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Lioness and Maggie

When Jake came up behind Tucker, he heard him and so his little 'boo' was no surprise to him. Sighing, Tucker turned around to face him while he introduced a friend of his, Kyle.

Nodding at Kyle, Tucker replied, "Yeah, it's a first for me." He then narrowed his eyes at Jake and added, "Someone made a mistake and now I'm paying for it as well."

Tucker also grabbed a tray, collecting his foods of choice. He then grabbed a water as well, since he isn't a big fan of sodas.

Glancing back at Tucker when he mentioned them hanging out, Tucker forced a half smile and said, "Yeah, I know."

(We can time skip. I can't really think of anything to add to their school day. ^^ ;)
Jake grinned sheepishly and scratch his head. Yeah, it was his fault. But oh well, what has been done is done. He shrugged.

They sat together. To the consternation of the guy. Poor kid, he probably never imagined being saddled with someone like him.

The day passed uneventfully after that. Even detention made him almost sleep in his seat. The idea of even more extra school hours stopped him though.

With a woop, he jumped out of his seat as the teacher ended their punishment for the day. He gathered his things and placed it inside his bag.

He then cornered Tucker and dragged him towards the bus stop with a hold on his arm.
Tucker had just put his backpack on when Jake cornered him and dragged him to the bus stop. Yanking his arm out of Jake's grip, Tucker said, "Um, I can walk on my own, you know." He then followed after Jake to the bus stop.

Once there, Tucker let out a small sigh as he sat down on the bench. He hardly ever hung out with anyone and wasn't too keen on the fact that he finally was hanging out with someone and it was someone who had gotten him in trouble.

Glancing over at Jake, Tucker asked him, "So, what are we going to do at your place?"
Jake sat beside Tucker on the bench. The bus was about to arrive in five minutes. "Oh no, we're not going to my house. I think that's too early for us, even for a guy like me," he teased him, wiggling his eyebrows comically.

He could see the bus's outline from a distance. He took hold of his bag, ready to jump on the bus once it opens its door. He glanced at Tucker. "Instead, I'm going to feed you today. My treat. And we're going to whack some balls," he said, referring to batting cage found at the back of his favorite dive bar. He had once worked there and became friends with the owner so the guy lets him in sometimes.
Blinking and then blushing at Jake's comment about his house, Tucker glanced away and muttered, "Yeah, whatever."

Hearing the mention of food cheered Tucker up, but he knew he was no good in sports. Glancing sideways at Jake, Tucker said, "I'm not that great in sports, really. Though, food sounds great." This said, he stood up and waited, also taking note of the approaching bus.

Tucker was a musician at heart and sports were never anything he excelled at. Hand to eye coordination just wasn't something he was very good at. With music, Tucker always felt at ease and could perform with no problems. Well, almost no problems. He had terrible stage fright though, and would clam up or freeze when asked to do anything in front of someone.
The bus choose to arrive at that moment, the smell of rubber permeated the air as it skidded to a stop and its door slid open with its familiar sounds. He hopped on and waited for Tucker to do the same. Choosing to sit just a few seats behind the driver, he placed his back on the floor and sat down.

"It's okay, I'll teach you. Maybe you'll even be good at it, who knows. Aaaand if that's not your thing, I think there's a karaoke there as well. Or we can get ourselves drunk." he suggested, thinking that maybe it was too early for a drink. Though he feels like he'd become friends with the guy, he doesn't know him at all. Maybe Tucker was a planted spy by the principal who will tattle when he does anything illegal, which will get him expelled. He shook his head at his paranoid thoughts.
Tucker joined Jake's side on the bus and then frowned at his suggestions. One, Tucker really, really wasn't good at sports. Two, he had stage fright so there was no way he was singing in front of anyone. Finally, drinking, really? That was illegal for them since they weren't of age!

