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Fantasy Life of a Werewolf

djinnamon said:






Wolf appearance-





Dancing (in human form)


Aldis (sees him as his child)



Annoying people

People who hurt his 'child'

Excessive noise

Human personality-

Amber is a mature and kind individual. He is responsible playful and easy to get along with as well as loyal and selfless, such taking in a baby that had been abandoned as his son , Aldis , despite the fact he was only 16 at the time. However is Flirtatious , sarcastic and somewhat vain , caring about his hair greatly and being extremely protective of it. He does get anger often but when he does the consequences are great for whoever annoyed him , he becomes rude , extremely sarcastic and violent.

Wolf personality-

Amber becomes extremely playful in wolf form , bordering on almost a childlike behaviour and has no concept of personal space but he still holds his mature and shows it when gets serious. His temper however gets shorter and more dangerous for those evolved.

Main goal in life-

  • Have a nice normal life
  • Take care of Aldis and give him the best life possible


Aldis (Formerly James)




Aldis after his teenaged mother left him for dead in the forest after his father left his mother. He was soon found by Amber on the verge of death.

Wolf appearance-








People who hurt 'mommy'

Getting hit


Human personality-

Aldis is energetic and happy , able to run for hours on end. After extended time with Amber , Aldis has developed a sarcastic tendency form the man and often calls the man 'mommy' even though Amber told him to call him 'Dad' or his name only.

Wolf personality-

Get's even more energetic but his territorial and protective of Amber.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- Be with 'mommy forever'
djinnamon said:


Aldis (Formerly James)




Aldis after his teenaged mother left him for dead in the forest after his father left his mother. He was soon found by Amber on the verge of death.

Wolf appearance-








People who hurt 'mommy'

Getting hit


Human personality-

Aldis is energetic and happy , able to run for hours on end. After extended time with Amber , Aldis has developed a sarcastic tendency form the man and often calls the man 'mommy' even though Amber told him to call him 'Dad' or his name only.

Wolf personality-

Get's even more energetic but his territorial and protective of Amber.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- Be with 'mommy forever'
Appearance(no anime please)-
Blond hair, dresses like a doctor in science or medicine, wears a pair of thick glasses, thin and gangly, has piercing blue eyes and pale white skin

Name- Doctor Jan H. Oppenheimer

Age- 46

Bio-A brilliant scientist, Jan H. Oppenheimer was first made aware of the existence of werewolves at the age of 20, when he was drafted for a secret program of international scientists to study a pack of them. He had already distinguished himself for his quick and capable abilities to sort out information and find the truth in various scientific papers. His experience with the werewolves lead to a fascination that turned into a desire to learn more. Eventually, through his studies and research, which involved experimination on other shifter species, he uncovered evidence that it was possible for a werewolf to shift into another form completely. Locating a talisman known as Fenris's Eye, he was able to utilise it to alter the genetic make up of a young werewolf, causing great changes in his body. He was able to give the test subject, who he referred to as Subject 7134, the ability to change his body into a mist like substance. However, the procedure was so traumatic, that Subject 7134 put mental blocks on the mist changing, and was discarded. But not before having a tracker installed....

Likes-Making break throughs, werewolves, other shifters, helping mankind

Dislikes-obstacles, violence, failure on his part

Human personality-Polite and discrete, Jan is always looking to advance his knowledge of shifters, and will use any means necessary to do so. He has vast amounts of knowledge in the field of genetics, and has used this in his experiments thoroughly. He enjoys eating, and has been known to eat dinner while doing an experiment. He is very clean, however, and always ensures his food is not contaminated. He has gone to great lengths to be where he is now.

Main goal in life-use his research to help mankind
Appearance (no anime please)-

Name-The Chief

Age-unknown, mid forties


Wolf appearance- A large white North American Wolf



Human personality-Silent and reserved, but loyal to Jan H. Oppenheimer

Wolf personality- Same, but more loyal

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- to aid Jan H. Oppenheimer.

DaManofWar said:
Appearance (no anime please)-
Name-The Chief

Age-unknown, mid forties


Wolf appearance- A large white North American Wolf



Human personality-Silent and reserved, but loyal to Jan H. Oppenheimer

Wolf personality- Same, but more loyal

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- to aid Jan H. Oppenheimer.

Good to go
Appearance (no anime please)-

Name- Tori Lino

Age- 17

Bio- Um.. I suck at bios so... xD

Wolf appearance-

Likes- Running, sarcasm, jokes and sweet little gestures

Dislikes- Disrespect, loud noises, serious situations

Human personality- Tori is a sorta gentle girl. She's sometimes quiet, except with her friends. She has a odd way of showing feelings, picking on that person and whatnot. She is quiet intelligent, always thinking before she acts.

