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Fantasy Lightwood Academy

Vivien was a little surprised by the sudden show of the students, but shrugged and began giving out the proper rooms for each student," Suleiman Okumura, you will be in room 111 with Noah Cealan. It's down the hall, the first room after you turn the corner." She looked at both if the students and pointed in the direction as she did with everyone," Marley, you are with Severa in room 101. Chester, you are with Acedia in room 105." Her irritated gaze shifted to the last student standing there who hadn't given her a name," Name." @The Velveteen Rabbit

@Plushie @Venus @Robertaka123 @KoopaTroopa @haydenly16

Vlad made his way to the dorms. He had yet to find his brother, but he had a feeling he didn't check the dormitory well enough. It took a few minutes for him to get there, but he saw the small group of people and tried to slip by without being noticed, but the Hall monitor stopped him in his tracks. He didn't know what to say,"I need to-"

"Zip it, Lightwood," she said, not turning her gaze from the girl that stood in front of her.

Her tone made Vlad stand up straight and close his lips tightly. He was more focused on wanting to find his brother, but he didn't want to start something with the staff this early in the year. Blue eyes rolled behind their lids as he leaned his shoulder against the wall and waited. It was obvious that Vivien was going to make him wait to give him his room number and roommate, if he had one. For some reason, he hoped that he didn't. It was always awkward for him to get to know people, even though he tried not to be unsociable. Vlad lightly tapped the side of his head of dark hair against the wall, getting more nervous by the second.
Darren stood at the and of the halway, as far away from the Hall Monitor as possible. Everyone had been assigned to their room and had cleared out, except for Darren and the boy standing against the wall. "You there, boy!" said the Hall Monitor. She looked at his direction, but it was as if she looked straight through him. He turned around to see if there was anyone behind him. "Me?" he asked. "Don't test me boy," she said. "Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to give me your name?" Darren felt like she would rip of his skin if he didn't answer immediately. "Darren Tempest. madam." "Cut the formalities. You and Vlad are in room 103. Go on, hurry up." He walked towards his room. The boy against the wall tried to follow him. The situation became tense, he didn't want Vlad to go with him. "Hold it right there, Lightwood! Did I give you permission to go?" Phew, saved by the bell, or rather saved by a sadistic woman in a very bad mood.

Vlad walked backwards until he was next to Vivien. He turned his head to face her and blinked slowly,"no." Though he wasn't one to get upset easily, he could feel himself growing tired of the hall monitors irritated tone. It was making himself feel irritated. The teen stood there in silence, waiting for her to say something,"well? What is it?"

Just as he said that, he heard the familiar happy laugh of his little brother coming from the hall. He stood still, listening to the pitter patter of small feet tuning down the hall. When the small blonde boy emerged from the corner, he came running in their direction with a wide smile and tried to pass them, but Vlad caught him by the jacket and lifted him up from the ground. "Got ya'," He smiled behind his mask of bandages and pulled him into his arms so that he was carrying the boy.
Marley nodded at the unfriendly lady, casting her a sideways glance. She watched silently as she went on to other children and a 'Mr. Lightwood'. She grimaced at the guy, raised her eyebrows at him, and then watched as he caught his, what she was assuming was, his little brother. She smiled and walked into her room, seeing her roommate already there. All of her stuff was sitting outside of the door, left by her parents. She grabbed the two biggest duffelbags and brought them into the room, throwing them onto the bed and then turning to the small pretty girl before her. ""Hiya. I'm Marley. Nice to meet you." She said, sticking her hand out for the small girl to shake.
It took quite a while but Severa had at last heard the door when she was examining her naginata's condition. A female who was much taller than her with long black hair had entered with each bag in her hand, having just tossing it away to the unoccupied bed. She puts down her weapon by the bedside from where she was sitting and stood up while adjusting her skirt a little bit. She walked over to the girl immediately after she had done putting away those bag of hers remembering the formalities she was thought before entering the school. (Introductions. Firstly, we should exchange names.)

Her roommate seemed to have notice her approaching since she turned around and had introduce herself but when Severa saw a hand extended towards her, she instinctively slapped it away. She had paused for a moment to ponder on what had just happened and was shocked when she had come to a realization. (... That was called a handshake. A formal greeting by the act of meeting each others' hands. This is a school so it should be safe. I guess I should lower my guard a little as to not be defensive all the time.)

