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Realistic or Modern 𝕃𝕀𝕄𝔼𝕃𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋

drama kid.

ember clairmont.



the party




“I’m deeply sorry for my actions.”

Ember’s pained voice echoed through her phone speaker as she watched her and Viva’s apology video yet again. She had it memorized now, as if living through it the first time wasn’t bad enough. The blonde’s stature was rigid as she sat next to the other girl on a sofa, too close together for either of their comfort in the moment. At the 01:51 mark, Ember’s pale eyes shifted to something off-camera—her mother mouthing the words off-camera of an apology she’d written for her.

Iris had lots of experience in pretending to be sorry for her mistakes.

The video had garnered quite a bit of attention, more than Ember cared for, yet she couldn’t stop herself from coming back once every few hours to scroll through the comments.

‘I don’t believe her. She doesn’t look sorry.’

‘I thought she was an actress?? This is the worst performance I’ve ever seen…’

With a frustrated groan, Ember tossed her phone aside.

Her life was so over.

The only reason Ember was being allowed out of the house for this party at all was because, technically-speaking, it was a family affair, and any Clairmont knew that skipping those were a criminal offense. Ember couldn’t say she always agreed with that sentiment, but tonight, she was grateful for the mindset. She’d grown weary of trudging through the daily routine that had become her exasperating lifestyle since the gala: wake up, go to school, come home—broken up only by meals and sleep. Every day was the same, from start to finish, and if not for tonight, Ember was sure she would’ve finally reached a breaking point, boredom and madness consuming her whole until she was nothing but a pile of tired, dusty bones.

Her own house was two doors down her cousins’—a decision Ember had never quite been able to understand, as she couldn’t wait for the day she could separate herself from her twin, but without a license or a car to her name, the convenience of proximity wasn’t lost on her now as she made the short walk.

Ember was as fashionably late as ever despite lack of distance being in her favor. The party was in full-swing, music blasting through the door each time it swung free from its place to let a drunken straggler out to join the few others that had already made a home for themselves on the lawn. Whether they were waiting for rides or simply in need of fresh air was unclear, but the blonde didn’t bother stopping to ask as she stomped by. Among the intoxicated teens, a few crumpled cups littered the yard as well, and Ember had to step over a crushed can on her way inside.

“God, this place is a mess,” she muttered disapprovingly.

Ember had been to the Caplan-Clairmont residence more times than she could count; she had no trouble finding her way around, even with the addition of people so adamantly blocking her way and one too many Halloween decorations.

“Hello? I said ‘move’!” The blonde shooed away the boy dressed in a badly-sewn Deadpool costume that’d been clinging to the refrigerator door like a lifeline. “If you’re gonna puke,” she called over her shoulder as she watched him stagger away, “do it outside!”

Ember wrenched open the fridge door, taking stock of her options. She finally settled on a strawberry Fanta—she couldn’t risk drinking tonight; she was already on the outskirts of her parents’ good graces, and she couldn’t bear the thought of being banished further. The blonde straightened, allowing the door to fall shut, and poised to take a sip, but she paused at the sight of a familiar face having suddenly materialized in the space the refrigerator door had been only moments prior.

“What do you want, Sharkboy?” Ember lowered the can with a scowl. “I mean, I know the pink is misleading and all, but if you’re looking for someone to be your Lavagirl, keep moving. Don’t you have some other poor, helpless girl to bother?” The blonde snapped the fingers of her free hand, as if coming to a sudden revelation. “You should go find my sister—if you squint your eyes, we look exactly alike, and you can pretend it’s me when she tells you to fuck off.” Ember’s faux smile dropped as she moved to shove past Mateo.

Of course, the blonde knew her cruel words would have little effect on Sharkie—they never seemed to. His incessant pestering was only ever met with insults, yet he kept coming back for more.


Rowan Eloise Kay
costume designer/writer
Halloween was awesome! That was the sentiment that Rowan had for the festivity. She loved the spooky vibes and seeing everyone dressed up and the amount of candy someone could gather in just one night. Although if she was being honest, she could say she loved the other festivities as much as she loved Halloween. After all, each of one of them had something magical about them.

