Lies of the Beautiful People


One Thousand Club

I woke up in a white-on-white room. Sitting up, a throbbing, almost pounding sensation swirled in my head. Wh-what was going on? I forced myself up further, my long hair falling around my shoulders - like a slightly curly light brown shroud. Shoving it away from my eyes and opening my mouth to reveal my grit teeth, I looked around. The room I was in looked like it had just suffered from a blizzard. Ignoring the sensation in my skull, I put one leg off the side of the bed I woke up in, then the other, and took the time to look around. The walls were painted snow-white. I doubted any poster or painting had graced these walls since they were built and painted. The white shag carpets looked brand new, and I almost doubted that anyone had ever walked on them. But, then, how would I be here? Looking to my left, then to my right, I could see nothing but white wall. How odd. Just a bed. I stood up and nearly stumbled, but caught myself. As I stood and smoothed down my shirt, I noticed for the first time the door, hiding in the creamy walls. What made me realize it was a door? The only color in the room itself, a small gold-painted door knob. ~~~ The door took me into a hallway. There was color here, and the outside part of teh door was unpainted mahagony. I blinked, my eyes getting used to the new warm colors. There were more doors like this one, but no one like me. After a moment of staring and wondering where I was, a blonde boy emerged from one of the doors. "E-escuse me," I said, and he looked up. "W-where am I?" He smiled, as if he was remembering something, and looked me up and down. He said, "Welcome to Bilridge Academy." Welcome to Bilridge Academy. Here, every one is beautiful. Everyone has more talent that/n they know what to do with. Everyone has the right for a full ego and that cocky strut you hate the homecoming queen for. Here, everyone is flawed with a secret. I am your head master, Mr. Garber. In my boarding school, my teachers teach my students more about their talent - and themselves. We tailor your schedule to your talents, and your needs, so that you are comfortable and exceed in every class. Whether you are an artist, an actor, a musician...A writer, perhaps? What ever your talent, we will help exceed in all you depict in. The catch is, keep your secret, or you'll have your life to pay.
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Rules ~ No godmodding ~ This is a literate role play, so please make your post at least two paragraphs with the occasional exception for writer's block [font='century&[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][URL=""][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I]#13[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I]&[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][URL=""][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I]#10[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I]&[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][URL=""][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I]#13[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I]&[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][URL=""][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I]#10[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL][COLOR=#000000][SIZE=10px][I] gothic'] [/font] ~ 15-17 age range, please ~ The character in the story above is mine ~ Photos and description only. No anime, no cartoons, no drawings... ~ Be nice to fellow RPers - your character can be as nasty as hell, but you must be nice ~Try and keep the content PG ~ Good spelling and grammar is appreciated ~ No text talk ~ Your secret is a secret. You should avoid blurting it out, unless your character genuinely trusts whom ever he / she is telling. Secrets may range from drugs to premature alchohol abuse, to even murder. Go nuts, use your imagination ~ Me and WalkingDisaster ONLY will RP as the teachers ~WalkingDisaster is my minimod. You are to listen to Dizzy like you would to me Dorm Mates (Will put in once people have joined) Class schedule 8:00 - 9:00 Art 9:15 - 10:00 Aerial Dance 10:15 - 11:00 Music 11:15 - 12:00 Writing 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch 1:15 - 2:00 Ballroom Dance 2:15 - 3:00 Drama 3:15 - rest of the day Free time/One on one classes Forms Name: Age: Personality: History: Appearance: Crush: Talent (s) : Secret : Other: (Thread helped with and written on with WalkingDisaster. Story and intro written by WalkingDisaster. Thanks, Dizzy <3)
(My forms to come soon)
Name: michael Carver

Age: 16

Personality: Awkward, Friendly and laid back

History: Australian born and raised in a small town just over an hour's drive from the coast on a farm mainly raising sheep and cattle for wool, milk and slaughter, Michael learned the value of getting his hands dirty and not slacking off Michael was transferred to Bilridge Academy at the start of this year.


Crush: none (yet)

Talent(s): fighting, playing the acoustic guitar.

Secret: while doing a job or his dad, he ran over a child in his dad's tractor, the media assumed it was a kidnapping, but Michael ran over the child and buried the body.

