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Fantasy Life of a Werewolf

[QUOTE="Haus Of Alaska]Appearance (no anime please)-

Name- Amora

Age- 18 (Real age unknown)


Amora was born during the time of the witch trials, the exact date is not currently known.

She was born to human parents but her father died when she was 5, for the next 11 years she lived with her mother.

Her mother began to court another man after an appropriate amount of time but what Amora did not know was that the man was a werewolf.

Unfortunately as things were at the time, it was not long until Amora's mother was charged with witch craft. All of a sudden the man she had been courting had abandoned her and Amora was left to see her mother burn. It was then Amora learnt the truth of her mothers suitor as she had found letters between the pair. Her heart hardened and she swore vengeance against all werewolves, in her mind he could have saved her mother.

When Amora made this vow something had heard her. She became bound to the wondering spirit of her mother and became what is known as a green seer.

Amora found she was able to see things through the eyes of animals *werewolves not included. The trees would give her shelter if she was ever getting chased. She found that since she made the pact the night of her mothers death she became bound to the forest.

Her life however was still as a human, which meant that she was working off of borrowed time to get her revenge. Spending years mastering her new found gifts her attention turned to a way of prolonging her life. Like her mother, she would inhabit the body of her child once it was old enough and her power and knowledge would move on with her, effectively giving her immortality.

The catch to this however was that the "father" would have to be bound to the natural world as she was. It was delicious Irony that Male werewolves would do for the process of conceiving her next body. Which is what started her on the path of gaining pregnancy and turning the pack against itself effectively wiping it out from within.

This carried on until the present and she finds herself in need of starting the process of gaining her next body and soon.


To her, the thrill of the chase is just as good as reaching her goals, she loves to taunt and prod her prey, she finds that anger leads to mistakes and that gives her the shot she needs.

To most people getting the job done and finished would be done as quick as possible but Amora loves spreading chaos and dis-order and often goes out of her way to do it.

Which is why a major part of her schemes involve turning wolves on each other.


She is known to have an intense hatred for all werewolves after her mothers death and the attempt on her life. In her eyes her mothers suitor (a werewolf) should have

done something to save her or protect her instead of fleeing to the woods at the first available opportunity.

Her hatred is so strong that she has and does go out of her way to make sure any pack pulled into her schemes suffer greatly before she gets what she needs.

Known Abilities:

As a green seer, Amora is able to see through the eyes of various animals, however this distorts the animals scent meaning that if anyone knew she was around they would pick up on the changed scent of an animal based on her possession.

She is also able to manipulate plant life through her connection with the forest. Trees who's roots and branches came to her aid when she was being chased. Plants whos effects she was able to make use of, despite the fact that she should not know what they do.

Main goal in life-

Her end goal is to get what she needs from the wolf pack, any collateral damage is not a concern for her.

She usually does not work with others but she will if she needs to reach her target in time


Appearance (no anime please)-

Is currently pretty beat up from the fight with his father.



Oliver Haft




His parents were the Alpha's of his past pack. Oliver had the kindness and rebellious nature of his mother and the hot head of his father. He didn't like the way his father thought and would go against him when given the chance. His father one day challenged him telling him that if he won that he'd retire from his place as alpha and he'd be the new alpha. The only catch was that he had to kill his father in order to rule. Oliver had defeated his father, but did not kill him. Enraged by his son not finishing the job he exiled him out of the pack. He is currently on a journey to search for a new pack that he could belong to.

Wolf appearance-

I understand that this is a female wolf, but it gave off the appearance of Oliver to me.







Loud noises

His human form

Being challenged

Human personality-

He's usually very shy in his human form, mostly because he doesn't feel complete when he's not in wolf form, because of this, it's rare for him to be out of his wolf form. However other than that he's the same that he is in his wolf form.

Wolf personality-

As playful as a pup, very protective and kind. Is hard to anger, however, he does have a limit. When pushed to said limit he will fight back and will become very impulsive.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life-

To make lots of friend, and to make a good impact on someone's life.​
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(Mind if I join in?) @Jasil

Appearance (no anime please)- Has a 3 long scars on right cheek from abuse from a past pack.


Name- Corinn


Bio- She was passed from pack to pack, never being accepted. She was gravely abused at one pack, causing her to sort of close away from humans. She spends more of her life as a wolf. She hopes to find someone who loves her for the way she is, but she doesn't think it going to happen

Wolf appearance-





Living with others


Being alone

Getting betrayed

Getting hurt by one she loves

Human personality-


Slightly cold



Wolf personality-



Slightly sarcastic

Rather quiet

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- to have a mate that won't abandon her and live a good life.
Tessa Roberts](Mind if I join in?) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31433-jasil/ said:
Appearance (no anime please)- Has a 3 long scars on right cheek from abuse from a past pack.