But tonight wasn’t the day to think about Christmas or New Year’s Eve. It was meant to be as eerie as someone could be; although she wasn’t sure she was giving that vibe, Sherlock Holmes wasn’t exactly as frightening as someone would consider appropriate for Halloween, but she was proud of it. She was taking her role as a detective pretty seriously that night. After all, she had spent days sewing and designing the costume. The least she could do was to wear it as if it was a badge of honor.

And well, the Clairmont party was exactly the best place to do it, so this is how the super-rich people lived? It was amazing, but at the same time, it made the girl feel terrified that with any wrong step, she would end up bumping into something that would probably cost more than she could ever imagine; and would have a debt that she would only be able to pay if she combined all the money she would earn this life and the next two together. Because Rowan definitely wanted to work with The Channel Clairmont in a movie and make all her costumes and probably win an award for it; but it was something completely different when you said she worked for The Channel Clairmont because she broke a vase in a Halloween Party.

But while she tried her best to avoid any incidents that involved the Clairmont furniture and decoration, she couldn’t avoid bumping into someone. It only took a brief moment for Rowan to notice the silver body paint, which if the person hadn’t screamed they weren’t Silver Surfer, she would have thought the same.
“Hi Everette! And thanks, you are in the presence of a Rowan Original and made everything from scratch by myself, so I am proud of it!”
She said excitedly.

“So how’s it going? Are you having fun? Oh wait, let me guess your costume... Is it from The Amaranth Project?”
Rowan added, hoping that she would be right and that the comic book that she read while she was waiting to buy her Sherlock Holmes book was accurate to the costume she was wearing otherwise it would be so embarrassing.
mood:Halloween is the best!
outfit: here
location: party
interactions: KingofAesir KingofAesir
girl in red - we fell in love in october

coded by Stardust Galaxy

upcoming rockstar.

Lyrica Jericho-Moore.



halloween partay!




Theo was right. Lyrica was impossible to coach. She was a force of nature, pieced together from the genes of Livanna Moore and Axel Jericho, both carrying an extreme case of stubbornness that would last until the end of time. The lollipop slipped out of her mouth and into some oddly shaped container—was it a vase? Why did it look like that? The rich always owned things that defied reason.

She'd know, considering her family had more money than they could ever spend. It felt like her mother was investing in a new business every day; to be fair, she probably was. Boredom was an inevitable trait of being a Jericho-Moore. Their attention spans were, unfortunately, minimal.

Now, standing in the middle of the house proper, their esteemed audience barely paid attention to them. Lyrica was really just hoping to end up in the background of someone else's Insta photo. Photographic proof of love was the highest form of validation there was!

(We’re not going to talk about deepfakes or that time when Casey Clairmont was "seen" with a number of actresses who weren’t his wife.)

"I wouldn't exactly call that great material." The words caught in her throat as Theo reached out, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, and everything inside Lyrica came to a standstill. The constant stream of thoughts running through her mind—the what-ifs and the fleeting question of "I wonder if Reuben made it"—vanished. Not to mention the fact that it felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. She might not have seen Theo in... that way, but she’d never experienced this kind of physical contact with a boy before.

And oh boy, did it send a rush through her. "Um... what are you..." Her voice was barely louder than a whisper, drowned out by the party’s music—music she would’ve mocked if not for the way Theo’s green eyes were fixed on her. She didn’t need to walk further into the house to reclaim the warmth that New York in October had stolen; the heat on her cheeks was enough to chase away any lingering cold. "I mean," she shook her head, dispelling the brief haze that clouded her thoughts, the gears in her mind finally turning long enough to remember they had a show to put on. If Theo kept this up, they'd be in the spotlight in no time. "The Emmy in me thanks you; she did great on your costume too. Girl’s talented."

"Did you use the edible blood? I’m regretting using it on mine—I feel so sticky."
Lyric's hand lifted to pick at the fake gore on his forehead, her brow furrowing in playful disbelief. "Whaaaatttttttt? Dude, what’s the bullet hole made of? Playdough? It looks so real!"