Other: studied Krav Maga (Fighting style) for over a year and is well versed in operating almost all farm machinery.

(bettsyboy, you are exepted. Thanks for joining!)

(Work in progress. Still developing characters)

Name: Samantha Bennett Age: 16 Personality: The girl you love to envy. Samantha has a certain grace to her that a few lucky girls get as a small child. But she, even luckier, kept it well into her teens. Dancing is a passion, and while her muscle movement and dance routines may be sweet but impressive, she is sassy and hard to catch. While this girl may be a sweetheart that most want to win over, cross her and you'll have made an enemy. Though on the outside she seems to have everything perfect, she is a bit shy and it is difficult for her to open up. She has trouble trusting and opening up to people, mostly around men. History: Samantha grew up in Beverly Hills as an only child. Her parents were divorced when she was fourteen on bad terms. After about six mouths of them fighting for custody of Samantha her mother won full custody. All of this took a bad toll on Sam and she was quieter and more enclosed. Her mother bought Sam whatever she wanted in order to try and win her back, but with no results. Appearance:
Crush: not yet Talent (s) : Ballroom and Aerial Dance Secret : Immediately after the custody battle ended Sam's mother rushed in to dating again. Her mother's first boyfriend was very aggressive towards them both. Angered that her mother continued to date the violent man, Sam eventually stayed in her room until she knew he was gone. Over time he moved into their house and grew more and more aggressive until Samantha could not take it anymore. She ran away without a word to her mother. She has not told anybody about her ordeals, but still holds the painful memories. Other: none
Name: Chase Johnson Age: 17 Personality:Chase is narcissistic and self indulged. He cares completely about how he looks and has trouble caring for other people. He can be very annoying. He is smooth and charming. He can easily get under your skin and mess with your head. He has not a care in the world and will do what wants to do. Though he if selfish, he will stand up for his friends. History: Chase grew up with a house full of older sisters and work crazy parents. He was very close with his siblings, though it was hard getting past him being the only boy and the youngest. He was always a trouble maker in order to get his distracted parents attention. His parents eventually sent him away to a boarding school. He was heartbroken from leaving his sisters, but after a while adapted to being there. Appearance: Chase has blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. He has a six pack and a tall build. Crush: none yet Talent (s) : Acting Secret : Chase has always loved cars, but took it a bit to far when he starts to steal the best sports cars. He has never told anybody about it or where he hides them. Other:

((Ohhh, this looks like fun :D ))

Name: Cassandra (Cassie) Brotsche (Not her real name)


Personality: Cassie is a very easygoing girl, she's incredibly easy to get along with and isn't easily ruffled. She always seems to have a simle on her face and laughs a lot. People would say she makes a dark room brighter. She is a light in a dark room and people are drawn to her because of it.

History: Both of Cassie's parents died when she was four, her older brother, who was twenty-two at the time, adopted her and took care of her. He soon became abusive toward her, hitting her, yelling at her, locking her in her room for days without food or water. He treated her like a slave, forcing her to do hard labor for hours before he let her rest. He seldom fed her and often came home drunk from "work", where he would only abuse her more. When Cassie turned sixteen, she ran away from her brother and changed her name, her appearance and enrolled in Bilridge Academy using her deceased parents money, where she pursued her dream of becoming a novelist.


Crush: Open/Offers

Talent (s) : Creative Writing, Public Speaking, Music(composing, playing, etc. she's very gifted in several instruments)

Secret : Cassie was brutally abused and raped by her brother while living with him. She changed her name and ran away. She puts on a happy smile everyday to hide from the pain of the abuse.

Other: (If someone wants to be her roomate, that's cool)
Name: Elle Fenwick

Age: 16

Personality: Elle is quite a quiet girl, a good friend to have around, but usually doesn't speak much while she's not on stage. That side of her completely disappears when she's doing something she loves. Though, there is a dark and angry side to her and she's easily angered. When she is, she doesn't take those things lightly.

History: When Elle attended a public school, she was bullied every single day. She used to come home crying and often her parents didn't care. They were too busy looking after her younger sister, who she had grown to hate. Her sister, Annabelle, was an attention seeking brat in Elle's eyes. Elle often had to look after herself.