Name- Corinn


Bio- She was passed from pack to pack, never being accepted. She was gravely abused at one pack, causing her to sort of close away from humans. She spends more of her life as a wolf. She hopes to find someone who loves her for the way she is, but she doesn't think it going to happen

Wolf appearance-





Living with others


Being alone

Getting betrayed

Getting hurt by one she loves

Human personality-


Slightly cold



Wolf personality-



Slightly sarcastic

Rather quiet

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- to have a mate that won't abandon her and live a good life.
@Jasil I apolegize for having such a short and improper Bio, I was and still am having a really bad writer's block. I fixed it up a bit and ask of you to please read it again, I hope you like it. owo
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xxxxxxxxERRORxxxxxxx said:

Appearance (no anime please)-

Is currently pretty beat up from the fight with his father.



Oliver Haft




His parents were the Alpha's of his past pack. Oliver had the kindness and rebellious nature of his mother and the hot head of his father. He didn't like the way his father thought and would go against him when given the chance. His father one day challenged him telling him that if he won that he'd retire from his place as alpha and he'd be the new alpha. The only catch was that he had to kill his father in order to rule. Oliver had defeated his father, but did not kill him. Enraged by his son not finishing the job he exiled him out of the pack. He is currently on a journey to search for a new pack that he could belong to.

Wolf appearance-

I understand that this is a female wolf, but it gave off the appearance of Oliver to me.







Loud noises

His human form

Being challenged

Human personality-

He's usually very shy in his human form, mostly because he doesn't feel complete when he's not in wolf form, because of this, it's rare for him to be out of his wolf form.

Wolf personality-

As playful as a pup, very protective and kind. Is hard to anger, however, he does have a limit. When pushed to said limit he will fight back and will become very impulsive.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life-

To make lots of friend, and to make a good impact on someone's life.​
Please forgive me, I wasn't rejecting your character or anything. Sometimes I just don't get alerts and I didn't see it. Your character is approved
Jasil said:
Please forgive me, I wasn't rejecting your character or anything. Sometimes I just don't get alerts and I didn't see it. Your character is approved
Oh no it's fine, I just saw my bio and wasn't okay with it. There's no need to apolegize. owo
Appearance (no anime please)-



Valkyrie Lawrence




She grew up as a loner, in her own little pack of four. Just her parents and brother. It would be lonely in theory, but in fact she felt the opposite. But the minute she joined a pack she found a mate. It was like love at first sight. He died two months later in an accident. Since then she's gone on a spree of flirting to dull the pain of losing him.

Wolf appearance-








Death/ Thoughts of It

Human personality-



Laid Back

Wolf personality-

Clear thinking



Main goal in life-

Uh, survival? Duh?
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ThePumpkinQueen said:
Appearance (no anime please)-


Valkyrie Lawrence




She grew up as a loner, in her own little pack of four. Just her parents and brother. It would be lonely in theory, but in fact she felt the opposite. But the minute she joined a pack she found a mate. It was like love at first sight. He died two months later in an accident. Since then she's gone on a spree of flirting to dull the pain of losing him.

Wolf appearance-








Death/ Thoughts of It

Human personality-



Laid Back

Wolf personality-

Clear thinking



Main goal in life-

Uh, survival? Duh?
Appearance (no anime please):
He has a liquid amber eye color

Name:Jericho Reyes


Bio- Jericho was born to a pure werewolf father and a half werewolf mother. When he was a small child,about the age of 6, his parents had ended up dying in a house fire and he was placed into child protective services. He had many foster homes but none of them where the right fit for him. He would run away from the foster parents and each time would get caught.

Eventually, he stopped getting offers for him to be in a foster home. During his time in CPS, he began to show signs of being a werewolf. Due to his half mother and full father, he wasn't quite sure if he would be a were or not. But as it turned out, he was. About the age of 15, an odd couple came in looking to adopt a child. Jericho had just happened to be walking by when he felt a jolt of electricity down his back. He turned to look at the couple and was adopted right on the spot.

After getting adopted by Christina and Chuck, he learned that they were weres and they helped him control his ability. At the age of 19, he left them and wandered around enjoying life.

Wolf appearance:

Likes-books, stars, open air and space, books

Dislikes- Being closed up, strawberries

Human personality- Playful, very easy to be around, stubborn, he has a wild side to him but he keeps it in check.

Wolf personality- Tends to do stupid things (I.E. the photo), silly, social, His wild side is much more loosely reigned in.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- To experience all life has in store for him.

Extra info:

He's bi
Moonflight said:
Appearance (no anime please):
He has a liquid amber eye color
Name:Jericho Reyes


Bio- Jericho was born to a pure werewolf father and a half werewolf mother. When he was a small child,about the age of 6, his parents had ended up dying in a house fire and he was placed into child protective services. He had many foster homes but none of them where the right fit for him. He would run away from the foster parents and each time would get caught.

