Lil' Bit Country- Actual RP!

Kendall nodded and smiled, going into the house with him. She hated being alone during storms, which is why she was so happy, because shes spending the time with Brian. She went up to her room and put her hair up and slipped on some shorts and a shirt, then went downstairs and sat on the couch while he got dressed, once again. She turned the TV on and surfed through the channels.
Brian swapped into his clothes and met Kendall on the sofa. He cuddled with her and watched TV until it was late. When it started to get dark, Brian checked the time. "Well, gorgeous. I have to get back home, or my parents will flip sh*t. Can you drive me?"
Kendall smiled and hopped up. "No problem. Can I stop in and say hi to my second family?" She asked, wanting to see them. As she waited for his answer she slipped on flipflops and grabbed her keys, locking the door and hopping in the truck.
He nodded his head as he grabbed his hat and put it on. "Yeah, of course. I'm sure they missed you." He smiled and hopped into the truck with him, sitting back and enjoying the ride while she drove.
Kendall drove, listening to the radio but being quiet. After a few minutes, they arrived in front of Brian's house. Kendall hopped out of the truck and waited for him to let them inside.
They arrived at the farm, which was quite desolate except for the sounds of the crickets and the animals. The farmhands had turned in long ago and were now either home or resting. Brian took her hand, interlocking their fingers and led her inside. His parents were in the living room watching television when they entered. Their smiles were wide once they saw Kendall. They noticed the two holding hands and exchanged looks, but quickly passed it off. Brian's mom stood up and offered Kendall a friendly hug. "Kendall! It's been a while. How've you been? You're looking great," Brian's mom said with a smile. Brian's dad remained on the sofa, but offered a wave at her.
Kendall hugged her back, smiling and waving at Brian's dad. "You look great yourself! I'm doing great. It's been so long since I've been over!" She exclaimed, happy to be around them, they made her feel like she had parents around.
"It has, it's been too long in fact! You need to learn to stay in better contact," Brian's mom chided playfully. Brian's mom invited her to sit and watch television with them for a while. "Do you want anything to eat, drink? Make yourself at home!"
Kendall shook her head and shrugged. "I left everything on at home, I gotta get going actually. I'll come over tomorrow or something if you'd like? Spend the day or something?" She felt bad, but she did have to head home.
Brian's mom looked slightly disappointed. "I'd love for you to, but I have work. We'll have to connect and plan something out sometime. Maybe have a girl's night out, if you'd wanna be seen with me on the town!" She laughed playfully. After she stopped laughing she resumed talking. "Yeah, we'll have to set something up. It was nice seeing you after all that time, Kendall. Brian, you can walk her to the door," she said offering a smile. Brian smiled slightly and waited for Kendall to say goodbye before leading her to the door.
Kendall hugged Brian tightly as they got to the door. She whispered to him to text her and left, hoping in her truck and going home. When she got home, Kendall got herself a bowl of ice cream and watched TV, giggling at the funny parts of the show.
Brian hugged her tightly and nodded at her request for him to text her. He smiled and watched as she rolled by. He prepared himself for the teasing that was bound to come from his parents as he walked through the living room to get upstairs. They surprisingly didn't taunt him much. His mother even asked if he had a good time, to which he responded yes. They left him alone after that, and he headed upstairs. He got ready for bed, showering and getting on a cutoff shirt and athletic shorts.

He blasted the stereo in his room, Brad Paisley's "Hey Girl" emitting through the speakers as he thumped down on his bed. He grabbed his phone and sent Kendall a quick text. "Going to bed soon, had a great time with you. See you in school, gorgeous!" He smiled as the text sent.
Kendall giggled at the text, smiling and texted back 'Goodnight handsome!' She put her bowl away and quickly fell asleep after setting her alarm....

(next morning i guess?)


Mood: Musical

Location: 7th Period Home Economics

Listening to: Classical Music

Ms.Frank, the home economics teacher, was having the class make cherry pies. Despite the virginity jokes that he classmates were making, Jamie liked the assignment. She was bad at cooking, but rocked at baking. There was an odd number of kids in the class today but she was perfectly content on working without a partner.

She was shaping the dough when that kid Jesse walked into the classroom and approached Ms Frank. She looked dazzled by him but he was pretty darn dazzling. They hadn't spoken or even acknowledged each other since the party but she couldn't stop looking at him. He was so different than the boys in Appleby.

"Everybody stop for a second please?" Ms. Frank announced to the class. Jamie sat down on a stool and looked curiously at the front of the room, "This is Jesse. He's new to school and had a schedule change. But he's an awesome cook, so we're very lucky to have him!" Jesse liked to cook? That was new information, "Anyway, Miss Cooper?" she directed at me, "Since you don't have a class partner, would you mind having Jesse work with you?"

An amused smile played on Jesse's lips as he waited for her answer, "Shouldn't be a problem." she replied, throwing her long hair over her shoulder and giving the teacher a smile.
Kendall was walking down the hallway to go to 7th period. She saw Brian in the hallway and winked, then walked into economics. She sat down and opened her book, copying down notes but mostly thinking.

Mood: Amused

Location: Home Ec.

Listening to: Some classical crap

Jesse didn't believe in signs, but it had to be a sign that he was paired with Jamie Cooper for home economics. He was trying to talk to her for days but just couldn't. Now he had an excuse. After all, just because he wascool by Austin standards didn't mean he was cool by Appleby ones.

