Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Em walked to her 4th period class, Chemistry she kinda disliked that class, but she really good at it. She walked over to her table and the teacher started talking, Em toke out her chem notebook and wrote down notes 
i'm making a RP similar to this, anyone wanna join??
(pretend she gave her the dress, sorry i wasnt on!)

Kendall walked through the hallways, she didn't see Brian all day, she was wondering what happened. She took out her phone and sent him a text. 'Hey, where are you today?' And with that she put it in her pocket and went to the cafeteria for lunch, going to the food line and getting a burger.
(lol ok)

Em walks to the lunch room and going in the line beside Kendall ''hey!! thanks for the dress..'' Em says grabing a burger
Jamie was still in a fantastic mood from home economics the previous day when she walked into 4th period Algebra two. Not even math, her worst subject, could bring down her mood. Rex waved her over with a wink and a smile. Her eyes looked super tired but her entire outfit was flawless. Jamie looked down at her own clothes. She woke up on the late side this morning and had thrown on a pair of black yoga pants and a purple halter top. They were really comfy but not exactly the most fashionable outfit for school. "You just got here, didn't you?" she smirked at Alexa, taking the desk right next to her best friend.
"No problem, have you seen Brian?" Kendall asked her friend, wondering. She walked through the cafeteria getting waves from guys and a few whistles. She didn't know why though, guessing the outfit. Today, Kendall dressed in black skinny jeans, a black tank top with a light blue flannel, and sneakers. She sat down at their normal table and took a bite of her burger.
Brian hadn't drove home. His dad and mom had picked him up. His dad drove his truck home, with his mom driving him home. Brian was furious. That was actually an understatement, he was in a rage. He'd made himself a promise to get better his final year and not screw up. Only three days into the year and he'd clocked someone and got in a fight.

Once he got home he got a text from Kendall. He would have missed her, but his anger was taking over. He texted back a quick response. "Got in a fight with a kid named Randy. Suspended for a week." He tossed his phone onto his bed-side table and laid down on the bed. He went over the events in his head. He had solely defended himself when Randy attacked him. That was true. Yet, he still had to be punished for it.
Kendall continued to eat, then read her newest text. "Oh great." She said. "Uh, I gotta leave school early. I'll catch you up on everything later. Just back me up to the principal and say I have a family emergency, will ya?" She said, knowing her friend will help her out. Kendall finished her burger and got her stuff, running out to her truck and driving to Brian's house. She knocked on the door and his mom let her in, filling Kendall in on what happened. She sighed and went up to his room, knocking on the door then opening in, jumping on top of him. "Hey fighter."
"O but of course Jamie. How are you feeling after that crazy party? I mean you look good but then again you always look good to me..."
Brian was caught off guard, but quickly smiled upon realizing who it was. He laughed and placed his hands on thighs, looking up at her. "Hey, sweetheart. Aren't you missing class?" He asked with a cheeky grin. It was a nice surprise, if anyone could cool him down and bring out the best in him it would be Kendall.
Kendall laughed and smirked. "I don't care about classes right now. I needed to make sure you were okay." She hopped next to him on the bed and kissed his cheek. She traced his jawline and smiled, happy to be close to him again, since she missed him already.
He turned to face her, wrapping his arm around her. "I'm alright now that you're here." His hands gently traveled up and down along her back. He rested with her, enjoying the feeling of her with him. "Anything about the fight get out at school yet?" As he waited for her response, he took a moment to take in her outfit. She looked amazing in the clothes she had picked out, as always.
"I'm holding up. It's been two days." she smirked at her friend. Rex had awful party recovery time, "So let me tell you about that boy Jesse..." Jamie launched into a speech about how adorable he was, and how much fun they had in Home Ec.
Samantha struggled to block out the incessant whispering of her classmates, but it was easier said than done. All around her, all day, her imbecile peers had droned on and on about the "insane, epic" party the other day. It'd gotten to the point where Samantha could no longer ignore it, no matter how hard she tried.

She thought she was supposed to black out and forget everything and move on with her life. Isn't that what happened in the movies? But Samantha remembered everything. She remembered her parents erupting at her the next morning (er, late afternoon), when she walked into the kitchen in her damp clothes and hungover stupor. She remembered falling into some pool and ruining her favorite black lace top. She remembered grinding on some girl and just plain acting stupid. But worst of all, she remembered upsetting Jesse. That was what she wanted to forget the most.

So far the day had been absolutely terrible, but Samantha had survived for her favorite class of the day. Seventh-period Advanced Studio Art. Sure, Mr. Merrikat was a bit of a stoner who didn't really care if his students caught him drinking in the middle of the class, and the girl who sat next to her was overly-emotional and had a strange obsession with cat T-shirts, but the school's art studio was her safe haven. Over the past three years, it had become like her second home. Here, Samantha could paint something really deep and meaningful and forget her past troubles with each stroke of her brush.

But somehow, today of all days, she couldn't get Jesse's disappointed and angry face out of her mind.
Jesse wasn't sure if it was how great of a mood he was in, or that he really needed someone to talk to, but he found himself really wanting to talk to Samantha.

It had been two days since she's been, well, a jerk to him at Alexa's party. Mostly he wanted to ask her to chat up Jamie for him, but he also just really missed his only friend in Appleby.

He decided to wait for Sam outside her studio art class and speak to her. When the bell rang she was the first one out the door. She didn't see him.

"Sam! Wait up!" he called after her. She waked super fast.
"Fuck..." Samantha cringed. Could this day be any worse.

