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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos wiggled his arm around for a moment and then looked back up to see that Kaleb was just kind of staring. That was sweet too, having someone looking at him like that. He knew a lot of people before they left their QZ. He got to know them pretty well really. Physically anyway. None of them ever looked at him like that. He raised that arm again and then let it slowly fall so that the hand landed on Kaleb’s cheek. “I would always choose to enjoy your company.” Always. No one could change that. Not even horribly enticing people like Jordan. He kissed Kaleb’s cheek. “We can do that and occasionally tell it to move.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched Carlos wiggle his arm around and he couldn't keep himself from staring. Taking in all the features of this man he's decided to let into his heart. He saw the arm raise up again, and then it slowly fell so the hand landed on his cheek. He leaned into the touch, watching Carlos with a soft smile. "Now that sounds like a great idea. Who knew you were such a sap?" He asked, smiling at the kiss to his cheek. He placed a hand on Carlos' chest and pushed. "But let's lay down." Kaleb said with a smile, his legs were tired of being slightly curled up and he wanted to stretch them out, especially his sore leg.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Me,” Carlos answered. He knew how sappy he was. It was how he had always been, though he was learning it was a whole lot more when it came to Kaleb. “And probably Salim. He was our biggest supporter, you know.” He effortlessly fell back when he was pushed like Kaleb had all the strength in the world. Really, he did, though it may not have been that kind of strength. Carlos would never stop being amazed with Kaleb. “And probably you. You figured that out all by yourself.” From his back, he lifted a hand and crooked a finger to summon Kaleb to him. If he was going to be laying there, Kaleb better be joining him.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled, shaking his head as he heard him. He was learning that Carlos was a sap. "I'd have liked to meet him." Kaleb said honestly as he watched Carlos fall back when he pushed him. He nodded as he heard that. "I'm figuring it out yes." He said, watching him lay on his back and saw that crooked finger as if summoning him. Kaleb shifted and laid down as close to Carlos as he could be. His legs stretched out and he sighed, looking at him. "But. I'm starting to enjoy your sappy nature."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos nestled his head and face as close to Kaleb as he possibly could. “I wonder if you did as an officer in our Zone. We were your biggest troublemakers after all.” Remembering the Quarantine Zone like it was something from the past and not the majority of his life was still strange. “He was not so much trouble, though I guess we all were anyway.” He sighed. “I wish you could have seen how sappy I was before we even got to officially meet. Basira even at one point said, ‘If I hear one more thing about that officer, an officer, Carlos, I am going to string you up outside and dry all of our clothes on you.” He grinned. “Being a laundry line doesn’t sound so bad.”
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled as he felt Carlos nestle his head and face as close as he could. "I might've. I can't remember. All you troublemakers look the same." Kaleb teased, chuckling as he laid there. "Oh? How often were you scolded about daydreaming about an officer of FEDRA?" He asked, genuinely curious, especially hearing what one of his friends had said. "Don't worry love, I wouldn't have let them string you up like a laundry line." Kaleb added, wrapping an arm around Carlos as he laid there.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos snorted a laugh at that. This was one of those reasons that he loved Kaleb so much. “All the time,” he whined in a drawling and dramatic voice. “It was like they could see into my brain.” It was always full of thoughts of him. ‘Why are you drawing him again?’ ‘Where were you the last hour?’ ‘Oh my god he isn’t even that pretty.’ Ah, but Jade, she admitted that you were pretty.” He kissed the side of Kaleb’s chin. “She was very upset that I pointed that out. And then after we met, you and those ration cards, it was like I opened a new door to every possible way they could tease me. Or reprimand me.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb listened to Carlos, hearing him snort a laugh. He heard that drawling and dramatic voice and made a soft sigh like he was consoling him. "Oh you poor thing. Picked on and teased about finding an officer attractive." He said softly, rubbing his back as he looked at him, smiling at the kiss to his chin. "How dare they pick on my handsome troublemaker.." He added, shifting so he could kiss him gently before pulling away. "Though I'm glad you followed me out here."