Crush: None yet.

Talent(s): Acting and Writing

Secret: As Elle was bullied and constantly ignored at home, she began to develop anger issues. She never told anyone about them, so she often lost control. One time, when she was walking home from school, one of the bullies decided to be smart and pick out a fight with her. No one else was there so if she lost it didn't matter, but the bully knew she could win. But Elle had been so angry the previous night that she had stored a knife in her bag for the following day. She was once again angered by the bully trying to pick out a fight, so she took out the knife and attacked her with it, making deep cuts all over. When she was done with the body, she hid it in the nearby forest. As by the place she lived by had many bears, the police just suspected it as a bear attack.


Name: Darren Brikowski

Age: 17

Personality: Darren is quite a cocky boy and times and he can be quite charming when he wants to be. He can be seen as a 'bad boy' and doesn't always do as he is told. He loves and craves female attention,

History: When Darren was seven, his mother and older sister died in a car crash when they were out shopping. This left Darren and his father alone. His father soon turned to alcohol and cigarettes to take away his pain, but soon began to slip away from his son. Darren would hardly be able to go out at all because he had to look after his father.


Crush: None yet

Talent(s): Music (playing a wide range of instruments; guitar, drums, piano, etc.) and art.

Secret: Because Darren's father was an alcoholic, he couldn't hold down a job, which meant that Darren had to find some way for them to get along. He tried working for a little while, but he couldn't. In the end, he settled into sneaking into other people's houses at night to steal their money. No one ever found out.


Aiden Lewis




He can be arrogant at times, only because he believes in his capabilities. To most he's cold and impossible to get to open up


Grew up middle class, and his parents divorced when he was ten. Not too much of a game changer except he went to live with his father and his younger sister stayed with his mother.


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Toss up between Megan Fox and Jessica Alba

Talent (s) :

Vocalist. Just started picking up guitar

Secret :

When he was 15 he got his girlfriend pregnant, but left her high and dry, not ready for the responsibility even though she was only 16 herself. His daughter would be almost two now if her mother didn't have a mental breakdown, PPD, and kill her when she was only a week old. Explains why he has Clair tattooed across his left bicep.



Vivian 'Violet' O'Hara




A quiet introvert that has a bad case of social incompetence and is known for saying/doing the wrong thing more than not. She always tries then fails at creating real relationships, not exactly sure what 'healthy' or 'genuine' are aside from empty words.


Grew up with her mother, Scarlett, knowing nothing of her 'father' other than the fact that Scarlett blames every unlikable trait of her daughters on bio dad. This meant going from house to house, and she even was once abandoned while Scarlett moved in with a man who didn't like children. But of course Scarlett came back for her 'meal ticket' when that fell through.


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Talent (s) :

Dark poetry and dance are all this girl breathes

Secret :

She grew up an only child of a mentally unstable mother, who ended up cutting herself after being overwhelmed by the mental pain caused by aforementioned


She fears she may have inherited her mothers sickness.

Name: Luna Delligro

Age: 15

Personality: Luna is a friendly and sweet girl, always ready to socialize. If she sees someone alone she will go and start a conversation with them. She is nice to almost everyone but can get randomly touchy about things and either dismiss them as nothing or change the subject.

History: Luna was born to a good pair of parents. Her mother was musically inclined and taught Luna much. Her father was always "busy" with work and would come and go as he willed but he seemed to care deeply for Luna and she loved him. Luna also was put into dance and loved it. But when she was twelve things started to change a bit as the pressure on her to do well in not only school, but dance and music grew. Her father also stopped coming around and had not been seen for three years except for a few letters.


Crush: No one yet

Talent(s): Dance and music

Secret : To keep off the pressure Luna has resorted to taking drugs to help her "relax" or "focus", and is also aneroxic.


Name: Leon McGetts

Age: 17

Personality: Leon is somewhat shy and a reserved guy. He can be socially awkward but he tries this best. He loves to see people smile and tries hard to please others even if he is not happy. He is somewhat of a pasifist.

