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Fantasy Light Without Sun


The Phoenix Queen
firejay1 submitted a new role play:

Light Without Sun - Mermaids that live all over the seas have to work together against an old traitor.

Pirutia is a planet covered in more sea than land, and the land creatures are dumb and ignorant, woefully unaware of the mermaids living below. The mermaid kingdom is made up of peacefully coexisting (or rather, not really interacting) biome sections.
The Ocean

Just the normal, blue ocean. A majority of the mermaids live here, where sunlight filters in, it's the perfect temperature, and abundant in sea life.

The Deep Dark

The deepest parts of the normal ocean. Extremely dark, cold, and a lot...
Read more about this role play...

Pirutia is a planet covered in more sea than land, and the land creatures are dumb and ignorant, woefully unaware of the mermaids living below. The mermaid kingdom is made up of peacefully coexisting (or rather, not really interacting) biome sections.

The Ocean

Just the normal, blue ocean. A majority of the mermaids live here, where sunlight filters in, it's the perfect temperature, and abundant in sea life.

The Deep Dark

The deepest parts of the normal ocean. Extremely dark, cold, and a lot more dangerous. It takes tougher mermaids and men to survive in this place.

Below the Ice

From the poles, underneath the thick ice, which never melts. It's freezing and inhospitable. By far, the least populated.

The Shallow Greens

The shallow, turquoise, tropical waters. It's by far the warmest, brightest area, and a very popular vacation spot, but not many actually stay and live there.

The Fresh Waters

On the only truly large island on the planet, there exists a large body of water, connected to the real ocean only by streams running in and out of the land. It is fresh water, and the mermaids there are fewer in number, and very friendly and trusting with each other.

The Heat Streams

A piece of the deep areas under the normal Ocean that's warm, because of underground magma flow. It's a more comfortable part of the dark deep, but still less populated because of the dark.

The assumption is that all mermaids can physically live in any biome. There are mermaids corresponding to many different fish kinds, not just the simple, single-color scaled ones. Each mermaid also has a special skill. Nothing fancy or supernatural like flying, or conjuring objects, but enhanced versions of normal abilities: high speed swimming, ability to invent anything out of anything, good cooking, fantastic memory, etc.

You receive an anonymous letter. It states only this: "You have been chosen. All you care for will be destroyed if you don't come to Atalantia, the Ocean capitol within one week. You have been warned." When you arrive, you find the others, and no one else. The city is dead and empty, except for the Queen Atargatis, who tells you to find the manta ray mermaid Oceanus, who's planning to destroy the Ocean Kingdom. She tells you nothing else, before disappearing.

We start here.

Max three of each biome:

Ocean: Tridius, Aristotle, Lunaria Oceanica

Deep Dark: Nami, Alga Obscuro

Below the Ice: Aquinna, Orielle Isis

Shallow Greens: Atina

Fresh Waters: Mizu Nagare, Fen Hai

Heat Streams:

1. Please, please, PLEASE, don't sign up if you don't plan to respond at LEAST once every three days. (Or inform the group if you'll be gone for a while)

2. Be respectful to others, unless your character's naturally rude. Oh yeah, that leads to #3.

3. When in the Roleplay, STAY IN CHARACTER NO MATTER WHAT. Reserve out of character comments for the OOC tab, or if it's really urgent, write fish tails if you read the rules, use the Character Sign-Up page or pm me.

4. No perfect characters, of course.

5. No one-liners. No more than 4 good-sized paragraphs. (even that's a bit long...)

6. Swearing is allowed, but not encouraged.

7. Both males and females are allowed, and any POV is acceptable.

8. Please choose names related to the seas, water, or mermaid myths and legends, not just random names. (Last names not necessary)
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firejay1 updated Light Without Sun with a new update entry:

