partially awake
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A knot formed in Viva’s gut as she listened to Ember’s venom strike her to her core. It was nothing she hadn’t heard before “Your mom’s a drug addict!” Yeah, she knows. Celie herself was always the first one to call an addict, or an alcoholic, or a junkie, or a pillhead, or a druggie, or a burnout, or a stoner. Anything mean that a person could say, text, tweet, or think about her none of it ever compared to the nasty things that Viva knew her mother already thought about herself.
Ember had a lot of gall to act the way she did. Like she was so high and mighty and better than Viva when they both knew that they were once nearly one in the same. There were photos in both of their photo albums of Ember sitting on the lap of the very woman she shamed for her vulnerable past and called ‘forgettable.’ There was even one that came from a photo op on a theme park ride of Celie tenderly covering Ember’s eyes when it became too scary for the little girl.
The sinking feeling in her chest was beginning to turn into prickles of hot rage that was bubbling up and about to overflow, probably about to scald her and everyone else who was unfortunate to be in the splash zone. It really was a miracle that there was no pool in sight, Viva was quite tempted to throw Ember’s disrespectful ass into one again right about now, and maybe hold her ratty blonde head underneath the water for a while this time too.
It was almost amusing how Ember seemed to smile like she was saying something groundbreaking and unique about her or her family. Sucking on her silver spoon like the world had yet to start spinning until she was born and gave everyone something to do. At this point Viva was sure if you looked up ‘entitled cockatoo’ a picture of Ember would pop up beside the synonyms ‘petulant child’ and ‘privileged brat.’
She hadn’t been exposed to the world like Viva had. Even though Celie had tried her best, there were cracks in the protective veneer she tried to envelop her daughter in. She might have withheld the internet at home up until the last few years, but there were always friends’ houses, not to mention the library, or simple word of mouth to pass news before she was allowed her own social media accounts. Either about her mom, or her dad.
Or even her.
“Wonder if she likes little white tank tops like her mom used to.” “She’s got fetal alcohol syndrome FOR SURE. Just look at her face.” “Is she gonna be talentless like her mom? Or talentless like her dad?”
Ember spoke so surely of herself, like she knew it all, but surely she had no clue about the animal that she had just awoken in the girl she has used to call her friend, and Viva could be pretty damn sure of herself too. Like now, when she decided that she was sure she wanted to rip her apart.
She narrowed her blue eyes at Ember, almost tasting her own brand of venom that was about to start dripping from her lips
She nodded assuredly, she was in the rhythm now. What they say about “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” was crap, revenge was sweet and Viva was good at it
She tapped a finger to her chin and cast her eyes briefly up to the ceiling as if pondering a weighty statement before shooting another sharp glance towards her target
Viva clicked her tongue and gave a sarcastic ‘O.K’ symbol with her fingers
She clasped her hands together and dropped them in front of her below her hips with a sigh, a weight lifted off her shoulders and hopefully placed squarely onto Ember’s heart
Ember had a lot of gall to act the way she did. Like she was so high and mighty and better than Viva when they both knew that they were once nearly one in the same. There were photos in both of their photo albums of Ember sitting on the lap of the very woman she shamed for her vulnerable past and called ‘forgettable.’ There was even one that came from a photo op on a theme park ride of Celie tenderly covering Ember’s eyes when it became too scary for the little girl.
The sinking feeling in her chest was beginning to turn into prickles of hot rage that was bubbling up and about to overflow, probably about to scald her and everyone else who was unfortunate to be in the splash zone. It really was a miracle that there was no pool in sight, Viva was quite tempted to throw Ember’s disrespectful ass into one again right about now, and maybe hold her ratty blonde head underneath the water for a while this time too.
It was almost amusing how Ember seemed to smile like she was saying something groundbreaking and unique about her or her family. Sucking on her silver spoon like the world had yet to start spinning until she was born and gave everyone something to do. At this point Viva was sure if you looked up ‘entitled cockatoo’ a picture of Ember would pop up beside the synonyms ‘petulant child’ and ‘privileged brat.’