Wolf personality- In her wolf form, she doesn't think before she acts, always into mischief and annoying everyone with her little pup attitude. In her wolf form, she is more bold with what she does, testing patience with everyone and is more of a flirt as a wolf.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- Live through the world without dying.
Comet said:
Appearance (no anime please)-

Name- Tori Lino

Age- 17

Bio- Um.. I suck at bios so... xD

Wolf appearance-

Likes- Running, sarcasm, jokes and sweet little gestures

Dislikes- Disrespect, loud noises, serious situations

Human personality- Tori is a sorta gentle girl. She's sometimes quiet, except with her friends. She has a odd way of showing feelings, picking on that person and whatnot. She is quiet intelligent, always thinking before she acts.

Wolf personality- In her wolf form, she doesn't think before she acts, always into mischief and annoying everyone with her little pup attitude. In her wolf form, she is more bold with what she does, testing patience with everyone and is more of a flirt as a wolf.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- Live through the world without dying.

Valissa Hau


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-11_15-32-28.png.9ffb51d4571361fbe43c095140f377a9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-11_15-32-28.png.9ffb51d4571361fbe43c095140f377a9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age- 17

Bio- She did something awful. Something horrible- at least in the eyes of the Wolfswood pack: Never Fall in love with a human. She had been out exploring the nearby town that her nomadic pack had settled near- even werewolves had human needs right? She met a boy, a lovely kind boy. His name was Andrew. She snuck out every night to meet him, and this boy who treated her like a princess, only thought she had overbearing parents. If only he knew. After about a month of this creeping around, she came back to the pack smelling like human pheromones- things had gotten out of hand when she and Andrew were together. Her Alphas imprisoned her and went and found Andrew, kidnapped him, and killed him in front of Valissa, as he died they forced her to shift to her human form so the last thing he saw was the distressed face of the girl he loved. They then proceeded to attack Valissa and drive her out of the pack. She’s wandered since then, not only was she too young to have learned how to hunt by herself, she was too injured to hunt by herself. Then she wandered into the territory of this rag-tag pack that doesnt quite have a leader yet.

Other background Info:

She is the descendant of Alphas, her grandparents were the Alphas, but her aunt was stronger than her mother, so she became the alpha female. As a wolf, Valissa is powerful and graceful, but quite shy.

Wolf appearance-


Likes- Quiet, rabbits, swimming, night, hunting with a pack, singing to the moon

Dislikes- Loud noises, bright light, crowded places, being alone

Human personality- As of now, she’s quite depressed. But if she can be lifted fro m the dark cloud over her head, she is somewhat outgoing, and curious to a fault.

Wolf personality- Again, when she isn't depressed, shes playful and curious, but shes very shy, in a pack she would probably be classed an Omega or a Gama.

Main goal in life- to heal her soul and live happily, to throw off her clouod of depression.



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MadameRedWolf said:

Valissa Hau


View attachment 262277

Age- 15

Bio- She did something awful. Something horrible- at least in the eyes of the Wolfswood pack: Never Fall in love with a human. She had been out exploring the nearby town that her nomadic pack had settled near- even werewolves had human needs right? She met a boy, a lovely kind boy. His name was Andrew. She snuck out every night to meet him, and this boy who treated her like a princess, only thought she had overbearing parents. If only he knew. After about a month of this creeping around, she came back to the pack smelling like human pheromones- things had gotten out of hand when she and Andrew were together. Her Alphas imprisoned her and went and found Andrew, kidnapped him, and killed him in front of Valissa, as he died they forced her to shift to her human form so the last thing he saw was the distressed face of the girl he loved. They then proceeded to attack Valissa and drive her out of the pack. She’s wandered since then, not only was she too young to have learned how to hunt by herself, she was too injured to hunt by herself. Then she wandered into the territory of this rag-tag pack that doesnt quite have a leader yet.

Other background Info:

She is the descendant of Alphas, her grandparents were the Alphas, but her aunt was stronger than her mother, so she became the alpha female. As a wolf, Valissa is powerful and graceful, but quite shy.

Wolf appearance-


Likes- Quiet, rabbits, swimming, night, hunting with a pack, singing to the moon

Dislikes- Loud noises, bright light, crowded places, being alone

Human personality- As of now, she’s quite depressed. But if she can be lifted fro m the dark cloud over her head, she is somewhat outgoing, and curious to a fault.

Wolf personality- Again, when she isn't depressed, shes playful and curious, but shes very shy, in a pack she would probably be classed an Omega or a Gama.

Main goal in life- to survive.

