♥Lies Of The Gorgeous People♥ ┼Truth In Only Those Who Accept It┼

Serenity felt her heart sink. "What is it?" She was sad to see a poor innocent dog go through that, but she ealso felt a bit of fear in the pit of her stomach. She was on crutches, and she was sure ethan was not done with her. Regardless, she wouldn't let him have his way. She, beong of small size and pretty face would have fit in well with the gorgeous kids, but had actually kept her distance from them in ordered not to be assosiated with them. She hated that they thought they were better then the others.
Anne: She swallowed hard "Do you own these dogs in any way?" She asked rubbing the dogs ears as he slept on her floor. "Because there is a leash law, And if this if your dog, You have to fight for him in court of her gets.... Put down; for aggression towards people. But there is a chance you can win him back."

Alex: She grunted and nodded, "Fine." She said looking up at him and shrugging.
Serenity sighed, "no, he is a stray. there were a bunch of them at my house. aggression against people? perhaps thats why my fahters car was all scratched up. i had no knowledge that the dog was the one who scared the vandal away from our house, i simply heard a ruckus and went outside and saw the dog in the street."
Anne" She shook her head "They called him and aggressive breed, his breed had to be in a house or on a leash or risk a laws suit from the city, They are going to take all the dogs, and put them all down." He sighed "Unless we fight for them in court/"
Serenity let a tear slip down her cheek. these animals didnt deserve this. "i could fight for them, but i cant keep them. i have a cat, and my house is too small." she explained.
Anne: "What about your backyard?" She asked, Ash shifted his head and stared at Anne and she felt her heart break and she began to cry, such a beautiful dog going though such hell, just because of what humans have done in the past changed every one's entire perspective.
"i suppose i can work something out." Serenity sighed, "i will see if my parents are ok with it. and i still have to go to school," she thought back to ethan, "as much as i dont want to right now." she knew she had to be strong. she wouldnt let the gorgeous group push around anyone else, and she wouldnt let the dogs be abandon.
A large white van pulled up in front of Serenity's house, A man in a thick black Coat walk out, and a woman who is clearly an Officer, The man goes against the fence and peeks through, He sees that there are Four dogs, one puppy who is clearly emaciated and three very large dogs, None are chained up, meaning they have to be taken as a public violation, a crime, and danger to the citizens, The man takes out three large dog kennels and One little one, then pulls out a catch rope.

Anne: She feels a slight weight lifted "Thank you. and i hope they will." She said nervously, She bit her nails and said ; "Okay, ill hang up, Bye, I'll call you if i get reference." She says and ends the call, laying back on her bed tiredly, the great black dog laying at the foot of her bed obediently and laid then shut his eyes in sleep.
wait why are the dogs in her yard? the gate to the fence should be closed. i thought they were hanging around the front of her house? and we should get this dog scene done quickly too, this was supposed to be a school clique RP right? not that i mind at all.))

Serenity began to hobble her way home from the park and spotted the men. "excuse me sir, might i ask what youre doing on my property? and what you are doing with the strays?" she asked politely. as much as she wanted to yell at him for intruding before showing a warrant to her parents, she knew she needed to have some degree of respect for them.
The man smiled Politly "We are here to Take the Strays." He said locking the catch poll. "There is a leash law, and it clearly states a dog with being chained is to be taken" He sighed "Plus these dogs have been charged with public endangerment."
Serenity sighed, "alright. but it seems that i and another girl will be fighting for them in court." she pointed out, pushing her glasses up.
Alex rested her head on Tony's chest and plays with his shirt, and sighed.

The man eyed her generously, he loved his job, but not seeing animals being put down. She sighed and walked over to the sleeping Big Boy, Then Big Boy's eyes flash open and he barks an aggressive loud noise biting the hard stick and shaking it violently and hard. Cooper stood up and barking a high pitch puppy bark, The woman grabbing his scruff and yanking him into the air and putting his quickly into a Cage, Big Boy saw that and ran at the woman, Then the man snaps the wire around Big Boy's throat, Big boy bared his teeth and growled loudly biting at the hard stick.
"please treat them gently till we can do something. i wont let them be put down when they tried so hard to help me." she gave a curt nod and went back into her house. she took her pain medication, propped her crutches against the bed and sat down with a book. it wasnt very late, but she didnt want to be outside while the dogs were taken away. it was somewhat heart breaking to watch.

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