Live your dream [Inactive]

"Classified." Was all he said. Sebastian shifted his legs slightly so he was on his side. Despite his being tight lipped, a beautifully eccentric accent could be detected if you listened close enough.

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She rolled her eyes wondering why he had to keep quiet about where he was from. She took the napkin from Grace, "Thank you, Grace. By the way, you're the 4th person here. You can still claim a room for yourself but I get dibs on a room with a view of the ocean." Rikki stood up, "Well, it's getting boring here. Does anyone want to go do something? Fun crazy? Oh, oh! does anyone have a dare for me?!" Her eyes lit up like a child who was just given a few dollars to spend on whatever they want.
I'm more of a small room person anyway. She decides she'll just pick a room later. Grace sits on the ground with her knees pulled up to her chest. Observing the other two.
Emily Kim

House, Livingroom/Front door

After Emily had entered the house she firsty ignored that dark-haired guy sitting on the couch and decided to inspect her new home. There will be enough time to get to know my housemates later. She chose one of the smaller rooms with a nice view directly next to the bathroom. After checking the bathroom and putting down her bags she left the upper floor and went back to the couch where she recognized three of her new housemates. "Hey," she greeted them with a polite smile in her face which faded a bit when she looked at the guy who was now laying on the couch as if he thought of being a casanova. She knew that type of people and was not sure if she would get along with him.
Sebastian raised a quizzical eyebrow at the girl who spoke."There a problem?" He asked, side of his mouth turning up slightly.

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Emily looked at Sebastian folding her arms. "Nah! Everything ok." She gave him a short nod before she turned around her head and looked at the girl sitting on the floor. She looked pretty shy. "So .. What are your names?"

Her Room

Rikki took a moment to sulk in the fact that no one had answered her before. She stood up a little straighter and spat out her name, "Rikki." She grabs her stuff and walks off to claim her room with the view of the ocean. She looked around the room. The room was painted blue and the bed sheets matched it. A guitar sat beside the nightstand on the left. She opened the closet to find just about every type of "board" you could imagine in it. Rikki's eyes lit up again. She started unpacking her clothes and putting them on hangers in the closet. She left her bikini out and quickly finished unpacking to put it on. She looked at herself in the mirror; she thought her stomach bulged out a little due to all the insults that have been thrown at her during the summer time back home. Rikki took a surfboard and a towel. She almost wrapped the towel around her but she decided against it; the others didn't have to know that she was a tiny bit insecure about her body. Rikki jogged back downstairs with a better attitude, "I'm about to go hit some waves, anyone wanna join me?"
"Sebastian,"He said for what seemed like the hundredth time. He followed Rikki upstairs and chose his room. It was the one at the end of the hall that included a balcony and his own personal bathroom. He liked the simplicity of the room; the walls were white, the carpet black and the bed was in black sheets and had a few white and red pillows placed at the top. In front of the bed was a flat screen T.V and in one side of the room there was a fully stocked mini bar. He gave the first genuine smile he's had since entering this house. He threw his bags down on the bed and walked out onto the balcony. The sight wasn't much but the fresh air was welcome; there was a round glass table and a few black chairs surrounding it," Party in my bedroom,"He muttered. Sebastian walked back in and closed the sliding door, heading for the bathroom which followed the color scheme with impeccable white walls and black tiles, a black granite jacuzzi type tub sat in a corner and a walk in shower stood at the other end. He walked out and retrieved his simple black swim trunks and changed. A full length mirror was on the front of the bathroom door; he stared at his reflection, having a bittersweet moment. His body was that of a model, toned muscles and his sunkissed complexion a killer combo. However there were tiny scars all over his back that looked an awful lot like scratches. Sebastian glared at his reflection, jaw clenched and hands shaking. He gathered his composure and headed back downstairs after getting a towel.

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"I assume that you're going surfing with me?" Rikki looked at Sebastian holding the towel. She took down her braids and ran her hand through her hair to get the knots out. "Either way, I'm out." Rikki pivoted around and walked out the door with the surfboard. She took a big wif of air before breaking into a run for the beach.
"Might as well,"He said. Sebastian followed behind her, his feet sinking in the warm sand as he neared the water.