"My apologies. I acted on instincts." she gave her a short bow and soon after stood up straight, looking right at her silvery eyes. "I am Severa Astin North. Can we start that over again?" she continued then taking off her right hand glove and offered her hand.
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Marley watched as the girl approached her and then proceeded to immediately slap her hand away from a handshake. Marley withdrew her hand rather quickly and looked at the girl strangely. She took a deep breath and looked at the girl as she spoke. "No biggie, I suppose." Marley said and then watched as the girl introduced herself and asked to start over. Then the girl extended her hand to Marley. Marley looked a little wary. "Sure thing. Marley Fatima Hardly." She said, shaking the girl's hand and then pointing to herself, since they were using full names. "Nice to meet you, Severa." She withdrew her hand again and smile. "How are you doing?" she asked the girl.
"Evelia Bruining."

The angel told the irritated hall monitor. She heard a small laugh of a child behind her. Eve turned around to see a little boy running towards someone. She smiled when 'Mr. Lightwood' swooped him up from off the floor. The hall monitor cleared her throat loudly. Eve jolted and glanced nervously back to her. She wasn't listening.

"I'll say it again. You're in room 109. At the end of the hallway on the right."

She growled. Eve frowned a bit and opened her mouth.

"W-what about my...." The hall monitor didn't seem to be listening anymore, and was busy directing other students.

The angel sighed quietly and walked down the hallway. She opened the door to her dorm room, stepping inside. Her gaze glanced around admiringly for a few moments. An aching feeling of exhaustion hit her. Eve plopped down onto the bed along with her leather satchel. She stared at her feet for a moment in thought. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath before laying her back flat against the sheets. Eve stared up at the ceiling with a blank face.
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After she had pull back her hand from the handshake, Severa felt somewhat relieved that her previous action was forgiven as she puts back on her glove. "Meeting you was also pleasant, Marley." While her roommate was giving the girl a smile, her aloof expression remains as Marley asked her a question. (How are you doing?) she repeated those words in her mind, trying to process what is meant. (My current state?) assuming that is what Marley was asking for, she was confused on why she would ask such a question. (What will it do good for her? Does is improve her current state?)

Thinking the effects would only be minor if she were to reveal it to her and also wanting to be less suspicious when noticing that the girl's eyes was being quite wary of her before, "Physically, I am healthy. No illness. Emotionally, I am stable." As she had told hers, Severa thought it would only be fair if she would do the same. "You?" she inquired while still using her monotonous voice.
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Marley looked at the girl as the girl took a long time to answer. "Well, that's good. I'm just fine, thanks for asking." she said, with a nod. "I'm gonna move the rest of my stuff in." she said, moving away back toward the door. She grabbed the few boxes and the rest of her bags, throwing them onto her side of the room. This was going to be a very interesting year. Marley stood and withdrew the map from her book bag, spreading it out in front of her. "This is a little forward. But since we're living together, do you mind my asking what exactly you can do?" Marley then cringed at hr own words. This wasn't exactly how she meant to work that. "I mean, like, what are your powers?" she asked the girl as she began to unpack her boxes.
Seeing Marley bringing in her stuff which was a lot from Severa's perspective, she glanced at her large suitcase with her school bag on top. "The amount of things we had brought differs." she stated but thought she should also put her clothes in the dresser and opened her suitcase. There was not much inside but just about 4 sets of clothes, her spare gloves, toiletries and others that she thought that was required to bring. She arranged them neatly in the drawers and took her books and also her bag to the desk.

She had finished right about when Marley had brought out her map since she had only brought little of her belongings while there are still some things she decided to let it remain in her suitcase. She went back to sit on her bed and then Marley spoke up, questioning about her powers. She reached for Naegi and held it with both her hands. "This is my companion. It is important for me to not be separated with it. I am able to alter it to any form as long as it is a weapon. That is my power, what are yours then?" When she had finished, Severa position Naegi at her bedside again and expecting Marley's answer.
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Suleiman looked to the boy not too far from him who told the hall monitor his name was Noah Caelan. "Noah, she said you're with me." Sully told him, smiling as he held out his hand to Noah. He idly played with the strap on his backpack, hoping this approach was a good start to what would be his first friendship. He was almost tempted to open a gateway between their minds, but figured against it since Noah may not appreciate it or even find it an invasion of space.
Outside of the gates, Ren was finally getting used to standing on his own two feet. The second bell had already sounded through the school, but he had little knowledge of what it meant. He just assumed it was something important and pushed himself to stand up. The things on the bottom of his legs felt weird and were heavy as he slowly stepped, wobbling down the path to the entrance of the school. Small hands gripped at the straps of what they called a "book bag" that he carried on his back, keeping his steady to keep from falling over. What was held in the bag was this material stuff the organization called clothes, and supplies for this 'school'.

