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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan felt Asher nestle his head into his neck and hummed in agreement. “Probably. But at least we’d still be together.” Jordan said with a chuckle. Kaleb felt Carlos grab him and he let out gasp. “Carlos!” But it was too late, he was pulled down and instead of squirming, he melted into it. He was getting better about love and affection though the sharp blush on his face was evident that he was still getting used to it. “You are pretty adorable.” Kaleb muttered as he shifted to look at Carlos. “And that’s the only reason I’m still here. In your arms. And not running away to another part of the country alone.”
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Come on, lovebug. You can’t stay here forever.” As much as Asher loved the idea of cuddling some more with his man, it seemed like a bit of a waste of their day. Though, his argument did not seem very useful now that he was looking at the other two. Carlos completely enveloped Kaleb, wrapping arms and legs and anything around him. He showered every part of Kaleb that he could reach with kisses. Big, loud, goofy kisses. Asher sighed and shook his head. “Alright, so maybe we can stay here forever. Is this how you got me to stay too, lovebug? Overwhelmed me with affection I couldn’t deny?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan was about to reply when he looked over at the other two and smirked. He shifted, reaching. Around and grabbed Asher but he arm. He aimed to pull his partner into his arms. “I think we can stay here forever. Who’s stopping us? And yes, that is exactly how I got you gorgeous. My tenacity worked wonders.” Jordan said with a grin. Kaleb meanwhile was laughing at the kisses all over him, though his face was bright red. “C- Carlos..!” Kaleb managed to get out. He squirmed a little though he also had a few giggles slipping in with his laughter as he was enveloped with kisses.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher felt this coming before it did. The moment Jordan tugged on him, he fell onto the bed with a sigh like he was resigned to his fate even though he loved it. And boy did he love it. Even if he took a long time to accept it. He laughed himself, though not too much - he had a reputation to uphold, and nestled into the embrace. “Fine. I guess we are here forever.” In between silly kisses, Carlos occasionally said something like, “Yes, my love?” and “Did you want something?” It was getting hard to breathe with how much he was playing. He eventually slowed and instead merely held him close.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan heard the sigh and chuckled softly, wrapping him up in his arms. “Forever, today, tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Who knows?” Jordan said as he kissed his forehead gently. Kaleb heard Carlos’ words and he laughed as the kisses finally slowed then stopped. “You’re in quite a mood this morning.” Kaleb said as he caught his breath and his laughing stopped. He melted into the hold though, tucking close to Carlos with a content sigh.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher hummed at the touch and the kiss. The answer was that he was willing to be anywhere with Jordan. Mostly. He did not hate the idea of staying there in his arms forever. He did not hate the idea of finding somewhere to stay in general. He was so tired. “Maybe we should stay here. Then I won’t have to worry about you falling through the floor.” Carlos rocked them softly on the bed. He did not feel like he was any different this morning than any other morning, but who was he to tell? He ran a hand through Kaleb’s hair. “I am just happy to see you. Happy to have you.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan bit his lip as he heard Asher, and he could still feel the fall echoing in his sore muscles and back. “We can stay here one more day, but we should leave tomorrow. We cannot stay here forever. We’ll never find him if we do.” Jordan said as he kissed Asher gently. Kaleb felt Carlos rock them and smiled at the hand run through his hair. “And I’m happy to be here. I’m glad you followed me.” Kaleb said softly, smiling at Carlos warmly.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher would have loved to have found him already. He would have loved to finally be done with searching. They already had the best lead they’d had since they started. They were just on a detour. A lovely detour. Though it was difficult, he wrapped his arms around Jordan in a horizontal hug. “Are you ready to find him?” Carlos was not paying any attention to their other halves, because he was so entirely consumed in his love for Kaleb. He could hold him for the rest of his days, and who knew how long they could be. “Best decision I ever made,” he agreed. “Now, were we going to do something or am I free to keep you in captivity?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan smiled at the horizontal hug and nodded. "I am ready to find him." He agreed, smiling at his partner. Sure they had taken a detour, but they had a lead and they were getting closer and closer to finding Joel. Kaleb looked at Carlos, smiling at him and hearing his words. "I agree completely." Kaleb said, his eyes full of happiness and love. "I think we're going to stay here again tonight. So you are free to keep me in captivity for now." Kaleb added, smiling at Carlos happily.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