She leaned closer, squinting. “Not that I know what a real bullet hole looks like in person, but let’s just say I’ve seen things on the dark side of Tumblr.”


the silent one.

zach andrews.



the party




Parties really weren't Zach's thing. He hadn't even gotten to the venue yet and already he was overwhelmed by the desire to return home and spend this Halloween night painting in the comfort of his room. The thought of being at a crowded and noisy party... and this party was at a Clairmont house. He was dating a Clairmont. It felt like walking into the lion's den, even though the adults weren't going to be around, and it was just going to be kids. At least... that was what he heard. Things could have very well changed since then which well... he was going to be anxious either way, but surprises always had a way of unnerving him a little more.

He still remembered the time he came home to a surprise once. When the confetti exploded in his face as he walked through the door, his feet stopped, and his heart nearly went with it.

Now though, the concern wasn't that his heart would stop but that it would explode. Zach had walked over to Lacey's in his halloween costume. Every time a passerby complimented him on how he looked like a young Leonardo DiCaprio, or he got teasing calls of "Romeo oh Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo!", he found himself lowering his head a little and adjusting his mask to make sure it properly covered his face. He had nearly turned back several times but it was their first Halloween together and he had agreed to dress up as a couple with Lacey so he didn't want to let her down. The walk itself wasn't long but to make it in the costume... he had been so relieved it was over that he nearly collapsed into the sofa when he reached Lacey's and it had taken a few moments before he took off his mask.

Of course, that relief had disappeared almost immediately as he waited for his girlfriend to make an appearance in her Halloween costume. Zach had felt slightly tacky when he had gotten into his outfit and even now, he still felt a little awkward, but he had no doubt Lacey would look gorgeous as Juliet. Just imagining her in that simple white dress with the wings... it was precisely why he was worried his heart wasn't going to stop but explode.

They had been together for a while now, but he still found it hard to believe she was his girlfriend sometimes. Especially now that she had made her appearance. It was like an angel had descended and was making her way over to him. His brain wasn't registering anything but the sight of her in that angelic dress with her beautiful black locks framing her face, and that warm shy smile forming on the corners of her lips. He wanted to grab his paintbrush and canvas and immortalize the moment there and then.

A deep rosy red would be the perfect shade for her lips and a forest clearing as the background with a little light peeking in from above through the leaves would complete the picture. Maybe he would add a few butterflies too or a little pool of water for her to sit by with her lips moving like they were now, as if she was singing to the forest...

Her lips were moving. She was speaking. And he hadn't caught a word of what she said. He'd been so lost in his thoughts and the sound of his heartbeat exploding in his ears that he'd just been standing there like a dumbstruck statue, staring blankly back at her.

If it was possible for his heart to beat any faster, then it was. He had to do something, but he didn't know what to do or say and explaining that he hadn't heard a word because he had been so taken by how pretty she looked was.... he didn't have the words for that, so he just nodded his head.

"You look very pretty." He mumbled, speaking so softly he wasn't sure if she had even heard him properly.

"Let's go." Zach quietly took her hand and led her to the door, keeping his steps short and in pace with Lacey as they made their way out of her the house and onto the street. He could hear the voice of his sister Inez nagging him about what a lousy compliment he had given Lacey. It certainly didn't do her justice. She was more than pretty. Still, it was almost always like this when he was with Lacey. He never really knew what to say around her and so he almost always fumbled his words. It was just so much easier to do things than it was to think of what to say. Still, as uncomfortable as words were, he had to do something. Show her how he felt, as Inez would always say. Express himself, before they reached the party (which was literally a minute's walk away) and the crowd overwhelmed him.

Without warning, Zach stopped in his tracks, just a few steps away from the door of the Caplan-Clairmont home and took a quick glance around. It didn't seem like anyone was looking their way, so he quickly and quietly leaned into Lacey and planted a quick kiss on her cheek.

