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Futuristic Life With Artificial Intelligence (Open)

The weather was quite nice today and Vincent found himself sitting in non-descript coffee shop next to the window and while he had a cup of tea in his hands he was too busy to enjoy it. Instead he was scrolling on his pad through the potential contracts he had currently available and considering he had only recently set up shop there were quite bit of them. Sadly, there was nothing too interesting or high key to nudge his excitement but work was work and every job was one more step to the big leagues of crime in this city. Another thing he noticed was that even most of these easier jobs required some degree of hacking skills and while his skills would suffice for now it seemed he would need assistance later on namely a partner.

Picking a fairly simple jewelry heist from the contracts that seemed the like a good start for now his thoughts drifted towards the thoughts of a partner and more specifically an A.I partner. Surprisingly he had signed up for one completely legally well almost completely legally if he counted the adjustments to his papers and all but those were minor details. Now that he thought about it was probably supposed to arrive today. Seeing that it was better for him to be there when the A.I came Vincent finished his tea and rose from his seat in one fluid motion and made his way casually towards his current apartment.
Scarlet smiled, she felt something different inside of her, she couldn’t wait for the chance to put her skills to use at some point. After pondering over the menu for a while she finally settled on ordering something called a parfait which consisted of yogurt, an assortment of berries, and granola. However she wasn't really sure what those things were either.

It didn't seem long before a large middle aged man approached the table with a large plater of food. The brunette watched the exchange between John and the cook, Pauli, and before she knew it she was shaking hands with another new face, "It's nice to meet you sir." She replied and smiled kindly at the cook. "You have a lovely diner."

The robot again listened to the exchange unsure of why someone would try to break into the diner. Sure they could be trying to steal money, but why not hit somewhere bigger then? There had to be more to it. Satisfied that they would be looking into the matter she turned her attention to the food in front of her. "People say we're bad guys?" She asked while watching as John stabbed his food with a fork before turning her attention to the silverware beside her. The brunette looked back and forth between the fork, knife, and spoon unsure of which one to use. After few minuets of contemplating the matter she picked up the fork and tried her best to get the yogurt and berries onto it. However each attempt failed with the yogurt slipping through the fork and the berries sliding off. "Uhm.... John.... I think the food is broken." There was nothing in her programming on how to eat because it wasn't entirely necessary for her to do so, although it was possible. Again another feature just to make them seem more human.

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Brandon stared up at the AI now in front of him and before he could speak, Jack cut in, "How awesome! Look at this guy! What should we have him do?" It was clear Jack was excited about the AI assigned to Brandon. They had never personally owned one of their own.

Brandon however showed no excitement and in fact was rather disgusted and irritated by his friends eagerness to put the AI to work. "AI3199.... Thats quite a mouthful. Is there something else you would prefer to be called?" He spoke to the AI as if he were a normal person. In truth Brandon felt bad for the AIs; despite being mostly machine they were in essence a living being that should've continued to be used for higher purposes, not just a servant to someone who is too lazy to get up and pour themselves a drink.

Jack was a bit caught of guard by how Brandon treated the AI before he remembered how his friend felt about the whole thing, "Oh, right...." He muttered quitely. "Well I'm heading up to work! I'll see you later!" And with that Jack was off. @Lima


The receptionist looked up as Eva approached, "Eva Elizabeth correct? Please step into the vehicle you have been assigned." Again the female spoke in a pleasant tone and rose from her desk to guide the AI to where she needed to be. @Noivern


The driver glanced back at the robot, "He's looking for bugs in our programs... You were picked because you seem more durable than the others. Now sit down and be quite we are almost there." After a while they finally approached their destination and the driver exited the van and guided the AI to the door. The man in the black jumpsuit knocked a few times before returning to his van and leaving to continue the deliveries. @Noivern @Cez Bloodblade
Jensen was roaming the streets thinking really hard on this case he just got. It was about a murdered man in a ally way. He had other officers check it out and update him if they found anything interesting.
Eva looked towards the car. She scanned it a little to identify the make and model, but she decided she needed to focus at the task at hand. She dispersed her holographic screens and walked towards the vehicle, feeling quite timid. She hoped her assignment was what she wanted, but in this world machines had little choice. They practically had no will whatsoever and were commanded to do their human's bidding. This made her feel sick to her inorganic stomach and she tried to shake it off.