That was enough for him in that moment. Asher searched those beautiful eyes to see if Jordan meant what Asher wanted him to mean. Maybe it did, and that was something that he was not ready to understand. He kissed Jordan with as much love and passion as he ever did. It was nothing compared to how their men could do things. That was okay. This could be enough for now. Carlos tightened his grip around Kaleb. “Then I guess I will not be letting you go.” He planted several more kisses around Kaleb’s cheeks and neck and arms before he settled into another cuddle. “Mm, imagine all the places we’re gonna go, baby. So many places we can see. No one can stop us now.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan looked at Asher, seeing him searching his eyes and then he kissed him back with just as much love and passion as he had for his partner. Of course, it was a little more than Asher's but that was just how Jordan was. He was all or nothing. Kaleb felt the grip tighten around him and he chuckled, looking at him, blushing softly at the kiss on his cheek, neck, and arms. Then he cuddled close at that. "I can't wait to see all the places we're going to go. I've always wanted to see the countryside. And the ocean. I've always wanted to see the ocean."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As much as Asher was more than willing to lay there and kiss Jordan for the rest of their days, he pulled away with a laugh as he tried to catch his breath. “Lovebug, we have company. Is that appropriate?” Not that the other two were paying any attention. They were too busy being one of the cutest couples Asher had ever seen. Carlos nearly gasped. “You want to see the ocean? I want to see the ocean. That is where we are going. We are going to find the ocean. If we keep heading west, we are going to run straight into it. Think about you. You and me walking on some beach. I’ve read things from the old world. There is apparently nothing more romantic. I have to say, I have seen photographs, and I think they might be right. What would be more beautiful than you on a beach with the sun setting or rising behind you?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan heard Asher laugh and smirked, looking at him. "I mean, I doubt they'd even pay attention but if you want, we can always move to another room." He said, leaning in to kiss at Asher's neck and shoulder. Kaleb looked at Carlos, hearing him nearly gasp and he smiled wide hearing that and nodding. "I'd love to walk a beach with you. Maybe we can camp on the beach too!" Kaleb suggested as he snuggled into Carlos. "I think we need to make a beach visit a priority during our travels." Kaleb added as he thought about it.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher hummed at the kisses, falling deeper and deeper into his inability to function like a person. Did he want to get up? Nope. That would require temporary stopping, and he most certainly was not for that. “Jordan…” This was not the first time that Jordan was able to capture his attention so well in the presence of others. He had so little left in his arsenal to stop this. Not that he wanted it to stop. He thought about Kaleb though, and how he was only just accepting any kind of love. “What about all those injuries from the falling and the fending off infected?” His voice trembled from the touch. Carlos could imagine so many places from the pictures and stories that he had seen and heard over the years. He wanted to go to them all with Kaleb. He wanted to go everywhere with him. Be everywhere and anything. He kissed the top of Kaleb’s head. “Priority number one,” he confirmed. “We are going to camp on the beach, conquering the sand and water like the amphibians that we are. Maybe have one of those camp fires along the shore.” He rubbed Kaleb’s cheek as he thought about how beautiful that would be.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan was way too busy kissing Asher and he wasn't paying much attention when he heard his name. It was only when he heard those words with a trembling voice and he lifted his head long enough to look at Carlos and Kaleb. Then he looked at Asher and grinned. "Injuries or not.. I don't know if I wanna stop. So we have two options, send our.. friends away or hope they aren't paying attention.." Jordan said with a low chuckle. Kaleb smiled at the kiss on the top of his head and looked at Carlos. "That sounds so peaceful and wonderful." Kaleb agreed, humming softly at the rub to his cheek. "The beach, the sand, sun and water. It sounds relaxing too."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher felt like this was an unfair thing to ask of him, since he was utterly distracted by everything that was Jordan. He loved being with him so much no matter what was going on. Right now, though, he was not sure he was of sound mind enough to be able to stop himself or Jordan. He had to save Kaleb, though. Kaleb was not ready for sharing the room if they got… heated. So, naturally, he kissed Jordan about as fiercely and passionately as he could while smacking at Carlos’ arm. He broke away enough when Carlos turned his head to look at them, completely unphased by how attached they were. Asher was barely able to breathe, “Get out.” Carlos, pretending like he did not understand this, smiled and looked at him like he was confused. Asher, trying very hard not to sucked back in yet, said a little more gruffly, “We love you, but get out.” Carlos chuckled and nodded. He nestled back into Kaleb and kissed his neck. “We’re being kicked out, love.” He ran a hand down Kaleb’s side and back up. “I think they’ve gotten distracted,” he laughed.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan could feel the fierce and passion in the kiss and barely heard the smack of Asher hitting Carlos' arm. Though he did heard his words when he pulled away from the kiss. Kaleb looked confused at the words, and then the repeated 'get out' before his eyes widened. Oh. He felt Carlos nestle into him and the kiss to his neck, along with the hand running down his side and back up. "Come on then love. We should let them be." He said, deliberately moving away from Carlos and slipping off the bed. He winked at Carlos before turning to hobble towards the door. Jordan watched Kaleb leave and he turned back to Asher, his hand snagging his chin so he could kiss him again.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos sighed as Kaleb left him, though he knew it was necessary if they didn’t want to stay in this room while things were getting more involved with the other two. Before slipping off the bed, Carlos leaned over Jordan, snaking an arm around him and brushing his lips against his ear. “Have fun for me,” he breathed, kissing the back of Jordan’s ear. Asher swatted at him with a low growled, “Get. Out.” Carlos was going to pretend like he wasn’t horribly intrigued by the command and did as he was told. He caught up with Kaleb and grabbed his hand. “Some friends they are making us leave like that.” He shook his head though he was not at all really that upset.