Starting Time

Waiting for one more applicant (from the Fresh Waters at least) before I start. If you know of anyone who might be interested please tell them. I will start immediately afterwards (because I'm impatient :) ).
Read the rest of this update entry... 
The great underwater city was eerily quiet, as Queen Atargatis vanished, leaving nothing but bubbles behind. Aquinna would've thought it all a dream if it weren't for the odd collection of merpeople around her, not to mention the unusually bright and warm water they were swimming in. Who was Oceanus? What was going on? None of this made sense. She looked around at the others. The queen had called them all together, and with a threatening letter, no less, so they must be meant to work together. Biting her tongue, she wondered to herself, where were they even supposed to start? They didn't even know each other. Taking a deep breath, she tried drawing the attention of the others. "Well, I'm Aquinna. I come from Below the Ice. Who are the rest of you?"
Mizu had been so excited to see who the person was, and meeting in the capital. Even though the part about death was a little unnecessary... Quickly he made his way over to the capital, seeing that a lot of other mermaids and merman had gathered there as well. It was great to see so many of them gathered, there weren't so many mermaids and mermen in Fresh Waters after all. Queen Atargatis had told them to find Oceanus, before she had seemingly disappeared. Left confused among the other's he turned to Aquinna as she was the first one to introduce herself to the rest of the group.

"I'm Mizu Nagare! It is very nice to meet you!" Mizu said, smiling to her. He had never seen anyone from Below the Ice, his grandparents was from the same area, and his parents believes this was the reason for Mizu being able to freeze water.
Atina was used to merpeople. Merpeople coming and going, merpeople only occasionally staying, but merpeople always around. And to suddenly be called to the capital city with such a threatening letter from the Queen herself no less! Let's just say that Atina didn't find being in a pretty lifeless city all that fascinating. Her normally spirited and talkative self was chillingly silent in the anticipation of what was to happen.
Cassiopeia was disgusted by the others around her. She was the only one to have her tail to touch the ground, she half slithered, half swam along the bottom of the ocean floor. Her eyes scanned the others, the light gray blue giving a cold stare. Her claws twitched and withered in the heat of these waters. This was unusual, everything being visible and lively!.... She hated it.

The sea snake flicked her tongue and swayed side to side as her coral crown ached in the moving heated waters. "
The only reasson I am here iss becausse of the sstupid letter. Now I don't know about you, but I am going to find thiss Oceanuss, and sslay him where he sstandss." Cassiopeia was not found of this situation at all and cocked her head at everyone else. Why would they be so cheerful when they know whats happened around them?
Mizu heard Cassiopeia from down below him, as he was used to more heated and clear water and usually stayed out of the dark, he wasn't directly afraid of the dark, but more correctly what could be hiding inside of it. He swam down to where Cassiopeia was standing, smiling his bright smile to her as he had never seen a sea snake before, and was clearly fascinated by how different she looked compared to himself.

"Do we really need to kill this... Oceanus person? Isn't it better if we try to talk to him or something? Violence isn't really a good solution..." Mizu said to Cassiopeia, until he realized he hadn't introduced himself to her.

"I'm Mizu Nagare, it's very nice to meet you!" Mizu said, with his bright smile placed on his mouth reaching his hand out to greet Cassiopeia.
Orielle Isis floated off to the side, her fins moving through the water calmly. She'd kept to herself for the past eleven years, but now being surrounded by this many merpeople she wondered if she could continue that. Most likely no.

"Um. . . Excuse me. . . Who exactly is this Oceanus? I'm still trying to figure that out. Maybe that's what we should be asking instead of how to kill him or talk to him. . ." Orielle said nervously, regretting the words as soon as they left her mouth.

She looked around at all the merpeople and spotted a familiar face. She'd seen her twice before in the Ice biome, but never spoken to her. Orielle recalled her name to be Aquinna.