She hadn’t been exposed to the world like Viva had. Even though Celie had tried her best, there were cracks in the protective veneer she tried to envelop her daughter in. She might have withheld the internet at home up until the last few years, but there were always friends’ houses, not to mention the library, or simple word of mouth to pass news before she was allowed her own social media accounts. Either about her mom, or her dad.
Or even her.
“Wonder if she likes little white tank tops like her mom used to.” “She’s got fetal alcohol syndrome FOR SURE. Just look at her face.” “Is she gonna be talentless like her mom? Or talentless like her dad?”
Ember spoke so surely of herself, like she knew it all, but surely she had no clue about the animal that she had just awoken in the girl she has used to call her friend, and Viva could be pretty damn sure of herself too. Like now, when she decided that she was sure she wanted to rip her apart.
She narrowed her blue eyes at Ember, almost tasting her own brand of venom that was about to start dripping from her lips
“Oh, really? You wanna talk about cheap entertainment? Like the kind of sitcom that gave your mom her whole career? The very same one that you constantly rag on my mom for being in?”
She said, feeling an ounce of regret at Brinley being an unwilling witness to what was about to go down before her, and from what Viva could tell about the heat rising in her cheeks, it was about to be quite the spectacle. “You love to bring up my mom’s past but let’s not sit here and pretend that your parents are saints either.”
If she weren’t so focused on not mincing her words, or stuttering, or giving Ember anything more to hold over her head she might have been able to listen to the little voice in her head telling her that she was seconds away from saying something stupid that she couldn’t take back. To hell with it, she hoped she did say something she couldn’t take back. She wanted Ember to hurt, she wanted her to bleed. Maybe then Viva would really believe that she was human and not a robot specially crafted to try and ruin her life “Your dad’s up to how many counts or second degree arson and disorderly conduct? Of course your grandparents and their bigshot lawyers get him off the hook every time, but we all know he still did it. No amount of colognes that smell like burnt plastic and desperation can make me, or the public forget.”
She nodded assuredly, she was in the rhythm now. What they say about “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” was crap, revenge was sweet and Viva was good at it
“Yeah, he’s a real winner, the perfect match for your pathetic mom who’s always wanted to get out of Chanel and my mom’s shadows. Maybe my mom’s been in some dumb projects, but at least she could book projects.”
It was taking the best of her ability not to start smiling or laughing, the glee that filled her soul over dishing out Ember’s latest taste of her own medicine was almost overwhelming.She tapped a finger to her chin and cast her eyes briefly up to the ceiling as if pondering a weighty statement before shooting another sharp glance towards her target
“I’d give your parents a chance to defend themselves, but I just don’t know if they can.”
She folded her arms across her chest and gave her best pitiful pout before shaking her head sorrowfully like she were actually sorry about what she was saying “You know, considering your mom’s best known for not being able to speak English properly and your dad pays for all your primadonna clothes with royalties earned by moaning the lyrics to trite songs he didn’t write and horny teenagers give their first HJ to.”
Viva clicked her tongue and gave a sarcastic ‘O.K’ symbol with her fingers
“Perfect set-up for your career. Or lack of career as I should say now that we’re all being honest. How are you related to all those rich, talented people and still be a nobody? You could be a star like that.”
She swapped where her index finger touched her thumb to her middle finger and gave a snap as she spoke the word “But the best you can do is playing dress up as your auntie… She was kinda my aunt first too by the way, sent me a baby gift when I was born and everything. Sucks that she couldn’t be more giving with you.”
She offered a playful shrug, almost high on her hubris at this point “Maybe that’s why you can get booked? Your whole family’s begging the casting directors of America not to put you in anything so your ego doesn’t get even more overinflated.”
She clasped her hands together and dropped them in front of her below her hips with a sigh, a weight lifted off her shoulders and hopefully placed squarely onto Ember’s heart
“You were right, this is fun! We absolutely should do this more often!"
♡coded b