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Fantasy Lightwood Academy

Room 105
His subconscious was slowly taking over as his mind became fuzzy with sleep,"

Sleep... can't...

" Trying to fight against the somnolent overtaking him, he soon gave in and decided maybe a few minutes of a morning nap wouldn't hurt as he didn't noticed Chester entering the room with a mischievous look to him, transforming into a purple-coated cat walking over to him. Just when Ace was about to complete give into the darkness, he felt something sharp clawing into his back and noticed that it was quite small due to the light weight it gave. He was still in a daze and pondered what the thing on his back could be as he heard a purr as it moved around until it was on his head placing pressure on him.

That's when his conscious was returned when he heard Chester's voice and groaned knowing that Chester must have turned into his cat form,"

Ughh... and you're rather heavy.

" He replied back and bought a hand up towards Chester and ran his hand through the soft texture of the purple fur,"

So soft...

" He mumbled drowsily, feeling himself losing again to the sleep as his half opened eyelid slowly closed. His breathing became soft with his back rising then falling at a content pace and his hand still held onto Chester’s fur, caressing his back with gentle care to show he was still awake but only for a while until the bell for class rang. For now, he was just relaxing to enjoy this tranquil moment for a little longer,"

...Wake... me up... class.

" He mumbled and then, he was out.


Vlad noticed her expression had changed into one of horror to math the boy's previous one. He didn't know exactly what happened. Something about a starfish and Posideon. The teen scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to do with their situation. He decided upon changing the subject for now, saying," Well, most of the students just got their dorm rooms and roommates given to them." Vlad started to walk off, gesturing over his shoulder to follow him down the corridor as he spoke again," come on, I'll show you the way. I was just headed over there anyways."

Whether or not they followed, he continued to walk to the dorms. He had a few thoughts on what his classes were this year, but he didn't let it take over for now. After a little while of walking, he checked over his shoulder to see if they were following or not.
Amber hurried after him, hoping to finally get some sort of schedule. The boy was walking at quite a fast pace, and because of her short legs, the girl had to run to catch up with him. She didn't bother checking if Ren had come with them or not. She was too embarrassed as it was. As they went along the hallways, Amber looked around to try and memorise the surrounding, in case she found herself lost again.

"So, how are the roommates chosen? I hope I get a nice one..." The last part was still fairly loud, but mainly addressed to herself. Her legs were beginning to ache from all the walking, but excitement pooled in her stomach as the walked - or should I say ran. Amber had never been in a dorm before, or even in a hotel. This was going to be a completely new experience for her, and the girl was already trying to plan everything out in her head.
Noah quickly nodded his head at the irritated woman and then turned for a quarter to meet the face and looks of so called Suleiman. "Suleiman, is it? Hi." He replied to make sure he pronounced it right and politely shook his hand. The male had really nice purple hair with some clothes that looked rather comfortable to him. He looked friendly and the little worries he had about getting a roommate that wasn't slowly faded away. "So, lets go to our dorm shall we?" He suggested with a slight chuckle at his own manner of speaking.
(We each have different experiences it seems.) Severa was surprised that someone would find her abilities 'cool' because she always sees it as something normal considering most of her species are able to do it. She then continued to listened to Marley explaining about her powers until she had nodded. "A hybrid..." she muttered, feeling rather curious with the mixture of bloodline.

Remembering how Marley had emphasized a word, hinting her lack of mastery towards her powers, "Most people have little control of their own power. One of the purposes of this academy is to hone them. I am also unable to fully utilize my powers well. So being told that your performance is adequate for your age, that should be something to have appreciation for." She blurted it out without a second thought after moving from where she was to look at the window, examining the view that can be seen from there.

"Class should be starting soon." Severa pointed out and from where she was standing, she was able to take hold of Naegi. She went over to her desk and shrank Naegi's size, inserting it in her bag's side pouch. "Do we have the same class? If so would you like to go together?" she added while looking at her roommate who was on her bed, deciding it will be appropriate if they were to leave together.
Sully's eyes went wide with excitement at how friendly his roommate was. "Yeah, but I prefer just Sully." With a nod he looked down the hall, where their dorm laid around the corner. "Might as well get settled." He said in agreement to Noah's suggestion. "Nice hat by the way." Sully told Noah as he began walking to the dorm, waiting for Noah.
Marley smiled at the girl. "Yeah. A hybrid. But 'mutt' fits me a little better." Marley listened intently as the girl said that also was not able to focus her powers just yet. She nodded and watched the girl get up and walk to the one window in the room. "Yeah. My dad is the shifter and he said that I'm doing better with my powers than he was at my age and he was a purebred shifter. My mom thinks it's the vampire half allowing me to advance so quickly. But they're still a little worried about them getting out of control." Marley shook her head. "They worry too much."

