♥Lies Of The Gorgeous People♥ ┼Truth In Only Those Who Accept It┼

((i swear im not trying to be rude but could we get to some story developement? i wanna see Serenity and the one dude interact again! fight the power! :P ))
TIME: 1:05Am

LOCATION: I Would Hope Home.

PROBLEM: Graffiti & Vandalizes

DAY: Saturday

Ethan: He walked out of his house, The night had just began, but he was already Intoxicated. He gripped his keys and jangled the spray paint bottle, a bandana covered his mouth. He will teach her what happens to people who don't know their place.

Alex: Alex slept beside Tony, She woke up and robbed her eyes, he watched Tony sleep for a moment then got up, She looked around her room, Clothes littered the floor, she grunted as she stood up, and Walked out of the room and down the stairs and opened her fridge and bent over going through the fridge thoroughly


Big Boy: Big Boy opened his eyes and pricked his ears at a unfamiliar Sound. He licked his jaws and growled slightly as he pulled himself to his paws, He glanced around, Every one in the human's Nest was asleep, but a human scent was getting closer.

Cooper: Cooper watched Big Boy from behind Crystal, he groggily yawned, they slept in the soft long grass next to the humans house, guessing the Human's didn't like the dogs sleeping on the porch.

Ethan: He went in front of Serenity's house and dragged a key along the side of her car, he scraped large gashes into the Side, over and over, Then he walked toward the house, shaking the spray bottle.

Big Boy: He heard the high pitch squeaking noise and growled loudly, he saw a dark figure move towards the human female's nest, He growled loudly, he jumped in front of the figure, it was a male, and his scent said Danger, Then it said fear, He bared his massive teeth and barked loudly, Lunging for the human, jaws open wide.

: Ethan screamed as the dog bit onto his arm, the Massive teeth cutting through his arm flesh, He took the spray bottle and hit the dog over the head with it, Once the dog let go in pain, he ran.

Big Boy: he chased the guy Barking loudly.

Ash: got up, he chased After Big Boy and the man, both dogs barking loudly.

A large truck was driving down the street, It nearly hit Big Boy, But Ash wasn't so lucky.

Ash: He laid in the street, Whining loudly, his eyes wide with fear.

Big Boy: he stopped chasing the human and stood over Ash, comforting his Wounded pack member.

Tony woke up from his slumber, when the bed shifted, and there was no longer a body next to him. He rolled over into the spot, and yawned, rubbing his eyes. He looked at the clock, and groaned. He rolled back over to where he'd been, and fell back asleep.
Serenity woke to a sharp pain in her leg as well as loud noises from outside. she popped a few Tylenol pain killers before grabbing her crutches and hobbling outside. the sidewalk looked red, and she felt fear surge through her. had someone gotten murdered on her front law? she looked over and saw the dogs from earlier, one laying in the street and the other crouched over him.she hobbled over slowly, stopping so that there was still distance between her and the large dog. she made a gentle shushing noise and held out her handm hoping she would be remembered from earlier, and not attacked. she leaned on one crutch, then as she went to lean back on the other, it slipped from under her arm, and part of her weight landed on her injured foot. she winced, tearing up and went down on one knee. this was a bad time, as she was completely defenseless if the dog decided to attack.
Big Boy: He saw the female come out of the house, when she slipped, He growled loudly, he had moved to fast, He sniffed her side, then her hair, he wagged his tail, Another car was rolling down the street, It was a little bit away, and a slight fog covered the road, He knew the human couldn't get up. So he ran towards the car, then car started to slow down then stopped right in front of Big Boy, then big boy turned around and started to trot back towards the Human, the car going to slow that it was right by Big Boy's side the entire time.

Girl: She leaned out of his window. "Is everything okay?" She asked, Her hair a dirty Blond, and her face full of fear, as the large dog beside her car bared his massive teeth and growled loudly.