"Huh. Pretty bungalow ghetto-looking place if you ask me. If I were right, places like these are where organic prostitutes get dragged off and sold to black-market foreign vendors. Disgusting, but don't judge a book by it's cover. I'm being hypocritical, heh."

He waited for a response from his new human. He knew they wouldn't seem pleasant so he prepared himself for the worst. @Cez Bloodblade
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Oli felt a small blush appear on her face at the compliment, giggling slightly. "Thank you very much, Davy."

At the mention of helping clean up, she wrung her hands. "I really can clean it up, I don't want you to feel obliged to help out, but if you want it would be of great help.." Oli didn't want to treat the AI like a servant that she sees so many other humans do. "And thank you, I know my home isn't very big but it suits my needs."

Mentioned: Davy @HandsomeJack
"Oh I really don't mind helping out at all. And I don't believe you to be incapable of cleaning it up, I just like to help out is all." Davy smiled and began to pick up some of the bean bags. "I never saw the point in having a large house or many things. As long as you have what you need to care for yourself and you aren't sleeping outside." The blue haired robot continued as he gather bean bags until his arms were full and he could barely be seen over the top, "Where would you like these?" @Nudge


Once Eva was in the van the vehicle was off towards it's first destination. It was about half an hour before they finally pulled up outside of an apartment and the driver came around to get Eva. He opened the back door and looked down at his clip board, "Eva, this is your stop. Please come with me." The man in the jumpsuit led her up to the door and knocked a few times. @Noivern @LazyNeko

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Vincent had reached his apartment around half an hour ago and while he waited for the A.I he made sure to check his apartment over for anything suspicious on display just in case. Even though he was quite tide in that regard and made sure to keep his work out of his home ,a person could never be too sure and he was in the thought better safe than sorry. After finishing the check, he decided to lounge on the couch and catch on his book for bit but just as he was picking it up he heard the knocking on the door. Pulling himself up from the couch he made his way to the door and opened it. What he saw upon opening it made him rise his eyebrow a little in surprise after all he hadn’t expected the A.I to look so human, “How intriguing”. Although he knew what they were here for he decided to playing a little bit clueless so with a slight draw in his voice he asked “Hello, what can I help you with?"

@Noivern @HandsomeJack
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Oli hummed in agreement. "Big houses are just more stuff to clean. And thank you again, for helping clean up." She turned around, shuffling toward a small door at the side of her hallway. "This is where I store all the kid's stuff." Oli opened the door, showing a closet with board games, blankets and other toys.

"Since you'll be staying here, you will be in the guest room. I'm not actually sure what you need... Do you sleep? Eat? I'm terribly sorry, I don't know much about AIs..." Oli rubbed her arm in embarrassment.

Mentioned: Davy @HandsomeJack
"Oh. I'm afraid I'm your..."

Eva paused and sighed, seeing her hopes crushed right before her.

"I'm your assigned AI."

She really didn't think what the man could want with an AI like herself. Sure she was stronger than an average human being and possessed great intellect, but a man of his caliber didn't seem to be anyway interested in a Gynoid like Eva.
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"The name is Alkaline. No Al or any other nicknames. Al looks like AI on paper. Also, AI is a stupid term. It may sum up our purpose but I would think we're more intelligent than the human race since we are essentially high-processing machines with human opinions balancing it out." Alkaline said this all with an impassive tone until the end, when he realized how much he just said. He also gave the other human an annoyed expression, but it was obvious Alkaline wasn't assigned to him so he ignored him. He was happy when he left. He looked the boy over with a confused expression. "I thought I was supposed to help the sick humans. You look nowhere near sick. I might need to scan you to make sure unless I am missing something." Alkaline said the last part questioningly.


Sadzi Young
Slowly making her way down the stairs, Sadzi grinned triumphantly. Today she might be able to only use her special crutches instead of her wheelchair. So far she seemed strong enough to lean heavily on the suppirt bars, and stand, walking down the steps. Instead of sliding as usual. With a snap her head popped up as she was remimded of what was today. Today her first A.I. was tp arrive. Finally she had saved up enough money to buy one, a new one no less to the pestering of her mother whom she was still in contact with. But no matter. Sadzi hadn't specified the gender, or age. So it would be interesting to find out what he/she would be like.