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(Thanks I didn't know this started! I'm working on reading and responding right now! Also if the accented e is a problem I can change it.)

Name: Adèle

Location: Front door of the house.

Adèle grabbed the key in her pocket and opened the door. "Hej!" She said waving her hand, mostly talking to the house. She set her suitcase down and walked into the kitchen.
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Grace looked up at the girl "I'm Gr-Grace," She managed. Grace decided that now was probably a good time to find a room. She uncurled herself and got up, taking her suitcase with her. Once she reached the 2nd floor, she looked all of the rooms, they all varied in size. She finally settled on what could possibly be the smallest room in the house. It was a very simple room, white walls, a small twin bed with blue sheets in the corner by the window, a desk and a vanity. There was also a small door for a closet. There was a small view of the ocean. The room was simple, just like Grace was.

She drops her suitcase on the bed and opens it, the first thing she sees is her ukulele and a stack of books. As she begins to unpack, she starts to hum an old church song. It was her younger sister's Alice's favorite song. After a while she began to add words, singing quietly to herself as she stacked some books in the corner of her room.


Chase sighed as he scratched and rubbed his neck a little while looking out of the jet's window and down where the ground was where he could see patches of green grass and little tiny houses from where he was.He turned around once he was tapped on the shoulder by a nice lady smiling at him with a plate of snacks and a drink"Would you like some snacks sir?"she asked him.Chase nodded,he couldn't resisted snacks!He took a bag of chips and a drink"Thank you."he told her."No problem sir.Enjoy the rest of you ride."she told him before walking back to the front of the jet.Chase opened the bag of chips,nearly popping them all out and spilling them all over the place,and popped a chip into his mouth crunching down on it and smiling at it's taste.Doritos were always Chase's favorite chips but,he always seemed to have a surprising face once he took the first crunch.He wiggled in he cushioned leather chair a little and wondered how it was going to be at this new house and how the people would be,He knew for sure it would be different from England.he didn't even know what money they used yet!All he knew was that it was some paper with green on it and just that made him not want to need money any time soon.After finishing his drink and snack,Chase began to drift off into a nap so that he could get a little rest before the plane actually landed and it was time to get off.He smiled a little at the song that was playing through his mobile device and continued to dose off.


Chase wiggled his eyebrows a bit as he was now in a semi deep sleep with his head pressed against the wall of the plane.His arm was propped up on one arm of the chair while the other one just rested on his lap in a comfortable way.There was little bumps and everything before he felt the plane stop and a lady come and tap him on the shoulder again."
We're here.Welcome to California."she said with a smile as she handed him a brochure of California.Chase shook his hair a bit so it would fall back in place then nodded and took the paper from her"I heard it was really hot here.Is that true?"he asked her."Ah yes,California is hot mostly all the time Sir. Defiantly not like England."she told him.Chase nodded and looked out the window one more time before standing up"All of your luggage has been shipped down to where it needs to be.Have a safe trip."she told him."Ah thanks.I hope I will haha."he told her before grabbing his backpack and slipping it on them walking off of the jet."Woah..change in temperature for sure.."he said as he shielded his eyes from the sun before putting his shades on.He took in the hot sticky air before walking off of the ramp and into the building then down to a car that was waiting for him "Enjoy your stay here sir."a man said to him with a pleasing smile"Thank you.You keep up the good work mate."he told him returning the smile and getting into his car.After a three hour drive,Chase had arrived at the big place and parked his car where he saw the other ones parked.He got out and while closing the door he looked up at it"Well it's certainly big.."he said to himself before walking up to it and hearing the voice come on.He blinked a little and was a bit startled but,shook it off and took out his key to the house then unlocked it and went inside.Once inside he saw that there were a few people here already and with a warm smile he waved at them looking around a bit to get use to his surroundings.He was thinking that maybe he would some how like it here...maybe. 

Getting ready/Arriving.

