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Realistic or Modern 𝕃𝕀𝕄𝔼𝕃𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋



Viva cheered as she saw the other blonde waving her over. Finally, some salvation from looking at a relatively boring women’s blouse that was covered in fake blood, apparently having got that way in the filming of some kind of horror movie that was probably just as corny as any number of the b-movies that her mother had done in the latter half of her career. Whatever Ann Taylor and red corn syrup had to do with glamor and galas was beyond Viva’s imagination, but luckily she didn’t have to think about it too much longer.

She practically skipped over towards her friend, suddenly feeling a bit underdressed in what was essentially a glorified sundress while standing next to Brinley’s slightly more fabulous look. As well as the other blonde standing beside the two of them. Ember, Viva’s other unofficial sister and occasionally her least favorite one. Viva and Brinley got along like a house on fire, but Viva and Ember was… Another story, to put it simply… Especially after what had transpired between them over the summer.

While Viva, Brinley, and Ember would often hang out, watch tv, do whatever, typically without incident there had been one day where an innocent gathering of family and friends at the Clairmont dwelling slowly devolved into a perfect stage for the invitees to witness some words about one another, or in certain cases one’s parents, that then came to a head when someone may or may not have pushed someone else into the pool. That someone who was pushed may or may not have been Ember, and that someone who did the pushing may or may not have been Viva. Hopefully the two of them could put it behind them, but hope only does so much, and Viva’s feelings were definitely still bruised.

“So glad to see you here, I was beginning to worry you guys ditched for something better.”
She said, pulling Brinley into a brief greeting hug
“Which at this point might as well be literally any other event happening tonight.”
She glanced around the grand room one more time, taking in the lavish decorations that supposedly covered up a room potentially used for education before turning back to Brinley and her sister. She looked over Ember’s outfit, if she was feeling a little underdressed before when compared to Brinley she certainly was when looking at what was practically what amounted to a ball gown that Ember was in. Looking back on her mother making her change out of the outfit she had on before she could now feel a little bit better about the swap upon seeing the pink color of Ember’s dress. Viva may be a bit underdressed, but at least it was original.

♡coded b
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the lovesick poet.

Jonah DuBois

I Don't Wanna Get Over You


the gala



name, name, name



"this is a dialogue."
The DuBois family was not known for their punctuality. Jonah was the second member of the family to be ready and waiting by the door. His father, Lucky, was the first, as buttoning a dress shirt took much longer than sliding on a cotton tee. Jonah admired his dad, who seemed effortlessly confident and relaxed.

But Jonah wasn't like that.

He wasn't laid-back or cool. Jonah was the kind of guy who wore an outfit straight off the mannequin. He didn’t push boundaries like Lukas or Tess. He never rocked the boat. Sometimes, Jonah wondered if his parents were disappointed in him for being the ‘boring’ child. They never had a funny Jonah story to share with Uncle Jace and Kie at Christmas. He never received that approving smile from Grandma Elise like his cousin Rocco did, and he certainly wasn't putting out music for the world to hear like Daley.

He was just Jonah. Usually alone in his room, writing poems he would only ever publish anonymously, all about the same girl he'd never have—Lacey.

Following his parents' advice, Jonah had recently taken a more active role in getting over her. He now had his first girlfriend, Gwen. They were taking it slow, but things were going well.

Unfortunately, Jo didn't have plans to meet up with Gwen tonight at the gala.

He was hanging out with Lacey.

Which, considering his efforts to get over her, might seem counterproductive. But Lacey was still one of his best friends despite the recent weirdness. Right now, though, he was more worried about whether they would ever actually leave for the darn event.

Sometime during all his thinking, Lukas and his mother had joined them. Tess, despite getting everything she wanted, was still dragging her feet. It took both his parents hollering through the house before she finally emerged from her room, thankfully dressed and ready to go (though still plenty pouty).

Finally, the five of them piled into the car, chattering amongst themselves. The closer they got to the event, the more nervous Jonah felt.

Why? he asked himself. After all, it was just two friends, in matching outfits, hanging out...right?


The DuBois kids all seemed to have their own plans, splitting off in three different directions soon after their grand (and fashionably late) family entrance.

Jonah texted back and forth with Lacey until they finally found each other. He was still anxious, but he greeted her as he usually did—with a big smile.
. "Hey Lace, you were right; we really do match."

She was a vision in blue. In his mind, he was already comparing her to glittering sapphires, the delicate wings of a Morpho butterfly, a cup of Butterfly Pea flower tea... Yeah, this getting over her thing was going great.


