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Realistic or Modern Life of a Youtuber (CS)


It is what it is.
Roleplay Type(s)
Please use the coded provided. If there is a problem with it just give me the info and I can do it for you. Real FC's. Feel free to change the color of Channel Name - Biography labels.
Roleplay | Out of Character

Name: My real name goes here.
Nicknames: Anything I or my followers call myself.
Age: My age.
Location: My location goes here.
Channel Genre: What do I specialize in? Or am I a renaissance dude and dabble in a bit of everything?
Joined: The month, day, and year I joined Youtube.
Subscribers: This is the number of subscribers I'm starting the RP with.
Biography: Just your usual background stuffs. This section does scroll.
Coded by Taliaangeni

[div=border:1px solid #000000;background-color:#ffffff; width: 700px; height: 300px; padding: 25px; overflow: hidden;][font=Oswald][b][size=12][color=#343498]CHANNEL NAME[/color][/b][/size][/font][row][column=span2.5][div=background:url('http://via.placeholder.com/250x250'); width: 255px; height: 250px;][/div][/column][column=span4][div=background-color=#323232; width: 400px; height: 285px;][div=width:105%; padding-right: 150px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll;][color=#000][b]Name:[/b][/color] My real name goes here.
[color=#000][b]Nicknames:[/b][/color] Anything I or my followers call myself.
[color=#000][b]Age:[/b][/color] My age.
[color=#000][b]Location:[/b][/color] My location goes here.
[color=#000][b]Channel Genre:[/b][/color]  What do I specialize in? Or am I a renaissance dude and dabble in a bit of everything?
[color=#000][b]Joined:[/b][/color] The month, day, and year I joined Youtube.
[color=#000][b]Subscribers:[/b][/color] This is the number of subscribers I'm starting the RP with.
[color=#000][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Just your usual background stuffs. This section does scroll.
[/div][/column][/Row][/div][/div][center][size=2]Coded by taliaangeni[/size][/center]
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Name: Angela Valdez
Nicknames: Angie/Angel.
Age: 21.
Location: NewYork, NY.
Channel Genre: Music and Blogs
Joined: 08-27-2015
Subscribers: 150k
Biography: Angela was born in the Dominican Republic, however, moved the big apple, New York City, when she was only 3 to live with her father. She was raised there and her talent was always writing or even singing music. Music is her passion and she created this youtube channel to show people what type of talent she had. At first, this youtube channel was just for her to foul around and sing. But it became serious when she started to see comments that people like her singing and music. And now from that day forth she continues to sing and do some blogs here and there and was able to earn 150k.

Coded by taliaangeni taliaangeni
beautybby< 3
Name: Leah Harton
Nicknames: Leah, Lee
Age: 20
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Channel Genre: Beauty/makeup
Joined: April 13, 2012
Subscribers: 75k
Biography: Leah was born in Virginia Beach, and has lived there her whole life. As a child with two elder brothers, she was always getting dirty/playing in the mud with them as a kid. It wasn't until her preteen years that she discovered makeup, and not until a year or so later that she actually started doing it herself. She found that she loved statement makeup, or makeup that makes people look at you. Though she'll still throw down with her brothers, she's turned into more of a girly girl, starting her youtube channel at the age of 15. She's now 20.

Coded by taliaangeni
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Name: Raymond Jackson Fiorino
Nicknames: Jax, Ray, Ray Ray, Ray Boy, Fiorino
Age: 21
Location: Washington D.C.
Channel Genre: Pranks + Daily Vlogs
Joined: April 1st, 2015
Subscribers: 160k
Biography: Ray spent the first five years of his life in Catalonia, Spain with his grandparents. The rest of his family included his older brother Charlie, his older sister Jessi, and both of his parents, who had left him at the age of three and moved to the United States. Of course, once they were settled, they brought Ray to live with them in the 'land of the free'. His parents had moved from Spain to Ohio to West Virginia and then to D.C., where his mother was a teacher for D.C. Public Schools and his father working towards being a better lawyer. Travelling wasn't anything new for Ray at this point, so being a youtuber and going to different events wasn't a huge struggle. Now, his parents still lived in D.C., and Ray shared an apartment with his sister Jessi, who was 23. She was usually the targets of his pranks and as of recent, she'd started pranking him as well (on his own channel). Charlie though, he was 25, married, and living in Ohio.