You should say something to her, Ellie. Orielle thought to herself.
Adrianna was beginning to get a headache, the bright light hurt her eyes and it had been a rather long time since she last interacted with so many merfolk. Not to mention how almost uncomfortably warm the waters were after being in the depths for so long. She stayed to the side of the group as everyone filed in and introduced themselves, her long tail an awkward hindrance in these waters. She decided to introduce herself to the group at large in order to save time. "...My name is Adrianna. Forgive my reluctance to speak, I haven't had much interaction with my own kind for quite a while." In a friendly manner, anyway. "I believe the best course of action is to find this Oceanus." She paused, thinking. "I'm certain the queen had a reason for choosing us, perhaps our next course of action will become clear after we locate him."
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But how were they to locate someone they didn't even know? Aquinna thought she vaguely recognized one of the mermaids, the one who had made the comment about figuring out who he was in the first place. The pretty one called Mizu seemed very happy to be here, at least, if no one else did.

Aquinna vaguely recalled an old fish tale about a manta ray mermaid before. If they could find a book with more details, maybe that would help them on their search. "Excuse me, but does anyone know where the library might be?"
(The pretty one huh? Why thank you <3)

"I've never been here before... I usually don't travel so far as to the capital, I've only been here twice,"
Mizu admitted to Aquinna, as he looked over to the two others who had gathered here as well. It seemed as many of them had been gathered to find out who this Oceanus, what the Queen wanted them to do in the first place. He swam over to Adrianna and Orielle, smiling to the both of them.

"Hi, I'm Mizu Nagare. Nice to meet the both of you!" Mizu said with a wide smile on his mouth, as he was extremely happy to meet a lot of merfolk, as there wasn't so many around his age living in the Fresh Waters. He actually didn't really know anyone his age from there at all.
Orielle smiled shyly and introduced herself.

"I'm Orielle Isis, I come from Below the Ice as well. . . As for the library I think I know where that is."

She'd visited the capital once before and she recalled going to the palace library.

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Tridius opened the letter. "You must..." It read. Alright. He was already near the meeting spot so why wait? He slowly swam over, thinking about who he would be with. Maybe a mixed-gender group? Hopefully he wasn't the only guy there. He swam over, and saw a group. He'd better analyze them. Looked like they came from many different places. Hey, diversity couldn't hurt. Slowly, he made his way over there, and said, "I assume this is the group assigned to kill Oceanus? Hello, I'm Tridius, bounty hunter for the King."
Atina sucked up her anxiety about the situation and put on a smile. "First impressions Atina!" She thought to herself. After perking up she swam over to the nearest group of merpeople and introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Atina. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance for however long this is gonna go on~" She gave a bit of a wink at the end of her introduction. It's best to look cute and friendly. After being threatened, you don't know who'll you'll need as allies.
Tridius smiled. "Hello, Atina. Now, we'll need to know everybody's previous occupation, so we can expect who does what." Tridius was probably the only one with previous battle experience, but it didn't matter at this point. What mattered was that everyone knew who did what, so they could kill Oceanus in the least time possible. He noticed that it was a random group of people. Just great. That meant they could do anything, as far as he knew. Damn the peaceful society he lived in for not keeping tabs on criminal activity! The police consisted of fools!
Aquinna was about to ask Orielle Isis to take her to the library, when a couple of the others who had been silent before began introducing themselves. Maybe they should wait a bit to let everyone get a word in before taking any action. "Hello Tridius, Atina. I'm Aquinna." She told them quietly. "I am a trapper and a sculptor. Do either of you know who Oceanus is?"
Tridius laughed. "Wow... They give you the letter and they don't even say who it is? He's a traitor and wants to screw all mermaids. Inside info from the boss. In fact, I had heard that the Queen was organizing a group. That's us, apparently. I'm a hunter for the King, like I said earlier. What are you, Atina?"
Atina smiled broadly just as she was used to doing when dealing with the everyday vacationers that visited her more tropical home. "Oh nothing special, I just work at a bar. Occasionally I help out with a friend's daycare business and babysit the little ones of vacationers as well." She kept her warm smile and didn't elaborate further. She knew by her small stature that they would find her being here hard to believe especially after they had just given such impressive job descriptions. What she didn't say was that she worked at one of the roughest bars in the Shallow Greens and was called to babysit only the most unruly little guppies for a reason. It was simply funny to her to watch their potential confusion.
Tridius thought about her background. "You should be skilled at hand to hand combat. Looks like you've been chased after by a lot of men." He hoped she took that well. She looked like the one who would be overpowered, with her stature, but wasn't due to her skill with others. "You look like you've been through the worst where you lived, am I right?" If she said yes, then his assumptions would be correct. If not, they were... Left with the girl in the corner who looked antisocial, a trapper and sculptor- maybe traps would get them somewhere, him, Atina, and whoever else was here.
Atina listened to what the merman had to say and then gave out a joyful, flirty laugh. "You've got that right angelfish! Well, the men part anyway. I know a few moves to get me out of a quick scrape, but I'm probably not as skilled as you're thinking." Atina's hair floated down in front of her right eye as she leaned forward, as if sharing secret although her voice never lowered from its original volume. Giving of a mysterious air, she continued "I have other ways of quieting down rowdy merpeople." She leaned back and broke eye contact, waiting for the next person to speak up about themselves.
Tridius frowned. "I'm a bluefin, Atina. Not an angelfish." He clapped his hands. "So, who's next? Or should we just go straight for Oceanus?" He pulled out a map of the oceans. "We'll look over this later."