Kieran West

“You worry too much.” Kieran smiled fondly at his husband, reaching out and squeezing his arm in reassurance. “He’ll be fine, Jace.”

Funnily enough, Kieran actually believed that.

He couldn’t help but look at his eldest son and see parts of himself- the rebellious strike, the sharp tongue, the aggressive posture- and that was a terrifying thought. He remembered being seventeen and completely out of his mind (now adulthood was finally shaping Kieran into the old man he’d always been deep in his soul). At the same time, there was relief in knowing Daley had none of the troubles that made Kieran’s teenage years such a nightmare: the unbearable loneliness, the lack of support, the cold, distant family…God help him, Kieran made sure none of his kids ever went through what he did.

Kieran turned out fine. Daley, even if he was going through a wild phase, was going to turn out great. He knew it in his bones.

“He’s a little too…” Jace trailed off, and Kieran let out a chuckle, somehow knowing exactly what he meant.

“It’s not a bad thing.” Kieran drew circles on Jace’s shoulder with his thumb, mindlessly. “He’s a lot, I’m a lot. And you still like me, I hope."

“He’s almost an adult- we’ve gotta let him screw things up and figure it out on his own, but he’ll be fine.”
The corner of his lips curled into a grin. “His parents did pretty alright.”

He couldn’t help but smile watching Jace and Clara, something so soft and simple about the scene still made him feel warm in his chest. His family- something that felt like a distant, impossible dream, and was now his reality, every single day.

Kieran Murphy was an angry, miserable son of a bitch, but Kieran West fucking loved his life.

“We’ll find your little friend.” Kieran reassured his youngest, who opened a bright smile (missing quite a few teeth), before turning back to Jace. “And then we can celebrate your big night, hm? What do you wanna do?”

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Rocco, Jace <3, Clara, Daley.

@gh0stwriter @hery gingersnaps gingersnaps

º º code by ditto º º
Lacey Navarro-Clairmont
aspiring musician
Lacey couldn’t remember how many times she looked at herself in the mirror, trying to psyche herself that she looked good, that she wouldn’t make a fool of herself at the gala, and most importantly that she was good enough to carry the last name Clairmont in reality it was easier saying it than believing it. She wasn’t the type to worry about this kind of stuff. Most of the time, in other circumstances, she would have felt comfortable about everything, but now it was different.

Perhaps it was because she knew all her family would be in attendance, people who she knew were already amazing at their craft and people who eventually would take the world by storm, while she was just Lacey, a girl with big dreams but too little courage to accomplish them, because who dreamed of wanting to sell out stadiums one day but was afraid to sing in front of a crowd? The answer was her. She knew it was ridiculous to hold on to something that most likely would never happen, and now she would eventually be thrown at the wolves with people who were prettier, more confident, and more talented than she once school started.

That was one of the reasons why she wasn’t so thrilled about that night because she knew the moment she stepped into the gala, people around her would expect her to be as talented as her relatives just for them to find out that she wasn’t as special as them. But despite all these thoughts and fears, she and her family arrived at the gala. Still, she made sure to check that her dress wasn’t wrinkly or her makeup was ruined and most importantly that the smile on her face didn’t show any of the uncertainties that were in her head. She had to make it, at least for her family.

Lacey wasn’t surprised when they were thrown into taking family pictures. There was always something nostalgic about the reminiscent of something through a picture that she didn’t mind giving away a few minutes of her time just for this. She knew Jonah would understand. He always did. But once the pictures were done, Lacey roamed around the place until she spotted him. She smiled brightly at Jonah, just like he did to her. To say that Jonah was one of the most important people in her life was an understatement. After all, he was her best friend the person and one of the few people Lacey felt comfortable singing in front of.

“Told you I was wearing blue, too.”
She said before giving a small twirl, showing off her dress, regretting doing that, thinking how embarrassing it was what she just did, but she was sure Jonah wouldn’t mind because he was also one of the few people who truly saw her as lacey and not the last name attached to her name
“Sorry for making you wait, I wasn’t able to leave until the family pictures were taken. So what do you feel like doing? I doubt we can take part in the auction they are doing. And if I am being honest, I am not the type to collect other things that aren’t vinyl.”

outfit: here
location: gala
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Taylor Swift – mirrorball

coded by Stardust Galaxy

Melancholic Haijin (haiku poet)

Hiroshi Takahashi

Mistake by NF


In his troubled mind and likely at the Gala/almost there



Nobody verbally, but with his foster mothers - Ava and Penny

(tw. Mentions of death and drunk driving)

Nightmares remain here
Ramifications of May’s woes
Unfamiliar place.

