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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Dante Claudio

he gave a big happy smile that seemed to be a drastic change in attitude and demeanor. he happy that he seems to be wining them over and was genuinely be accepted by a pack. "You may be a guy of few word but right now i cant help but really like you. you as while luna, you don't understand how happy you to had made me." it then hit him that Gabriel said they need a healer. he couldn't believe that they didn't have a healer present. " its a good thing im here if you guys need a healer. in my opinion, having a healer is essential to all packs survival."​
Luna smiled warmly at Dante, she liked him. "We are glad to have you here Dante, feel free to take any of the open cabins. Mine is the first, Gabriel's, the second, and our friend Pia's is at the very end by the large building." Luna didn't know where Logan would decide to stay, but she figured he would pick his own cabin. "Please settle in and feel free to join us if you'd like. We are all just about to leave to mark the area." She patted Dante on the shoulder before heading back in to tell Pia the good news.
Luna walked in the door and jumped on the counter next to Pia "So we talked to yet another wolf, with your and Logan's approval, our pack will have a healer." Luna leaned in closer to Pia and whispered "He's not too bad looking, you might like him." She grinned @Nudge
Pia raised her eyebrows at the announcement of a new wolf, and a healer at that. "A healer, huh? That would be useful. Especially with all the other packs around. I think we should take him in. The more the better!" When Luna leaned closer and told her that she might like him, her face went red as a tomato. "I'll be the judge of that!" Puffing out her cheeks in embarrassment, she walked out of the kitchen, muttering about boys and how she definitely not into dating right now, thank you very much.
Luna laughed at Pia. "Come on, I'll take you to meet him, then we can head out." She grabbed Pia and started walking with her out the door
Logan just sitting in his chair spacing out and did not see any thing happening. ( he was studying a bug on the ground )
Hearing Luna's voice makes Lane stop spacing out. He get up and sees a new werewolf and jumps back.
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Dante Claudio

he watches as Luna leave and go back into the cabin. he is left with Gabriel and he not going to lie, it was pretty awkward. he wasn't sure what to say to the guy. on top of that he wasn't a guy that spoken a lot. he wasn't sure what to talk about. i mean he still didn't know anything about these wolves. that when he noticed Luna come back out with two other behind her. it was some girl and a guy. he figured they were the other members of the pack. he was hoping to get the introduction started and get to know his new pack. Also to get his cabin set up into both his living quarters and an infirmary. he kept his usually calm and stoic demeanor and watched as they approached him.​
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Luna reached the males with her pack mates and displayed them with a big smile. "This is Pia and Logan. And of course you already met Gabriel." Luna went and stood next to Gabriel as she watched her pack meet Dante

@Nudge @DaManofWar @fma fan @loyalwolf
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Gabriel smiled. He reached a hand out, and took Luna's hand. "Seems we're becoming a pack now," he told her proudly.
Luna looked at her hand in Gabriel's and smiled back at him. "Yea, I guess we are." She looked at the wolves around her with satisfaction. And they even had a healer! She began to think of where to put a work place for Dante. He could take a cabin, or maybe a part of the main hall

Dante Claudio

he oooked at the two new pack members and introduced himself. "hello there. The name is Dante Claudio, last remaining member of my pack and resident healer. It nice to meet both of you." That when he noticed Gabriel grabbing and holding Luna's hand. He wondered if they were dating or mates. Anyway they seem rather excited to have anew member so he can't complain. That's when a question popped into his head. "So quick question. Who exactly is the alpha of this pack. Just so I know." He had this curious look on his face.​
Luna felt embarrassed "You see, we uh, don't have an Alpha." She looked to the ground, unsure of what else to say
(Okay so the vote came to a tie and this seems like a good moment)

Suddenly it came to her. She looked at Gabriel "We didn't have an Alpha, but now we do." Luna grinned proudly before letting go of Gabriel's hand and standing in front of him. She tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck in submission. "Congratulations Fuzz Ball."

Moving slowly through the forest, her icy blue eyes scanned the sea of trees ahead of her, her mixed hues of white and a silver looking gray brushed against the dark colors of the bark. Diatra had never been good at hiding thanks to her interesting pelt. The day was just beginning for her and she really wanted to just lay down and relax. Something caught her attention and she stopped walking forward, her ears twitched and a small smile pulled at her maw. Water. Picking up the pace to a trot she made it to a clearing in the trees and a small lake was exposed to her. Moving to the bank she lowered her front half into the water, taking large drinks from the calm waters surface.
Daisy had finished grazing. She stopped to look at the wolves, and stared at them for quite sometime. She knew they were were-wolves, just by the smell, even though they had a human form at the moment. She looked away, and turned to leave. She bounded into the forest, quickly.

All that running made her thirsty. She made her way to the local pond for all animals to drink from. She bent her head, and started to drink the water, unaware of the wolf that was there.

Jasil said:
(Okay so the vote came to a tie and this seems like a good moment)
Suddenly it came to her. She looked at Gabriel "We didn't have an Alpha, but now we do." Luna grinned proudly before letting go of Gabriel's hand and standing in front of him. She tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck in submission. "Congratulations Fuzz Ball."
Gabriel blinked in bewilderment, before smiling. He acknowledged Luna's gesture by taking a sniff of her scent. He sighed. "Okay then," he declared, "let's get to marking our land!"
Luna grinned as she got ready to shift. Now they were on track

The scent of a deer quickly swept over her as she lifted her dripping muzzle from the water, her icy eyes glared at it but she wasnt all that hungry, she had eaten a rabbit not to long ago and her stomach wasnt very large, large meals were a waste to her as she couldnt ever finish them. Lowering her head back down she continued to drink before backing up and lifting her front end back up onto the bank. Slowly moving around the edge of the lake she watched the deer but didnt approach it as she then caught wind of other scents, wolves.

@Queen of Fantasy
Gabriel shifted. He sniffed the air, and began stalking about. "Okay, everyone. I believe it is time we all went to work on marking our land. Luna and I will do the north side. Logan, you do the south side. Pia, do the west. And Dante, do the East. If anything comes up, howl."
Luna shifted completely and nodded her approval. She howled once to demonstrate her eagerness. She pawed at the ground, ready to run.

A large dark colored brute stalked the forest floor, his dark silver and chocolate brown covered muzzle almost to the ground as he walked. Finn was in search of something very important to him, he had heard of a small pack growing on the outskirts and he was beginning to grow lonely after the events of his previous pack but he was also in search of another thing alongside the pack. The deep emerald eyes of the male gazed ahead of him as he lifted his head, almost positive he was headed north. Letting a low growl rumble in his throat the faint scent of multiple wolves hit his nostrils and he lifted his maw to let out a deep, low toned masculine howl, hoping they would hear him.

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