The floor firm beneath her feet as the flight of stairs stood at her back, Sadzi grabbed her crutches, instead of the wheelchair right next to them. They weren't like your normal crutches. These helped you walk and support your weight with your arms while you walked, instead of swinging yourself. Ears listening attentivly for a knock or sound at the door, Sadzi made her way to the kitchen to start with her breakfast. @HandsomeJack
Brandon nodded in response, "Thats just it I'm not sick..." With a heavy sigh he decided it would be easiest to explain things right off the bat, "Originally AIs were intended to help the sick but my father decided that there would be more profit in make them available to everyone.... I, however, frown upon AIs being used as common objects and believe they should continue to have a more important purpose. This has led to very long arguments with my father who seems to think he can force my opinion on the matter. For example he had you assigned to me in hopes I'll warm up to his view on things." He finished his brief summary of the situation to the robot. "So you don't have to worry about serving me or my friend. In fact you are welcome to live as any other being while in my company." @Lima


"That's correct. This is you're assigned AI sir. You did place an order for one correct?" The man in the jumpsuit asked looking down to check his clipboard to ensure he had the right address. @Noivern @LazyNeko


"It's no problem at all." Davy replied again with a smile as he neatly stacked the bean bags in the closet with the other things. He turned back to Oli, "Oh no worries." He gave a small laugh while rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, "It's not necessary for us to eat but should it make you feel more comfortable to see us doing so we are capable of eating. And in a way we sleep as well. We basically power down and go into a charging mode to ready ourselves for the next day." @Nudge


Just like the other AIs Blaze was shuffled out of the black delivery van and rushed up to the door of who he had been assigned to. The AI stood there as a man in a black jumpsuit knocked on the door. The man then went back to his van and drove away leaving Blaze standing there on his own. The robot waited patiently on the door step unsure of what to expect.
Sadzi Young

Sadzi froze at the knock. A grin spread across her face as she hobbed as quickly as she could towards the door. Pushing the button on the side so it would slide open. It was handy to a handy capped person. Staring intently at the A.I. in front of her her grin truned into a welcoming smile.

"You must be him! Now come in, don't make yourself a stranger." turning a few thoughts ran across her mind. 'How much does he know? Should I tell him my name? Do I have to name him?' Hobbling furhtur inside she hoped he had followed her. @HandsomeJack
Terra finished his cigarette, and dropped it on to the ground. He blew out smoke, and looked over the file in his hand. He nodded. "This should lay well...."
Occasionally...” Johnathan admitted, realizing that he perhaps wasn't quite prepared to discuss the nuances of society and social media over the course of one breakfast sitting. Maybe later he could find some decent news feeds or swing by the library to continue down that road, for now all he wanted to worry about was a refill on his coffee and a second helping of eggs. His attention was however quickly diverted to Scarlet's dilemma, which despite all professional discipline, had him stifle a laugh.

While John had no inherently sadistic nature, there were about a thousand replies that came to mind which would fill this morning with some more mirth. Working hard to dismiss the temptation the detective cleared his throat, “No, the food is fine. Try using the spoon, its better suited for your dish.” he accompanied the explanation by pointing at the utensil in question. “Now if you don't like the taste, that's a different story. It takes most people a bit to find out what they like and don't like...”

By the end of their meal Johnathan still wasn't sure how AI's and food matched up and if it was doing Scarlet any good. However, the routine was helping him to adjust so he'd just chalk it up as a success for now. After paying the bill he sighed, straightened his collar and looked at Scarlet. “Guess its time to do a bit of investigating... even if we're only chasing ghosts out of Pauli's cupboard.” The blond smiled and rose only to pause, “By the way, don't tell him I said that.”


The alley behind the diner housed a mat green dumpster and a delivery truck which had seen better days, but aside from the slight smell of decomposing food the area appeared clean. The cipher lock securing the backdoor sported a few more scratches than regular use would indicate, perhaps someone had put a screwdriver or another sharp object to use? The canny coincidence of a nearby burnt out street light, indicated by a darker tinge to the glass, only added to the subtle feeling of something being off. “Uhm.. Scar, is there a way you can see if the lock's been tampered with electronically?” Usually this required specialized equipment, which was locked behind piles of paperwork. Usually John couldn't go that far on a mild hunch; but unlike usual he wasn't alone today.

@Scarlet Fires (sorry for the delay... lazy sunday)
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Winter was flipping through data pads, nomming on a pen idly as she listened to a playlist through her headphones.