"You're prettier than Juliet." He whispered, pulling back just as quickly in case anyone saw them. It wasn't that he was embarrassed or anything this time though he was starting to realise his actions could be taken that way by some. He was just shy. Years of having Inez in his ear giving him all kinds of advice led him to developing this near automatic response of hearing her nagging in his ear whenever he messed up anything or didn't do it 'right'. Sometimes he was grateful for it, other times it just gave him more anxiety. Right now it was giving him the latter but he didn't know what else to do but hope he was overthinking, and Lacey wasn't thinking too much about how short the kiss had been or how quickly he had withdrawn. He was also hoping that she actually liked the kiss but he was too nervous to look at her face right now so he just led her by the hand into her cousin's house, walking slightly in front of her this time so he wouldn't accidentally catch sight of her facial expression until his heart had calmed down a little.


spider hater.

cassie caplan-clairmont.



pre-party home


cleopatra and she ate!


Atticus(Mentioned),Obie (Mentioned), Sera

If Cassie Caplan-Clairmont was one thing, it was her mother’s daughter. She did not think she had ever felt so utterly stressed and not in control in her whole life. The sprawling mansion loomed around her, its high ceilings adorned with cobwebs and flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows on the rich, dark wood paneling. She thought she should have prepared more before diving into the hostess world. Everything was terrible; at least, in her eyes. If she had gone to somewhere less tacky than Spirit Halloween, maybe that skeleton hanging from the ceiling fan would look a lot less plasticky in the low light. The room was filled with a cacophony of gaudy decorations: fake tombstones littered the floor, and orange and purple streamers drooped from the ornate chandeliers like ghostly tendrils. Maybe if she had gone to that scary-looking place across the street from the Erewhon downtown, she would have some better-looking decorations and wouldn’t feel like pulling her hair out over plastic. But it was too late for that, and she had a lot more set up to do before people started to show up. And she had to put her parent’s memorial frame away.

Cassie swept by the living room, plucking the object off the mantle and clutching it close to her chest as she moved through the house, her footsteps echoing on the marble floor. The air was thick with the scent of spiced cider simmering in the kitchen, mingling with the faint too-clean smell of newly waxed floors. She remembered the first time she had asked what the frame was, looking up at the mantle with wide eyes and Christmas-patterned pajamas hanging slightly too long on her frame. Obie had barely been a year then and she hadn’t been tall enough to see it before. She was certain, even then, that she’d never seen her mother’s face look so conflictingly torn between two emotions as she explained, “That’s for your sibling who we had to let go so they could get you over the rainbow.” She’d lost all curiosity at her mother’s forlorn look when she heard the word rainbow, dissolving into a fit of giggles over being the rainbow baby. That had always been a sense of pride, maybe, for her. Especially as a little kid when she could sneer and hold it over her little brother’s head when he did something she didn’t like.

“This is why I’m the rainbow baby and not you.” Obie’s face was scrunched up under the kitchen light, the marker clutched in his little fist like a weapon. It might as well have been a weapon when he went to swing it at her, the marker all over his face looking for all the world like war paint as he hollered his battle cry, the sound echoing through the kitchen.

Sera’s voice coming from somewhere above her kicked Cassie out of her reminiscing. She tilted her head up and back, despite the request not to, to find her best friend looking down at her with what she would call a grimace on her face, framed by the glow of the orange string lights wrapped around the banister. Cassie stopped dead. That was not a good look. She pulled in a long breath through her nose and let it out a little ragged through her red-painted mouth, the chill of the evening creeping in through the open windows.

“Please do not tell me there is a spider in my hair.” She stared at Sera’s hand hovering in the air halfway to the hair in question as if she had been about to pluck it out. “If there is a spider in my hair, I’m going to freak. It took me for-freaking-ever to get it right and if it gets stuck, I’m going to die.” She blinked heavily mascaraed eyes under the furrowed set of her eyebrows as she awaited an answer that would surely ruin her night. But before that could happen, Sera’s phone lit up with a notification from where it sat on a rung of the ladder. A little grin crept its way onto Cassie’s face, and as she is wont to do, everything that had been in her head before that disappeared.

“Is that Atticus?” The grin turned wry, “what did he say? I’m oh so interested.” Cassie passed the precious thing in her hands over to a table, promising herself to continue moving it upstairs when she had gained all the information on this weird boy Sera was apparently interested in. Not that she would ever call him weird to Sera’s face; they may not have the same taste, but she could understand the appeal of the dorky boy-next-door type. She just really hoped he didn’t show up naked. Speaking of.

