Shin Positron Laser
Guardian of the Old Ways
Welcome to Life on Pangea.
This RP focuses on the Successes and Failures of 7 Nations on the Continent of Pangea. Pick and create your Nation and guide it to prosperity. But be weary as Nature and Fortune do not always give you favor.
Before posting: Please fill out the Character Sheet.
Posting Recommendations:
In your post please have your Nations Name and it's current population.
World Events:
There are 5 Event Phases, Peace Time Building, Landmarks , Catastrophes, Random Nature and Timeline Milestones.
Peace Time Building: Members will post about their kingdoms goals, which sectors of Growth they wish to work towards. During this phase, members can choose up to 5 sectors in which they want their kingdom to grow.
Landmarks: During the Landmarks Phase, The GM will select via Dice Roll ( 10 Dice ) which sectors of growth all kingdoms will be affected by. Each sector chosen by the GM receives 1 points. If some or all the sectors chosen by the GM match the Sectors chosen by the member during the Peace Time Building, they get 2 instead of 1.
Also during this phase, total your combined points in all sectors and multiply that number by 10. This number can now be added to your population number.
Catastrophes: During this phase the GM will roll dice according to the number of kingdoms to see which kingdoms ill be affected. He will roll 7 D10's and create the parameters of effect. Those not affected lose no population. Those that are affected lose a set number determined by the D6's X 50.
Also during a Catastrophe, via Dice Roll, the GM will layout an X number of Sectors in which you can lessen the blow of the disaster to your population. The combined number of each sector x 10 will equal the lives you are able to save.
Random Nature: Via Dice Roll, 3 Sectors of Growth will be chosen to receive 3 points, all Kingdoms Affected. Also during this time a dice roll for all Kingdoms will determine the Natural death toll. D6's, result X 100 = death toll.
If your population's death total ( Catastrophe + Death Toll ) exceeds 600, you must select 1 sector of growth and remove it indefinitely.
Timeline Milestones:
During this phase, all kingdoms receive a 1000 person increase and 10 points with which to allocate to your Sectors of Growth. Members should also post about this growth as well as their current stats.
Format Explanation
Nation: Place your Nations name here
Event Phase: Place the phase you are currently posting, simply follow the current plot post
Population: decrease and increase your population during the correct phases.
Area on map: Please place your area number here
Sectors Working on: 5 selected sectors, chosen during Peace time Building. These stay the same until the next Peace Time building phase.
History: A synopsis of any length depicting the nations events during a certain phase.
Sectors of Growth: Should be included as a list.
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