This is Anne; The girl hanging out the window of her car.
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Alex saw Ethan ran down the street, blood dripping from his body, She ran outside, and yelled after him. Only a shirt and Tiny booty shorts covered her thin body. "Where are you going?" She Shouted, But Ethan kept running. She ran back into the house up the stairs and into her room, then she got on top of Andy and kissed him "Wake up." She cooed softly.
Serenity slowly looked up, "im f-fine its just a sprain" she cringed at the pain, "put that dog....." she pointed to the dog that had been hit, "he got hit by a car, he needs help" she grabbed her crutches and tried to get up, but couldnt balance with the crutches.
Anne: Got out of the car slowly "Its okay big guy." She whispered at the Massive dog beside her car, She walked over to Serenity and pulled her onto her feet. "Steady." She whispered, she knelt down beside the Injured Dog, She placed her hand on the side of Ash.

Ash: He bared his teeth in pain. But didn't flinch from the woman. Her touch was gentle and warm against his Cold bloody fur.

Anne: "Its okay." She Cooed, and slipped her hands under Ash, She lifted him off the ground. She didn't flinch when Ash bared his teeth, She slowly yet steadily went over to her car. "Come here. Please open the back of my car.
Serenity hobbled over and opened the car door. she let out a yawn, but kept her worried expression. "will he be ok?" she asked, coughing slightly. her ankle was throbbing, she was tired, it was extremely early in the morning and she had school the next day.
Anne: She shook her head "Let me have your number so i can text you after i get the X-rays and if he will make it or not." She said softly and took out a pen and a small little note pad.
Alex: She giggled and ran her fingers though her hair. "Remember that on Gorgeous Ethan?" She asked putting her chin on his chest "I saw him running down the street... Bleeding." She said quietly.
Tony shook his head. Who was Ethan. Why should he know who that is. But then again, if some kids bleeding. Tony bit his lip. "Do you know what it was from?" Tony asked, confused.
Alex: She knew Ethan, he was trouble. She shook her head, She got off of Tony and Sat next to him. Her hands on her lap, She got up and started to put on some pajama clothes.
Serenity nodded, writing her number down. "Thanks" she hobbled back to her house, climbed in bed and fell asleep.
Time: 11:45 Am

Place: Unknown

Day: Sunday

Anne: She took out her phone and dialed Serenity's number, She rubbed Ash's ears, she felt horrible and knew that The dogs were in trouble.

Serenity was sitting at a local park, her crutches propped against the bench she was sitting on. she set her book down as her phone began to vibrate. she picked it up and flipped it open to her ear, "hello, this is Serenity." she said as she answered.
DemonicPheneomenon911 said:
Alex: She knew Ethan, he was trouble. She shook her head, She got off of Tony and Sat next to him. Her hands on her lap, She got up and started to put on some pajama clothes.
Tony shrugged, and found his boxers on the floor, and pulled them on, and laid back down. "Do have a phone?" Tony asked, biting his lip. He should call Gerard.
Alex: She smiled and threw her phone at him biting her own lip as well.

Anne: She hesitated for a minute; "It Anne.." She spoke quietly "This dog, he had to stay in for a long time... But i have horrible news." she said sadly.
Tony took her phone and walked down stairs, calling Gerard. He got yelled at for passing out, and not calling last night. Tony apologized, and would explain further at home. Tony yawned, and hung up the phone, and took Alex's cell phone back up to her.
Alex: She giggled and looked into his eyes "So what? We doing this again?" She smiled and winked, The tattoos on her clearly visible against her pail skin.
Tony smirked, then shook his head. "You wear me out, baby...." Tony said kissing her lips again, before setting her down. "You should come have dinner with me and Gerard tonight. He thinks your a s**t cause you stole me away after I passed out yesterday....I don't want him to think of you like that...." Tony said biting his lip.
(Which on Sl*t? of Sh*t?)

Alex rolled her eyes and sat on her bed, Cris cross, She let out a grunt and just played with her hair "Whatever." She said quietly, not looking up at him just playing with her messy hair.

Tony sat down next to her, and pulled her into his lap, and kissed her cheek. "Thats why, I think if he got to know you...he'd warm up to you, like you more....If your friends son, took Anti-Depresant pills, and then left the house, and didn't come back and didn't contact you till the next morning, you'd be mad to..." Tony said, looking into her eyes.

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