Tucker let out a small sigh and then said, "I'm really not that great at sports and isn't drinking illegal for us at our ages? Also, there's no way I'm singing in front of anyone. I'd rather not make a fool of myself today." Or any day for that matter.
Jake shrugged and patted Tucker's shoulder. Now he felt bad about letting suggesting the drinking. It was 2 years ago when his friends introduced him to drinking. It started as a dare and now, it felt like just part of life, like chatting at parties. Then he took a job a year ago at the local dive bar. With his height, he had no trouble making people believe that he can legally drink and serve alcohol. But then, someone from his school saw him and reported him. That was his first expulsion.

"Hey, if you don't want do the karaoke thing, no worries. And forget about what I said about drinking. With your looks, they won't give you one anyway," his eyes crinkled with his grin. "But I insist on teaching you how to whack balls. It's easy, just imagine someone's head as the ball and soon you'll find it fun."
Tucker rolled his eyes at Jake and shrugged his hand off of his shoulder. Did this guy ever stop annoying him? Or doing the wrong thing for that matter.

Hearing what Jake said, Tucker cringed slightly at the idea of doing anything sports-related. This was going to end poorly. Upon hearing Jake's attempt at advice, Tucker frowned at him and retorted, "How would that help me find a sport to be desirable? I hate violence." Seriously, what was wrong with this guy? Better yet, why had Tucker agreed to join him? Letting out a small sigh, Tucker wondered how it was that he always managed to make such poor decisions in his life.
His bros's furrowed, he slid a look at Tucker. "You mean, you never disliked anyone enough to play baseball with their heads? I have."

The sights started getting familiar and Jake realized that they were near their destination. He signalled for the bus to stop and retrieved his bag from the floor. "Come on, we're here." He went to the door and went down the bus. Before them was a little run down building, exuding an old school vibe. The bar was located on a corner, barely noticeable except for the neon lights declaring that they're open and that they're the "Crow Bar".
Tucker shook his head at Jake's question, wondering what someone could do to him to drive him to feel so strongly like that towards someone.

Joining Jake's side and exiting the bus, Tucker looked over the building and almost cringed at the idea that he was going to a bar. His mom would kill him if she ever found out. Especially, if she knew who he'd gone with. The guy who got him into trouble in the first place and made him go to detention for the first time in his life.
Jake ushered him towards the door with a hand on his back. The inside was dimly lit, but the front bar was illuminated well enough to see that the bartender was just polishing glasses and that there were only two customers at this time. He raised his hand and waved at his old friend.

"Hey, George, long time no see." The guy glanced up and smiled. Jake went towards him and sat down on a stool. He motioned for Tucker to come sit beside him.

"What do you want to eat? They serve some seriously awesome hot wings here. By the way, George, we're underage so don't think of anything illegal, okay?"

(OOC: sleeping in a few minutes ^^)
Tucker was a bit surprised when Jake suddenly pushed him into the bar. Blinking in the dimly lit settings, Tucker's eyes soon adjusted and he wondered yet again why he was here.

Listening to Jake's greeting to the bartender, Tucker instantly realized that he had to be a regular for the two to give such greetings to one another. Tucker grimaced at this, but decided against voicing his opinion. This was definitely not his scene though.

Hearing Jake's question, Tucker paused a moment to think about it and then frowned when he heard Jake's side comment. The fact that he had to mention it was not a good one. Sighing, Tucker replied, "I'm not much of one for spicy foods...or barbecue. What else do they have here?"
Jake tapped his chin in thought. His eyes roamed the bar, thinking of the food being served when he still worked here. Maybe, the food here is not to Tucker's taste. They mostly serve greasy, unhealthy foods.

"Hmm...I think they have fries, burgers, nachos...." And then he tapped the table as he remembered something, his eyes widening. "Or would you prefer something sweet?" He could feel George's gaze at him which he promptly ignored.
Tucker was about to respond with wanting a burger and fries, but stopped when Jake asked him a question. Narrowing his eyes at Jake suspiciously, Tucker said slowly, "What do you mean...something sweet?"