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb heard Carlos sigh and even though he found it funny, he did not want to be there when things got.. more than he was ready for. Jordan felt the arm snake around him and the lips brush against his ear. "Of course beautiful." Jordan managed to get out as he felt the kiss to the back of his ear. He managed a breathless laugh at the low growl from Asher as he saw Carlos head out of the room. Jordan grinned and moved to Asher. "Where were we?" He asked, kissing his partner. Kaleb looked at Carlos when he caught up and felt him take his hand. "I know, how rude." Kaleb said with a chuckle, "So. Wanna go continue our travel plan making in our room?" Kaleb asked him, curiously.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher ripped his lips away from Jordan’s and in another low hungry growl, he breathed, “We were here.” He shoved Jordan over to crawl on top of him. Carlos, out of decency for literally only Kaleb, shut the door as they left. He chuckled at the situation and nodded. “Yes, I would love to continue making a travel plan. There are so many places I want to go with you.” They walked together to the other room, and without even thinking, Carlos picked Kaleb up and plopped them both onto the bed, sitting somewhere just off middle. “Where else have you wanted to go?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb heard the door shut and he was also thankful he didn't see anything. He wasn't quite ready for that step just yet. Another reason he was kind of thankful for Jordan because he could do what Kaleb couldn't yet. As they walked to the other room, he looked at Carlos and hummed, thinking about places that he wanted to go. What he wasn't expecting when they got into the room, was to be picked up and plopped on the bed with him. He gasped softly at the motion before he grinned and relaxed into Carlos' chest. "I've always wanted to go to a mountain. I've seen them before from the Zone but.. I'd love to go to one. Along with the ocean and mountains, I want to go anywhere and everywhere with you."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Though Jordan was wonderful and they could do so much that Carlos was no longer able to do since they left the QZ, Carlos was happy and content to be with Kaleb however it was that he wanted to be. If that meant sitting on a bed and cuddling, then that was all he needed. Of course, he did love some extra fun every now and then. A lot of the time really. Okay, so this was definitely something that he as a personal loved, but really, did any of it matter if he had Kaleb? If he never had anything else, he would be happy. Though he would be sad that he could not see those beautifully strong arms anymore. Mm. “A mountain? Then I think we find us a mountain on the way to the beach. Maybe we climb it to the very top? I saw pictures and art of the tops of mountains, and I think we have plenty of time to make our way up one of those. Maybe camp at the top where we could be the kings of the world? What do you think?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb rested his head on Carlos' chest with a contented sigh as he heard him. "That sounds wonderful. And can you imagine the view from the top? Looking out over the world below us?" Kaleb said softly as he enjoyed being wrapped in the strong arms that held him. "And maybe, from the top we can see the ocean we're headed too." Kaleb added as he shifted away from Carlos' chest to look at him. "I think they're going to be busy for a while. And we're staying the night so what do you want to do love?" Kaleb asked, moving so he could really look at Carlos with a soft smile. "Oh.. how are you feeling? That fall was pretty bad. I should check that arm wound." He said, starting to move to check on it.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos could have stayed like the for the rest of his life. Well, maybe not the entire rest - he would eventually get hungry enough to not want to starve. Otherwise, there was so little that could compare to sitting on a comfortable bed with Kaleb against him. He closed his eyes and could see the amazing moments that they were planning. They were not dreams or hopes. These were realities that they were working towards. He hummed as Kaleb told him more. All too soon, the moment was over. He looked at Kaleb curiously and then smiled. “You are far too sweet. It hurts though not too bad.” He peered down at himself like it might tell him something he did not know. “It’s kind of stiff, but I think moving it around is helping.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb didn't want to move, he was way too comfortable where he was. So when he heard the hum and Carlos' words, he nodded. "Well, perhaps we should move that arm more? Um. But then you risk hurting it too." Kaleb said as he shifted in Carlos' arms, looking at him. He took in the features of the man holding him, the fact that he thought he'd lost him still haunting his mind. And it probably would for a while. He'd never experienced something that terrifying in fifteen years. "Or we could just stay here, and enjoy each other's company."

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