APPEARANCE (Human Form):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c912d439f_characterpicture.jpg.c928c52c83a0dc7469594f8eb3190d83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c912d439f_characterpicture.jpg.c928c52c83a0dc7469594f8eb3190d83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

APPEARANCE: (Wolf Form):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c912d8030_wolfform.jpg.727b8dd6dea1dcfe93745890d297162f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c912d8030_wolfform.jpg.727b8dd6dea1dcfe93745890d297162f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Klaus Vossler

Age: 26

Bio: With his parents being lone werewolves, and never truly knowing the comfort of having a pack to watch his back, Klaus has wondered the wilderness alone. When he was born his father had already died, and while he had his mother, he wouldn't have her for long. Sadly without being able to do anything his mother took her final breath close to a year after his birth barely teaching him the ways to survive the wilderness. Lost and alone Klaus wandered, barely making it by with what little food and shelter he could find. Months had passed, and Klaus soon realized he was growing weaker without being able to properly hunt and care for himself. As Klaus came closer to Death's door with each passing day he slowly realized the world was cruel, and no hope for his survival. Before dying Fate had other plans for Klaus as he was soon found by an older werewolf that went by the name of De Luca. This passing werewolf saw the frail Klaus and decided to nurse him back to health and teach him to survive on his own. After many years of traveling the world with his savior and friend De Luca passed away peacefully to times warm embrace. Klaus now alone once again in the world, but now older, wiser, and able to take his fate into his own hands embarks on a new journey to find his place in the world.

Likes: Listening to music, smoking vanilla and mint tobacco from his hand carved pipes he has collected from his journeys, long naps, adventures, the hunt, being alive, being free.

Dislikes: People who take life for granted, being disrespected, being restricted, needless aggression.

Human Personality: Upbeat happy, lives his life to the fullest, always willing to help others in need, smokes from his pipe a lot as well as cigars,loyal, believes trust must be earned, keeps his fears and faults close to his heart and hidden.

Wolf Personality: enjoys long naps, can usually be found chewing mint leaves, always down for an adventure, a go with the flow were wolf, reliable, loyal, cautious, trust must be earned

Goal in life: Explore the world, Survive by any means necessary, help others



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ShadowCrassodon254 said:
APPEARANCE (Human Form):
View attachment 262278

APPEARANCE: (Wolf Form):

View attachment 262279

Name: Klaus Vossler

Age: 26

Bio: With his parents being lone werewolves, and never truly knowing the comfort of having a pack to watch his back, Klaus has wondered the wilderness alone. When he was born his father had already died, and while he had his mother, he wouldn't have her for long. Sadly without being able to do anything his mother took her final breath close to a year after his birth barely teaching him the ways to survive the wilderness. Lost and alone Klaus wandered, barely making it by with what little food and shelter he could find. Months had passed, and Klaus soon realized he was growing weaker without being able to properly hunt and care for himself. As Klaus came closer to Death's door with each passing day he slowly realized the world was cruel, and no hope for his survival. Before dying Fate had other plans for Klaus as he was soon found by an older werewolf that went by the name of De Luca. This passing werewolf saw the frail Klaus and decided to nurse him back to health and teach him to survive on his own. After many years of traveling the world with his savior and friend De Luca passed away peacefully to times warm embrace. Klaus now alone once again in the world, but now older, wiser, and able to take his fate into his own hands embarks on a new journey to find his place in the world.

Likes: Listening to music, smoking vanilla and mint tobacco from his hand carved pipes he has collected from his journeys, long naps, adventures, the hunt, being alive, being free.

Dislikes: People who take life for granted, being disrespected, being restricted, needless aggression.

Human Personality: Upbeat happy, lives his life to the fullest, always willing to help others in need, smokes from his pipe a lot as well as cigars,loyal, believes trust must be earned, keeps his fears and faults close to his heart and hidden.

Wolf Personality: enjoys long naps, can usually be found chewing mint leaves, always down for an adventure, a go with the flow were wolf, reliable, loyal, cautious, trust must be earned

Goal in life: Explore the world, Survive by any means necessary, help others
Jasil said:
Appearance (no anime please)-
Name- Ella-Rose Forest

Age- newborn

Bio- child of Luna and Gabriel Forest, her parents are her packs Alphas

Wolf appearance-

Likes- her parents, color, music, warmth

Dislikes- cold, dark, strangers

Human personality- Ella-Rose likes music and color and the outdoors

Wolf personality- she cannot shift without her parents help

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- she doesn't have one yet <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.f0caba087502c2e18f879718fce14906.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.f0caba087502c2e18f879718fce14906.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.3596f2ddf3a2f7e92af71364f9b4ffab.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.3596f2ddf3a2f7e92af71364f9b4ffab.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Khanaydas Marie] [/QUOTE] Approve [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33072-khanaydas-marie/ said:
@Khanaydas Marie[/URL]
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