"Sup?" she greeted him as he threw his bookbag down on the floor next to their steel workstation, "We're making cherry pie."

A suggestive smile played on her lips and Jesse couldn't help but grin broadly at her weird sense of humor, "Everybody loves some cherry pie."

The two of them burst into an uncontrollable fit of giggles until they noticed Ms. Frank shooting them a look. "So I'm gonna throw the shell in the oven." he picked up the pie pan and put it in the hot industrial style oven where a few other students' crusts were baking.

"Thanks." she told him as he sat on a stool. The crusts took 20 minutes to bake, then fill, then bake again. Jesse didn't mind, though. He wanted to talk to his really hot home ec partner, "So the other night was a good time." she commented. So she did remember him. He was glad she wasn't that much of a drunk.

"Yeah, it was." he replied with a smile.
Em was walking to Home EC when she past Brian in the hall, and walk into the classroom and sist next to her partner/BFFL Kendall '' hey bring my dress?, i brought your sweatshirt.." Em says putting her stuff on the desk '' oh! and what i miss??"
Brian returned Kendall's wink, grinning as he continued to make his way to the shop building. As much as he loved being with Kendall, Home Ec wasn't for him. He had a strut in his walk as he entered the shop room, his boots making loud clapping noises as he stepped across the glassy floor. Brian stepped into the office part of the room and looked at the plans for the current project, digging them out of his folder. He took a quick analysis, then put on a hardhat and got to work. 
After a good thirty minutes of hard work was done, Brian decided he needed to use the restroom. After being given permission by the shop teacher, he left for the restroom. The halls were empty for a couple seniors who didn't have anything to fit that block in their schedule. He continued to the bathroom and did his business.

He was half-way back to classroom when he suddenly felt an extremely heavy force hit him from behind. The push knocked him off his feet, sending him into the wall. He got himself up and looked forward, wondering what happened. Some kid was just grinning wildly at him. It took him a minute but he remember the face. It was Randy, a kid he'd had trouble with since eighth grade. In eighth grade, Brian had yet to become the farmboy he was in recent times. Therefore he hadn't hit any growth spurts, which was quite embarrassing. Randy decided to exploit this by stealing his lunch money in eighth grade. This went on until about mid-ninth grade, when Brian forced Randy into a toilet and told him not to do anything stupid again. Apparently, Randy had been planning revenge all those years. Who knew?

"Dude, seriously?!" Brian exclaimed, tossing his hands up in the air in a reasoning motion. Randy threw his fist towards Brian. Brian easily blocked the fist and swung one of his own. His fist made contact, and Randy took a big blow to the face. Randy got a hit in on Brian's chest, which Brian responded to by delivering a punch to Randy's cheek. From there, Randy attempted to tackle Brian. Due to his weight and height however, Brian held firm and got Randy into a headlock. The two tussled from there, cursing and shouting at each other. Until Brian forced Randy into a locker; just as a teacher emerged from her room. She yelled at the boys to split it up and were sent to the office.

Brian was sent home and suspended for a couple days. News of the fight would spread like wildfire through the classes.
"Ugghhh." Alexa stirs from her deep sleep, groggy and laden with the effects of overindulgence. "GOOD MORNING REX! THE CURRENT TIME-- O God why! Volume 10%!-- the current time is 10:44 you have missed your first two periods of class, would you like to call in sick?" "You know that wouldn't be such a bad idea..."thought Alexa. "Sigh, no I need to go today. Compile outfit 407 for me would you, and get breakfast ready, I'm going to shower. Oh and make sure the maids know the orders are Delta Charlie Protocol. Deep Clean, understood Rex, breakfast will be ready at 11:05."

Outfit: 407


For a girl with a lot of disposable income Alexa didn't really enjoy disposing of it, most people with her kind of cash would have a ton of things one of those things being cars. Alexa fell in love with one car and needed nothing else. Her 1969 Corvette Stingray 427 in full black. It was her baby, her ride, her soul. There was plenty a time, when everything seemed to be falling in on her and that car was her way of letting go. She's taken across almost every neighboring state and back. Driving it was more than a way of getting from A to B, it transcended that point long ago. She knew her Stingray better than she knew herself. She had her garage stocked to replace every part, every component and every part of the body twice over. If she wanted she could have two more Stingrays assembled but it would never be the same. So as she pulled up to Appleby High in it she was certain to park in her favorite spot, the one surrounded by sidewalk and trees, enclosing her car so it could potentially only be hit from behind.

The car:


Alexa bounded from the car and ran to the entrance. Entering the school she heard the 3rd period bell ring, signalling the end of that period. She raced off to 4th period the one she hated most, Algebra 2. While Alexa was quite good at managing her finances she wasn't too savvy with nor keen on dealing with imaginary numbers as she called them. Ariving to class early unlike her missed periods of the day she had a few moments to think to herself before the rest of the class filed in."Well at least I'll have Jamie in my class, I wonder how she's coping with the afterparty...or more importantly what she's wearing," thought Alexa. "Then again I'm curious what happened with that Samantha girl, she was a fine piece of work to say the least, I'd love to grind up on her a couple more times." Alexa was imagining what that would be like when Jamie walked in, spotting her Alexa shot her a gleaming smile and wink and waved her over to sit next to her.

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