The blue haired boy stopped and looked at the large building ahead of him with round eyes. This is Lightwood, but it is also school...He thought to himself, his head tilting slightly whilst a gentle voice broke the everyday noisy silence in the area, "I wonder why they call it school? Are there many fish?" His shoulders shrugged lightly at his own question and he continued to walk into the building.

Ren, the boy, had a happy air around him at first, but it slowly started to dwindle into nervousness when he realized he had no idea as to what he was supposed to be doing at the moment. It became evident on his face with an almost scared expression. As his confidence decreased, so did his concentration on walking, and he started to buckle once more. He used the wall to help himself stand while he walked down the corridor, but it didn't help much with his unsteady steps. It was his luck that he had forgotten that the school gave them a map, and had left it outside in his hurry to find out where they were supposed to be. So, he had to wander the halls on his own. Hopefully he would find it before he ended up falling somewhere.
Room 105
Ace chuckled watching Chester doing small spins in the air as it was an interesting show for him to watch though he was a bit envy of Chester's ability to float about as a please which restrains. He truly was a cat that did as he please from Ace's perspective. He agreed with Chester as Lightwood did seem boring with the usual things but it was the first day of school, of course there would be nothing but people catching up with old friends or making new friends, et cetera. Ace understood that empty feeling of boredom but he always found ways to entertain himself so it wasn't a problem for him.

Surprisingly, Chester spoke his own thoughts as if they were sync as he also grin along with Chester,"

I wouldn't mind that kind of fate.

" He said picking up his duffel bag that he left on the ground while chatting with Chester,"Aye mate." He replied, laughing softly to himself as he followed after Chester towards the Dormitories where the hall monitor, Vivien, stood with the same stern attitude as if she hated them all but he knew that she was just going with the tides. As Chester introduced himself, Vivien didn't even give a glimpse at the list and pointed towards their room with a silent warning saying,"

Hurry up and get out of here.

" type of thing as he smiled at Chester at the coincidence of them to be dorm mates,"

What a surprise. Shall we head over to our room, dorm mate?

" He chuckled and walked ahead of Chester towards their dorm room where he threw his bag onto his bed and literally fell face first into the soft fabric of his blankets and let out a sigh,"

I could just sleep here if I wanted to.

" He muffled into the blankets with a loud yawn following his sentence. If only he could sleep but he knew that classes were about to start in a few minutes giving little time for him to relax just yet.


Amber shot up out of bed quickly, the pointed ears on her head standing to attention, and her posture slightly hostile. To her relief, it had not been an attacker who woke her from her peaceful slumber, but in fact, her alarm clock. She collected herself after a deep breath and a yawn, then slammed her fist harshly down onto the small clock, pressing the metal button to stop the irritating noise. Without checking the time - stupidly, might I add - she threw on her school clothes, carefully adjusting them so that they would fit her curvy body. Amber slid her platinum blond hair out from the overnight plaits she had put them in, careful not to knot the fair locks. Once she was done, it reached her waist, in subtle waves. She applied makeup carefully in her small, cracked mirror that she kept on the desk in her room, careful not to leave the house looking like a clown. Once she was done, her full lips were a tad bit glossier than usual, and her eyelashes were darker over her bright green, cat eyes.

Amber continued downstairs from her room, into the cramped kitchen she had managed to put together with the small amount of magic she had left after making her apartment. She put a slice of bread into the toaster, heating it up slightly with a simple spell, before popping out a fresh slice of toast. Without adding butter or anything else of the sort, she left her apartment, locking the door behind her, and walked confidently out of the apartment building, heading straight for the academy. It would only be a short walk through the forest, and if she shifted, it would be a lot faster. Without a second though, she forced herself into her shifted form, wincing in pain as her bones cracked against her sides, her organs being punctured and healed at an erratic pace. By the time it was done, she was a platinum blond cat, with striking green eyes. She bounded through the forest, using her magic to make her back follow her as she darted between the trees.

