He approached Taren and enveloped him in a big hug. "Things are gonna be good. I can feel it," He says. He was about to say something else when he heard the heavy wooden front door open. "Sounds like someone else just got here. Wanna go say hi?" He asked excitedly.

Deven took no time to unpack his stuff, curiosity taking over as he jumped out the bed and wondering downstairs. He ran his fingers through his hair, walking into the wide kitchen and looking through the fridge. "Perfect," He smiled and grabbed a beer from the drawer, popping the cap off and taking a sip. Deven's face scrunched up in disgust. "Ewe, what the fuck!" He placed the bottle down on the counter and looked down at it. "Actually, doesn't taste that bad." He grabbed the bottle and took another sip, taking his sweet time to go back to his room.

Taren hugged Hayden back then, sighed.

"Sure." He said, letting go of Hayden.

He weaved his fingers between Hyaden's waiting for his boyfriend to leave first. He wasn't one for immeadiatly talking to people. He'd talk to everyone fine soon, but he wasn't ready just yet. He looked over at Hayden, giving him a quick kiss to give himself some courage.


Lyrix paused her show and exited her room. She ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. She stood there, admiring the design of it. She walked over to the pantry, letting her eyes scan over the items.

"Popcorn, popcorn... Ugh where is it?" She smiled when she saw the popcorn.

She grabbed it off one of the shelves and shut the pantry door. She made her way to the microwave and placed the bag of popcorn in it, and smiled at the familiar poping sound.


Sitting on the floor, Zanna began to unpack. One by one she took out pieces of her belongings - many bringing her memories. Some were good, and some were bad, but all in all they made her feel more at home. Though she hated to admit it, she missed her Aunt Molly. She was always there nagging at Elizabeth about something, and now it was just the still silence of the old, rickety building. "I guess you don't know what you have til' it's gone." She came to the conclusion, and unzipped another compartment in her bag to continue the unpacking process.

When she was done, she found that she had transformed the dull, boring, blue room into a sweet tinier version of hers - except for the blue of course. It was odd, but the bright baby blue made her feel more welcomed and settled in, the only thing was that she hated the color blue. Sitting on her bed now, Zanna checked her phone for any messages, and found none. She wondered out loud if she would ever have a roommate in this house of new adventures and exciting possibilities.

Julia rolled up to the house on her motorcycle, dressed in skinny jeans and a zipped up leather jacket. After leaving her home, she had dressed up a little tougher than she usually did to give her confidence a boost. As she got up and took off her helmet, her blonde straight hair tumbled down her back as she inspected the front of the house. It was old, rickety, but cheap. Plus the neighborhood wasn't that bad and there were other people renting it out as well. She was looking forward to having a room mate for once, too. As an only child, she never got the companionship she needed at home. "Unbelievable," she muttered, getting her two bags of stuff from the back of motorcycle in the luggage area. She lifted one on her right shoulder and held the other one in her left hand, as well as clutching her helmet in her right hand.

She walked in, already hearing voices inside. She began to go in the direction of the rooms when she dropped her helmet, wincing at he resounding thump it made as it hit the ground and rolled a little from where she was standing. She nudged the door closed with her foot and gave a weary look at the rolling helmet. It would take some effort to put down her bags to pick up the helmet since they were too heavy for her to pick it up with them in her arms.

@anyone can come in and help her
Hayden heard a sound resonant from somewhere down the hall. "C'mon," He said, tugging Teran along. He walked down the hall and picked up a rolling motorcycle helmet. "Here you go," He said with a smile, offering the helmet to the girl he assumed it belonged to.
Taren sighed, as he was pulled down the stairs by Hayden. He saw the girl and tightened his grip slighty on Hayden's hand. It's not that he was being protective, he just needed a little confidence boost.

Deven took out his mini speaker from his bag and plugged in his phone, putting on some music. He jumped back onto his bed and smiled, smiling up at the ceiling. He then decided he'd put away his stuff, sitting up and grabbing a bag and throwing his clothes out onto the floor, getting up and turning theusic up louder and quietly singing along. He finished unpacking his bag and began to cram his clothes into drawers.

Once Lyrix's popcorn was done in the microwave, she took it out and heard music upstairs. She walked to the stairs, and couldn't help, but to run up the stairs. Once she made it to the top , she slowly crept around the hall until she found the room that belonged to the music. She slowly opened the door, hoping to not be noticed. She rolled her eyes as she saw only one person in such a big room. She opened her mouth to speak.

"Shouldn't you save a room this size for someone who'll actually need this space?" She questioned, hoping not to come off as rude.

She stood in the doorway, waiting for a reply from the male.

Hayden heard music playing in a room somewhere else in the house. He said goodbye to the girl and tugged Taren upstairs. He saw the girl they had met earlier already standing in the doorway. "Hey," He said to her happily. "I don't think I ever caught your name?" He asked her cheerily. He peeked inside the room and waved excitedly to the male laying inside the room. He was eager to make friends and he wanted to get to know everyone they were going to be living with.

Sitting in a car for more than 5 hours was a pain in the ass, but once Marcus pulled up in front of the house in his 1969 Camaro, all the anger and irritation left his body. He'd been staring at it with his mouth dropped open and after a while he came back to reality, closing his mouth and shaking his head for good measure, he finally gets out of the car to walk towards the house. The thought of living with people makes him feel kind of happy, living alone doesn't sound great and hopefully he'll make friends with them. Hopefully we was dressed right so he could make a good first impression, he was wearing tight dark blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and some black work boots.

Marcus walks into the giant house with a big smile on his face, it looked amazing on the inside, his whole house could fit in this monster four times. Music started playing upstairs all of a sudden and shocked him, making him jump a little. He clear his throat and looks around awkwardly, he hopes no one saw that. The smell of popcorn hits his nose and his stomach rumbles, making him realize how hungry he really was, but there was no time for that because he needed to pick a room before all the good ones were gone.

After collecting his bags of clothes, art supplies and a few belongings, the man walked upstairs to find a room. Marcus must have looked ridiculous carrying all this stuff but he was not making two trips. For goodness sake, how many rooms does this place have? After looking through three he gives up and just picks the fourth one. Luckily enough, it was huge and there was a giant window letting the sun in. He dumped everything on the floor and eyed the giant bed in the middle of the room, "Oh, yeah." He says before diving onto the bed and burying his face in the pillows, sighing happily.
Deven turned his attention to the girl in the doorway, smirking. He turned off his music and turned to look at her. "I need the space." He ran a hand through his hair and began unpacking again, throwing his stuff down on the floor. "Now if you don't mind, which I know you don't, get out of my room." Deven turned his music back on and crammed the rest of his clothes in another drawer.

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