She watched again as the girl shrank her weapon smaller and stuck it into her book bag. "I have combat first, I think. What about you?" Marley asked, folding the map up and putting it back into her book bag. "Sure thing!" Marley said with a wide smile, throwing her book bag over her shoulders.
Noah made a mental note for himself to remember the other male's nickname and nodded at so said Sully with a slight grin. "Sounds like a cool nickname." He said, before taking of after him down the hall and to their dorm. "Heh, thanks." He replied to to the compliment, reminding him of his fluffy hat that as always, was present on his head. He loved it. "Your hair looks pretty neat." Being polite and actually speeking the truth, Noah complimented the other male back. Long hair was always a thing that he had admired on other people, due to the fact that he couldn't handle it and it would look really messy on him.
Sully blushed slightly at the compliment. No one had ever been this nice to him, let alone when they just met. 'This is going to be a good year.' He thought to himself as he thanked Noah and tried to make a joke. "Yeah, you could say it's the Illithid within me." He chuckled at his own joke, but quickly stopped when he realized Noah would most likely have no idea what he was talking about. Shaking his head in embarrassment at how stupid he was being towards the person who would be living with him for quite some time he turned the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open.
Noah just shook the so made joke of like it was nothing, he didn't quite understand it so there was so need to comment about it. Once the duo arrived at their dorm from wich he remembered was numbered #111, he looked over Sully's schoulder into the room. "Ah it looks nice." He slowly said, taking a few steps inside and taking a look around. It was simple, but with a little bit of his own touch on his side it would be great. "Do you prefer one side over the other, or...?" He turned towards his roommate once again as he asked his question.
"That is fortunate. I am also taking combat." Severa then takes her bag from her desk, wearing it on her shoulder and headed for the door. She opened the door and waited for her roommate, looking back at her as she approaches. She had exited the room and held the door open just to let her teammate pass through. All the while, her thoughts pondered on how combat class is any different from her daily sparring she would always do with her father. Although she had already forged Naegi at that time, her father would disallow her to use it since he wants her to be used with all types of weapon considering her powers.
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Chester purred loudly as he stroked his fluffy fur, rolling about on his back in glee. A Small giggle escaped his wide smirk as he noticed how his Little friend was starting to dose off already , and this early too. His ears twitched erratically for a second as the bell rung throughout the school , deciding to lick his face to wake him. "Waakkkeeeee up~~~" He'd purr loudly , reverting back to his Human form.

"Come on Ace it's time for the first class!.." He'd grumble, doing a little twirl in the air as he waited for him to regain his bearings.

(Sorry for the lack of posting recently, Been doing stuff!)
Sully looked into the room with amazement, it may have been simple but it was a huge step up from the single room he shared with everyone at the orphanage. Caught in his own thoughts it took him a while to respond to Noah, "Uhm, I prefer the right side I guess? Unless you want it." He walked into the room and spun slowly, taking it all in. So this is where he would be spending the next year of his life. It was much better than the cage he had been trapped in when the Illithid created him, but he didn't want to think about that right now. "Oh yeah, what classes are you taking?" Sully asked as he stopped spinning and looked to Noah.
After taking a good look around and taking in the simple placements of furniture, Noah nodded his head and took place on the left bed. "Just the basics, combat, control and Health." He answered Sully's question, not having to think about it for long as it was a simple list. He was told to choose his classes and as Herbs And Potions didn't interest him that much he dropped that. "What about you?" He asked the purple haired teen in return as he made himself comfortable on his simple sleeper.
Room 105
His nap was short when he felt something rough touch his cheek almost like sandpaper as a loud rumbling could be heard next to her ear. His eyebrows twitched and his eyelid flickered open when he heard the word 'class' among the sentences though his mind was sluggish to process what Chester was even saying. Rubbing the sleep out of his tired eyes, he shook off the drowsy feeling and let out a loud yawn staring at Chester's floating figure with a dull stare as if he was in a daze,"

Ah... class. Yeah I'm up.

" He responded lazily and got up from the bed stretching out his sore muscle joints with a slight clap of his bones audible in the room. Ruffling his black-white tresses, he fixed up his composure to look more clean and smiled towards Chester signalling he was ready to leave after fixing himself up,"

Shall we head out?




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