(Whenever we finish introductions, he'll say this.)

"Alright, so he might be in the Bermuda Triangle. Or he could be near humans. Maybe a bay?" He handed it around the circle. "What do you think, Aquinna?"
Atina had turned away before he had given her a response but turned back when she heard him brush her flirtatious attempts off. "Aww, you're no fun!" She chided with an exaggerated fake pout and then she sighed. "But I suppose the sooner this is dealt with, the sooner we can all get back to our little lives." Atina sighed again put her hand to her face, looking thoughtful as she waited for others to speak. She hadn't the slightest clue about anything that came to this "Oceanus" other than a few rumors and fish tales here and there. Frankly speaking she hadn't thought she had had a real reason to until recently.
"I've worked as a nurse in the hospital in Fresh Waters for a small while. But otherwise I haven't really worked that much," Mizu answered to Tridius question and of course with a smile. He hoped that they wouldn't really "kill" this Oceanus guy, bad guy or not. He wanted them all to get along, merfolk had done that for centuries, and everyone in Fresh Water got along just fine. Whatever he must have done, it had to be bad. "Oh. I'm Mizu, pleasure to meet you both," Mizu said, mainly to Atina and Tridius, as he had yet to introduce himself to them.
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Orielle frowned, realizing she was the only one who hadn't told her occupation.

It's okay. That was in your past. . . She thought to herself.

"I. . . Used to be a street fighter. . ." Orielle whispered, hoping no one heard her. "For the Crystal Arena in the Ice Biome. . ."

Immediately, flashbacks began in her head.

((Sorry it's so short. I'm trying to wait for the main plot to start.))
Tridius thought about his group. They were good. They had a person to help wounds, a couple of fighters, himself included, a trapper, and a barkeep. Well, it could be worse. Tridius then pulled out a map. "This is a map of the Oceans, and the Land where the humans live." He said humans with disgust. Those humans killed his parents! "That's nice that you were a street fighter. It means that you know how to fight. I mainly tracked people down. Now, where to begin? He could be near a bay. That's where humans live, and so we don't visit as much. But that bay..." Tridius smiled as he remembered the days before the time he lived on his own...
Mizu noticed the change of tone in Tridius' voice when he mentioned the humans. Personally Mizu didn't think much of the humans, he was curious of how they lived and their ability to walk, but it didn't bother him more than that. He definitely didn't wish to talk about it as it sounded like a bad memory, and the last thing Mizu needed was for this group of merfolk to become depressed. "If I was a traitor... where would I go...?" Mizu asked himself out loud, thinking about Tridius plan to go to the bay, even though Mizu thought more about a cave or somewhere he could lay his plans in secrecy, but finding a cave in the ocean wasn't a hard thing to do, it was maybe the easiest thing to find. "The Bay seems fine! I've actually never seen a human in my entire life! I've only heard about them," Mizu said with some happiness in his voice as he was excited about seeing the humans, or hopefully spotting them at the very least.

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