She stopped in the middle of the hall, and turned around to face Jesse.

"You want your apology now, Jesse Slaughter?" She tried sounding as sarcastic as she could, but her bravado was too hurt.
Jesse was taken aback by her hostility, "Um, I'm not sure what I should be apologizing for," he replied, trying to be mature, "You're the one who yelled at me."

He didn't want to be too tough on Samantha because it was probably her first time being drunk. But he did want to her to know that she hurt his feelings. For all he knew, she didn't even remember screaming at him on the dance floor.
"No, no, I didn't mean..." Samantha dropped her head in her hands. She hated how bad she was with words. "I meant... Look, I'm sorry Jesse. I was lame. And dumb. I shouldn't have been that way"
Samantha was finally groveling, "It's cool, dude. Just don't be a d!ck again." Jesse grinned at her, "But hey, can you do me a favor? Get to know Jamie Cooper for me." 

Jamie was sitting at the counter island in The Diner after school with Rex when her phone rang. She didn't recognize the number but she picked up anyway, "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Jamie Cooper?" a deep man's voice asked on the other end.

"Yes, who's calling?"

"My name is Jason Beckwith, I'm the owner of Lassos here in Center." Lassos was a really cool country dance club about 40 minutes away where Jamie sang karaoke almost every week. But why was Jason calling her? Did she leave something in the club last weekend?

"Hi, Jason. What can I do for you?" Jamie said cautiously.

"Listen, Franky, who runs karaoke night, gave me your name," he started, "He says that you have killer pipes. My music act for tonight cancelled. Think you can make it in and sing for a bit? I know it's a school night but..."

"Absolutely!" Jamie replied certainly. Rex was looking at her curiously, "What time should I be there?"

"Come by around 7 so we can go over your setlist with the band. Listen Jamie, thank you so much. My customers, like, depend on live music. We will pay you 500, if that's not too little." he trailed off.

Jamie wasn't even expecting to be offered money but that made it even better! "500 is perfect! I'll be there at 7." she clicked the END button and cried, "Guess who's performing at Lassos tonight?! This b!tch!"
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gooooshhhh! Alright well three things, one you need a better outfit if you're going to perform, two I need to get my camera so I can film this and get it on the web as your first gig, and three I want to get that Samantha girl to come with us. I could use the company while Jamie was performing and I do want to get to know her better. Do you know anyone that would have her number?"

Jamie couldn't stop herself from beaming. Her first real gig! She was finally going to be famous. She needed to go shopping. She texted Em real fast, telling her about the gig and to invite everybody "Uhm, I'm assuming that Jesse has it but I just got his number yesterday. Wouldn't it be weird to call him?"

"No, he wouldn't have given you his number if he didn't want you to call." Rex rolled her eyes. She could tell that Rex was tired of hearing about Jesse, but she couldn't stop talking about him!

"Okay fine!" Jamie grinned, pulling her phone back out and selecting Jesse's number from her contact list. She took a large gulp of iced coffee and hit CALL.


"Uh hello?" Jesse picked up his phone quickly, almost missing his call. He was walking home from school and catching up with Sam when his phone rang. He didn't look at the Caller ID before answering so it was probably a creeper.

"Jesse! Hey, it's Jamie. Jamie Cooper!" a sweet girl's voice sang on the other end. Why was Jamie calling him? Did they have homework for English or something?

"Hey, Jamie," he replied, loving the way her name sounded on his lips, and hating that he loved it, "What's going on?"

"Listen, do you have Samantha's number?"

"Um, yeah, but she's right next to me. Everything okay?" he asked. So she was calling for Sam. His friend looked at him like what? and he held up a finger for her to wait one second.

"Yeah! Fantastic actually. I have a gig tonight at Lassos over in Center and Alexa wanted me to invite her to come along. You should come too. It'll be super fun and we can stay and dance after."

"One sec..." he drawled, cupping his hand over the speaker and talking to Samantha, "Jamie has a gig tonight at some club and wants us to come."

Sam rolled her eyes and mouthed Really? It wasn't really her scene. Jesse have her a pleading look and she sighed and said "FINE."

"We'll be there." Jesse replied, unable to stop grinning.

"Sweet!" Jamie gasped, "See you there!" Click.


"Both Samantha and Jesse are in!" she yelped excitedly, "Let's go to the mall."
"Race you there!" Alexa declared as she lept from the diner booth. "Hey no fair Rex, how am I supposed to compete in my truck!" Yelled Jamie.


Pulling up to the mall a full 10 minutes behind Rex is Jamie in her little ole truck. "Bout time you got here sugarcube, I was 'bout to have the hounds go looking fer yah!" Alexa exclaimed letting her accent and euphemisms run free, something that only happened when she was really angry or really excited, this time it was the latter. "Yeah yeah Rex, I'm sure you were kicking yourself waiting for me." "No not really, I was actually on the phone with M.A.R.V.I.N getting my things prepared. -- Wait a second you! You can call your smart house now?" "Yeah it was part of this months update any functions I can do in the house I can now perform on my smartphone. See watch." Alexa pulled out her phone and called M.A.R.V.I.N,"Hey Marv launch 3 fireworks angled towards Appleby Memorial Mall. WHAT COLORS WOULD YOU PREFER? Umm, red, green and blue. LAUNCHING..." Thankfully it was about 5 o'clock and the sun was setting so it was just dark enough to see the massive starbursts in the sky. "OMG THAT IS FUCKING CRAZY REX! How can you just launch fireworks and then just OMG that's crazy! No sweetie poo, that's money."

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