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Fantasy Escape into Deep Water


Six Thousand Club
The roleplay is in a medieval based world with pirates capturing wealthy folk for ransom or for information about secret treasures and what not. The captives have to try and find out a way to get off the boat and into freedom’s hand. The problem is they are in the middle of the sea. They must find a way to get off the boat and onto shore for help.

The pirates have certain rooms in the ship that are used to get information, for example: A torture room. They have certain torture devices that they use to get information. Most prisoners are kept under the deck. They are fed mostly if they behave, but if they refuse to give information they are starved until willing to speak. Most of the time this drives them to madness.

In the roleplay the captives find an extra boat (Row boat) to escape the murderous pirates. They escape into the water and discover more than safety. Supernatural creatures in the water. The kinds of creatures in the water include, Mermaids, Sirens (Winged people), Krakens, Water dragons, sea serpents and much more. . .

Will you survive?
Moana sits on a broken pillar in the ocean. Her waist and above is the only part of her visible. Her tail was underwater. She hummed a tune she was very fond of, and closed her eyes as the hot sun beat down on her skin. She pulled her extremely long raven hair as she sang, and cocked her head back and forth to the fast tune. This was what she did most of the time. She never was fond of the other mermaids and sirens. They sang for food and mating reasons. She only sang because it's what she loved. She was the only mermaid above water, and she didn't care, except for the part... Where she was lonely.

((going to wait till I know the status of the ship to play Regina))

The Depth swam slowly through the darkness. Vibrating sensations pulsated from her as she thrummed. The blue lights pulsated with each thrum. She exhaled sharply, bubbles flying towards the surface of the water at rapid speeds. All felt at peace in the ocean...and she was enjoying it. She could feel the vibrations of a song nearby but the ocean was to shallow where the mermaid sat and sang. The Depth swam to the most shallow part she could go, listening to the singing she relaxed in the warm shallow water ((shallow for her is still like 20 ft deep))
Glass was in his leviathan form swimming around the water near a island for food its what he always did in the morning so he kept swimming until he found a whale thinking well this should hold me over for a little so he got close enough and started wrapping one of his giant tentacles around it and started crushing its ribs, the whale started making a death cry while this was happening until it stopped moving and started eating it well it only took three bites he was ginormous in this form that's why every ship besides the pirate ship was scared of him.

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"Hey laddy, do ye' think ye' could cook lunch for the prisoners?" said Dylan "Yeah' sure" Steve walked into the kitchen witch had a fire pit in the center and an ice box in the corner. He looked around and saw some potatoes. He looked in the ice box but only saw some beef. There was some salt and pepper on the counter along with some other seasonings like paprika and sage. He saw some carrots next to the potatoes. "Hmm, I could make them some beef stew? We have all the proper ingredients." Steve grabbed a metal pot and filled it with water from the ocean. He waited for the water to boil and as that was happening he cut some carrots and potatoes into small chunks and the beef into thick squares. he put some sage into the pot of boiling water and seasoned the beef with salt and pepper. He poured the carrots and potatoes into the pot and stured it gradually. He took a fork and grabbed a potato out of the pot and tried it to make sure it was soft. Once he did that he added the beef into the pot and let it cook. He went to the storage room to see if they had any corn or peas but sadly they didn't. Once he got upstairs he grabbed two bowls and poured some soup into them. Steve walked down into: The Under Belly, and gave the prisoners the soup. "Here ya go lass, I hope ye' like it. Here ye' go Regina" Steve frowned and turned his head towards the young girl who was crying "What's your name young lass? I haven't seen ye' here before." @ashlyn heckman @FlawlezFalcon
"Ryan, now leave mean alone. All you pirates are mean nasty crooks" I said in the corner crying with my head in my legs.
i looked away from him " why can't you leave me alone all you pirate are the same butter me up so ill give answers." i stated crying a bit harder.
Glass came back to the pirate ship in his child form (that had no mouth but somehow he eats and talks) and climbs up the side and runs along it until he meets up with Steve and sneaks up behind him and yells "Steve can I have some food please!"

Regina sat in her cot below the deck. She was curled up looking at her bare feet. She had no idea where she was or how she got her. From the rocking of her environment, she assumed she was on a ship. "The perks of being royal" she growled to herself. She glared at the pirate talking to the girl across the room.
Steve frowned "Awe young lass, I'm sorry I'll leave you alone" Steve began to turn around. "Ahhh, Um, sure young lad, follow me" Steve walked up the stairs while the boy followe. He got him a bowl of the beef stew "Here ya go laddy' " @Aqua
Mae walked around the main deck watching, seeing what everyone was doing. She took out her telescope and looked out at the sea for anything. "Nothing. Same old, same old. I wonder when will go back to land." Mae sighed taking a drink from her flask. Walking down to the gun room she inspected each and every rifle,revolver, and cannons.
Glass widened his eyes with happiness and said "thanks Steve" as he opened the palm of his hand and a tentacle came out from under the Glass' sleeve and the stew was being sucked up until it was all gone and the tentacle retracted and Glass said "steve do you need any help with the prisoners" as he tilted his head.

"oh ok....ill go see if I can make them my friend' he said as he started running towards the prisoner holding area.


when Glass got to the prisoner holding area he sat down between the two cages and looked at both prisoners and said "hi im Glass the ancient Leviathan whats your name" he said whith a cheerful tone even though he had no mouth.


@ashlyn heckman

"get out now" i said as my eyes turn red about to start a fire.


"you shouldn't be down here" i said pointing it toward her " i think you should leave". why i wanted her to leave is cause the kings treasure is down here and I'm suppose to guard it

@Aqua @MagicalFlower
Glass said "nooo~" as like he was pouting and said "you forced me to do this you know" as two tentacles came from under his sleeve and wrapped around Ryan's waist and started tickling her as he said "how do you like my special move" he said as he was proud.

@ashlyn heckman
"you really think that worked i have been 8 years straight by a torture machine so lame" i said i get up and moved further away.
Glass pouted "muu~" he was upset that his technique didn't work so he shrinked down a little and slipped through the bars and went back to his normal size and said "you don't have to be a meanie about it you meanie" he said as he krept closer to launch a surprise attack on her while he was trying to hold in a laugh.

@ashlyn heckman
"Yea well I'm cleaning the weapons and making sure everythings ready for next time when we use them sooo I'm staying." Mae said examining a gun and adding some bullets into it.

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