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos sighed as he fell away after the kiss. “I think ‘finding an office attractive’ is an understatement,” he laughed. It was far more than that. He was far too deep in very soon in their relationship. That relationship already started even before Kaleb knew about it. Officer Blue Eyes was always on his radar. If he could tell that Carlos that he would be traveling the world and cuddling with him not too long later, that Carlos might have exploded. “I would follow you anywhere, my love. As crazy and sappy as that sounds. Like to mountains and beaches and men who flirt with us like we aren’t happily together.” He exhaled air that then relaxed his body on this bed. It was all he ever wanted. That truth.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled at that and nodded. “I have to agree.” He replied. He thought about how so recently he’d been restless, alone and stuck in this rut at the QZ. Then he found Carlos, or rather Carlos came to him, and in a week, they’d managed to find a whole town of infected, two men who flirted like they weren’t together, and they had all these adventures planned. “I wonder if Jordan and Asher would come with us? Wouldn’t that be an interesting journey.” Kaleb said, looking at Carlos.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Well that was an interesting thought. The two of them plus two more? Would they? Did they want that? Were they ready to roam this world with two extra people like that? “I dunno. Maybe? That could be fun. Running around with them and traveling the world. I wouldn’t say no if they wanted to stick around.” He grinned as thought of all the fun things that they could do. The fun things he and Jordan could do. Mm, that really was a nice thought. “They are just wandering around. No reason not to wander around with us.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb hummed softly, wondering what it would be like to have the two of them with them. "I wouldn't mind spending more time with Asher." Kaleb admitted as he looked at Carlos, and saw him grin. He could only imagine he was thinking of how great it would be spending more time with Jordan. "I guess, that's true. If they're just wandering anyway why not wander with us to the beach and the mountains." He agreed, looking at Carlos and smiling wide. That was quite a thought and he might just consider bringing it up.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos grinned and nestled his face into the crook of Kaleb’s neck. “Of course you wouldn’t,” he teased. “And I am sure he would love to spend more time with you.” Carlos was so intrigued with so much but especially Kaleb right now. “You know, you, fancy officer man, have won over the heart of not one but two different ant-officer people? How did you do that? Because let’s be real, you and I both know that man is starting to crush on you. We can all see it, and it’s beautiful.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt Carlos nestle his face into the crook of his neck. And he heard the words, his face beet red at the implication behind them. He hadn’t realized it but he certainly had started forming a crush on Asher too. “I don’t know how. I.. just treated him like how I’d want to be treated. Whatever I’ve done, I promise you that it was not on purpose.” He said, his voice holding a note of disbelief that he had managed to win over people who hated FEDRA. It was shocking to him to say the very least.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“That’s the most beautiful thing about you.” Carlos could have said about a thousand different things about the subject. He could have denied some things and insisted on others. There could have been silly complaints and lavish compliments. The ultimate truth, though, was that this was just Kaleb. “You never have to try. We love you for being you. Sweet and adorable and so incredibly smart. You defied everything without being a horrible person. I think that’s the other thing about you. You didn’t become the person you hated to go against a system you don’t agree with. It makes you special.” Carlos knew far too many people who turned out a whole lot worse when they decided to fight against FEDRA.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb blushed harder as he listened to Carlos, he ducked his face in his hair. Which wasn’t hard with the face nestled in his neck. “I just.. did what needed to be done to treat people right. I didn’t do anything special. But thank you. For everything. I love you.” He whispered, loud enough though that he knew Carlos could hear him. Kaleb never thought that this was where he’d end up, he figured he’d leave the zone, and wander aimlessly. Find a horde and end up infected. This though? This was so much better than he could’ve ever imagined.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos smiled, not that Kaleb could see it, and nestled just a little bit more. “Love, you know that’s exactly it, right? You treat people right. Who else in this world does that? We live in times where it’s okay to treat people unfairly, because everyone will just blame the end of the world. But not you.” He pulled away his face so that he could attempt to coax out Kaleb’s with skilled finger’s. An artist’s fingers. As he looked at Kaleb, he had that renewed energy to paint him like he so often did. One day, he would have nothing but paintings of Kaleb. And maybe explosions. But mostly Kaleb.