History: Leon grew up in a small town and usually kept to himself. He would hardly stay at home though as his parents were constantly fighting with one another. Leon was happy to be an only child though but had grew close to a friend who he saw as a younger brother. They spent most of their time together, Leon using his art skills where ever and Devin either reading or writing something. Leon eventually lost Devin when they were thirteen to a car accident and this effected Leon.


Crush: No one yet

Talent(s): Art

Secret: Leon is an alcoholic.

Name: Kasumi Wantanabe-Adonis

Age: 16

Personality: Kasumi tends to be a big flirt around guys at times. In fact she has been famed for a **** tease in the past. She was even rumored to be the biggest slut in a few of her older schools. But new school means new slate at least. Towards females though her moods can range from eh she’s okay to total diva, hitting on mean streak.

History: On a business trip her mother met her father and surprise surprise little Kasumi was born. After the ‘happy couple’ fell apart she was tossed back and forth between the countries for many years never really having a stable life till now. Her last name is a combine of both of her parents since they were never married and the father always wanted a child. They both spoil her in their own way trying to win her over to their side.


Crush: N/A

Talent (s) : Performing Arts, Bi-Lingual, High Grade Point Average

Secret : Lesbian, Virgin, She also likes to shop lift for fun off and on although she has the money to afford most things.

Other: Half American Half Japanese, her father puts a lot of pressure on her due to his nationality. Duel-Citizen

Name: Kayla Wisk

Age: 17

Personality: Kayla comes off as a bit of a snob a lot. Trying to prove she’s the biggest thing to hit the school. The only problem is she feels bad for it at times. Deep down she’s nice, but nice never got her anywhere before so now she’s going to try the other side. The top cheerleader, don’t get in my way mean girl.

History: Growing up Kayla was the one to be bullied, laugh at and teased for her interest. She comes from a BIG family, one that tended to overlook her easily at times. Game night was the only thing she had to look forward to at times. When she finally got accepted into the school she knew it was her time to change, to be the star for once and stand out above the rest. That at least was her plan.



Talent (s) : Dance, Gymnastics, Acrobats (Martial arts but that’s more of a secret)

Secret : TOTAL geek, she’s into comics, games. Anime, Star Trek can even speak to you in klingon. Star Trek, DnD, you get the picture. She also works for a sex hotline in order to pay for her collections, and outfits needed to be cool.

Other: Totally loves to hit the cons and cosplay in them.
Chaos, Vassel, Lily, I am afraid I will have to deny you.

CHoas, your forms are vague and a bit sloppy. Vassel, your forms are a bit much, and didn't make perfect sense. Your characters are also Mary Sues and Gary Stus. Same for you, Lily. I am sorry - waaay too sexual.

Thank you all for applying. =)

pyr0, I loved your forms. Acceoted (:
I don't get what you mean by too much? Did I write too much or go into too much detail? And I'm sorry if they are sue-ish. I can edit them if you want. Just tell me what I did wrong.
Name: Ian Blackhawk

Age: 17

Personality: Ian is a very standoff-ish person. He doesn't take any crap from anyone, including adults. He would hurt you quicker than he would help you. He's considered a very cold person and rarely speaks, and when he does, it's usually in harsh, clipped sentences. He's very calculating and cynical. He sees the worst in people rather than the best and doesn't trust anyone. He has an explosive temper and once he's gone, there's no bringing him back until he's had a way to vent his rage.

History: Ian grew up on the Alabama-Coushatta reservation in Woodville, Texas. It wasn't a bad place, very nice actually. Both of his parents had died when he was two so he lived with his grandmother. When he was fourteen, his grandmother had a heart attack and died. Even though Ian was a member of the tribe, the elders wouldn't let him stay because he had no family ties to the tribe. He was forced to leave. Ian eventually found his way to Houston where he joined a vicious gang that made him do awful, unspeakable things as grunt work. One day, while he was out doing a "job", the police busted the gang's hideout and arrested everyone there. Fearing for himself, Ian left Texas and realized the error of his ways. He joined the Bilridge Academy shortly after and is there on scholarship.


Crush: Open/Offers

Talent (s) : Ian is an amazing writer and novelist. He's already written three books, although they haven't been published yet. He's also very good at athletics, though he puts his writing first.