Tucker normally didn't have trust issues with anyone, but Jake a was a whole new story and he could see George out of the corner of his eye, eyeing Jake from behind the bar, which doubly added to his lack of trust towards Jake.
Jake grinned sheepishly, ruffling his hair to cover his embarrassment. He let his long hair cover his face, to hide his blush. He even covered his mouth in good measure. Murmuring against it, "Nothing...well, if you like cake or stuff, I think the bar has some."

George chuckled and answered for the guy. "Nothing to get worried about. I...I love sweet things. And I think, Jake here means to rob me of my slice of cake kept in my personal refrigerator if you want some," emphasizing the word personal and giving Jake an evil eye.
Tucker, completely oblivious to the underlying meaning to all of this, frowned slightly and then asked Jake and George, "I mean, I don't normally eat cake...but why would a bar have cake anyways?" He was completely confused as to why Jake seemed to be hiding his facial expression and George was eyeing Jake in such a manner.

Tucker then inwardly groaned as he wondered if this was some kind of inside joke between the two. Great, that was just perfect. He was caught between the two joking together and was going to be left completely lost in the sauce on the joke.
Jake cleared his throat, trying to overcome his unbecoming shame. "It was nothing, really. It's just..." he paused, having difficulty continuing his confession. "If you wanted to eat cake, I will shamelessly force George to give up his cake, which was for his own personal consumption." he spat out the words with amazing speed, hoping Tucker wouldn't understand it and let it go.

"Anyway, what do you want to eat then?" The other customer ordered a bacon burger and was currently enjoying it with gusto. His stomach growled, protesting against starvation.
Tucker blinked at Jake, completely bewildered by the cake subject. He could tell there was some other meaning to it with how fast Jake had ended the subject, but he had no idea what.

Unsure of whether or not he wanted to understand, Tucker muttered, "I'll have a burger and fries..."

Tucker didn't particularly enjoy being left out of whatever George and Jake were talking about, but Jake didn't seem to want to talk about it anymore so Tucker didn't bother asking any questions.
"Hey, George, did you hear that? Burger and fries for Tucker here. And give me a plate of that greasy, unhealthy looking bacon burger. It smells divine." he called at the man.

He then swiveled on his chair and is now directly facing his companion.

"Tucker, ever had a girlfriend?" he suddenly blurted out, trying to fill in the silence. And when the words left his mouth, he suddenly wanted to scotch tape his lips. Of all the questions, and he just had to go there.
Tucker glanced around the bar while Jake put in his order, taking in the sight of the place. It didn't look too shabby, but Tucker still felt a bit uneasy being here of all places.

Hearing Jake's question, Tucker blanched and stammered, "W-What?" He was completely surprised by such a question and wondered why on earth Jake had decided to ask such a question out of the blue.

Regaining his composure, Tucker muttered his reply, "No, I've never had one." Minor details that he had no interest in girls....
"Really..." he said in a disbelieving tone. Guys with Tucker's looks would have no difficulty getting one, so Jake thought that the guy got to be kidding him. But as he stared at the guy longer, he noticed no trace of deceit or jesting on his face. His eyebrows raised. "Really? Seriously? Are the girls around you that ugly?"
Tucker nervously chuckled at that and then shook his head in response. "N-No, that's not the problem..." He really hoped Jake would just drop the conversation already. Shifting his gaze again, Tucker wondered if the food would arrive soon.
Tucker drummed his fingers in consternation as he looked puzzled. The guy beside him is a mystery with his answer and the unease that he displays. "Let me guess...you are in love with someone who is out of your reach and you have promised to love her and only her?" he offered, being nosy about it. From the corner of his eye, he saw George moving towards them with their piping hot food.
Tucker rolled his eyes at this, "Hardly." He frowned at Jake, wondering why he cared so much about his love interests. It seemed to be their main topic quite often. Quickly looking away and at George who bought their food, Tucker felt himself blushing slightly at the idea that Jake might have feelings for him. This was an absurd idea considering how short of a time the two had been together, but Tucker already found Jake to be at least physically appealing. His personality was a bit lacking though, especially his moral compass.

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