Ren shifted from one side of his room to the other with his mother in the background telling him to hurry up"Ok mom!I'm almost finish..I think.."the last part was a bit quieter than the other half because he didn't want his mother to know he was still trying to find stuff but,hey,he was gonna be gone for a month.He should be packing his whole bed room!Ren sighed and pushed his hair behind his ear before plopping down on his luggage and closing them while he sat on top of them all.He could hear his mother's footsteps coming closer to his bed room and in a matter of seconds she was in the doorway. Ren looked up at her and smiled"Finished mom..."he told her"Good then.Lets get going."she said to him before turning around and going back downstairs to start the car up.Ren puffed out a sigh of relief and jumped off of his suitcases then tugged them off of his bed and out into the hallway"Now I regret packing so much...ergh."he said to himself before pulling them all downstairs and out beside the car and with one big huff he lifted them into the car one by one then shut the back door closed and got into the passengers side of the car."Everything alright then?Let's go."he mom said with a smile and drove down to where Ren would be staying for a month. Ren smiled at his mother and chuckled a bit at her excitement even though she would be in tears once she saw him going away.As soon as they arrived their,his mother started asking tons of questions"Mom I'll be fine.Don't worry about me and I'll text or/and call you later.I love you mom."he said to her and hugged her tightly then gave her a kiss before walking up to the front door and watching her drive away.He sighed to himself and unlocked the door then went inside.He flipped his hair to the side a little and looked at the few people that were in the front not really wanting to say anything at all.Instead he went upstairs with his things and found a perfect room that looked like it was empty and set his things down beside his bed and began to unpack.
Grace kept hearing knocking and then people coming in. That must mean more people are here she thinks to herself as she places her mahogany colored ukulele on it's stand. Being the curious girl she is, she decides to see for herself. She quietly creeps down the hallway until she sees the stairway. Once she reaches the end of the stairs, she stands there not quite sure what to do.
Adéle grabbed her suitcase and pulled it behind her. Better claim a room before they're all gone. She turned around and pulled her suitcase up the stairs struggling to get it up. She brushed her hair behind her ears and ripped the suitcase hard up. She stepped back and stepped on the floor and fell on top of the floor with a thud. She let out a little scream before falling on her butt, flustered. She brushed herself off and stood up in the middle of the hall
Grace heard a small scream escape someone's lips. She turned around and stared up the stairs until deciding she should go investigate. Once she reached the top, she saw a blond girl. "A-are you ok-okay?" Grace stutters.
Adéle blushed and nodded. "I'm fine." She said brushing her hair behind her ear. "Do you know how many people are here already?" she asked studying the girl.
Grace tries to remember everyone. So there was Sebastian and Rikki. Then she heard the door open maybe two or three more times and there was this girl. "I-I would s-say about si-six peop-people, not cou-counting m-myself." She answers.
Emily Kim

Upper floor, hallway

When her housemates left the couch and went upstairs to claim their rooms Emily sat down on the couch bored and started to gnaw on an apple she found in a fruit bowl. "Everybody seems to busy," she sighed and looked around the room her toes playing with the ends of the carpet. As she did not really know how to start the day she rose and headed for the sleeping rooms hoping to find somebody. She had seen a lot of people going upstairs, sadly they did not recognize her. Absorbed in thoughts she firstly did not registered the two girls standing in the middle of the hallway and accidently ran into one of the girls. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry," she bowed apologetically and gave them a crooked smile. She identified one of the girls to be "Grace", the other one - the girl she bumped into- she did not really know.
"O-Oh, no it-it's fi-fine." Grace responded. Her hands immediatley found themselves and she began to pick at her nails. Her stupid little habit that she never seemed to get rid of, just like her constant stuttering. Everyone seemed to think that it was a birth defect.
Emily noticed Grace getting nervous and smiled at her gently. "So what are you guys going to do at this wonderful day?"
Adéle pushed herself off the ground. "Trevligt att träffas! Or nice to meet you, I'm Adéle." She said putting her hand out to the girl.

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