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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Pia quickly shifted, wincing at the tearing sound of her clothes. Good thing they were old she thought. Once fully shifted, let out a soft bark, enjoying the feel of being a wolf again, as she never got to shift until recently. Taking off at a sprint, she headed west, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells. Everything was so new and different, she almost forgot to start marking the territory. When she heard a low howl, she stopped. Who is here now? Letting out a howl to alert her new Alpha, she stopped, unsure if she should run away or towards the wolf. @DaManofWar
Luna followed along behind Gabriel, enjoying the run until she heard a low and familiar howl. She almost stopped in her tracks. Luna felt scared.
Gabriel paused, ears twitching. That was fast. He turned to Luna. "You hear that?" He asked her. He saw how scared she felt, and gently nuzzled her neck. "Wait here. I'll check it out." He then set off at high speeds. He had a job to do. He howled in answer to Pia.
Gabriel had run away before Luna could tell him to stay. She ran after him barking to get his attention "Gabriel! Leave it! That's someone you don't need to meet!"
Gabriel halted, and turned to Luna. He felt annoyed that she had just disobeyed him, but she was scared. "Oh? And why is that?" He asked her, tilting his head.

The call of a pack member, to alert their alpha. Perfect. Finnegan almost gave himself a kick in the gut for it. However he sat on his haunches an waited patiently for whoever was coming to find him, his ears perked and tail at his side. Finn was not threat to these wolves he was merely looking to possibly join them, and continue his search. The howl in response was masculine, a male alpha. Great even more fun.
Luna decided it wasn't time for the entire truth, but maybe a part of it. " It's someone from my old pack. We should just leave him alone, maybe he will go away." Luna knew Finn wouldn't leave, but maybe she could get Gabriel to avoid him until she made Finn go.
Gabriel tilted his head to the side. "Oh? Why are you so eager to avoid contact with your old pack?" He questioned, stepping towards her. "Please, explain."
"I told you before, I was kicked out and not on good terms. I just think it's best if we didn't approach him." Luna backed up a little and sat down.
Gabriel thought it over carefully. He walked over to Luna until he was directly in front of her. "I'm sorry, but Pia called for me. I'm the Alpha now. And I have a job to do." He gave her a small lick on her muzzle to reassure her. "Just stay here. I'll sort this out." With that, he sped off again. I'll have to question this wolf about Luna. Something isn't right.

Growing anxious he stood once more and began to move in the direction on the first howl, the one that sounded more feminine. Stepping into a small clearing he found the small female, seating himself once more he tilted his head at her "Hello, I am Finnegan but most just call me Finn"

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Luna was angry. She couldn't disobey Gabriel a second time, but she couldn't let him find Finn. She paced around a tree in anger.
Gabriel was still running to Pia. This new wolf was from Luna's old pack. And she clearly didn't want him here. What to do, what to do?
Daisy finished drinking, and went into the forest. he quickly changed her appearance to look more human. She Climbed the tree and sat upon it, and started to sing again. Singing always made her happy.

Dante Claudio

Dante shifted back into a wolf and began to run east. He was making sure to mental take notes of his surrounding as he was moving. He was also looking to see what nature plants grew in the area to help with healing. He was the marking the territory when he heard Pia howl. He Wondered what was going on. He forged he should make his way troward he, just to be safe. That when he heard and caught scent of something. He heard some singing and the scent of a human but also goat. He growled to warn whoever was there, that he was near by. He let out a howl to let the rest of the pack know, he found someone if there land. @Queen of Fantasy

Suddenly there was commotion all around her, pinning her ears she lowered herself to the ground, slightly afraid as the most recent howl sounded masculine. As she stay close to the ground for a moment she then stood once more, walking in the same direction. Although it wasnt long until she spotted the other wolf and she stuck out like a sore thumb. The silver and white of her pelt swayed slightly in the soft breeze. Her pools of ice locked onto him and she lowered her head in submission to him, her eyes not leaving his "I... I dont want any trouble"

Gabriel was stunned to hear another howl. "Great," he murmured. He would deal with Pia first, then deal with the other. He finally found her and a large wolf. He stood proudly, head held high, indicating his status. "Who are you?"
Luna heard noise all around her and could do nothing about it. She growled repeatedly in anger while her pacing became more furious

As the Alpha presented himself, Finn was already annoyed. The brute wasnt dumb, clearly the female had called the alpha. However biting his tongue he stood up and lowered his head, making sure to keep it peaceful "I am Finnegan but most call me Finn" The large male perked his ears and then raised his head level with the alpha's.
Gabriel sniffed. "Finn...." He let the name roll off his tongue. "Why are you here?" He asked him, still acting proudly. He was the Alpha, and this was his first test. He had to prove himself.

Dante Claudio

Dante was not electing another wild to come out of the forest. From the looks of her she didn't seem like a big threat. He keep there eyes locked and made sure that she didn't try anything. "I will not cuase trouble. But I'm going to need you to tell me who you are? And what you are doing in the area?" Even if she was showing submission he couldn't risk her attaching. He tried to keep a calm demeanor as to not frighten her. @Boondox


She kept herself low as she wasn't in the mood to fight with anyone and she hadn't meant to trespass if thats what it was. Her eyes stayed onto his, the light colors on him seemed to dance like fire as they stood motionless. Listening carefully Diatra calmed herself slightly as he explained he wasn't going to cause her any harm so she raised herself slightly and took a small breath of relief "I am Diatra.. I'm a wanderer, I had no idea I was on someone's turf.. I heard there was a small pack forming near by.. I was just curious" Diatra wasn't about to tell him she was interested in joining, he wasn't showing any signs of being the alpha and she had heard calls for the alpha a few times now.​



The alpha continued his proud stance and it only irked Finnegan more as he stood there, watching the other male and he then took a quick glance at the female from the corner of his eye before turning back to the alpha who had asked him a question "I was informed of a small pack forming.. I was interested in joining as my pack is no longer existant" Finnegan was not one to tell stories but he was not going to lie to this alpha either. He took a breath and perked his ears slightly as he caught a familiar scent off the male, however he kept himself calm and simply acknowledged the smell.​

@Nudge @DaManofWar

Dante Claudio

Dante bark slightly and said " it seems strange that you heard of a new pack and figured you would wandered into the forest. Alone with no intention to cause any trouble." He looked around to make sure she was alone. "Anyway the name is Dante. I am a member of the new pack you heard avout. I'm the packs healer but don't think that will make me an easy target." He let out another howl to signal the pack. " don't be scare but I have to let he pack know your on are territory." @Boondox
Daisy stopped her singing when a growl came from around her. She went wide eyed, and hugged her feet to her chest. She stayed quiet, but her shaky breathe seemed to be the only thing she could hear. She stayed quiet, to see if she could hear anything else...

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