Hiroshi’s mind played what he was told on the most unforgettable night of his life.

A drunk driver ending his parent’s time on this earth. The realization came to him in the form of a delayed reaction and by the time he was able to full comprehend it, it was far too late for him to do anything. Hiro would be placed into foster care. In normal cases, they would be sent to live with relatives, but the closest relative to the Takahashi family was back in Japan or England. It just couldn’t be arranged without completely uprooting his entire life. While Hiro had a working knowledge of Japanese and could speak and understand it completely, he wasn’t used to the norms in Japan and when reached out to, his family there didn’t respond.

So it was foster care that was his only and last option.

What Hiro soon came to know was that he would be placed with a seemingly nice home with a pair of women - married. The Sanders and Hiro didn’t know what to think about them at first. Even now, three months after they took him in, he still didn’t have a concrete opinion of them other than Ava was funny. A bit weird and made him feel intimidated, but she seemed nice. Penelope, her wife, was comforting. She reminded him of his own mother. She was patient with Hiro, who hadn’t opened up much. He only answered to what was asked and even then he kept his answers brief and vague.

There was a lot going through his mind during the summer and understandably so. Hiro was moved from the comfort of his home on Long Island to the city. He didn’t know many people and he certainly wasn’t aware of how the people in the city were like. He was in an arts school in Long Island, which is how he came to be enrolled in NYA, but it was still going to be a new school and tonight was apparently some charity ball in celebration of it. He made a friend, Jonah, but that was the only friend he made so far. Jonah was like him - a writer, but unlike him, he seemed more equipped with opening up more.

Hiro wasn’t sure about this. He was having bad anxiety about it the entire time. From the moment his suit was picked out and he put it on, albeit with as little verbal communication outside what he needed to say to his foster mothers to the drive there. In his mind, he just didn’t want to embarrass them. This was their element and the last thing that Hiro wanted to do was make them feel embarrassed by something he said or did. Hiro was going to make it a mission to not say or do anything unless someone requested it of him.

He was going to keep his head low at any cost.


Theo Cohen-Rivera

Theo took a sip and was just a tad bit disappointed nobody seemed to have spiked the punch yet. Crap. He got there too early. Maybe he could do a few rounds and see if one of the more rebellious kids gets to work already.

He was considering his options- the night had barely begun, but maybe he could get away with sneak out for a quick cigarette (he had mints and a pocket-sized cologne in his back pocket, naturally).

But that train of thought was quickly interrupted. Another body bumped into him, making Theo tumble forward and nearly ruin his very expensive suit with the lame, un-spiked punch. Cursing under his breath, he turned to look at-



He turned to look at Declan, fresh out of rehab, with a slightly murderous snarl in his stoic expression.

Theo knew, logically, that he would be here. And as much as he tried(and he did try), he also knew he wouldn’t be able to avoid Declan forever. But still, seeing him in the flesh after so long was a bit disorienting (though Theodore would rather die than let the whiplash show in his face), especially considering their last meeting was…well…

He tried to not think about it.

“Hey, Cohen.” Declan broke the silence before he could, something sharp to the edges of his smile that made Theo’s stomach turn in annoyance. “Thought this thing was for people with talent.”

“How’d you manage to get yourself through the front door, then?”
Theo had a sharp smile of his own- he looked at Sinclaire-Woods with the softness of a razor blade. “Security in this place has really gone to shit. They're just letting anybody in.”

“Let me guess, you’re mommy’s plus one?”
Declan poured himself some punch, and Theo laughed.

“Yeah, your mommy’s. She needs a real man to warm her bad now that she’s kicked that deadbeat out.” Theo re-filled the plastic cup whose contents Declan had so kindly made spill on the floor. “You spilled my drink and nearly fucked up my suit, you bitch.”

That was something Theo might have said to him jokingly before, back when they were friends. Now, it didn't seem all that funny.

A swig. Man, Theo really wished this thing was spiked.

“So, they let you out of the nuthouse, huh?” Another sip, another smile. “What’s up with that? You gotta pee on a cup every other week or something?”

Maybe a part of him really did want to know, and this was Theo’s fucked up way of asking “how are you?”...but what’s the fun in that?

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Tabitha, Ari, Edgar, Mason.

tags Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º

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