She observed the crowd in the library. Little did they know she was just a hunk of medal arranged with stunningly human features. She realized she'd ruined the pen cap with her teeth and sighed. She had work after this, and she still had an essay to type... She didn't need to be here to do it, but she was at peace here, among silent walls of endless information. She huffed, puffing her cheeks out like a chipmunk, and fiddled with one of her long turquoise braids. "Fusion...fission...hm..."

She was fascinated by science, mainly biology. It was so...incredible, how people worked...
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.7de10fa47222b4aac7a4603c4316a83f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.7de10fa47222b4aac7a4603c4316a83f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> She murmured something, before squeaking in excitement. She finally found the essay she'd been searching for.

"Progression of Wicked Anemia, by Brandon Kurt."

She eagerly threw herself into the essay, practically memorizing it verbatum, while scratching notes on a pad, which translated her cursive into printed text on the screen.

"God, I love his writing. I bet he's handsome too..." She murmured, practically a fan girl already. "It's only a thesis for university, but the research it must've taken...it could comprise a book!"



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"Oh.." Scarlet turned her attention to the spoon and swapped out the utensils. "Thanks!" The AI gave a small laugh and smile then tried once more. She had an easier time now and managed a taste. The flavors seemed to explode in her mouth and blend well together. Happy with it she continued to eat her first brunch, a parfait. "It's tastes amazing." The brunette replied to his comment.

Despite not needing to eat the food left her in a rather good mood and still eager to start their little investigation. “Guess its time to do a bit of investigating... even if we're only chasing ghosts out of Pauli's cupboard.... By the way, don't tell him I said that.” The AI tilted her head as she processed the comment then giggled once it clicked, "My lips are sealed Detective Hunt!" She replied with a small solute and followed him out of the diner to investigate.


Scarlet examined the beat-up lock for herself upon his question. "I'll see what I can do." The AI stood up straight and carefully stripped the 'flesh' from her right arm. She once again leaned in close to the lock, her vision changed to infrared as she scanned the lock once more, picking up a few prints. With a few blinks of her eyes she snapped photographs, "There are some sort of prints here. I've taken photos of them." She explained before continuing her investigation of the lock. She raised her exposed hand up in front of her face and watched as her 'fingernail' on the index finger extended out into a small microchip which she inserted into the lock. The AI closed her eyes and watched as several different codes flashed across her vision some of them broken or incomplete. She took images of this as well before she finally stood and her vision returned to normal. "It appears some sort of electronic device was used to try and hack into the lock however it failed and only scrambled the locks system." Scarlet explained to John as she once again covered her arm and resumed her more humanistic appearance.

@Fenris (No worries at all :) It happens.)
Winter peeped up from her engrossing text.

"Excuse me?" She murmured, setting down her data pad and standing. She approached a man who looked rather lost.

"May I help you?" She asked, smiling in a friendly manner.

"Err...Maybe the man isn't home! I could just be assigned to a human who doesn't live in some place where crime spikes are high. I'll just..."

Cord stopped his departure, freezing completely. He hated the laws that restricted the freedom of robots like himself and he felt awash with frustration.

"Just because I LOOK durable means I'm going to be tweaked on by some creepy computer wiz? What a fucking treat..."

@Cez Bloodblade
Blaze smiled at the young girl and followed her inside, "Hello miss my name is Blaze Rhys, I am your new AI. I understand your name is Sadzi Young yes?" He seemed to be a rather happy and friendly AI and for being new he knew quite a bit. In fact Blaze's plan was to do exactly as he was supposed to and when he had the down time and it would be most unnoticeable he would do exactly what he wanted to do. Which consisted of breaking and entering and illegally wiring bank accounts to whoever seemed the best target. @Whale

Sadzi Young
Sadzi smiled back and Blaze and continued to the kitchen. Her steps hobbled and varied. "Yes I am, it truely is a pleasure." She spoke quickly, not very used to speaking to someone in her own home. In the kitchen she grabbed a premade breakfast from inside, leaning on her counter so she could use her arm and grab it. Another stood beside it and she glanced at Blaze. "I made one extra for you?" She stated, more of a question. @HandsomeJack
Rui said:
Winter peeped up from her engrossing text.
"Excuse me?" She murmured, setting down her data pad and standing. She approached a man who looked rather lost.

"May I help you?" She asked, smiling in a friendly manner.

Terra turned to the person. He could tell this was a machine. Eh, what the hell. "Yes. I need somewhere to stay. Do you have an apartment I could stay at?"

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