The gates to her school sent a flood of relief into Amber as she shifted back into her human form, grabbing her bag from where it hovered in the air, she walked at a leisurely pace into the school and through the hallways, when a sudden fear struck her. She looked around, noticing that there was no one around except a blue haired boy who seemed to be doing a.... Very wobbly dance of some sort. She dashed towards him and stopped him from continuing whatever he seemed to be doing.

"Excuse me, do you know where I need to go for my class?"
"Oh this is gonna be fun~" He'd exclaim ectasticaly , doing a small little jig in the air. He'd float into the empty dorm room and did a twirl , giggling slightly as Ace flopped onto the bed. An Idea popped into his head as he suddenly shifted into his actual cat form, suddenly making his way onto Ace's back like a pillow. He'd purr slightly and stretched, moving positions so he was like a little colorful hat atop his head. "You're rather Comfy~" he'd state, his tail flicking side to side happily. @Plushie

Ren jumped when someone suddenly stopped him, shifting his nervous gaze to the person who halted his movements. It took him a minute to analyze what she had said to him, but he blinked and gently shook his head. "I didn't know classes were starting yet....I don't know what we are supposed to do," He felt bad for not having the answer to what she inquired, but guessed that she was most likely in the same boat as him.

"There was a second bell, but I haven't seen any people of the school walking around in the halls. I assumed that classes hadn't started yet," Ren was trying not to let his curiosity and anxiety mingle with each other when he realized that this person could probably answer a few of his own questions. Like what these things were on his legs. They were sneakers that he was wearing on his feet, but he had yet to actually see his own feet let alone know what shoes were. He looked back up to the person who he assumed was a specimen of what they called a female when he noticed he had been staring down at the things in silence.
Amber tilted her head at the boy in front of her, who seemed a bit interested in his feet. Suddenly the anxiety kicked in and her stomach tightened in a strange way, making it a bit hard to breathe.

"That's okay." She said, trying hard not to stutter. Instead of letting the anxiety swallow her whole, Amber tried to climb out of the pit she fell into. "N-new shoes?" She offered, noticing how shiny the shoes looked, and how clean all of his clothes seemed. Most people would probably just assume that the boy was a bit of a neat freak, but Amber sensed something a big off about him. Something fishy...

No, literally, he smelled like fish. It took all of Amber's strength not to lick her lips in case the boy got a bit freaked out. He looked small and fragile compared to her, and a strange protective urge shot through the Were-Cat's body, her ears shooting up slightly, and her tail swaying slightly faster than usual.
"Shoes?", Ren's head cocked to the side with a questioning tone in his voice, "What are shoes?" His eyes caught the movement of her tail and ears, and he looked up at the female's platinum-furred ligaments, "Are those shoes?" It was easy for him to assume that they were as he hadn't noticed them before she said the words, 'new shoes'-- it was something new and questionable that entered his line of sight at the wrong time. The boy's eyes looked big with curiosity, staring up the stranger as he waited for an answer. There were a few other possibilities of what 'shoes' could be that ran through his head, but he didn't ask them in case he ended up bombarding the female with questions.

(sorry it's a little short..)
"Yes. They're shoes. You're not from here, are you?" The blond Were-Cat asked slowly, studying him carefully, noticing the bluish tint to his skin. When she looked at his eyes, she noticed they were different shades of silvery blue, but only by a little. She had relaxed because of the boy's innocence, quite a lot actually.