Eventually, he stopped getting offers for him to be in a foster home. During his time in CPS, he began to show signs of being a werewolf. Due to his half mother and full father, he wasn't quite sure if he would be a were or not. But as it turned out, he was. About the age of 15, an odd couple came in looking to adopt a child. Jericho had just happened to be walking by when he felt a jolt of electricity down his back. He turned to look at the couple and was adopted right on the spot.

After getting adopted by Christina and Chuck, he learned that they were weres and they helped him control his ability. At the age of 19, he left them and wandered around enjoying life.

Wolf appearance:

Likes-books, stars, open air and space, books

Dislikes- Being closed up, strawberries

Human personality- Playful, very easy to be around, stubborn, he has a wild side to him but he keeps it in check.

Wolf personality- Tends to do stupid things (I.E. the photo), silly, social, His wild side is much more loosely reigned in.

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life- To experience all life has in store for him.

Extra info:

He's bi
Appearance (no anime please)-


Name- Quinn

Age- 20






Bio- as a teen growing up with peer pressure she was never accepted for her power.when she was turning back into human form someone told the mayor and he exiled her from the town.she now lives on the mountain side in a small wooden cabin.

snowy owl appearance-


Likes- snow,nights, running,flying and exploring

Dislikes- mornings, hot days, loud noises and people

Human personality- quiet, shy, smart,werid,geeky, thinks things over before doing most things and night owl.

snowy owl personality-smart, thinks things over before doing mot things and night owl

Main goal in life- To live life to the fullest

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Name: Alistair Wilde

Age: 19

Bio: Alistair grew up in a large pack run by both of his parents and at a young age he had already displayed amazing abilities as a werewolf but he lacked control among all things which was a crippling factor for him and his pack, so at the age of fourteen he was exiled from his pack and has been moving on throughout the forest trying to find a family of his own and someone who could help him learn

Wolf appearance:

Likes: Music,Running,Naps,Warm temperatures,Hunting, the scent of vanilla.

Dislikes: Awkward silence, closed spaces, being crowded.

Human personality: As a human, Alistair is very laid back and is rarely ever stressed out about anything. He's also very confident in his ability as a werewolf which can often be seen as arrogance or overconfidence.

Wolf personality: As a Werewolf, Alistair is cunning and very ambitious as a hunter and energetic which makes it hard for others to keep up with him, but his calm nature can quickly become aggressive and very unpredictable.

Main goal in life: To be accepted again by a pack and to be apart of a family again.​
Fluffykitty9000 said:
Appearance (no anime please)-

Name- Quinn

Age- 20






Bio- as a teen growing up with peer pressure she was never accepted for her power.when she was turning back into human form someone told the mayor and he exiled her from the town.she now lives on the mountain side in a small wooden cabin.

snowy owl appearance-


Likes- snow,nights, running,flying and exploring

Dislikes- mornings, hot days, loud noises and people

Human personality- quiet, shy, smart,werid,geeky, thinks things over before doing most things and night owl.

snowy owl personality-smart, thinks things over before doing mot things and night owl

Main goal in life- To live life to the fullest


EclipseRising said:



Name: Alistair Wilde

Age: 19

Bio: Alistair grew up in a large pack run by both of his parents and at a young age he had already displayed amazing abilities as a werewolf but he lacked control among all things which was a crippling factor for him and his pack, so at the age of fourteen he was exiled from his pack and has been moving on throughout the forest trying to find a family of his own and someone who could help him learn

Wolf appearance:

Likes: Music,Running,Naps,Warm temperatures,Hunting, the scent of vanilla.

Dislikes: Awkward silence, closed spaces, being crowded.

Human personality: As a human, Alistair is very laid back and is rarely ever stressed out about anything. He's also very confident in his ability as a werewolf which can often be seen as arrogance or overconfidence.

Wolf personality: As a Werewolf, Alistair is cunning and very ambitious as a hunter and energetic which makes it hard for others to keep up with him, but his calm nature can quickly become aggressive and very unpredictable.

