Live your dream [Inactive]

Sebastian had spent the last hour or so taking the beach by storm, attracting attention from men and woman alike , all of it welcomed. By the time he got back to the house he had a dull aching empty feeling inside that had became comforting in a way. He opened the door and slammed it shut, a permanent scowl on his face." More people? Great." He said bitterly. His wet hair looked black as he slicked it back, his towel thrown over his shoulder and his dripping trunks hanging seductively from his hips.

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He headed upstairs and glared down the hall at the girls blocking his way. He approached them, cold smirk on his face."Heh, now its a party in the hallway." He said bitterly."How many others showed up?"

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"Ma-maybe t-two or thr-three." Grace answers, pulling the sleeves of her sweater over her hands. She looks down at her sneakers.
Sebastian couldn't help but smirk,"Still stammering, huh? Is that an actual speech impediment or are you just that shy?"

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"J-Just tha-that sh-shy." She doesn't move her eyes away from her sneakers, it almost seemed as she was so intrigued by her dirty sneakers. Yet it was another one of Grace's nervous habits, not making eye contact with anyone.
He tilted her face up, just like earlier and captured her eyes in his fathomless dark brown eyes."Shy? How cute. You're knowingly living a life of regret." He said, releasing her and sauntering past them to his room.

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Rikki had spent some time on the balcony of her room playing around with the guitar. She tried to remember some of the songs she taught herself over the years. Nothing came to her right away. It's been at least two years since she last picked up her guitar. Rikki stop playing for a moment to think about how her father told her that only poor people that can't take care of themselves play guitar as a hobby. The thought of her father taking the guitar and throwing it out the window made her shiver. Rikki shook her head and started playing Secrets by One Republic, she sang quietly along to her playing. (OMG I totally forgot about this roleplay. 0.0)
When Sebastion showed up at the hallway Emily decided to stay quite. She did not like that guy's aura. He started to speak with that shy girl named Grace, but Emily did not really know if he was about to flirt with her or to tease her. "Hey ya, her shyness got nothing to do with you, okey?!," she shouted angrily and crossed her arms when he moved away. At little bit quiter she mumbled "At least you are the one with a regretful life."
He paused, his hand hovering over the door knob. Jaw tense and fury raging in his eyes, he turned sharply and quickly made his way back over to the two. He pushed the girl, Emily he thought her name was, against the wall and caged her in with his body." Was I talking to you? I think not. If Grace here has something to say about how I speak to her or if she even has an opinion about me, she can tell me her self. She doesn't need some uppity chick who can't even stand up properly to someone she obviously has a problem with to be making an attempt, a very poorly worded one at that, to shield her from people like me. That's not how society works. "He said, his voice deadly cold." Now if you would like to start a proper conversation with me, face-to-face and not face-to-back, then I'd be glad to."Sebastian pushed off from the wall and stepped back." Changed my mind. I'll just clarify everything for you, cause I can't picture myself chatting it up with you,; you obviously don't like me. I clearly don't like you as off now. So how about you keep your mouth shut and I do the same when we are around each other. "His tone left no room for argument. Sebastian appeared to be calm and only slightly miffed but still cool headed, the only sign of otherwise was his clenched fist that was shaking as he attempted to hold in his anger. He forced a cold smile and returned to his room.

As soon as he entered the dark room his fist made contact with the wall, making a good sized cracked dent in it. In the corner there was a stereo system that he'd failed to notice earlier, now he turned it on and connected his MP3 and began blasting Blood by In This Moment until he felt he couldn't hear his thoughts anymore.

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Grace looked between Emily and the closed door. She didn't quite know what to do, or say. "Y-You k-know, I do li-live a lif-life of reg-regret," Grace tells Emily quietly. She then excuses herself to go to her small, simple room. Once she got in her room, she closed the door slowly and went to sit on her bed, sighing. Grace looks over at her picture of her family, all of her siblings and her father trying to fit into one picture. It was quite a circus if you were there. She quietly chuckles to herself as she stands up and goes over to the window, looking out.
"Yaa!!," Emily wanted to say something to that dark haired guy, but sadly she did not know how to phrase her emotions. At least she sighed and let him return to his room. "Wow, this is going to be such a nice time," with her arms still crossed she left into her room and stretched out on the bed sighing. Maybe she acted too quickly. Considering that she entered the house only some hours ago, she started to feel a little bit uneasy.
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