“Did he tell you what he’s dressing as?” If she didn’t have a Mark Antony to her Cleopatra, she was going to live vicariously through her best friend and her dork boy.

Lacey Navarro-Clairmont
“Trick or treat!” The joyful voice of a little girl dressed as a princess was heard as soon as Lacey opened the door. Was this the eighth kid to come to her parents’ house? No, it was the ninth kid, although she wasn’t sure the count was right, as she had already lost track of how many times she had gone up and down the stairs every time a knock was heard, revealing a new kid in a costume each time. The toothy smile that the little princess was giving to Lacey—well, she couldn’t resist giving one back to the girl.

“You are the cutest princess that has ever come to my house, and for that, let me give you some extra candy,”
she said before putting two packages of Reese’s peanut butter cups in the small pink pumpkin bucket that the girl was carrying. With a cheerful “thank you,” the little girl was gone from the Clairmont residence.

Lacey started wondering how many times she would have to give out candy to the kids that came knocking at their door. If something was certain, the more kids that came, the less time she had to get ready, and the more Zach would have to wait. So, after a small deliberation, Lacey dropped the bowl filled with candy on the porch, hoping it would still be there once she came back from the party. Or, in case it got stolen, it wasn’t a bowl that was important to her mom. She wished the first scenario would be the one to happen as she closed the door and went back to her room to finish getting ready. But that was part of the magic of Halloween—the loud and spunky vibe around everyone, something that Lacey wasn’t, and something she wasn’t sure she was fully content with.

But when Lacey found out Zach had already arrived, she felt her heart skip a beat. The idea of attending Cassie’s party together, despite knowing perfectly well that Zach wasn’t the type of person to enjoy loud places, and his agreeing to wear a couple’s costume with her, made her heart swell. And despite the time they had been together, Lacey wondered how she got so lucky to have a guy like Zach in her life, as every moment they spent together filled her heart with a warmth she wasn’t sure she could express in words.

And there he was in his Romeo costume, looking like a knight in shining armor—her knight in shining armor. It was almost embarrassing to admit how many songs she had written with him on her mind, songs that she wasn’t sure would ever see the light of day, but that perfectly described all her feelings toward the guy standing in front of her.

“You look very pretty,” were the words that Zach said to her. And while most people would have found the lack of words burdensome, for Lacey, it felt like the biggest depiction of love because she knew perfectly well how much effort it took him to say those words. Zach was a guy who expressed himself through actions rather than words. Hence, those four words were enough to make a pink tint appear on her cheeks.

As they held hands toward the exit of her house, Lacey took notice of how Zach’s hand fit perfectly in hers, almost as if they were meant to be. It was one of the little details she loved about their relationship, and she started wondering if Zach had already noticed it and if he thought the same way as she did. But while she was too focused on her thoughts, she didn’t notice when Zach stopped without warning, almost making the girl stumble with her steps. She was a bit surprised when it happened and almost asked him what was going on. So when he leaned in to kiss her cheek, it almost felt like an explosion of fireworks that filled the sky with vibrant colors.

“You’re prettier than Juliet.” And with those words, it was enough for the girl to feel more cherished and desired than she had ever felt in her entire life. She knew perfectly well how embarrassed Zach was, based on his actions of walking slightly ahead of her, but despite that, it didn’t stop Lacey from holding onto his hand and hugging him from behind, hiding her now blushed face against his back.

“And you are braver than Romeo. I couldn’t have asked for someone better to spend Halloween with,”
she said. Maybe arriving a bit late to Cassie’s party didn’t sound so bad if it meant spending more time with Zach.
mood:this is what it feels like
outfit: here
location: party
interactions: Xed Xed
gracie abrams- feels like

coded by Stardust Galaxy

rags to less rags.

everette day.

cooler than me


the party


not silver surfer!