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb heard his words and hummed softly, thinking about that. It was true after all, in this world no one cared about being nice. No one cared about treating people like people and it was one of the biggest reasons FEDRA failed. They treated people like they were workers and not people. He felt Carlos pull his head away and he felt his own face coaxed out gently, skilled fingers guiding him out. A soft smile crossed Kaleb's face as he looked at Carlos. "I never thought about it like that. I guess, my mother's lessons paid off. She always told me to treat people like how you'd wanna be treated."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos’ fingertips stroked his cheeks and chin and jaw as he smiled at the man who stole his heart. “I think your mother might have been a brilliant woman, and I knew some brilliant women.” It was probable that the brilliant women he knew would likely kill him if they ever saw him again. He could only imagine Jade and Basira’s reactions when he left. He did warn them. He did tell them that he would follow Kaleb anywhere. They thought he was just talking. They were wrong. If they found him now, he was not sure what would happen to him. He hoped that Salim could leave before they dragged him down too much. Carlos gently pressed a kiss to Kaleb’s lips. “I love you.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb felt the fingertips stroking his cheeks, chin and jaw. He smiled back at Carlos happily, and he bit his lip as he heard that. "Thank you. I wish you could've met her. She was my favorite person when I was younger." He said softly, and he smiled into the kiss. "I love you too." Kaleb replied, shifting so he could kiss him again before moving himself to curl into Carlos' chest. A quiet yawn slipped out of him "I guess our little venture to check this house out wore me out." He said with a laugh, looking at Carlos, smiling.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Why was a yawn so cute? So utterly amazing? Carlos pressed his lips to Kaleb’s cheek. To his forehead. To the edge of his jaw. “Then I think maybe we should take a nap. What do you think, my sweet?” My love. My joy. My absolute and comprehensive everything. Carlos wouldn’t be Carlos if he weren’t the biggest sap on the planet. There were probably other ones, but he was the self-proclaimed biggest sap, so none of them could take his spot. “I don’t mind a nap.” He never did.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled at the lips to his cheek, his forehead and the edge of his jaw. "I agree on that completely love." He said softly, curling close into Carlos' chest and snuggling his face into him. "I definitely don't mind a nap." Kaleb added as his eyes started to close, and soon he was asleep. Soft breathing as his entire body relaxed completely and a happy sigh slipped out of the now asleep former officer.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos for once did not immediately fall asleep. He lay there running his fingers through Kaleb’s beautifully blonde hair. He traced the lines of his face. Eyebrows, cheeks, nose, mouth, jaw. If he were more awake and less exhausted from the injury that his body was still trying to heal, he might have taken the time to draw his favorite muse. He did, after all, have a notebook filled with almost entirely this man. Well, it wasn’t filled yet. It would be though. One day. And it would still be mostly Kaleb. Finally, his eyes began to close as he imagined them on the top of a mountain together, and he fell asleep.
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb slept peacefully, happily and he had no nightmares, nothing disturbed him in his sleep. He dreamed of Carlos and him on a mountain, swimming in the ocean, and camping on the beach. Hearing the waves that he'd never heard before but knew they existed. As the sunlight of a new day filtered through the boarded up windows, he yawned and stretched before curling back into Carlos again. He didn't want to wake up yet, he was enjoying the peaceful moment.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos was dead. Well, not literally, but he could sleep so well and hard that it was like he was dead. It was the hard fact of his life. There was only so much that he could do about it. He had been this way ever since he could remember. At least he never struggled with sleeping like other people he knew. As the sun awoke, he did not, because he was dead. In the other room, Asher was awake. He had been awake for a while. He felt a little bad for kicking out their friends, but he also didn’t. When things were meant to happen, there was no stopping him. How could he ever tell Jordan no? He couldn’t. He wondered how long it would take for Kaleb to reach that point or if they wouldn’t be that way. He also wondered if he and Jordan would be around to know.

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