She took a moment to look around the halls in search of some kind of sign, but found nothing. Amber turned back towards the boy. "I'm Amber, what's your name?" She held her hand out towards him in a handshake gesture, retracting her nails so she didn't accidentally scratch him.
So those things on her head are shoes? Noted. I already learned something! Ren thought giddily to himself as a small smile formed on his lips, and his nails changed into a light blue hue. He shook his head slightly when she asked if he had originated from this area, and followed her gaze through the hall when she looked around. It took him a moment to see her hand held out to him, and he didn't know exactly what she wanted. She had given him her name, Amber, which was helpful in his quick realization that this was a formal greeting of some sort. Was he supposed to give her something? Ren blinked and reached into his pocket, pulling out a live starfish of minute size that he had managed to take back from the organization and placed it into her palm as he responded," I am called Ren." He watched the starfish barely move it's ligaments around against her skin, and blinked again. This wasn't something he was used to doing. No one really had to blink in the water, but he noticed his eyes would hurt if he didn't close his lids regularly.
Amber couldn't quite help herself. Without warning, she stuffed the starfish in her mouth and chewed on it before swallowing. With a loud sigh of relief, she felt her stomach fill slightly. She looked up at the blue haired boy with a grin.

"Thanks for the snack! I needed that!" Her eyes darted to his nails, and she grabbed it quickly, studying the blue colour that had appeared. "Prettyyyy" she dragged out the word in awe, still mesmerised by the colour of his nails.

"What does blue mean?" She had deduced that he was a merman of some sort from the way he spoke and walked, and also the strange blue tint that he seemed to have. She straightened back up, letting go of his hands, a goofy grin on her face.
Marley chuckled at Severa. "Yeah. My parents are kinda crazy. They thought I had to bring everything in one swoop." She said, waving off the boxes and plopping down on her bed as she listened to her talk about her powers. "Wow. That's really, really coo. I wish I could do that." She thought carefully about what she was going to say. "Oh. I'm a vampire shapeshifter mutt." Apparently, not too carefully. "My vampire side," she said, licking her lips as her canines appeared, pushing themselves out of her mouth, "Is really, super strong. Which lets my run really fast and jump really high and lift things I should never be able to lift."

Marley's canines withdrew into her gums and she re-situated her mouth with her tongue.
"Plus, I can sometimes" she stressed the word, "Read others's minds and implant a thought or action in them. I haven't gotten good at that yet. But I'm doing relatively well for sixteen, says my parents anyway." She paused, thinking. "With my shapeshifter side, I can alter small things about my appearance. Eye, hair, and skin color mostly. Sometimes, I can add small animal-like features. But I have to be at my highest ability and really focused." She looked at Severa and nodded in finality.
Ren looked mortified as he watched her eat the starfish, His eyes widening and his lips parting from each other. there was a slight pain in his chest as if he had just been betrayed. He started to take a step back from her, but she had grabbed his hands to look at the scales of his fingers, or otherwise known as his finger nails. They changed into a mixture of colors from his mingling emotions after she had let them go, but he had shrunken back from her a bit so she couldn't see. His expression had stuck until she let him go, which now it was one that looked normal, though it was hinted with nervousness. The tone of his voice hadn't changed much either, but he stuttered in his response to Amber as he tried to calm himself from witnessing such a sight, "B-blue means happy...I-I think."
Vlad left the dormitory since Vivien seemed to have forgotten about him standing there. He carried the squirming blonde in his arms all the way to the main office, and up the stairs to his father's work place. Vladmir, the headmaster, was sitting at his desk reading when he came in. When he let his brother down, he watched as he ran to their father and jumped into his lap without a care. Vlad spent some time there conversing with the two before he headed off, leaving his brother for him to look after.

It took him a minute to start wandering around again. He was already mentally exhausted from running after his brother all morning. It was also a little surprising that they would be having classes in a little while. Already getting this started? Hm. Vlad thought to himself just before he happened upon two people standing around in the hallway. It wasn't unusual, but he didn't recognize either of them. "Do you two need help with something?" He asked, stepping out of his shell for a moment to try and help the two. One was a young woman, obviously a cat of some sort, while the over was a small boy who looked like he has just witnessed a murder. What did I run in to?

@Marlow @EmzyMay
"Oh yes, actually. Neither of us really know where to go. Ren over here said something about two bells..." The were-Cat said, slowly drifting into her thoughts. Then something hit her like a ton of bricks. The starfish. I ate his offering! Oh my gosh he must be so offended! She though, a face of horror as she played the scene through her mind.

"I am so so so sorry about your starfish! I thought you were offering food. I swear upon Posideon!" Amber lifted up her hand as a sort of oath, facing Ren. She truly was horrified at her actions. It's already the first say of school and I commited homocide.

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