Secret : Ian has killed many people and has sold multiple drugs, buying and dealing for his gang, though he never did any. He's hurt people when his temper got out of hand and even used his temper once or twice to do some of the harder "jobs"

Other: Be his roomate...if you dare...bwahaha ((Why is it my characters always end up as orphans? Its like i'm creating superheroes or something...
O.o ))

Okay, we'll start as soon as my mini mod gets her forms up. Maybe a two-three day wait, knowing that spazz....

Pix. Keep on eye on WalkingDisaster's forms. Her character will be Ian's roommate. Mwah. Mwahaha. MWAHAHAHAHA!
Awwww....its to bad this rp didn't take off... cant someone start it back up!?!?!? Pwesss?
OH!!!!! Yay!!! that makes me sooo happy! i would love to! (virtual hugs)

ill make my character!
Name: Heathe Dasal

Age: 16

Personality: She is a very mean person and conceited beyond measure. ever since she was little it was all about her looks. although she seems like this on the outside, the inside is much different. shes actualy a very shy scared person that hids behind her amazing danceing skills and contortionist abilities. when she feels threatened she puts on her better-than-you attitude.

History: her mother was a world class gymnast and her father a brilliant scientist. she got her mothers flxibility and her father brains. she basically lived her younger years as a spoiled daddys girl.

Appearance: View attachment 4098

Crush: None (yet)

Talent (s) : Dancer, contortionist

Secret : when she was 14 her boyfriend broke up with her and so she pushed him off a cliff.

Other: N/A
Name: Rodney Scott

Age: 17

Personality: Ronnie is an interesting mix of responsablity, and immaturity. He is a good listener - to anyone who deserves that attention - and follows most rules, but can be a big spazz. He has a competitive streak a mile wide, and a rebellious side to match. Ronnie is definately considered the brave one in most groups and situations, and isn't afraid of consequences. Being so headstrong, Rod can get into quite a bit of trouble. He is usually quiet and thoughtful, but is never easy to read.

History: (will be filled in soon, for Diz is a big lazy loser)


Crush: Psh, girls chase him.

Talents: Photography and art. He draws his dreams, and captures his reality. Photo editing consumes a lot of his time, but there is never a drawing or photo by him that isn't beautiful.

Secret: He's gotten in to drugs and has started moking illegally. Just one more year until it's legal, right? He sees no problem, and enjoys the feeling of being high. If alchohol didn't make him choke, he'd probably be drunk often.

Other: N/A
(Of course, approved Dizzy! We will start today or tomorrow, sorry for such a long wait. Rainbow, Ronnie will be Ian's roommate. The rest of the patners will be dicided later,
Name: Jake Skinner

Age: 17

Personality: Jake used to be like a bat out of hell. Just wild as could be before the undesirable event chilled his attitude out gradually. Now he is very easy to get along with. His still that smooth flirting skill that he used to lay onto any girl that he felt was attractive but now he checks for a winning personality too. One thing that hasn't changed about him is that he will not start a fight but he sure will end one.

History: Wyoming born and raised in a small town made him who he is. His father programmed multiple times the life lessons that he needs to get far in life. He has always been thankful for being born into a family of ranchers. The hard work thaught him never to give up on something you want. Being transferred to Bilridge Academy is a big change for him because he went to being the football star that everyone loved to knowing no one.

Crush: none yet

Talent(s): Reining, Bull Riding, Shooting, Hunting, and playing the guitar.

Secret: When driving his friends and his girlfriend home one night after a bonfire things went terrible in just a few seconds. He was trying to control his girl from clawing at the the other girl in the back. He didn't blame her, everyone was drunk and pissed that he made them leave early. When he got his eyes back to the rode an eightwheeler crashed head on with his truck, which flung flipped the truck multiple times until stopping right side up in a ditch. When he came on of being passed out all he could hear was a bubbling sound. When he looked over slightly he saw his girlfriend with a piece of glass from the windsheild in her throat. She was trying to talk but just couldn't. She died holding his hand firmly a few minutes after. He couldn't turn his head because of the pain it was causing to see if his other friends were alright. He later found out in the hospital that they all pasted during the crash.

Other: Studies agriculture



(I am sorry it is taking so long, but I will try my hardest to get the Role Play thread up as soon as possible and get it started.)

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