Coded by taliaangeni
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Crazy stuff with Jas
Name: Janice Richmond
Nicknames: Jas, Jan
Age: 24
Location: Sacramento, California
Channel Genre: Vlogging and Urban exploration.
Joined: August 18th, 2014
Subscribers: 236k
Biography: Janice was born in Jackson, Wyoming to a family of dedicated park rangers. She spent most of her childhood hanging in the surround woods and parks around her home. Besides doing crazy stuff in the woods with her friends, Janice also followed her parents on various weekend trips into the mountains and was brought up living the camping life. She left for university in New York to study Geology in 2011 before graduating in 2013. During her time in New York, she explored various abandoned warehouses and buildings in the outskirts of New York, mainly to do stupid and probably illegal stuff, but loved the rush of entering an abandoned building. Her first video was of her setting off fireworks and making a bonfire inside an abandoned hospital with her buddies. Ever since then, she's been travelling across the country making travel vlogs three times a week and a video of her exploring a building every weekend.

Coded by taliaangeni
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toxic tree
Name: Jesse Ross
Nicknames: Jess, toxic
Age: 24.
Location: Richmond, Va
Channel Genre: Gaming
Joined: June 25, 2011
Subscribers: 198k
Biography: Jesse started Youtube back in 2011, the year he graduated high school. He's an avid gamer and plays across many platforms but XBox is where it's at. After school he lived with his parents and younger twin brother and sister in their Richmond, Va house. College was something that was planned from the beginning. He enrolled at John Tyler Community College and focused on general courses as his major kept jumping between subjects. First it was Funeral Services, figuring people were always dying and that would be an in demand job. Somewhere along the way he switched to Visual Arts. Having designed many of his own tattoos and being a known dabbler he decided it'd be a laid back career, something he could control. Finally he switched to Nursing. Halfway through he dropped out. His channel was doing surprisingly well and earning him money. It wasn't enough to live on so he picked up a part time job as a cashier. When he dropped out his father kicked him out. Now he lives with a roommate in a cheap apartment. He has two cats who are featured in many of his videos.
Coded by taliaangeni
Life in WEHO
Name: Cecilia Moss
Nicknames: CeeCee, Mossy.
Age: 23.
Location: West Hollywood, CA.
Channel Genre: Beauty, Fashion and Daily Vlogs.
Joined: February 14th, 2012.
Subscribers: 142k.
Biography: Cecilia was born in Atlanta, Georgia. After graduating college, she decided to move to Hollywood to pursue a career in acting. However she had very little money when she moved and her job as a waitress wasn't helping her get very far. This is when Ceecee decided to start up a YouTube channel, she had read about some success stories from her favourite online beauty gurus and thought she'd give it a go. In the beginning, she'd just post make-up tutorials. These began to gather views quicker than she could imagine and she started to make enough money from it to be able to quit her job at Lenny's Diner. Cecilia now makes daily vlogs alongside her tutorials in her apartment in West Hollywood where she lives with her current boyfriend Jacob and their husky, Harlow.

Coded by taliaangeni
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Name: Summer Clark
Nicknames: Summer, Sunny.
Age: 21
Location: Atlanta, GA.
Channel Genre: Music/writing, craft how-tos and occasional vlogs.
Joined: December18th, 2013.
Subscribers: 68k
Biography: Summer spent much of her early life in a dysfunctional family, but at age eight she was adopted into her foster family. She struggled to communicate verbally, but found she was able to connect with others through art, music, and the written word. She had a natural knack for creative pursuits, and took additional art classes to further her skill. Originally, her friends asked if she could make some Youtube tutorials so they could try making some of her craft projects at home, but others began to notice and she quickly built a small but dedicated fanbase. Now, her channel is focused on arts and music, as well as the occasional personal vlog.

Coded by taliaangeni
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Name: Kristen Margaret Fleming
Nicknames: Kris, Krissy
Age: 23
Location: London, England
Channel Genre: Makeup and Fashion Blog, with an occasional 'A Day in the Life' video here-and-there
Joined: July 10, 2013
Subscribers: 120k
Biography: Kristen had a relatively normal childhood growing up in London. She liked playing with dolls, dressing up, and was notorious for sneaking into her mother's makeup bag. Who knew her early mishaps would lead to a career? In school, she was one of the popular girls, always the center of attention. Though everyone knew her, she only had a few close friends that really knew her. In college, she thrived in the spotlight, and after much convincing from newfound friends, she started her YouTube channel. It's gained momentum over the years, and with college out of the way, she's finally able to give her subscribers the content and attention they deserve.

Coded by taliaangeni
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