Main goal in life: To be accepted again by a pack and to be apart of a family again.​
Name-jack ross. Age-20. Height:6'2. Likes-hunting, tracking, sometimes being alone, swimming, howling, fights. Dislikes- big crowds, being around a lot of people. Being cheated on. Bio-his parents were killed by another wolf, before the wolf killed his parents, they hid him so he wouldnt be killed, now he travels alone, sometimes looking for a pack, and sometimes not. Human traits-is sometimes humorous, hates the cities, sometimes he likes to get into fights, sometimes mysterious. Wolf traits- likes to get into fights, is still kind of humorous, likes to joke around, mysterious.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.3ca0f46e2b4e26348b7ae2c298f85cd5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115967" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.3ca0f46e2b4e26348b7ae2c298f85cd5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.5da4dab6c8a7552e502854badce7682e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.5da4dab6c8a7552e502854badce7682e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e1b234d5fb1824ab1f2a58143d51a9cf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.e1b234d5fb1824ab1f2a58143d51a9cf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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MisterJackWolf said:
Name-jack ross. Age-20. Height:6'2. Likes-hunting, tracking, sometimes being alone, swimming, howling, fights. Dislikes- big crowds, being around a lot of people. Being cheated on. Bio-his parents were killed by another wolf, before the wolf killed his parents, they hid him so he wouldnt be killed, now he travels alone, sometimes looking for a pack, and sometimes not. Human traits-is sometimes humorous, hates the cities, sometimes he likes to get into fights, sometimes mysterious. Wolf traits- likes to get into fights, is still kind of humorous, likes to joke around, mysterious.View attachment 258299 View attachment 258295

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.699f3e1553a74707afffa2b16e552827.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.699f3e1553a74707afffa2b16e552827.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.0ba08f13e4c9f9ab62d8d0e2e62e30eb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.0ba08f13e4c9f9ab62d8d0e2e62e30eb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name- Fern Rose

Age- 17

Bio- Fern hasn't been aware of her past. She was born of a very well known, well looked on pack, but strayed too far. When playing by the river in wolf form, she was carried away by the rapid tides. Her parents and pack tried to save her, but weren't successful in their attempts. Fern woke in an unknown location, and has ever since been exploring the woods in an attempt to find her once lost pack. However, she isn't sure of the name or location of her pack, so it's almost impossible for her to ever find them again. This has lead her to be very accepting of others and their trust, and she is usually on her own.





+Other animals

+The dark




-Being crowded



Human personality-

Fern is very outgoing, but dislikes a lot of company. She is very reluctant to do anything dangerous, especially going near any water sources except to dink from.

Wolf personality- Fern's wolf is very easily agitated, and unlike her human form, lives for danger. Her curiousity usually gets the better of her.

Main goal in life- To find her lost pack.



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xxbetaspiritxx said:

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View attachment 260408

Name- Fern Rose

Age- 17

Bio- Fern hasn't been aware of her past. She was born of a very well known, well looked on pack, but strayed too far. When playing by the river in wolf form, she was carried away by the rapid tides. Her parents and pack tried to save her, but weren't successful in their attempts. Fern woke in an unknown location, and has ever since been exploring the woods in an attempt to find her once lost pack. However, she isn't sure of the name or location of her pack, so it's almost impossible for her to ever find them again. This has lead her to be very accepting of others and their trust, and she is usually on her own.





+Other animals

+The dark




-Being crowded



Human personality-

Fern is very outgoing, but dislikes a lot of company. She is very reluctant to do anything dangerous, especially going near any water sources except to dink from.

Wolf personality- Fern's wolf is very easily agitated, and unlike her human form, lives for danger. Her curiousity usually gets the better of her.

Main goal in life- To find her lost pack.

Appearance (no anime please)-

Name-Nolan Wayland


Bio-Born into orphanage and alone made Nolan a lone wolf. He was an omega and omegas dont last long so he had to fight to survive.

Wolf appearance-


Dislikes-sports except soccer, rude people, being scared

Human personality-Shy and to himself, sarcastic and smart

Wolf personality-Hyper, Fun , Outgoing

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life-To find my true purpose in life
DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Appearance (no anime please)-

Name-Nolan Wayland


Bio-Born into orphanage and alone made Nolan a lone wolf. He was an omega and omegas dont last long so he had to fight to survive.

Wolf appearance-


Dislikes-sports except soccer, rude people, being scared

Human personality-Shy and to himself, sarcastic and smart

Wolf personality-Hyper, Fun , Outgoing

(You and your wolf are one mind, but some personality traits do change between them)

Main goal in life-To find my true purpose in life







Wolf appearance-





Dancing (in human form)


Aldis (sees him as his child)



Annoying people

People who hurt his 'child'

Excessive noise

Human personality-

Amber is a mature and kind individual. He is responsible playful and easy to get along with as well as loyal and selfless, such taking in a baby that had been abandoned as his son , Aldis , despite the fact he was only 16 at the time. However is Flirtatious , sarcastic and somewhat vain , caring about his hair greatly and being extremely protective of it. He does get anger often but when he does the consequences are great for whoever annoyed him , he becomes rude , extremely sarcastic and violent.

Wolf personality-

Amber becomes extremely playful in wolf form , bordering on almost a childlike behaviour and has no concept of personal space but he still holds his mature and shows it when gets serious. His temper however gets shorter and more dangerous for those evolved.

Main goal in life-

  • Have a nice normal life
  • Take care of Aldis and give him the best life possible

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