MK (Mentioned),Rowan

Everette had never been a very self-conscious person. Her dad said she just never grew out of childhood fancy, uncaring about anyone else’s opinion. But standing here in front of Rowan, and a smattering of other loiterers who didn’t seem all too rushed to go inside, covered in silver and teetering on an awkward incline that made her bend a knee to stand straight, she felt out of place. The silver paint felt heavy on her skin, a constant reminder of her own insecurities, especially surrounded by the effortless glamor of her new classmates—kids who seemed to float through life on clouds of privilege.

Don’t be weird, don’t be weird, she repeated internally, but the mantra didn’t quite stick. Thankfully, or maybe not, Rowan didn’t seem to notice. The other girl made a show of her pride over her costume, and Ev found herself grinning at the excitement. She wished she had any practical skill with a sewing needle; it would certainly help with the holes that found themselves in her clothes. Sue her, she lived in perpetually slightly tattered clothing. Maybe if she could manage to keep this burgeoning friendship, she could ask Rowan to teach her.

“So how’s it going? Are you having fun? Oh wait, let me guess your costume... Is it from The Amaranth Project?” Everette blinked with surprise at the question. The little grin that had been on her face morphed into a full, teeth-displayed smile. Finally, someone who recognized her obscure reference! She brought her back foot up to stand on even ground with Rowan, hands instinctively landing on her shoulders as if to anchor herself in this moment. She had never, in all her years, met anyone other than MK who had read the comic series; MK had only read it on Everette’s insistence.

“You’ve read it?” She shook Rowan a little, a burst of enthusiasm bubbling up despite her better judgment. It felt reckless, but the thrill of connection pushed her. “Do you know how many people have called me Silver Surfer? I was beginning to think I was the only person on the planet who’d read it.” But maybe she shouldn’t have shaken her. Suddenly aware of her overstepping, Everette retreated from Rowan’s personal space, shoving her hands into the pockets of her purposefully ripped jeans, hoping to ground herself.

“Sorry, I got a little over-excited. MK says I’m like an over-large puppy—too excitable and with zero special awareness, you know?” She cleared her throat, the words tumbling out quicker than she could rein them in. “But seriously, Steel’s like my favorite character ever. Right next to the good detective, obviously.” Everette inclined her head a little cheekily, though the flutter in her stomach reminded her of how she was still just a girl in a sea of dazzling strangers. She hoped MK would show up at some point before she embarrassed herself even more. She was trying to make friends, not turn her nervous energy into a full-on disaster. Anxiety was new on her and she was really not liking it much at all.


  • how she's feeling...

    Excited but slightly nervous

Sera M.


Cassie's Halloween party

Seraphine's strategy was to yank the fake critter out of Cassie's hair before answering her, but to be fair the lack of an answer would be just as damaging as the actual answer. Come on it's not like she dropped a real spider in her hair, now that would be something to scream about. just a plastic one that honestly could do nothing but make it better! She's someone dead it could be like the little spider friend from the corpse bride movie!

Before she could try and give some funny quip to try and give her just a second more to remove it without messing up the girl's hair there went her phone again. Saved by the bell, well buzz. She smiled brightly seeing her phone light up again, but she made sure to pluck the tiny fake spider out her besties hair before reaching for the phone. Her cheeks red as her sisters name hearing Cassie's words. This is why she should keep crushes a secret, but the girl couldn't hold water to save her life especially not against Cassie of all people. "He said he we should hang while at the party." She basically squealed with excitement reading the words, but trying to still sound cool and calm and not at all like some weird fan girl in her reply.

Cassie's comment made Sera giggle and rolled her eyes, "Don't worry he's not coming in his birthday suit. His sister is I think convincing him to be Anakin Skywalker. I think he'd pull it off nicely." She chimed typing up her reply as she spoke. She sadly knew she needed to cut this conversation off with him soon or else she'd never finish decorating so she came up with an excuse that she hoped sounded good and not at all like she was blowing him off before turning her attention back to her best friend, "Who knows play my cards right and I could be like these other couples tonight in matching costumes next year." She giggled playfully nudging Cassie, "Who knows maybe you will too." She hummed smirking, "Tell me any hopes for your attention tonight?"

♡coded by uxie♡

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